
December 25th, 2009 | 269 Entries

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269 Entries for “mittens”

  1. I haven’t worn mittens since I was little. Whenever I see them on a child, it always reminds me of myself 9 years ago. When it was cold enough to wear them. I miss the snow.

  2. warm.better than gloves some may disagree, but fingers finding body heat from other fingers increases the warmth.

  3. Mitens are what wear when it’s snowing so you can pick up the snow and make snowballs to throw at people. You can alternatively wear mittens when skiing. I like skiiing, exept the first time i went I broke my collar bone.

  4. Mittens keep you warm in the cold. you can wear mittens when it’s snowing outside. i wore mittens in new york city because my hands were cold and i’m from florida so i wasn’t exactly used to it. mittens keep your fingers warm so you don’t get frostbite. which is kind of extreme but hey, it could happen. mittens come in many different shapes and colors. what would happen if you had really large hands and couldn’t find mittens that fit? or really stubby fingers?

    your momma
  5. babies. mothers bundling their children in too many hopes and dreams. The world falls slowly from the sky and the children just pick up the pieces and use them to build homes and men. Angels. Tunnels to tunnels to homes.

  6. mittens was the name of cat that had all white paws and a dark chocolate body. She was a beloved cat especially by her primary owner little kate who’s nickname was kit cat.

  7. Mittens are things you get for Christmas like socks and underwear. When you are little you hate getting them, but when you get older you’re glad you actually got something useful. Now you don’t have to spend money to buy it yourself. I got a new laptop for Christmas though. Which is good, because you don’t really need mittens in Florida.

  8. mittens was the name of cat that had all white paws and a dark chocolate body. She was a beloved cat especially by her primary owner little kate who’s nickname was kit cat.

  9. mittens cap my fingers and keep them from the cold air that wants to turn them black and make them fall off. the same air that make me shiver down to my bones. i want my summertime back. i want my happy back. come back. come back.

  10. mittens keep my hands warm, mittens are soft and cuddly. Mittens remind me of snow, and fireplaces and cold noses and hot chocolate and fireplaces. The three little kittens have lost their mittens…. i love mittens!!!

    rachel Perkins
  11. Old and tattered
    or more so rather
    slightly torn
    they served their purpose
    while they were around…
    Now they’re gone so I wear a frown

    Just jes
  12. knitted gloves with cords holding them together, usually for little children. i worry that they will get lost in the snow. colors, brown, green.

  13. Mittens. Woolen little things. For girls. It doesn’t snow much here in Texas so they aren’t really necessary.

    I remember my sister wearing them when we went to Michigan one winter to visit our grandparents. I wore gloves.

  14. I have never owned mittens. I always wanted to, although I never knew what they were, when I was younger. They sounded like “muffins” therefore I thought they must be good. As I got older my love for mittens disappeared and so did the disappointment at Christmas when I didn’t get them. We don’t go to the mountains much anymore and it doesn’t snow where I live, so I guess I’m nowhere near being sad anymore, but ever since I started writing on this page I thought, I wonder if my life would’ve been different if I had ever owned mittens?

  15. mittens keep your hands warm in the cold weather, sometimes it can be necessary to take them off e.g. in the summer, mittens also sounds like the word kittens which is the litter of a cat.

  16. Kittens in mittens, staying warm, warmth, heated gloves, no fingers, easy to put on, love my mittens…but in the snow they stick together, yarn gets wet and soggy…mittens…better for kittens

  17. i needed the mittens to keep warm today.

  18. Those blue mittens cover her tiny hands and shields them from the frozen wind. She jumps hurriedly into the field of snow and excitedly grabs a handful of white fluff. It hasn’t snowed like this for years. It’ll be her first snowman.

  19. When I was young I never had mittens, I always just had gloves and I was so upset. All the other kids had mittens and that’s all I ever wanted but no. Gloves were for me. It wasn’t until later in life I learned how truly evil mittens realy are. They killed my grand father.

  20. darwin love rita

  21. The mittens were pink, but putting them on felt like stepping into an oven. “I didn’t know if you’d like them,” he said. I didn’t like them. I hated the color pink. But it was the thought that counted, so I smiled. “I love the mittens,” I said.

  22. I guess mittens are cute. I’m not smitten with mittens since there’s no need for them where I come from (one of the hottest/driest continents in the world) but I do think they are cute. What I dont get though is…are they only for kids? They seem childish to me.

  23. The cookies I had just placed in the oven burst into flames. Guess I used too much of that nonstick oil. When I opened the drawer to grab a pair of mittens, I realized how big of a problem I was really in. The mittens had two massive holes burned through them from the last time I had made a few culinary mistakes.

  24. I love those mittens with the strings running through the coat, I can see my kidnegarten class still when I think of those mittens. All of us little kids in our warm moon boots and mittens. Nostaglia.

  25. Why don’t kittens get mittens? I think it’s profiling, look at dogs. Dogs get what ever they want, and kittens just get stared at and ogled. It’s not fair, demand your Senator campaign for kitten rights.

    Jesse S
  26. This is the name of my cat, he is a beautiful cat and I larrrve him, He doesnt purr much, the cheeky minx. Was given to me by my tennis teacher! nom nom nom, what a lovely cat.

  27. snow love children and fences mother snow white purity when will you happen to find it again, a

  28. You’ve lost your mittens? you naughty kitten! now you shall have no pie. meow. meow. now you shall have no pie.

    not sure what mittens has to do with pie… but still.

  29. Wet mittens. Draped on radiators. Discarded on beds. Fallen on the floor. Left for mom to clean up. Or sitting there til spring. Cause guess what? Mom’s on strike. If nobody’s going to listen, they why should I do my part? Take care of them! Forget about it!

  30. I heardthat these are warmer then gloves but i’m not really sure how much of this is true I used to have a pair that tied tony coat o the days of olde!

    Bobby Lightening
  31. they are warm and remind me of the kittens who soiled them and then cried and then their mom scolded them and said they could have no pie. but then they cleaned them and got pie and it was good and they were happy.

    Manisha Devasthali
  32. I used to have a pair of white mittens when I was a child.

  33. My mittens had a hole in them. They were the kind that were attached with a string that goes through my jacket. I slipped them on, but when I went to form my first snowball all I got was a glove full of snow.

  34. Mittens show up where ever you go. On kittens paws, puppies too, even when you’re not looking they are there.

    Mary Lou Wynegar
  35. my fingertips are oh so cold
    but i feel warm inside
    because its christmas
    because its christmas time

    I wrap my hands in warm mittens
    and go out in the snow
    im welcomed by an avalance of snowballs
    because i love my friends

    julia pere
  36. Red mittens with white fur muffs on a cold day kept me warm while walking to Washington School in Omaha. Where are hand muffs today? They made mittens so much warmer.

  37. I’m smitten with mittens. They warm my soul in a simple fashion, I feel connected with centuries of northern living folk who must have also worn similar garments in the olden times

  38. that fantabulous. i really like it. what more to say about it guys. its different what you think of it. so dont waste your time in

  39. I wen outside into the snow with my gloves on. Did you ever wonder why gloves never are warm enough. Sure they’re practical but your fingers just get colder! I always wanted a pair of warm gloves. But I guess mittens will always have to work for me.
  40. Where are my mittens?
    I’m sure I put them dowen amongst the leaves, but now they seem to have gone…..
    Oh, I see them now, high on that tree.
    Now how did they gte so high?