
December 23rd, 2009 | 890 Entries

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890 Entries for “mist”

  1. Cloudy, foggy; I can’t see. Shrouded all around, trying to find ym way out. Blinded and lost, not knowing where to go, which direction is right. It’s just misty and more mist.

    The Mist is a nice movie, I love the irony at the end :D

    Heather Syncellia
  2. the fog and the mist seemed to perfuse the air. her blonde hair twittered and curled. as if melting in that

  3. mist dew breezy morning quite cold thinking lake bench feet road eyes wander away

  4. Mist is misty. I just wrote “mist is misty.” Haha. Reminds me of the movie “The Mist.” That movie was entirely creepy. The ending was frustrating. But it was brave to end it that way. I hear the story did not, in fact, end like that at all. I was just surprised that they had everyone but him die. And he killed his kid. Damn. What else to say?

  5. Like a bad day that you can see from the beginning

  6. the lame mist

  7. the mist cleared and all i could see was her. Glowing in the sun as it rose above the horizon. As i was about to run to hold her the mist closed in around me again. and a cold damp hand grabbed me

    Christian J
  8. hello?

  9. she danced until the sun rose. Until the mist engulfed her body and ate her like an angel, covering her in the pureness of the morning. Her toes were bleeding and her eyes red, but she had done what she came here to do.

  10. The mist spread across the field, hovering like a hovering thing, menacing, white against black, just hanging there, waiting for something, someone to come along and let it engulf them, penetrate them, whisk them of to some secret place.

  11. mist is beutiful stuff. full of mystery. its always what yuo hear at the beggining of a story ‘it was a dark and misty night’. its so surreal and wet. i love it. i love waking up on miskt mornings, the world is covedred in a blanket and everything seems so very very very alien. love it. love it. mist!

  12. Mist, the fog. It moves in on us from the banks of the cold. The banks of the dark. From the depth, rising and floating on the surface of that murky pit of darkness, heading inland to encase the land in the same fog and a haze we can expect to find on the open ocean.

  13. dirty sucked down, lying on the ground,
    the cock sounds up up high, cause king of the hill
    off the shit he be will.

  14. Whilst (misty) night’s descending
    o’er e’ery nook and glen –
    Hark! – a bunny wabbit snoring,
    there within his humble den.

    Well the wabbit needs his resting
    after such a day as this.
    Thrice today, a hawk, descending,
    swooped to kill – and barely missed.

    What saved our bunny wabbit, then,
    fro’ hungry hawks in flight?
    He ran like he11 back to his den;
    and there he sleeps, this (misty) night.

  15. moist
    rain forest
    the vegetable aisle when you walk into the grocery store
    soft sensation on your skin that leaves a screen of silver precipitation on your hair

  16. it mists a lot where i live. riding home on my bicycle today, through it, over portland bridges with lights and glittering water, i tried to make it home in time for my birthday. there were friends and housemates waiting with booze and cupecakes, perfect, more like home than i have felt in a while.

  17. the mist is beautiful i love it. it is a movie that kinda sucks cuz their is this one woman who pisses me off HATE THAT WOMAN hate the ending and i love the author of the book it was based on. I also love the characters. They’re very unique to the plot. But the fact that the guy had to kill his son for nothing made me so sad for him. I would never have been able to do that. i would have never been able to live. through that.

  18. the misty darkness at night when there is a full moon and stars in the sky with clouds setting on the mountain tops it makes you feel scared to be alone at night and in

  19. Crawling up my body, first my fingers, my forearms, my torso, my breast, my neck and on up through my nostrils, your acidic, invisible infiltration.

  20. it is a misty morning . ” There’s so much mist. i can’t see very well ,” Lily said .

  21. I know a girl named Misty. She’s pretty cool. Mist has always been a source of intrigue and wonder in fantasy. It has been viewed as a source of magic for many years. With good reason. You can’t really see mist, but you can feel it and it is much more tangible than wind or anything like that.

  22. misty foggy jungle goodness hydrates my skin makes me so thirsty from the outside in soak me make me lush and green delicious soft easily assimilated into my being

    nicole casanova
  23. mist is kinda cool except sometimes it fucks you over when youre trying to drive somewhere in the dark and it’s misty outside and you cant see anything and you miss your exit on the freeway so you have to turn around but there’s no exit for another ten or so miles so you want to pull a U-turn cuz it’s 5 in the morning and nobody is there but you cant cuz its against the law

    wild bill
  24. At six-o-clock it went dark. The sun would fall behind the forested mountains, and the mist would crawl slowly through the evergreens.

    The air was dense with it, the darkness, the mist. I loved six-o-clock.

  25. Misty green
    wind will blow
    over my skin
    cold as snow
    dripping down
    melting slow
    I hear her cry

  26. I am the mist. Lonely looking but inviting. I linger around for a little bit but usually get overpowered by something more beautiful than me.

    Liam G.
  27. The mist settled on their skin like tender kisses from the sky. It wrinkled the pages of their books, it warped the very words of history. Like shining dew and teardrops on their faces, it fell and fell from the summer sky.

  28. water in the form of rain but a light rain so light you hardly notice it falling on your face so soft and delicate

  29. flowing slowly across the ground. it coulds the senses. it gives prespective. it leaves the world changed in dew. a dreamscape unreal.

  30. it was misty very misty. Nothing around. Just nothing really really misty. I couldn’t see at all. I have no idea what was going on right in front of my eyes. It just came went on without me knowing. I just don’t know It could have been anything. anything at all

    ella :)
  31. I saw you there, standing amongst the waves. The ocean cast a mist of water onto your face and you said to me..”Isn’t this ideal?” But I really only saw you.

    Really Unimportant
  32. Through the mist, I see a figure. Barely visible, I can only make out a dark figure. A man. I can tell by the stature. But why is this man in the same mist as me?

    Liam G.
  33. mist

  34. grey fog damp moist green sheen flowing visible water droplets in the air

  35. mist is what covers blue mountains in the morning and is the subject of many paintings. Not to be confused with fog as I may have just done, mist is a phenomenon of the sky spitting on you just to make you angry. It is pretty from afar, but messy while you are walking through it. Unfortunate but true! I like mist.

  36. mist may fall silently amoung her thoughts

  37. trough the mist i wander. I like the slight wetness, the hope of walking through dreams. I love the mystery.
    I love cutting through something that looks solid but is not.

    I love feeling.

  38. You are mist around here. It has been a while since your rain around here was over.

  39. I drove solemnly through the mists of the forest, claws in the air, and cool breeze through my mirror frames. It felt good. I understood, at that moment, what it meant to be alive. My understanding of existence came to a level that I never had before. Being a machine, I had never been involved in this said ‘life’, yet here I was, right in the midst of it.

    The Leveler
  40. Mists of avalon stream forever into forever and ever and love cannot seek the canopies when trying tying timing that stupid green bar forcing me into this streaming stream of mists and on and on and on on on are we could live like kings if we take a risk everyrhings chagin
