oh fuck i dont know anything to say here its a bugger help oh dear i suppose i must be lost and sally oh dear stuck see stuck see stuck in my head
I a modern woman completely alone, looking for love, unsatisfied in my career choices. I a modern woman I wear the right cloths though I feel fat it them, I’ve lost 50 lbs and that doesn’t seem to be enough, I feel the need to check my spelling, because I never enough, I a modern woman unable to satisfy even my dog, always lacking never right always wrong modern woman waiting for Mr. Right only finding Mr. Wrong. I modern. And I Alone
Modern Woman
I’ve never had much taste for the loping triangles and dizzying dips and swirls of my satisfied nineties coffee table, or the dry-heaving woman with her hair done up that I keep on my mantel, but I have them anyway, and for that I have to wonder.
Every modern woman believes that she can do what she wants. Work, and handle a home without being stressed. But very often these women go unappreciated and need time to themselves. Being modern doesn’t mean you only do things and prove you can be so many different persons.
Modern technology, such as in computers, have advanced way beyond than they have when man had first started creating such technology. At first, they had begun as giant machines, and now, computers can fit in the palm of your hand. It truly isazing how creations can go as far as they have. And back then, when computers were first being created, they never would’ve imagined such items.
modern art, modern code, modern view on things around.
modern, what is modern? Modern age, modern clothes, modern times? If tomorrow is modern, if today is modern, then what will be next week, or ten years or hundreds of years from now be?
Sierra Tarbox
dance shirt style feet fun classy dressy fashion in everyone tavo flashy today
its the way we look at things now. its about moving forward and trying to make things better. we never stop to consider that progress for the sake of progress isn’t progress at all, but a regression to an animalistic way of movement. we need to consider the modern in how it helps others. modernity is overrated.
Keagan Campbell
The modern looking apartment felt so austere and sterile, standing in the doorway I swear that I could feel the life being drained out my soul as the cold metal stole everything and gave nothing. It made me wonder if I wanted anything to be modern if this is how it all felt to be so up to date.
it doesn’t exist. history repeats itself so the modern is old news. time for change, time for the old that never worked in the 1st place.
“No, no, no, I don’t like it”…… “It’s just too…. MODERN”
modern art is completely ridiculous to me. it’s usually a bunch of metal painted in primary colors and explain some form of motion. who decided that that was art? in 100 years no one is going to look at today’s modern art and think it’s special
hip. ultra chic. ergonomic furniture. white walls. stainless steel. green culture. environmental awareness. obama.
she was dressed in sleek, dark clothes, and her hair was perfumed and subtly highlighted. As she approached him, she reached into a leaher bag, drawing out a slim mobile.
dirt girl
i don’t like modern houses
modern??? hmmm well I would have to say gay marriage is the most modern thing I can think of its just something you see more and more of in our “modern” society. I think it’s great that people have a choice that they can act on even to the point of marriage.
They were the modern twist of an old classic.
A secret love, two young lovers stealing the night.
They truly did love one another, and it wasn’t just lust.
Romeo and Juliet, eat your hearts out.
Missy Arbour
Nay, you need not explain why you yearn
to escape from the mundane modern.
I say it’s no crime
to long for a time
to which you would like to return.
Lim, Rick
current up to date architecture dress appliances mores medicine
g lorian
modern is the way i living my life right now. modern means up-to-date…keeping with the times…
modern society with president obama and everything he is doing for our country which no body thinks is good but i have faith he is trying to help us and people are so selfish with everything they do hehp take care of the world i mean i dont do every
Modern? Modern art, modern furniture, modern people, modern cities… modern people ought to think more so they can write more coherently, though.
Modernly Dumb
technology is improving fast, is it good or bad? or is there even such a thing as good or bad? the modern man thinks he knows all there is to know, but we know nothing, no where close to the truth. i dont think we ever will.
jon zeiger
Modern. That was how the house looked.
When I grow up I want my house to look OLD… Modern is over rated. Smooth lines. The nike swish.
How do these compare to the smell of old books, and floral wallpaper?
The old has character.
The new, lacks it.
it is now, it is what will become the future. it is cutting edge. we are all attracted to it, yet we are also attracted to what has already been. when its perfect, it takes what has come to pass and makes it current, fresh, new, while still preserving what made something special in the first place.
The world seems to be changing constantly. As time progresses the concept of modern becomes alien to me as I realize that what I thought as new and fascinating is now old hat. I think society faces this cyclicle motion in which we reach a modern outlook, and then fester in it until realizing that we need to revise our views and idea.
modern is just the redifinition of something that everyone is familiar with. it looks different but is till essentially the same
modern people looking in the window and seeing nothing but glass and reflections. I wish I could unscrew their heads and fill them with water and just one goldfish.
modern art… is kinda fucked
i really dont get it
i mean what the hell?
