While your father found the television modern, and his father found the radio modern, this changes endlessly.
Modern is simply a standard, not a defined point.
The entirety of the future.
Modern is an ever-changing adjective, different from person to person, time to time.
This is how we define our neccessities.
Modern, a statement of how we see the world, how things are as of right now, normally the best we have and use. Things that are not seen as modern are advanced, things we use that aren’t used daily, aren’t the normal state of thing, just a way of modernizing the unmodern.
something new like computers
What is there to say about the modern world? It’s full of greed, hate, war, corruption, and pain. The general public has become increasingly lazy, especially here inerica. We should be out contributing to society. Even I, now, slacking. Modern TV sucks, too.
Like Thoroughly Modern Millie I’m moving on. Adios you lying sack of unhappiness.
I’m fairly certain this is the word we had yesterday, so I feel no need to play this game again…
Lydia K.
nowadays is what I know
I’ve got my feet to help me grow
the roots that replace concrete and steel
are fed with laughter and lemon peel.
Mod, post mod, modern. It’s this era that to me should be contemporary, since it seems like what is happening right NOW is modern, but it’s not. This period of art has always confused me. Is its antonym “out-dated” or “antiquated”? Better to be modern than to not have been? Or to not be?
that dress i very modern.
modern fashion is cool, i like victorian styles, but i guess you can intertwine the too 8D YAYAYAYAY Ikea
yeah Ikea has cool shit
nice sofas
n shit :3
i like corsets, did you know that?
Points and
This world is so solid,
No questions asked.
the modern world is now dead. we have entered the realm of postmodernism, in which our technology is advancing at an exponential rate and simultaneously human culture and art is deteriorating within our society. We are heading farther away than what we can call modern.
The modern room was filled with glass walls and gave him a feeling of uneasyness.
When I was young the buzz word was “Modern”. Modern this, modern that. The 50’s was a boom for marketing men on Madison Ave and if you look back you can see they have never let go of their grip on our self worth since. Children today have no sense of self without product identification. Don’t have the right clothes? You are no one. Same for shoes, hair cut and dreams. Go with the crowd or you will be on the outside of the circle. Talk about self imprisonment! Only they hold the key to their freedom and they don’t even know it.
dancing in this style we don’t just flow but we do everything, it’s modern! It is the way, the way we do our everyday thing
The jet was sleek and silver with a swoosh that reminded me of Nike’s logo. I was walking down the skyway, hat in hand, suitcase trailing behind me like an eager pup.
These modern things confused her greatly still. She couldnot for the life of her figure out a computer, though many times her grandson had tried. She sat hopelessly staring at the dark screen wanting to know what was so special about this emailed picture, but she could not get to it
It’s new, it’s perfect, and everyone wants it. Well, not everyone. Some people hate modern stuff.
When I think of modern, I’m thinking mostly of furniture, and sometimes clothes. Also, music, but music doesn’t play as big a role, you know.
Modern furniture is sleek and nice – it is an integral part to a streamlined house. However, it sometimes takes all the homeliness out of a house, leaving it cold and deserted.
The modern times of our society are constantly changing and growing. The important thing to realize is that every day something new can happen and we must embrace the future; the modern future is a wonder we have yet to experience.
I wrote about this word yesterday…
When will it switch?
I could really use a new word right now.
I need a change of pace.
And I need to discover what is important to me.
She only wished that she could be considered “modern,” but the way she dressed and acted seemed like she was from another time. Her dress hung nicely upon her frame, sequins glittering in the light. Hair was permed into a nice and beautiful bob. She was from the 1920s, and she knew it.
modern times always mean change. Anything from social, to cultural… sometimes even just growing up. But when does something become ‘modern’? When does it cease to be, and become another of those periods of time in the past when we thought we were ‘up to date’ and hip and happening, when really we were just catching on when everything was already on the cusp of change?
modern warfare or modern techonlogies which are more effective inerican i wonder who invited the word modern and also why is it modern instead of being madern
Modern, yet another one a word used by the uneducated middle-class to act as if they have an education. They call their bedroom furniture modern. Screw them, dirtbags.
the modern family is an unusual concept. we lead seperate lives and keep distant from each other, because that is what is acceptable in today’s society. but what hapened to the old family when we were all happy togerher and spent time togheter every day without worryint about work.
