oh. today is mode. this is my second try today. i thought you could do this over and over again. but i guess that could be come habitual, or even addictive, for some. and then someone could sue the makers of this side. because it could become the mode of existence for that person, just like suing people has become the current mode of dealing with anger. so i guess it’s good that they only give us one word a day.
The mode of a number is the number without any negative, for eg, the mode of 7 is 7, and the mode of -7 is also 7.
An acronym for mode is Dome
Swaraj Mehta
fashion. modales. why are on earth do we have fashion. “estar de moda”… que horror. no quiero andar comprando toda esa ropa que después se me va a descomponer y nunca va be worth anything. and one day we will all day. and who on earth will really have cared what you wore to your second cousin’s wedding? or to school on the third day of junior year?
Megan Giesecke
mode describes the way you function and the way you think. It describes how a material will react depending on the environment you place it in. Mode is not a characteristic it is a setting that can be changed by chemical changes in your head or by a switch on a tool.
the mode of a mode is to mode and that is the truth
Initialising Kill Mode. . . . initializing . . . initializing . . . initializing . . . initializing. . . Kill Mode has ceased functioning. Would you like to send a copy of the error report to Microsoft?
I am in self destruct mode. I switch modes every so often but this is usually where I end up. Destroying myself for the sake of self destruction.
The mode is also a name for the fashion styles that are currently being circulated in society, Spanish “moda”. Mode is also a term used to describe a specific way of doing things, especially within today’s technological terminology. Mode describes many things, two of which are aforementioned. Not to be confused with ‘mood’.
What is mode? well mode to me is what I have everyday whether its good, bad, happy, or even sad. But most of the time my mode is happy. I try to stay happy everyday to keep my mind positive.
mode is the word that i had last time and i would really like it if you gave me another word. mode to me means a couple of things the first is a mathematical term for the average number that is in a set. mode is also a type of fashion, it is the type of fashion that is defined by the particular qualities or aesthetics. mode means nothing more to me.
I don’t know what I was thinking. It wasn’t humane. It was not smart. It was a mistake. It was inconsiderate. My mode of being was wrong. It was too low. I am sorry, God. Please Forgive me.
of transportation can take you anywhere. it can take you to the ends of the earth and back again. the mode in which our world runs is that to which it will run forever. mode. i am not in the MODe to write about this. a la mode is a type of dessert pie. mmmmm pie.
there is a mode for everything, a kind of setting and place.
eww, this makes me think of math. I’ve already done too much writing these past few days and my mode wants to be sleep.
except for all this year, since I knew you, my mode has been loving you. That’s really it. Loving you and hoping you love me back. there is not much to this mode, just being your best friend and hoping, wishing.
What is the mode? Is it the way you think, as in your mode of thinking? Is it the start of another – modem, perhaps? Is it the end of something delicious – Ice Cream a La Mode? Will we ever find out? I don’t know.
Mode I’m in. Full gear, ready for what’s next. Time to conquer the unbeatable. Race to the finish. The biggest adventure awaits. It’s time to head out. I am ready.
Nathan Nolte
Sit. There in your chair you should be able to feel it. The earth spinning under you feet. Hurtling through space. It is your mode of transportation to the other side of the sun and back. Enjoy the ride, it’s environmentally friendly and doesn’t cost a dime.
sleep mode begins when the jade hits my hand.
and i realize im awake.
conquered by the simplicity it brings
oh it makes me feel like a queen with ficticious power.
but as the jade becomes an opiate.
i can never let it go.
and my eyes slowly close.
Mode the one word for everything in French it means fashion it English it’s something to select for multiple functions on the same item. In math it is also different but I forget what it means.
There’s a windows mode that sucks, especially when you have a docx file which you can’t convert into readable format. And then there’s the apple mode of life.
mode could be in math or on electronics. it is. haha i have no idea what to write about mode?!?!? jeeezzz lame kinda? :p
Buses are my favourite mode of transport. Time to think, read, listen to some music, and people watch.
Mode is a way to do something. There are modes of transportation, modes of performing a task, and modes of functions. Often times people use the word mode in the wrong way.
Derek Tate
We all have our main mode, the mind that we slip into. But how many modes could we have? actors, like myself, always shift in and out of modes, characters, voices. How many is to many? at what point do we lose who we are, our main mode, in a storm of identities, personalities?
What is your feeling? What is your type? How can it control you throughout the ay and night? It’s somewha like your status we call it myspace. It lets people know what you’re doing feeling, and where you are at the moment. What is your mode? It sounds somewhat mechnical . well my mode is chill never too much
Tasheika Parks
The mean or the range? Gosh it is just the wrong way to really think about the time you spent in math class. Draw a picture instead and then remember that numbers are behind everything and groan.
On mode.
Off mode.
Open mode.