HOwever, I do like some modern stuff
modern photography…
but not modern art
today, presently speaking to nobody in particular but its relavent to nothing. In case the time comes where its easier to eat than breathe let me know so i can be up to modern times. Thanks
modern? Why does it have to be so expensive. too many crappy artists throw dukey sauce together and call it modern. LAME!
moder times are something else…. I haven’t talked on the phone with anyone new in ages. I a total texter… but its ok… so is he :D
under 1
Modern movies make me feel as though I’m about to go on a muderous rampage. Which is why I stick to the classics, really. And why I avoid looking at promos at all, even posters posted at shopping malls or on buses. Which also make me feel…
The modern times and the modern days. Together with our monday stays deep. Too deep inside that without we are but lies in the bedding of bullshit. Oh to be together is to be unraveling unraging without sunshine why why why why why
i have the month of may
carl oh why shan
The stark modernity of the room was overwhelming. White on white on white. I felt like I was being suffocated by a combination of paint chips and white noise.
I sat on the nearby couch and tried not to touch anything else. The young man sitting at the bar glared at me, almost daring me to make a mess.
“Hello,” I said, politely nodding in his direction. I wasn’t sure if this was his apartment or if I was in the wrong place.
“Don’t get too comfortable,” he replied, eyes like knives.
The stark modernity of the room was overwhelming. White on white on white. I felt like I was being suffocated by a combination of paint chips and white noise.
I sat on the nearby couch and tried not to touch anything else. The young man sitting at the bar glared at me, almost daring me to make a mess.
“Hello,” I said, politely nodding in his direction. I wasn’t sure if this was his apartment or if I was in the wrong place.
“Don’t get too comfortable,” he replied, eyes like knives.
Parfois j’ai l’impression que je n’aime la modernit
i could never grasp.
between the telephone and the door.
where i lie my head.
nothing can hold me up.
i’ll do my best to make it outside, before the sun goes down.
i’ll do my best to make it outside before i leave town.
“I thought witches had warts and crooked noses and yellow teeth,” Adelaide said, frowning. “You don’t look like a witch.”
“That just shows how ignorant some people can be,” Morgan told her. “I’m a modern witch.”
oh fuck i dont know anything to say here its a bugger help oh dear i suppose i must be lost and sally oh dear stuck see stuck see stuck in my head
I a modern woman completely alone, looking for love, unsatisfied in my career choices. I a modern woman I wear the right cloths though I feel fat it them, I’ve lost 50 lbs and that doesn’t seem to be enough, I feel the need to check my spelling, because I never enough, I a modern woman unable to satisfy even my dog, always lacking never right always wrong modern woman waiting for Mr. Right only finding Mr. Wrong. I modern. And I Alone
I’ve never had much taste for the loping triangles and dizzying dips and swirls of my satisfied nineties coffee table, or the dry-heaving woman with her hair done up that I keep on my mantel, but I have them anyway, and for that I have to wonder.
Every modern woman believes that she can do what she wants. Work, and handle a home without being stressed. But very often these women go unappreciated and need time to themselves. Being modern doesn’t mean you only do things and prove you can be so many different persons.
Modern technology, such as in computers, have advanced way beyond than they have when man had first started creating such technology. At first, they had begun as giant machines, and now, computers can fit in the palm of your hand. It truly isazing how creations can go as far as they have. And back then, when computers were first being created, they never would’ve imagined such items.
modern art, modern code, modern view on things around.
modern, what is modern? Modern age, modern clothes, modern times? If tomorrow is modern, if today is modern, then what will be next week, or ten years or hundreds of years from now be?
dance shirt style feet fun classy dressy fashion in everyone tavo flashy today
its the way we look at things now. its about moving forward and trying to make things better. we never stop to consider that progress for the sake of progress isn’t progress at all, but a regression to an animalistic way of movement. we need to consider the modern in how it helps others. modernity is overrated.
The modern looking apartment felt so austere and sterile, standing in the doorway I swear that I could feel the life being drained out my soul as the cold metal stole everything and gave nothing. It made me wonder if I wanted anything to be modern if this is how it all felt to be so up to date.
it doesn’t exist. history repeats itself so the modern is old news. time for change, time for the old that never worked in the 1st place.
