The ground clouds rest over my eyes and obscure my vision as I step out the door. I tuck my scarf into my coat and charge towards my car, already shivering as I run away from the warm comfort of my home. It’ll be a quick trip, even though I really, really don’t want to go outside.
the mist transfixed him. he stumbled to a halt in the forest clearing as she emerged, her whole body swarthed in a shimmering white silk. suddenly he knew, this is who he was sent to find.
The mist would settle in the valleys. From her perspective, on the top of the hill, the surrounding hills would look like islands in an ocean of white. She would leave the warmth of the embers of the fire to look out over the scene, and that’s how her days would start.
evaporated water
The ground clouds rest over my eyes and obscure my vision as I step out the door. I tuck my scarf into my coat and charge towards my car, already shivering as I run away from the warm comfort of my home. It’ll be a quick trip, even though I really, really don’t want to go outside.
the mist transfixed him. he stumbled to a halt in the forest clearing as she emerged, her whole body swarthed in a shimmering white silk. suddenly he knew, this is who he was sent to find.
The mist would settle in the valleys. From her perspective, on the top of the hill, the surrounding hills would look like islands in an ocean of white. She would leave the warmth of the embers of the fire to look out over the scene, and that’s how her days would start.