Closed mode.
The way of existence.
Personas, modes, decorum.
Always a different mode in a different place and with different people.
There’s only one way. To be.
I’m in laze-mode. The kind where all you can think is what you have to do later. The kind where procrastination is something you think about only in retrospect. I just want to curl up and sleep. Maybe forever, I don’t know. Or fly away to Africa, away from any problems.
What is your modus operandi? How do you operate? Are you more sly, undercover, or secretive? Or are you more bold, eccentric, or just plain outgoing? If you fall into the later category, this course is for you! Take Become-A-Spy Level One for all the best info on how to become one of the most successful forces in espionage! Guaranteed results in losing any distinctive traits you may carry.
I don’t do mall. I really loathe shopping just for the sake of appearances. But sometimes, at a certain age, you need to follow trends just to survive. What kind of world do we live in, where you need to become a sheep to avoid getting hurt by your own flock?
Well I guess the first thing I think of when I hear “mode” is the project I did on musical modes. I can’t read modal chants, the staff only has four lines! But I nod and agree whan my director explains which we’re singing in. Did the ding mean 60 seconds?
How does one write about a mode?? the mode of being. of behaving. of seeing
mode. mode. mode. the mode. on a game. game. game. mode. level. level one. level two. level three. four. five. it keeps going. fast mode. slow. medium? it continues. i’m not very familier with this word, honestly. nothing much else to put…i like rent. marky is sexy.
today is but one day
and i’ll put on my clothes
& shoes & face
and prepare the world
for who i’ll be today.
I learned about mode in math class. It is something to do with a sequence of numbers and the one that occurs the most is the mode. I am a very logical person you see and I cannot refer to the word mode in an english type sentence.
Michael Fox
mode. mode mode mode mode. a mode is something that has a different thing. like different modes do different things. i feel like its a hard word to explain. hmmm im at a loss of words…
re-stumble out of here lol
Allan Nelson
I’m on this long road,
in a singlar mode,
trying not to fold,
they got me in a strangle hold,
I’m feeling deathly cold,
Slow and old bearing this load called life.
A la mode. In style. I’m not, really. I mean, I kind of am about half the time. But the other half I don’t really care. Socks and flats? Hell yes.
The stark deep picture.
It was a mode of transport
A shadow of discomfort
A carriage
A horse.
Nothing stopped it
Nothing kept it going.
Sheer tenacity.
‘What do you think?’
He asked of this strange personage.
oh. today is mode. this is my second try today. i thought you could do this over and over again. but i guess that could be come habitual, or even addictive, for some. and then someone could sue the makers of this side. because it could become the mode of existence for that person, just like suing people has become the current mode of dealing with anger. so i guess it’s good that they only give us one word a day.
The mode of a number is the number without any negative, for eg, the mode of 7 is 7, and the mode of -7 is also 7.
An acronym for mode is Dome
fashion. modales. why are on earth do we have fashion. “estar de moda”… que horror. no quiero andar comprando toda esa ropa que después se me va a descomponer y nunca va be worth anything. and one day we will all day. and who on earth will really have cared what you wore to your second cousin’s wedding? or to school on the third day of junior year?
mode describes the way you function and the way you think. It describes how a material will react depending on the environment you place it in. Mode is not a characteristic it is a setting that can be changed by chemical changes in your head or by a switch on a tool.
the mode of a mode is to mode and that is the truth
Initialising Kill Mode. . . . initializing . . . initializing . . . initializing . . . initializing. . . Kill Mode has ceased functioning. Would you like to send a copy of the error report to Microsoft?
mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode made
I am in self destruct mode. I switch modes every so often but this is usually where I end up. Destroying myself for the sake of self destruction.
The mode is also a name for the fashion styles that are currently being circulated in society, Spanish “moda”. Mode is also a term used to describe a specific way of doing things, especially within today’s technological terminology. Mode describes many things, two of which are aforementioned. Not to be confused with ‘mood’.
What is mode? well mode to me is what I have everyday whether its good, bad, happy, or even sad. But most of the time my mode is happy. I try to stay happy everyday to keep my mind positive.
mode is the word that i had last time and i would really like it if you gave me another word. mode to me means a couple of things the first is a mathematical term for the average number that is in a set. mode is also a type of fashion, it is the type of fashion that is defined by the particular qualities or aesthetics. mode means nothing more to me.
I don’t know what I was thinking. It wasn’t humane. It was not smart. It was a mistake. It was inconsiderate. My mode of being was wrong. It was too low. I am sorry, God. Please Forgive me.
of transportation can take you anywhere. it can take you to the ends of the earth and back again. the mode in which our world runs is that to which it will run forever. mode. i am not in the MODe to write about this. a la mode is a type of dessert pie. mmmmm pie.
there is a mode for everything, a kind of setting and place.
eww, this makes me think of math. I’ve already done too much writing these past few days and my mode wants to be sleep.
except for all this year, since I knew you, my mode has been loving you. That’s really it. Loving you and hoping you love me back. there is not much to this mode, just being your best friend and hoping, wishing.
