The office was so modern, cold, clinical, like the table in an autopsy room. He sat behind the desk, not slouching but casual, not arrogant but confident, in just that nonchalant way that a natural predator lounges. Exactly the way that a pet cat slinks about, acting as though it’s not in the least bit thinking about pouncing on that fascinating object just beside them.
I love modern stuff. I like the wonderful furniture the modern era has brought us. It reminds me of the jetsons and other such things. Jetsons… meet the jetsons. Yabba dabba doo time? Wrong show, yeah? Um… the time countdown really stresses me out.
The world is turning into a faster, harder place that simultaneously offers security and more wonders than ever before. it’s different, and it’s scary.
Houses these days are all modern. None of the old houses are new anymore. I like modern stuff though. It brings a clean, refreshed feelings to the room. It brightens an area and makes the house shine. I have modern furniture all through my house and I think it looks great.
my pants couch movies art lolypop music boxers your mom my mom and the mom next door chicken and bbq sauce french fries romance novel
my pants couch movies art lolypop music boxers your mom my mom and the mom next door chicken and bbq sauce french fries romance novel
Um why I typing about the modern stuff, my stomach hurts, oh well, well I think modern day is in trouble, people need to change their live style if we’re going to fix global warming and stuff. Like organic food isn’t so bad but must be careful, is 60 seconds almost up, it would be cool if modernday had robo
(Torchwood fanfic)
Modern is one thing Jack doesn’t care to be. He likes the past – his RAF greatcoat, the Webley he never parts with voluntarily. He knows he should be less attached to the past, but he can’t help it. He can’t help lying awake at night remembering endless nights on the TARDIS, the adventures he had with the Doctor and Rose, and hoping someday they’ll return for him.
attractions between every thing in life, going broad from small to large. Open your eyes to what lies before you in your life and seek all your opportunities. I was told today to think beyond my own knowledge. Hoping to spread it
Alix Khani
It’s very modern, this feeling inside, tingling like a thousand lemon-coated wounds, or like some sort of music. He’s right next to me, well, the next bed over. It’s as close as we’re going to get as the more he likes me, the more he physically removes himself from the pedestal he’s put me on. We’re domestic, you see, and this is how it stays.
Ella Emma Em
brainless imagine less no thoughts of your own follower crowd control uniformity
thoughly modern millie, theatre is modern, modern plays, the 20s era, modern times, interesting modern artwork,
I smashed little bits of plastic into the air with my fists, beating downward, over and over, until my blood ran thick with toner and strips of shredded paper. There was just no way, no fucking way, this machine would ever work the way it was intended. Frankly, my brother would have puked himself stupid if he had seen me destroy another one of his techno-tools.
modern technology is annoying. I believe that people are too concerned with being modern these days. somethings were done better in the older days. Sometime we have to wonder if advancing technology is the right thing to do even if we can do it. some people could use a trip back into the older times.
Dwayne Herman
she was a modern girl, or at least she thought she was. Turns out she had some old fashioned ideas. The ideas weren’t always bad, in fact they made those around her feel good. There’s nothing wrong with that.
She was, after all, a modern girl.
Tricia Honea
It’sazing to me to see the way the world changes now. Fast. Faster. Modern technology making communicatioin and the pace of life quicker – skipping over the surface. I want my modern to be full of coffee and conversation. I want to make modern feel worn and comfortable. Not sure if it’s possible in this modern age.
Joshua Skogerboe
The two of them were so very far apart – in taste, dressing, mannerisms.
Volkner tells his brother that Falkner’s outdated; traditionalism’s a thing of the past, and all that jazz.
No matter, Falkner thinks; His brother’s opinions meant nothing to him.
Absolutely nothing.
Only his beliefs were important.
a new and often improved method or viewpoint concerning a process, theory, or style.
modern technology has introduced me to a beautiful modern man, thousands of miles away.
I don’t know if what she was wearing could be classified as modern, or if it could be classified at all. What was it that made someone want to dress as if she was from another planet, another life or time. Her corset dress was marvelous with the layers of tulle, but it was still, however outdated.
modern was a 8 year old boy with a fetish for feces. he had genital herpes and a lazy eye. his mother was a french Canadian swimmer/whore.
over 9000
Modern humanity. Are we an evolution, or greater echelon if you will, of our incesors. Technology, related to our intellectual prowess. War, related to our beastial insinct.
I wish I could understand how to combine this with tradition. I wish I didn’t feel they were so opposed. How can I be a modern 19 year old while clinging to the traditional values set forth by my ancestors? Modernity is a struggle.