Computers are a modern convenience, so clean and crisp. They simplify our lives even while they complicate them. Our reliance on their electronics makes us contrive, and their ability to offload thinking is what drives the modern world.
Modern is something new and in style. It is a thing of now. It brings no memories of the past.
The present has lost all relations with the idea of “modern”. All cultures are over saturated with a sense of past indulgence without any concern for progression. I’d really like to see what can happen with new ideas.
adam m.
The modern world
is to modern life
old times kicked back by the modern children
No one knows how modern we’ll get
modern is modern as modern is as.
Modern beauty is sick
kissing death is modern
Modern love is life’s biggest killer
Sierra Ewing
A contemporary perception. The progressive developments of society. Arbitrary stigmas of sophisticated perception. Our time on this earth, and that which is ours.
The modernity of the house made it that much colder. The stark white light that beamed off of the surrounding walls, also a bright white, felt sterile. Hospital-like. I couldn’t understand how anyount of added furniture would make it feel any different. The light bouncing off the walls and throughout the open, unfurnished rooms like a pinbong ball felt like a punch in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me with each glance.
Women’s movement.
I dislike being a modern girl. I’d much rather go to a school in the 1950’s, with my poodle skirt and my hair in a high pony. With my boyfriend carrying my books as we walk to class together. The horrors of WWII behind us and the fears of the far-away future seeming just that…far-away.
post modern…i never really get it. i think it sounds pretentious and it’s not knowable by the general public.
i despise things like that. why must academics distance themselves and their work from everyday people. and in saying everyday people I mean no slight.
sister reba
After I traveled back in time in my time machine, I kept wishing that I could get back to modern times. If only my time machine hadn’t broken when it landed in ancient Egypt!
How does one define modern?
You cannot, because it will never be the same.
While your father found the television modern, and his father found the radio modern, this changes endlessly.
Modern is simply a standard, not a defined point.
The entirety of the future.
Modern is an ever-changing adjective, different from person to person, time to time.
This is how we define our neccessities.
Modern, a statement of how we see the world, how things are as of right now, normally the best we have and use. Things that are not seen as modern are advanced, things we use that aren’t used daily, aren’t the normal state of thing, just a way of modernizing the unmodern.
something new like computers
What is there to say about the modern world? It’s full of greed, hate, war, corruption, and pain. The general public has become increasingly lazy, especially here inerica. We should be out contributing to society. Even I, now, slacking. Modern TV sucks, too.
Like Thoroughly Modern Millie I’m moving on. Adios you lying sack of unhappiness.
I’m fairly certain this is the word we had yesterday, so I feel no need to play this game again…
nowadays is what I know
I’ve got my feet to help me grow
the roots that replace concrete and steel
are fed with laughter and lemon peel.
Mod, post mod, modern. It’s this era that to me should be contemporary, since it seems like what is happening right NOW is modern, but it’s not. This period of art has always confused me. Is its antonym “out-dated” or “antiquated”? Better to be modern than to not have been? Or to not be?
that dress i very modern.
modern fashion is cool, i like victorian styles, but i guess you can intertwine the too 8D YAYAYAYAY Ikea
yeah Ikea has cool shit
nice sofas
n shit :3
i like corsets, did you know that?
Points and
This world is so solid,
No questions asked.
the modern world is now dead. we have entered the realm of postmodernism, in which our technology is advancing at an exponential rate and simultaneously human culture and art is deteriorating within our society. We are heading farther away than what we can call modern.
The modern room was filled with glass walls and gave him a feeling of uneasyness.
