
October 19th, 2009 | 568 Entries

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568 Entries for “modern”

  1. Intimidating. Clean, shiny, and incomprehensible. It’s too new, too different. Modern is abstract in a way that nobody really understands but everyone SAYS they do. It involves being open to new and scary ideas.

  2. what is all this obsession of being modern// how do we keep going if we dont know where we have come from what about our tradition our roots, our heritage?

  3. modern thought is pretty interesting. i’ve always enjoyed thinking about life and I’ve always enjoyed thinking about things and stuff like that. When I walk through the valley and I smile at grain, I see a look at myself and realize wonder why so plain. When all y’all sending me shit and this, I think to myself- well check out this bitch. When I walk in and say, hey. Goodbye.

  4. the world spins in box made of metal…twisting, turning, hurtling through space filled with neon lights and strip bars. help me find my way out, brother. i need some air. time is long gone and happiness is a memory

    erica newsome
  5. modernerica. post modernerica. post racialerica.erica. in modern times. what does it all mean to be modern when so much of our style and culture has reverted back to how it was ‘back in the day?’

  6. Modern is so generic and I don’t appreciate this word one bit. It’s boring, too general, lame, and overused. Modern art? What? Modern day? What? Boring. Futuristic is more like it. Get out of this modern phase. It’s getting real old real fast.

  7. Modern is an essential wuality to modernism. Modernism is a really confusing concept that no one really understands except those who invented the concept, and even then, I not convince they knew what they were talking about. Basically, modernism was in the 1950s or something, so what are we in now? are we in a futuristic period or a modern one?? You pick. I can’t decide anymore.

  8. glass, stainless steal, over rated andy warhol. Heavy beats. Heavy hands.

  9. All the things here used to be new. You’ll see to your right the yellow appliances and the fondue pots. Through the doorway into the kitchen you’ll see…

  10. in modern times women are not treated fairly. they are oppressed throughout the world and are still treated as though they are lower than men. It has been institutionalized through society and

  11. taken from the leaves of the ever present morning
    we sit like a flock of pigeons on the edge of another clinical masonry which can never outlive the moment of its usefulness.

  12. nothing truly is… it has all been done before we just don’t remember it.. yet

  13. modern people are not knowing about anything that is around them. they just battle day in and day out

  14. what is modern today is going to be obsolete tomorrow. Time passes so fast so enjoy each present day.

  15. What is modern today is going to be obsolete tomorrow.time passes so fast. So enjoy each present day.

  16. I want to wear this sort of thing, I think…but I want something ancient, too.

  17. modern

  18. Mondern is in relation to past. but there is no moment beside this one right now, though typing this on a computer online is more modern than if i were using a typewritter. how can i know this. did i live before computers? no. then how do i know they are modern? time is interesting, but it’s running out.

    Boomer Something
  19. post modern is a phrase that everyone uses but no one really knows what it means. modern art is my favorite kind of art because it’s the only type of art that makes any sense or makes me think at all. fridha is my favorite modern artist. modern makes me think of robots and stuff. it has a nice ring to it, the word “modern”.

    Sunny Strader
  20. Everyone wants all their belongings to be modern, nowadays. Whatever happened to being unique? Personally, I don’t want to own something that everyone else in the country has.

  21. this modern world, and we stood around the statue of the womb. she spoke words, too complex to depict, and there were rows and rows across the museums empty rooms. walking around, the shapes depicted abstractions of places never ventured. and in this world of cold shapes, you placed your fingers between mine.

  22. Not a typical modern girl. She thinks eccentrically and acts with a mysterious motive. They think they’ve gotten her all figured out, but they’ve no idea what she’s got up her sleeves.

  23. I just heard a discussion of the word modern. Is it contemporary? Or is it modern? What does that mean? It means early 20th century. It means Mies and Le Corbu and even FLW. Who else would be modern? Not the buildings being built today. Those are often just ridiculous.

  24. modern. toasters are modern. you put a piece of delicious bread into one of these devices and boom! out comes a piece of delicious toast. you then spread some butter on it, or maybe some jam and you have a delicious snack.

    waco Budiselich
  25. In modern days, you know those crazy ideas you get upon waking up too early? You simply tell them to the world and talk about them with people across countries. And a few minutes later you get out from under the covers to get some coffee.

  26. technology is great rite o is it you never no wat peple will come up with next!its all so interesting living in the miodern age lol!~!back in the day they didnt have much but today look what we have!

  27. modern age society only focuses on economic status

  28. the times are here and now. any doubt of this idea would be to truly deny what we call modern. the taste of now, the sound of here, the view of this. One and now.

  29. everything that’s not what was, what it used to be. a word that alone makes someone sound detached, as in “i want a modern table for my modern house in my modern life”, cold, wanting to be apart, not a part of anything that’s come before it, and yet born of all that has been. lonely.

  30. blah

  31. its not modern to be a feminist. I always disliked feminists. They just miss the whole thing about being feemale and feminine.

  32. The family was modern and they liked everything a modern family liked. Pie,and dessert. I can speak spanish, so that makes me not modern. I can say many things like happy sad

  33. The car seemed to be free from the ground. There wasn’t a wheel in the cabin, only a joystick. The hoover craft seemed to have replaced conventional cars. Jeremy was very confused when he saw what a modern car was.

  34. current, up-to-date, advanced, trend

  35. The building was new. She thought. At least, she was pretty sure it hadn’t been there the last time she came home. It was oddly stuffed in between two older buildings, awkwardly trying to blend into its surrounds, but completely failing. There was no sign, at least not that she could see.

  36. i breathe in the breath of modern life. shallow. fast. i might be on the verge of hyperventilating. these are rich days. my breath must slow down to remember.

  37. modern is the lastest item

  38. Everything is modern today.. cold hard.. I like crazy.. color.. not metal.. old comfy.. worn in.. Modern toooo Cold… Whate else to say.. modern today is boring… I like that old teddy bear wth old stories behind it… not something that still smells of stores…

  39. modem

  40. Modern……what does that mean? I just flash on the word “fadish.” A culture of always looking for what is next instead of focusing on what is important. I see so much emptiness in search of something to fill your life with….try God.

    Keith Baker