
August 12th, 2024 | 3 Entries

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3 Entries for “monster”

  1. There’s a monster living in my closet who will peek it’s head out at night and watch me sleep. It will never step foot past the threshhold – it knows better – but I feel it’s glowing eyes on me in my subconcious. I think everyone has the same monster in their closets too.

  2. the monster lay beneath my bed. i could hear his horrible breathing and smell the ghastly aroma from his rotten teeth. his fur was a ragged mess of midnight blue tangled and soaked with blood from his previous hunts he worked closely with the other monsters that lived under other children’s beds.

  3. The monster hid during the day, but at night it would come out. He would be sitting at the pub, having a conversation with his friends, but one beer too many and the monster would appear and start to argue, start to make its points with the fists of the human.