When I was young the buzz word was “Modern”. Modern this, modern that. The 50’s was a boom for marketing men on Madison Ave and if you look back you can see they have never let go of their grip on our self worth since. Children today have no sense of self without product identification. Don’t have the right clothes? You are no one. Same for shoes, hair cut and dreams. Go with the crowd or you will be on the outside of the circle. Talk about self imprisonment! Only they hold the key to their freedom and they don’t even know it.
dancing in this style we don’t just flow but we do everything, it’s modern! It is the way, the way we do our everyday thing
The jet was sleek and silver with a swoosh that reminded me of Nike’s logo. I was walking down the skyway, hat in hand, suitcase trailing behind me like an eager pup.
These modern things confused her greatly still. She couldnot for the life of her figure out a computer, though many times her grandson had tried. She sat hopelessly staring at the dark screen wanting to know what was so special about this emailed picture, but she could not get to it
progress, gray and colorful
what is in right now.
glass concrete simple efficient cold lines sharp angles elegant beautiful.
It’s new, it’s perfect, and everyone wants it. Well, not everyone. Some people hate modern stuff.
When I think of modern, I’m thinking mostly of furniture, and sometimes clothes. Also, music, but music doesn’t play as big a role, you know.
Modern furniture is sleek and nice – it is an integral part to a streamlined house. However, it sometimes takes all the homeliness out of a house, leaving it cold and deserted.
The modern times of our society are constantly changing and growing. The important thing to realize is that every day something new can happen and we must embrace the future; the modern future is a wonder we have yet to experience.
I wrote about this word yesterday…
When will it switch?
I could really use a new word right now.
I need a change of pace.
And I need to discover what is important to me.
She only wished that she could be considered “modern,” but the way she dressed and acted seemed like she was from another time. Her dress hung nicely upon her frame, sequins glittering in the light. Hair was permed into a nice and beautiful bob. She was from the 1920s, and she knew it.
modern times always mean change. Anything from social, to cultural… sometimes even just growing up. But when does something become ‘modern’? When does it cease to be, and become another of those periods of time in the past when we thought we were ‘up to date’ and hip and happening, when really we were just catching on when everything was already on the cusp of change?
modern warfare or modern techonlogies which are more effective inerican i wonder who invited the word modern and also why is it modern instead of being madern
Modern, yet another one a word used by the uneducated middle-class to act as if they have an education. They call their bedroom furniture modern. Screw them, dirtbags.
the modern family is an unusual concept. we lead seperate lives and keep distant from each other, because that is what is acceptable in today’s society. but what hapened to the old family when we were all happy togerher and spent time togheter every day without worryint about work.
Computers are a modern convenience, so clean and crisp. They simplify our lives even while they complicate them. Our reliance on their electronics makes us contrive, and their ability to offload thinking is what drives the modern world.
Modern is something new and in style. It is a thing of now. It brings no memories of the past.
The present has lost all relations with the idea of “modern”. All cultures are over saturated with a sense of past indulgence without any concern for progression. I’d really like to see what can happen with new ideas.
The modern world
is to modern life
old times kicked back by the modern children
No one knows how modern we’ll get
modern is modern as modern is as.
Modern beauty is sick
kissing death is modern
Modern love is life’s biggest killer
A contemporary perception. The progressive developments of society. Arbitrary stigmas of sophisticated perception. Our time on this earth, and that which is ours.
The modernity of the house made it that much colder. The stark white light that beamed off of the surrounding walls, also a bright white, felt sterile. Hospital-like. I couldn’t understand how anyount of added furniture would make it feel any different. The light bouncing off the walls and throughout the open, unfurnished rooms like a pinbong ball felt like a punch in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me with each glance.
Women’s movement.
I dislike being a modern girl. I’d much rather go to a school in the 1950’s, with my poodle skirt and my hair in a high pony. With my boyfriend carrying my books as we walk to class together. The horrors of WWII behind us and the fears of the far-away future seeming just that…far-away.
post modern…i never really get it. i think it sounds pretentious and it’s not knowable by the general public.
i despise things like that. why must academics distance themselves and their work from everyday people. and in saying everyday people I mean no slight.
After I traveled back in time in my time machine, I kept wishing that I could get back to modern times. If only my time machine hadn’t broken when it landed in ancient Egypt!