Middle. Mediocrity. That’s all Miriam wanted never to be. Perhaps was this fate’s decision upon her? For 15 years of her life had she been like this. Perhaps this was life’s cruel joke to her, in the form of some attribute?
Shigune Matsui
Not the beginning and not the end. In between things. In the middle of nowhere. Don’t meddle with the middle of a fiddle. Neither here nor there.
i’m in the middle of two lives
my sister is in the middle, we are all in the middle, because we cannot conceive of ourselves as anything different.
halfway in is halfway out. we’re all walking through the forest.
I remember being the middle child. My brother was always getting in trouble, and my younger sister had the worst case of the terrible twos for years of her life. I went unnoticed becuase I was so average, and didn’t do anything to bring myself attention.
I can’t seem to find middle ground where my opinions are concerned. A more mellow perspective is what is needed but it alludes me. Passion becomes fire at some point.
the middle of the page is always the same color as the outside of the page because the page is always the same color all the way through.
i am a middle child of four sisters. what the fuck does that mean? i dont have an actual middle to my family, but thats what i tell people. seriously. I dont exhibit middle child tendencies do i? Because how could that be. Im not actually in the middle. Neither is my younger sister. Middle is just abstract.
I’m between things. It’s complicated, and I find it hard to explain. In the middle of everything, every pain and every joy, those who dance for pennies and those who kill for thousands.
Ian Jade
What is Good without Evil? The Buddha said, “take the middle way.”
in between an older brother and a younger sister
I was in the middle of breakfast when I heard the screams from the street. I ran outside and the blood covering the woman’s face obscured her features but her screams continued unabated. She stood in the center of the street screaming and screaming, until the truck mowed her down.
the middle, right the middle, in between, not the end, nor the beginning in fact , the middle. its a good place to be i would guess, still have stuff left to do, look forwards to, and also look back in fondness of whats already happened
leeroy jones
Stuck somewhere between the miasma of the everyday and the inability to get up off my ass and just do what needs to get done in the cosmos. It just feels like I’m floating around off the crust of the Earth but I’m not quite in the stratosphere. I’d be dead, otherwise! This is my life. Any questions?
In the Middle. not up, down, left right, or any of the numerous adjectives that could be used to describe this moment in time. Just in the middle. Guess that will have to be enough.
Daiyanna Grae
There are millions of songs that contain the word middle. There are a million sketches, phrases and diagrams that contain the concept. And why shouldn’t they? It’s the perfect concept. Both positive and negative. The middle is something we can all relate to. Who you are determines whether or not you want to be in the middle. It is part of us. We live for it.
Ariana is my middle child. I have four children but still consider her to be my middle child. I have three daughters and one son. My son is the youngest. Ariana is my second child and second daughter. I love her very much. She is my miracle baby. She was born very premature but survived.
in the middle of an argument you can often see both sides of it, but more likely you will see neither. arguments, feuds, rows, all get solved but being in the middle, nothing gets solved.
Jake Churchill
it’s where i am where i’ll always be never above never below mediocrity is the bane of my existence
alexander h wong
In the middle of this life I find myself not going anywhere at all I am tried and being in the middle does not suit me… I am along the way to the end but no where the exciting beginning. why is the middle so boring?
As it just so happens I was the one in the middle. The three of us had talked about it prior to engaging with one another, and as it turns out everyone’s sexual proclivities aligned perfectly. As much as I love to penetrate, it is more divine to be penetrated. A man afraid of being penetrated is denying himself nothing short of ecstacy incarnate.
Tristanja Aaralyn
Middle is where I am. In the middle of the hardest time of my life, the middle of a long job search, the middle of America, and the middle of nowhere. I hate it here. At least I’m not the middle child.
Tanzi Merritt
The middle is the safe place to be, you’re not stuck out, you’re not to the right or to the left, not up or down, you’re in that happy medium. But at the same time, the middle can be boring because of this. Where is the fun in keeping to the middle road?
My son is the middle child in the family. He has an older brother and a younger sister. He is definitely suffering from middle child syndrome. He is very whiny and seeks attention often, but also is the “popular” one. He likes to make everyone happy. He likes being the middle sibling beacause
middle of nowhere was the little girl.
she found herself without a unbrella.
But she remembered that when in the middle of nowhere you don’t need an umbrellla. only a finger. the middle one.
peter bishop
It’s difficult being a middle child. Not that I would know. I’m the eldest. But I’ve been told it’s difficult. I imagine that it must be, after all it’s not like you came first, and it’s not as though you are the youngest either. I don’t think I would like to be a middle child.
in front
not spicy
meat market
turtle autism
slight retardation or the brain
just gonna let me keep typing?
