
January 26th, 2009 | 435 Entries

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435 Entries for “middle”

  1. I hate it when people call you while you are in the middle of something.You are doing something and out of nowwhere they call you but you want to finish what you are doing.Then you have to go do what they are telling you to do.

    Grigor Nargizyan
  2. I hate it when people call you while you are in the middle of something.You are doing something and out of nowwhere they call you but you want to finish what you are doing.Then you have to go do what they are telling you to do and when you come back you forget what you were doing.

    Grigor Nargizyan
  3. Middle is love, the path to your true self,the heart,the essence.

  4. Yesterday i was in the middle of playing soccer. Then my brother comes and runes it for me. I was really mad at him for runeing it for me. So I went back to playing soccer cause its fun to play. And he left me alone it was peace at last.

    adrian ramos
  5. i love being in the middle of the crowd, every thing inportant lies in the middle, the womens best part is in the middle the mens best part is in the middle every great thing lies in middle middle means centre of the thing. i love being in the centre and in the middle.

  6. My middle is too big. It’s my core, how did I let it get like this? It disgusts me.

  7. caught in the middle, living with the knowledge that something will never be. the two on the outside live for each other, while im just in the middle. getting in the way. i get out of the middle and try to get with someone else.

  8. around the edges is the not middle is the thing of surface and appearance. it is the middle that is substance that is meaning that is heart. Middle is stuck between, lodged but it is everything, everything is in the middle. It is not the cracks but it is the unseen.

    betty wolfanger
  9. in between

  10. There is “in the beginning” and there is “at the end”. We focus on both too much. The middle is where life is lived: mid-life, midsection, midwifery, middle management, middle class.

  11. you find your real place when you’re in the middle of nowhere

  12. the middle of seven kids. lost in the shuffle. he ran away, wasn’t noticed till he came back expecting love, validation, tears, hugs. “martin, you haven’t done the dishes in a week” said his mother.

    jason v
  13. The middle is the spot of lack of definition, of noncommitance and fence-sittin. But th emiddle is the thck of it, the most involved player in our lexicon. The middle is the loneliest and best accompanied of all our abstract words.

  14. I was stuck in the middle, with no where to go. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but when I finally assessed the situation, I decided it would be better to sit in the chair on the right. The chair on the left seemed to be hooked to water, and the right was hooded to fire, but the middle had electricity running through it.

  15. I was in the middle of a field.
    At first it didn’t feel so bad, until…

  16. donald being my middle name. im also the middle child. malcolm in the middle was a horrible show that i loved to watch. one day i hope to be middle aged but until then ill enjoy my youth. sometimes people are faced with a decision while they feel to be in the middle. dont walk in the middle of the road.

  17. in the middle of my heart i have found a dwarf the size of a penny. it is a greedy little dwarf, and i would like to see it leave for the garden in which it was born.

  18. the centre of given objects the mddle man not the sides riddle central point between meddle athe middle ages

  19. if the middle of everything was cut out, deleted, edited to nothing, what would anything be. just beginings and ends. no substance, no journey. everything would be shorter. more concise. would it?

    Artermisa Gertileshi
  20. the space that we can’t define, the leagues between what’s wrong and what’s right. That ever-darkening shade of gray that pulls you in every time. The flit between seconds, the pauses between words.

  21. what do we want to hear? Compromise. That’s the answer. No one’s clear vision of the future adherred to and no one’s brilliance (no matter how great) followed straight down the line. Just the central ground. The middle.

  22. it’s not quite at either end really, which is a shame because the ones at either end get to the fire exits quicker.

    Never mind, i mean the middle has it’s own charm too, for example it has a better view than the wings too.

    THe middle of two wings is a body, when ascribed to birds as far as i’m concerened….
    I mean the middle is really a worldly, philanthropic word. The middle of someones legs.

    Felix Von Baldr
  23. i’m caught in the middle. confused as hell. i need help as soon as possible. what the heck am i typing? i miss my boyfriend so much. and there are a lot of temptations around here. i haven’t even th

  24. finger up the hey hey we’ll see you the day hey. whoopa the corn has made the fiddle in the nizzle. Wah?

  25. hello im in the middle of a exam week I really hate it cant seem to make my exams right. Well I shouldth really be here now because in the middle of that week and should be studying so bye

  26. i am trapped, cannot be seen. i am small, you are so mean. i am the child forgotten, disliked, unloved…

  27. In the middle of it I saw a light. A bright, big, blue light. I could never tell exactly what it was but it was a light and that I know. I will tell you about it later when I become older and make sense of it all

  28. in between. inthe thick of things. midst of everything. middle finger. midsection. cleavage. crotch. between your legs? f you!

  29. Not on the outer, not on the inner, somwhere in between

    Craig Dene
  30. of the sea, lies a small island. nobody knew, what happened there, that dreadfull day in 1897, when a scooner was lost from the english navy.

  31. centre, tast filling bit, centre of univirse, difficult bit.

  32. not the top or bottom, best or words….essentially average in every way. also reminds me of compromise as it it the fictional place that 2 people are to meet

    Dawn Marie
  33. Half way between the start and the end, it’s where the interesting stuff happens. You’ve learnt what you need to know to make the middle stuff meaning full. Sometimes the end stuff can make just be a rehash of the middle stuff, but in any case the end stuff can’t mean anything without having been developed by the guts of the middle.

  34. I sit in the middle of the classroom. It’s a nice place, close enough to dream, far enough not to get caught. It’s also a great place for me to look at you as you listen to what the lecturer has to say. One day I’ll move from the middle to where you usually sit. One day.

    Michelle B.
  35. Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, here I am, stuck here in the middle with you.

    Oliver Smith
  36. I am the eldest, my brother is the youngest. I sometimes wonder what would happen if there were a middle child. How old they’d be, what they’d be like. Guess it’s too late now, seeing as how I’ve left home and am old enough to have children myself.

    Maybe when I’m married.

    Michelle B.
  37. no meio est

    Joao Ferraz
  38. i was in the middle of a storm and there was nothing i could do about it. everything flew past me in the wind and i just stood there watching. such is life i suppose. because what could i do? nothing. i could do nothing.

    Cody Gaston
  39. inbetweners stumble down stairs caught between lines so they write and write and write and right before they write they think and stumble too late upon what could have been

  40. middle of cloths worn my surprising sister swimming in lakes bigger than they believe. I answer emails strangely slowly but always remember when to send them. We middle our views to middle our minds there is nothing special about middle.