This, that, and the other. Brand new meets old news. I wish I could sit and write for longer than sixty seconds about all the things I hate about modernism: the clothes, cars, and women, but I guess this will be enough to convey my personal loathing.
typical for this day and age
Modern romance, paramount emotion or polished fable? Some may believe it to be one or both, but I believe it to be neither. What does it mean?
Is it wrong not to trust in the new? Maybe not; trust and familiarity go together like peas and carrots. Maybe that’s how we got in trouble. Maybe there was too much familiarity; she saw me as unchallenging, and I saw her as unwavering. The old and comfortable always seems like it’s something that will be there forever, like it cannot be lost — and when it is (as ever it will be), the allure of novelty is lost with it.
if one is really modern, then she wouldn’t use the word ‘modern’ as it’s out of vogue. as is ‘out of vogue’ come to think of it. yep. modern is so yesterday. we’re in a post modern world now baby.
I think being a modern woman is the biggest challenge of the world.
Modern equals dependence on all technology.
modern art- beginning with Manet’s “Olympia.” Precursory to post-modern art. Caused by WWI, the Spanish revolution, the development of photography, and more.
this modern age is giving me pains. my heart hurts, my head hurts, and i’m so sick of everyone. this new year is a burden on my soul. i hurt, my friends hurt.
friends. that’s a novel idea.
i wish i had more of them now. i used to have a lot. now they’re just fake. they fill space.
Modern architecture doesn’t match the craftman created beauties of the Victorian period.
Modern is the antithesis of the past. It is not the progression of times as they have unfolded. It is an artificial construct placed upon us by our lack of historical sense. The modern is what threatens us as we sit in our cars and stare at red stoplights while police lights flash through our back window. It’s what will keep us alive when we are near to
I live in it I love it I breat it the modern world!
modern, seen in great architecture. it’s that modern stuff that makes me wish I was an architect. A clean slate, you know? A clean slate…thats what I want.
What is modern? A word that can very seldom be described. A hope that nonecan deny. A denial of all things true and or real. It’s a method of design, and a hope for somethign far better. There is no form to it; no color that can ever embrace its true reality; and no true feel to it, only that unenhancing darkness and shapelessness that nonr can deny.
The office was so modern, cold, clinical, like the table in an autopsy room. He sat behind the desk, not slouching but casual, not arrogant but confident, in just that nonchalant way that a natural predator lounges. Exactly the way that a pet cat slinks about, acting as though it’s not in the least bit thinking about pouncing on that fascinating object just beside them.
I love modern stuff. I like the wonderful furniture the modern era has brought us. It reminds me of the jetsons and other such things. Jetsons… meet the jetsons. Yabba dabba doo time? Wrong show, yeah? Um… the time countdown really stresses me out.
The world is turning into a faster, harder place that simultaneously offers security and more wonders than ever before. it’s different, and it’s scary.
Houses these days are all modern. None of the old houses are new anymore. I like modern stuff though. It brings a clean, refreshed feelings to the room. It brightens an area and makes the house shine. I have modern furniture all through my house and I think it looks great.
my pants couch movies art lolypop music boxers your mom my mom and the mom next door chicken and bbq sauce french fries romance novel
my pants couch movies art lolypop music boxers your mom my mom and the mom next door chicken and bbq sauce french fries romance novel
Um why I typing about the modern stuff, my stomach hurts, oh well, well I think modern day is in trouble, people need to change their live style if we’re going to fix global warming and stuff. Like organic food isn’t so bad but must be careful, is 60 seconds almost up, it would be cool if modernday had robo
(Torchwood fanfic)
Modern is one thing Jack doesn’t care to be. He likes the past – his RAF greatcoat, the Webley he never parts with voluntarily. He knows he should be less attached to the past, but he can’t help it. He can’t help lying awake at night remembering endless nights on the TARDIS, the adventures he had with the Doctor and Rose, and hoping someday they’ll return for him.
attractions between every thing in life, going broad from small to large. Open your eyes to what lies before you in your life and seek all your opportunities. I was told today to think beyond my own knowledge. Hoping to spread it
It’s very modern, this feeling inside, tingling like a thousand lemon-coated wounds, or like some sort of music. He’s right next to me, well, the next bed over. It’s as close as we’re going to get as the more he likes me, the more he physically removes himself from the pedestal he’s put me on. We’re domestic, you see, and this is how it stays.