“No, no, no, I don’t like it”…… “It’s just too…. MODERN”
modern art is completely ridiculous to me. it’s usually a bunch of metal painted in primary colors and explain some form of motion. who decided that that was art? in 100 years no one is going to look at today’s modern art and think it’s special
hip. ultra chic. ergonomic furniture. white walls. stainless steel. green culture. environmental awareness. obama.
she was dressed in sleek, dark clothes, and her hair was perfumed and subtly highlighted. As she approached him, she reached into a leaher bag, drawing out a slim mobile.
i don’t like modern houses
modern??? hmmm well I would have to say gay marriage is the most modern thing I can think of its just something you see more and more of in our “modern” society. I think it’s great that people have a choice that they can act on even to the point of marriage.
They were the modern twist of an old classic.
A secret love, two young lovers stealing the night.
They truly did love one another, and it wasn’t just lust.
Romeo and Juliet, eat your hearts out.
Nay, you need not explain why you yearn
to escape from the mundane modern.
I say it’s no crime
to long for a time
to which you would like to return.
current up to date architecture dress appliances mores medicine
modern is the way i living my life right now. modern means up-to-date…keeping with the times…
modern society with president obama and everything he is doing for our country which no body thinks is good but i have faith he is trying to help us and people are so selfish with everything they do hehp take care of the world i mean i dont do every
Modern? Modern art, modern furniture, modern people, modern cities… modern people ought to think more so they can write more coherently, though.
technology is improving fast, is it good or bad? or is there even such a thing as good or bad? the modern man thinks he knows all there is to know, but we know nothing, no where close to the truth. i dont think we ever will.
Modern. That was how the house looked.
When I grow up I want my house to look OLD… Modern is over rated. Smooth lines. The nike swish.
How do these compare to the smell of old books, and floral wallpaper?
The old has character.
The new, lacks it.
it is now, it is what will become the future. it is cutting edge. we are all attracted to it, yet we are also attracted to what has already been. when its perfect, it takes what has come to pass and makes it current, fresh, new, while still preserving what made something special in the first place.
The world seems to be changing constantly. As time progresses the concept of modern becomes alien to me as I realize that what I thought as new and fascinating is now old hat. I think society faces this cyclicle motion in which we reach a modern outlook, and then fester in it until realizing that we need to revise our views and idea.
modern is just the redifinition of something that everyone is familiar with. it looks different but is till essentially the same
modern people looking in the window and seeing nothing but glass and reflections. I wish I could unscrew their heads and fill them with water and just one goldfish.
modern art… is kinda fucked
i really dont get it
i mean what the hell?
HOwever, I do like some modern stuff
modern photography…
but not modern art
today, presently speaking to nobody in particular but its relavent to nothing. In case the time comes where its easier to eat than breathe let me know so i can be up to modern times. Thanks
modern? Why does it have to be so expensive. too many crappy artists throw dukey sauce together and call it modern. LAME!
moder times are something else…. I haven’t talked on the phone with anyone new in ages. I a total texter… but its ok… so is he :D
Modern movies make me feel as though I’m about to go on a muderous rampage. Which is why I stick to the classics, really. And why I avoid looking at promos at all, even posters posted at shopping malls or on buses. Which also make me feel…
The modern times and the modern days. Together with our monday stays deep. Too deep inside that without we are but lies in the bedding of bullshit. Oh to be together is to be unraveling unraging without sunshine why why why why why
i have the month of may
The stark modernity of the room was overwhelming. White on white on white. I felt like I was being suffocated by a combination of paint chips and white noise.
I sat on the nearby couch and tried not to touch anything else. The young man sitting at the bar glared at me, almost daring me to make a mess.
“Hello,” I said, politely nodding in his direction. I wasn’t sure if this was his apartment or if I was in the wrong place.
“Don’t get too comfortable,” he replied, eyes like knives.
The stark modernity of the room was overwhelming. White on white on white. I felt like I was being suffocated by a combination of paint chips and white noise.
I sat on the nearby couch and tried not to touch anything else. The young man sitting at the bar glared at me, almost daring me to make a mess.
“Hello,” I said, politely nodding in his direction. I wasn’t sure if this was his apartment or if I was in the wrong place.
“Don’t get too comfortable,” he replied, eyes like knives.
Parfois j’ai l’impression que je n’aime la modernit
i could never grasp.
between the telephone and the door.
where i lie my head.
nothing can hold me up.
i’ll do my best to make it outside, before the sun goes down.
i’ll do my best to make it outside before i leave town.
“I thought witches had warts and crooked noses and yellow teeth,” Adelaide said, frowning. “You don’t look like a witch.”
“That just shows how ignorant some people can be,” Morgan told her. “I’m a modern witch.”