
November 16th, 2023 | 6 Entries

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6 Entries for “mist”

  1. she was stuck in the mist. it was so thick she could barely breathe. Where was this path going? why did it seem to call her name. Just then peeking through the mist was a pair of eyes. She couldn’t see a body just those soul catching eyes.

  2. in the shallow misty forest, a figure emerged. “Hello?” She called out. “Is anyone there? I need help. My car broke down just over-” The man turned around and started running. Confused, she followed behind him.

  3. it was a misty morning, London looked the same yet again, I wasn’t sure if the sun would come up or if it was grey skies was for the day. I’ll take it, there’s blue skies somewhere else. I see beyond the mist.

  4. A mist danced in the light of the street lamp. It covered her eyelashes and the pale hair of her exposed arms. A car passed, windshield wipers oscillating far too vigorously for the scant precipitation.

  5. The early morning mist blanketed the low hills. When she stood at the top of the mountain, the mist filled the canyons and valleys, and she felt she was on an island in a sea of clouds. She put on the backpack and headed down into this ocean.

  6. She pedalled hard against the wind as it bit into the soft edges of her body. The ridge road was especially hostile this morning as she battled stiffly through the mist, doing her best to wheel around the puddles that would suddenly come upon her.