Middle Is where the president should be. Serving both parties and not screwing one or the other.
Middle Is where a child is when his/her parents get a divorce.
Middle Is the place much of the world should be.
Middle Is fair.
Kenny M.
She’s a bit thick in the middle, but most people found that sexy. Not on everyone, but on her… it brought out a sensuality that skinny girls just don’t have. Thank the heavens she decided to start belly dancing. Shimmylicious.
it took six years, her body cleaved down the middle. divided. we sewed her back together, from the heart outwards. spines are hard to sew back together, discs do not lend well to thread and needles. nerves, also, difficult to reassemble, but somehow we managed. she was worth it.
Jenny Leigh
Middle age, Middle class, middle of the road. Where is the edge? I don’t think I like the direction I’m going. Damn the middle. Damn the end.
Sandy Hutchinson
Balance,perspective, neither apart nor separate, insightful, ideal if you’ve a mind to grasp it
In the middle, stuck in the middle. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Coming in the middle of a conversation, a movie, a tv show….which ever…it sucks!
middle is the thing in between everything. it helps us to put space between objects. For instance, our name, it has a middle one. without it, we would have a first and last name. thats no fun. there needs to be a middle. just like our body needs a middle so that we arent head and legs, thats no fun ya know?
Clay Howard
in the middle
the middle of everything.
not quite here, not yet there. indecisive if you will.
and all i could hear was the street cars coming down the road
and all i could feel was the wave of my own breath
and all i could smell was the death in the air
In a muddle, in the middle, never at the top, never at the bottom, just in the middle. BLAH. Median, average, middle-aged me. won’t ever get to the top now. so glad not to be on the bottom. But the middle is oh so ordinary.
Who the hell would want to be in the middle of anything? Being sat in the middle of a plane is terrible. It’s even worse when you’re squished between two people and have no access to a window. Being in the middle of a crowd of strangers is even worse. No one knows what to say to the other. All in all the middle is always uncomfortable.
the middle of what? am I in the middle of life? I hope so…that beats being at the end. middle seems like a safe place…far away from the edges, from the ends, from the borders…but is safety something we really want in life? maybe being out on the periphery is a better place to be….where life is more exciting. you can take risks out there. life is either a big adventure or nothing at all, as the saying goes. hmph. middle.
A middle finger can be used to express disdain. A middle child often finds themself lost in the family. A middle airplane seat is often not the most desirable place to sit.
Middle. Mediocrity. That’s all Miriam wanted never to be. Perhaps was this fate’s decision upon her? For 15 years of her life had she been like this. Perhaps this was life’s cruel joke to her, in the form of some attribute?
Not the beginning and not the end. In between things. In the middle of nowhere. Don’t meddle with the middle of a fiddle. Neither here nor there.
i’m in the middle of two lives
my sister is in the middle, we are all in the middle, because we cannot conceive of ourselves as anything different.
halfway in is halfway out. we’re all walking through the forest.
I remember being the middle child. My brother was always getting in trouble, and my younger sister had the worst case of the terrible twos for years of her life. I went unnoticed becuase I was so average, and didn’t do anything to bring myself attention.
I can’t seem to find middle ground where my opinions are concerned. A more mellow perspective is what is needed but it alludes me. Passion becomes fire at some point.
the middle of the page is always the same color as the outside of the page because the page is always the same color all the way through.
i am a middle child of four sisters. what the fuck does that mean? i dont have an actual middle to my family, but thats what i tell people. seriously. I dont exhibit middle child tendencies do i? Because how could that be. Im not actually in the middle. Neither is my younger sister. Middle is just abstract.
I’m between things. It’s complicated, and I find it hard to explain. In the middle of everything, every pain and every joy, those who dance for pennies and those who kill for thousands.
What is Good without Evil? The Buddha said, “take the middle way.”
in between an older brother and a younger sister
I was in the middle of breakfast when I heard the screams from the street. I ran outside and the blood covering the woman’s face obscured her features but her screams continued unabated. She stood in the center of the street screaming and screaming, until the truck mowed her down.
the middle, right the middle, in between, not the end, nor the beginning in fact , the middle. its a good place to be i would guess, still have stuff left to do, look forwards to, and also look back in fondness of whats already happened
Stuck somewhere between the miasma of the everyday and the inability to get up off my ass and just do what needs to get done in the cosmos. It just feels like I’m floating around off the crust of the Earth but I’m not quite in the stratosphere. I’d be dead, otherwise! This is my life. Any questions?
In the Middle. not up, down, left right, or any of the numerous adjectives that could be used to describe this moment in time. Just in the middle. Guess that will have to be enough.
