
January 26th, 2009 | 435 Entries

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435 Entries for “middle”

  1. stuck in the middle of something middle child , middle man a little weight in the middle

  2. in the middle of everything, the world, the universe, everything is constant in the middle of my soul like a heavy toll dragging me down to where i belong. deep down in the middle of it all

  3. in the middle of the night I went to the bathroom and saw a tiny hole. I reached in and was able to fit my arm in. there was a mouse that bit me and it hurt. I didn’t like it but I kept it there because he was now burrowing into me. It was gross, but cool at the same time. I don’t know why I thought it would help me understand the world, but It did. Funny how things work out and you try something completely new and interesting only to find out that you are the only person to see something in that special way.

  4. There she sat, lonely, in the middle. She was surrounded, by some other, also lonely, grungy dude and a professional businessman. Out here in the suburbs, so he probably wasn’t that good of a businessman.

  5. In the middle of all the anarchy, her smile was the only thing that I could see. The saddest part was, she wasn’t smiling at me.

  6. In the middle of the day the sun is high in the sky. In the middle of the night the moon may be out or hiding behind clouds with the stars.

    I am not a middle child. My mother was a middle child.

    I would l

  7. I am not a middle child. Middle of the road. Middle is sometimes a hard place to be. Sometimes it is good not extreme either way. Safe Protected

  8. middle child is sure to be wild!

  9. stuck in the middle with you
    stuck in the middle w9th you
    what does that even mean
    come on
    pretentious asshats sometimes
    but i guess if i ever wrote lyrics i might do it like that
    this ius getting interesting, i hope signing isn’t mandatory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

  10. not on the edge, surround on all side, looked after whilst looking after often in control.

    so warmth from the huge that spreads arround, connectined

    Bobby Havoc
  11. Middle. Middle of the road, middle of eternity. I can’t find my way back to the beginning and I’ve got no idea where the hell I’m going. The road ahead looks ragged, like the torn edges of a haggard old man’s pants. I’m stuck in the middle.

  12. being in the middle sucks. it’s best to either be the oldest (because then you can do whatever you want and be adventurous) or be the youngest and be doted upon.

    however, the middle of an oreo is amazing.

    i guess being middle class isn’t half bad either.

    maybe the middle doesn’t suck that much after all.

  13. Some people are always “stuck in teh middle”. There is nothing wrong with the middle of anything. The middle of a story is always teh best, same with an oreo and a lot of times, it’s even great to be in the middle of your family.

  14. Jane repeatedly hit him over the head with the broken crutch.
    Bob wobbled, stumbled and fell into the alley, badly hurt. Looking up, he vision blurred, but he could make out what he thought were 3 attackers.
    “Hit the one in the middle, Bob…” he thought.

  15. There was this time when I was in the middle of a great decision.
    “Do I tell her?”
    “Do I not?”
    Shall I keep my secret long, or shall I forgo the risk and take my chances.
    I take a risk,
    take a chance,
    and dive.

  16. i was standing in the middle of a problem, i didn

  17. in between me and god. The centre of everything, the only truth there is is the middle ground.

  18. the middle of my butt crack is pretty clean and shaved. cause you see no one likes a rough ass, only a smooth one. but the middle to me can also meet were we both have to meet in order to understand each other. the middle finger is what i will show to you if you every fuck me over.

  19. child, pickle, in the middle, malcolm in the middle. anything surrounded by anything else. somewhere i would not like to be. somewhere warm, maybe too warm? stuck in the middle – being stuck is not ideal. middle of a sentence… there are so many middles. but one i have never been – the earth. i’d like to go there. like the

  20. In the middle, of everything. torn, lost, never to know really why it is that way. the middle: an eternal struggle to break free of it’s torturous simplicity. just….a normal cycle. there is no other way than being in the middle

  21. i am not even in the middle. i am on the fringes with this god awful soopy radio and a pack of grit for my understated repetitive and supposed to be only thinking isn’t it? haha i pitty the mess you are in.

  22. middle child…squeezed between two sisters with little for him to do but obey their silly commands. tree between two forests, no side decided. battlefields with medics attempting to get to anyone they can. neutrality, no

  23. middle child…squeezed between two sisters with little for him to do but obey their silly commands. tree between two forests, no side decided. battlefields with medics attempting to get to anyone they can. neutrality, no

  24. The middle is defined as an object in between 2 other objects…Like Candace is 21, the middle child, Sarah being 25 and Tim being 18.Candace is in the middle.