brainless imagine less no thoughts of your own follower crowd control uniformity
thoughly modern millie, theatre is modern, modern plays, the 20s era, modern times, interesting modern artwork,
I smashed little bits of plastic into the air with my fists, beating downward, over and over, until my blood ran thick with toner and strips of shredded paper. There was just no way, no fucking way, this machine would ever work the way it was intended. Frankly, my brother would have puked himself stupid if he had seen me destroy another one of his techno-tools.
modern technology is annoying. I believe that people are too concerned with being modern these days. somethings were done better in the older days. Sometime we have to wonder if advancing technology is the right thing to do even if we can do it. some people could use a trip back into the older times.
she was a modern girl, or at least she thought she was. Turns out she had some old fashioned ideas. The ideas weren’t always bad, in fact they made those around her feel good. There’s nothing wrong with that.
She was, after all, a modern girl.
It’sazing to me to see the way the world changes now. Fast. Faster. Modern technology making communicatioin and the pace of life quicker – skipping over the surface. I want my modern to be full of coffee and conversation. I want to make modern feel worn and comfortable. Not sure if it’s possible in this modern age.
The two of them were so very far apart – in taste, dressing, mannerisms.
Volkner tells his brother that Falkner’s outdated; traditionalism’s a thing of the past, and all that jazz.
No matter, Falkner thinks; His brother’s opinions meant nothing to him.
Absolutely nothing.
Only his beliefs were important.
a new and often improved method or viewpoint concerning a process, theory, or style.
modern technology has introduced me to a beautiful modern man, thousands of miles away.
I don’t know if what she was wearing could be classified as modern, or if it could be classified at all. What was it that made someone want to dress as if she was from another planet, another life or time. Her corset dress was marvelous with the layers of tulle, but it was still, however outdated.
modern was a 8 year old boy with a fetish for feces. he had genital herpes and a lazy eye. his mother was a french Canadian swimmer/whore.
Modern humanity. Are we an evolution, or greater echelon if you will, of our incesors. Technology, related to our intellectual prowess. War, related to our beastial insinct.
I wish I could understand how to combine this with tradition. I wish I didn’t feel they were so opposed. How can I be a modern 19 year old while clinging to the traditional values set forth by my ancestors? Modernity is a struggle.
This, that, and the other. Brand new meets old news. I wish I could sit and write for longer than sixty seconds about all the things I hate about modernism: the clothes, cars, and women, but I guess this will be enough to convey my personal loathing.
typical for this day and age
Modern romance, paramount emotion or polished fable? Some may believe it to be one or both, but I believe it to be neither. What does it mean?
Is it wrong not to trust in the new? Maybe not; trust and familiarity go together like peas and carrots. Maybe that’s how we got in trouble. Maybe there was too much familiarity; she saw me as unchallenging, and I saw her as unwavering. The old and comfortable always seems like it’s something that will be there forever, like it cannot be lost — and when it is (as ever it will be), the allure of novelty is lost with it.
if one is really modern, then she wouldn’t use the word ‘modern’ as it’s out of vogue. as is ‘out of vogue’ come to think of it. yep. modern is so yesterday. we’re in a post modern world now baby.
I think being a modern woman is the biggest challenge of the world.
Modern equals dependence on all technology.
modern art- beginning with Manet’s “Olympia.” Precursory to post-modern art. Caused by WWI, the Spanish revolution, the development of photography, and more.
this modern age is giving me pains. my heart hurts, my head hurts, and i’m so sick of everyone. this new year is a burden on my soul. i hurt, my friends hurt.
friends. that’s a novel idea.
i wish i had more of them now. i used to have a lot. now they’re just fake. they fill space.
Modern architecture doesn’t match the craftman created beauties of the Victorian period.
Modern is the antithesis of the past. It is not the progression of times as they have unfolded. It is an artificial construct placed upon us by our lack of historical sense. The modern is what threatens us as we sit in our cars and stare at red stoplights while police lights flash through our back window. It’s what will keep us alive when we are near to
I live in it I love it I breat it the modern world!
modern, seen in great architecture. it’s that modern stuff that makes me wish I was an architect. A clean slate, you know? A clean slate…thats what I want.
What is modern? A word that can very seldom be described. A hope that nonecan deny. A denial of all things true and or real. It’s a method of design, and a hope for somethign far better. There is no form to it; no color that can ever embrace its true reality; and no true feel to it, only that unenhancing darkness and shapelessness that nonr can deny.