There are millions of songs that contain the word middle. There are a million sketches, phrases and diagrams that contain the concept. And why shouldn’t they? It’s the perfect concept. Both positive and negative. The middle is something we can all relate to. Who you are determines whether or not you want to be in the middle. It is part of us. We live for it.
Ariana is my middle child. I have four children but still consider her to be my middle child. I have three daughters and one son. My son is the youngest. Ariana is my second child and second daughter. I love her very much. She is my miracle baby. She was born very premature but survived.
in the middle of an argument you can often see both sides of it, but more likely you will see neither. arguments, feuds, rows, all get solved but being in the middle, nothing gets solved.
it’s where i am where i’ll always be never above never below mediocrity is the bane of my existence
In the middle of this life I find myself not going anywhere at all I am tried and being in the middle does not suit me… I am along the way to the end but no where the exciting beginning. why is the middle so boring?
As it just so happens I was the one in the middle. The three of us had talked about it prior to engaging with one another, and as it turns out everyone’s sexual proclivities aligned perfectly. As much as I love to penetrate, it is more divine to be penetrated. A man afraid of being penetrated is denying himself nothing short of ecstacy incarnate.
Middle is where I am. In the middle of the hardest time of my life, the middle of a long job search, the middle of America, and the middle of nowhere. I hate it here. At least I’m not the middle child.
The middle is the safe place to be, you’re not stuck out, you’re not to the right or to the left, not up or down, you’re in that happy medium. But at the same time, the middle can be boring because of this. Where is the fun in keeping to the middle road?
My son is the middle child in the family. He has an older brother and a younger sister. He is definitely suffering from middle child syndrome. He is very whiny and seeks attention often, but also is the “popular” one. He likes to make everyone happy. He likes being the middle sibling beacause
middle of nowhere was the little girl.
she found herself without a unbrella.
But she remembered that when in the middle of nowhere you don’t need an umbrellla. only a finger. the middle one.
It’s difficult being a middle child. Not that I would know. I’m the eldest. But I’ve been told it’s difficult. I imagine that it must be, after all it’s not like you came first, and it’s not as though you are the youngest either. I don’t think I would like to be a middle child.
in front
not spicy
meat market
turtle autism
slight retardation or the brain
just gonna let me keep typing?
Middle Is where the president should be. Serving both parties and not screwing one or the other.
Middle Is where a child is when his/her parents get a divorce.
Middle Is the place much of the world should be.
Middle Is fair.
She’s a bit thick in the middle, but most people found that sexy. Not on everyone, but on her… it brought out a sensuality that skinny girls just don’t have. Thank the heavens she decided to start belly dancing. Shimmylicious.
it took six years, her body cleaved down the middle. divided. we sewed her back together, from the heart outwards. spines are hard to sew back together, discs do not lend well to thread and needles. nerves, also, difficult to reassemble, but somehow we managed. she was worth it.
Middle age, Middle class, middle of the road. Where is the edge? I don’t think I like the direction I’m going. Damn the middle. Damn the end.
Balance,perspective, neither apart nor separate, insightful, ideal if you’ve a mind to grasp it
In the middle, stuck in the middle. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Coming in the middle of a conversation, a movie, a tv show….which ever…it sucks!
middle is the thing in between everything. it helps us to put space between objects. For instance, our name, it has a middle one. without it, we would have a first and last name. thats no fun. there needs to be a middle. just like our body needs a middle so that we arent head and legs, thats no fun ya know?
in the middle
the middle of everything.
not quite here, not yet there. indecisive if you will.
and all i could hear was the street cars coming down the road
and all i could feel was the wave of my own breath
and all i could smell was the death in the air
In a muddle, in the middle, never at the top, never at the bottom, just in the middle. BLAH. Median, average, middle-aged me. won’t ever get to the top now. so glad not to be on the bottom. But the middle is oh so ordinary.
Who the hell would want to be in the middle of anything? Being sat in the middle of a plane is terrible. It’s even worse when you’re squished between two people and have no access to a window. Being in the middle of a crowd of strangers is even worse. No one knows what to say to the other. All in all the middle is always uncomfortable.
the middle of what? am I in the middle of life? I hope so…that beats being at the end. middle seems like a safe place…far away from the edges, from the ends, from the borders…but is safety something we really want in life? maybe being out on the periphery is a better place to be….where life is more exciting. you can take risks out there. life is either a big adventure or nothing at all, as the saying goes. hmph. middle.
A middle finger can be used to express disdain. A middle child often finds themself lost in the family. A middle airplane seat is often not the most desirable place to sit.