  25. Middle sister. Stuck in the middle. While some people give middle a bad name, it can really be the best place to be. The middle of a really good book is much better than the end, no matter how satisfying the conclusion. My middle, my waist, is the smallest part of my body, which I very much like.

  26. What is it like to be in the middle? Is middle average? Like a “c” in a class? I recently looked at an old report card from high school and I was surprised to see a few “Cs.” Hmm… what was that like, being average in high school? What is it like to be the middle child? Average? Middle children don’t get noticed because they are, well, in the middle. Does that make them average? I have never tried to be in the middle of things but I somehow always end up there. And it always feels like, well, being in the middle. “Middle” is such an average word.

  27. the lawn at noon shown like a necklace of hope and somehow there was a bridge between the stones nad the room shaped around her and her winds and wings, you could never walk alone to the edge of the room and the pathways always showed tehmselves. there was alwayus wanted to stay together and sometimes you don’t have a way or a truth or a gimmich about you, sometimes it is the creative part that will drop in before the theory, sometimes it will be that over the truth and the light and the key

  28. I sat in the middle of the road. Midday. White line. North. South. Nothing but the white line and the wind whistling through the cables. I sat facing north. Waiting. A bird hovered high overhead. The cables swaying. The grass rippled alongside the road. I turned my head, looking south. The same. The road in that direction dropped, then rose again as it approached the horizon, dead straight. Still no movement.

  29. Middle? Yeh, that’s what this thing needs. A middle. A start and ending? Nah, don’t matter. We need a middle, and the rest will fall into place. An ending can happen before the start really. But you can’t start in the middle. It just doesn’t work. unless….
    no, it won’t work.

    Paul Kennedy
  30. in the middle of it all i often wonder why. somehow i am in the middle of everything… it is hard being in the middle of something. i can’t think of anything more at the moment…….

  31. between something there is something else and in between those to things is something else.
    It is always warmer to sleep here in the middle.
    The middle of the couch is the comfiest place to sit.
    I love being in the middle of drama.

  32. center three jimmy eat world.
    one half. average. not the end, nor the beginning.

  33. i feel stuck in the middle of a life with my sister and a life where i have independence from her. i love her, but i’ll never be financially free. middle of the night she wakes up and needs reassuring that she doesn’t have a brain tumor. middle of the day she wants me to feed her. middle of her twenties adn she’s a combination child and mother.

  34. i was the middle child once. until my parents had another. its a safe place, one in front and one in back. closed on both sides.

    kate fisher
  35. Not up or down but in between. Like the two d’s that create the divide between “mi” and “le.”
    A great fortress. Dividing extremes, dividing the lesser and greater. Middle. Solid. Secure. Moderate.

    Matt Fritze
  36. i was in the middle of the forest with a fox and a goose. the bear came over the ridge and it didn’t make any sense. the town i crossed through to get here lies just over the hill from a river that has no water. water flows up. it’s hard to believe that God never gave penguins the ability to fly, but instead gave it to bats. that’s messed up, if you think about it because bats are mammals and have absolutely no business being in the air. your neck has 3 vertebrae that are virtually impenetrable by a bullet, unless you’re a vampire and the bullets are silver. never say to wolves who are lumpy “hey, i have a dollar and i bet you can’t blow that house down”. some people are stupid. the middle of the park is where i found a dime for st patricks day last year. it wasn’t very pretty. made in 1994 and dingy. people don’t like doing things when they’re forced to do, but they love doing things that are downright rude. i hate cold weather but i love canadians. call it contradictory, but i don’t care. no one will miss maryland much if the world goes to pots.

  37. to be in the middle is never fun. u RE STUCK IN BETWEEN two people that sometines you dint partiularly like.it always is annoying for me because you can get very claustraphobic.

  38. There’s that calm medium between the two extremes, painfully obscured by the chaos around it. It’s in the middle, and it should be the most important — but more often than not, it is overlooked, too /centered/ to truly be important.

    People will dabble in the far sides, claiming that the middle is a boring existence. They do not see the falling salt, the cascading waterfalls that ensue, the steaming wreckage — crushed like frail soda cans — that awaits.

    In the end, when the emotions fade and the final breath escapes your parted lips as you lie there, drowning in dripping red, shattered glass all around you, you will wonder if the far side was the right choice after all.

  39. I new a middle child once. He was fairly classic. I think that mentally I”m a middle child, even though I’m really the oldest. I often feel under appreciated.

  40. Something in the middle is something not that great but still not that bad. A lot of things I’ve found is in the middle. Many books and movies are, for example. It’s extremely difficult to move up from the middle to the great. Especially in writing I think.