What is the mode? Is it the way you think, as in your mode of thinking? Is it the start of another – modem, perhaps? Is it the end of something delicious – Ice Cream a La Mode? Will we ever find out? I don’t know.
Mode I’m in. Full gear, ready for what’s next. Time to conquer the unbeatable. Race to the finish. The biggest adventure awaits. It’s time to head out. I am ready.
Sit. There in your chair you should be able to feel it. The earth spinning under you feet. Hurtling through space. It is your mode of transportation to the other side of the sun and back. Enjoy the ride, it’s environmentally friendly and doesn’t cost a dime.
sleep mode begins when the jade hits my hand.
and i realize im awake.
conquered by the simplicity it brings
oh it makes me feel like a queen with ficticious power.
but as the jade becomes an opiate.
i can never let it go.
and my eyes slowly close.
Mode the one word for everything in French it means fashion it English it’s something to select for multiple functions on the same item. In math it is also different but I forget what it means.
There’s a windows mode that sucks, especially when you have a docx file which you can’t convert into readable format. And then there’s the apple mode of life.
mode could be in math or on electronics. it is. haha i have no idea what to write about mode?!?!? jeeezzz lame kinda? :p
Buses are my favourite mode of transport. Time to think, read, listen to some music, and people watch.
Mode is a way to do something. There are modes of transportation, modes of performing a task, and modes of functions. Often times people use the word mode in the wrong way.
We all have our main mode, the mind that we slip into. But how many modes could we have? actors, like myself, always shift in and out of modes, characters, voices. How many is to many? at what point do we lose who we are, our main mode, in a storm of identities, personalities?
What is your feeling? What is your type? How can it control you throughout the ay and night? It’s somewha like your status we call it myspace. It lets people know what you’re doing feeling, and where you are at the moment. What is your mode? It sounds somewhat mechnical . well my mode is chill never too much
The mean or the range? Gosh it is just the wrong way to really think about the time you spent in math class. Draw a picture instead and then remember that numbers are behind everything and groan.
On mode.
Off mode.
Open mode.
Closed mode.
The way of existence.
Personas, modes, decorum.
Always a different mode in a different place and with different people.
There’s only one way. To be.
I’m in laze-mode. The kind where all you can think is what you have to do later. The kind where procrastination is something you think about only in retrospect. I just want to curl up and sleep. Maybe forever, I don’t know. Or fly away to Africa, away from any problems.
What is your modus operandi? How do you operate? Are you more sly, undercover, or secretive? Or are you more bold, eccentric, or just plain outgoing? If you fall into the later category, this course is for you! Take Become-A-Spy Level One for all the best info on how to become one of the most successful forces in espionage! Guaranteed results in losing any distinctive traits you may carry.
I don’t do mall. I really loathe shopping just for the sake of appearances. But sometimes, at a certain age, you need to follow trends just to survive. What kind of world do we live in, where you need to become a sheep to avoid getting hurt by your own flock?
Well I guess the first thing I think of when I hear “mode” is the project I did on musical modes. I can’t read modal chants, the staff only has four lines! But I nod and agree whan my director explains which we’re singing in. Did the ding mean 60 seconds?
mode 1:
mode 2:
limited mode. limited monarchy. I’m learning about those.
How does one write about a mode?? the mode of being. of behaving. of seeing
mode. mode. mode. the mode. on a game. game. game. mode. level. level one. level two. level three. four. five. it keeps going. fast mode. slow. medium? it continues. i’m not very familier with this word, honestly. nothing much else to put…i like rent. marky is sexy.
today is but one day
and i’ll put on my clothes
& shoes & face
and prepare the world
for who i’ll be today.
I learned about mode in math class. It is something to do with a sequence of numbers and the one that occurs the most is the mode. I am a very logical person you see and I cannot refer to the word mode in an english type sentence.
mode. mode mode mode mode. a mode is something that has a different thing. like different modes do different things. i feel like its a hard word to explain. hmmm im at a loss of words…
re-stumble out of here lol
I’m on this long road,
in a singlar mode,
trying not to fold,
they got me in a strangle hold,
I’m feeling deathly cold,
Slow and old bearing this load called life.
A la mode. In style. I’m not, really. I mean, I kind of am about half the time. But the other half I don’t really care. Socks and flats? Hell yes.
The stark deep picture.
It was a mode of transport
A shadow of discomfort
A carriage
A horse.
Nothing stopped it
Nothing kept it going.
Sheer tenacity.
‘What do you think?’
He asked of this strange personage.