
May 31st, 2011 | 691 Entries

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691 Entries for “montage”

  1. I’d like to create a montage of the most mortifying moments in my life. The ones that ended up kind of funny any way. Like the “casino walk of shame,” or the time I unknowingly nipslipped at prom.

    Maria Roncal
  2. Make me a picture, one that shows the feelings that I cannot yet see. Through these clippings and images that are spinning off of the pen, I can once again make sense of things.

  3. THere was a collection of pictures flashing by her. She couldn’t stop seeing them. THEy kept coming at her, surrounding her, overwhelming her senses. She fought for air as every sense came alive with the feeling of changing places. She was now in a large forest, trees gently shook leaves down on her as she laid in the cool grass.

    Paris Martineau
  4. This is the same word as yesterday? Do they ever change the word? If so, how did I get the same one as yesterday? Montage is, for me, a collection of photos – preferably by my son who takes great ones! He’s in Prague right now and I hope he’ll do a montage of intern photos and post them!

  5. its pretty and usually i think of it as about someone, like a family tree type of one. it usually goes from young to old to show the life of one person or of a group. it can also be of the changing of the leaves or just achievements.

  6. come on
    what is montage?
    i really don’t know
    multiple things
    and pictures
    and moves
    and dancing
    and aaaaah
    i know what montage is
    now i do
    this is not helping me
    i don’t know what to write about it to be completely honest with you

  7. Hello!!! What I’m doing here?!
    Go Bulls! Go CHICAGO!!!!!!

  8. Alicia is a crazy fool. Her hair was woven by a spool. I like to mess with her all day because i know what to say. Hey let’s go eat some hay down by the bay, we just may. What do you say?

  9. Oh Montage ? Depend… What version ? The french or the english ? Coz it’s not the sam… oh wait… it’s exactly the same ! Who am i kidding there ?

    It’s obviously to gain some time ….

    Ok let’s pretend it’s not the same meaning in english.. .For example.. it’s about Potatoes !
    And i have soooo many stuff to say about Potatoes…

    hey wait.. come here ! oh.. it’s already over ! dammit … Too bad.. Right ?

  10. i practice and fill upmy mind wirth a mixture of things to see how they college together to montage into something beautiful. fill me up and break me down cuz i’m about to explode. help me get to somewhere else where these thoguths would make sense. goood to know that we can all get along

    katelyn walsh
  11. i have a montage of movie clips in my head at all times. some are funny, but others are sad. i like to watch my montage as much as i can but alas life gets in the way and i have to actually think about real stuff. too bad the popcorn there is really good…

  12. Tegan stared down at the montage of images that he had collected with Nick. All the little memories collected at the bottom of a shoebox, little images of them, photographs he had taken on each of their dates and the little things all made the bigger things more obvious. The chain around his neck glinted cruelly in every single picture and it was never more clear to him than it was that instance that Nick had never seen him as anything other than some sort of obedient dog. Some —- pet to drag around on the end of his leash and to show off whenever he pleased.

  13. jump in, jump out in and out, skip ahead skip on top, skip skip skip and fall across.

  14. She viewed the montage with a curious eye. It matched her thoughts and the dream she had had the previous night. She wondered if there was more meaning to it. Anything is possible.

  15. This word always makes me think of mountains. And France. Probably because it’s a French word. And there’s a climbing process. Time is running out. Not used to writing this way. There is nothing more to say. No time. …

    Cynthia Thomet
  16. a montage? well I see a montage as a collection of various aspects that relate to yourself. Photos, images, memories, people, the list goes on. All that matters is that its personal.

  17. montage i think of editing videos,i also think of mountains, it’a a nice word, i say it when i’m feeling pretentious, or would like to impress, montage i like the sound of the age at the end, and how i have to whisper it.

  18. I went to write about a movie montage that was done in a movie. It was a great source for inspiration. So, I walked to my favorite coffee shop and began to write.

  19. Disney Movies; Sleeping Beauty, Anastasia, The Little Mermaid, Shrek; whole films.

  20. Montage, is the life of the mountainist, because he just feel it…just mount a montage in the mountain!

  21. montage just day abything . i hate montage point , i like myself more . i think i am the worst writer ever.i cant write athing . ti sucks . i just want to seee what will happen afterwards.bye bye.

  22. Montage. M is macadamia ice cream. O are onions. N is never never land. T is no more time.

    Wei Yuet
  23. it swirled around hazily, confusing my drunken brain. Walls arent supposed to move are they? This one was, or was it myself swaying?? Either way the nausea of drinking, along with disgust for the montage proudly displayed on the wall I fall to my knees and throw up the non-existant food in my stomach. The sight of her face was too much, all her beautiful faces staring soulfully down at me from her spot on the mantle.

  24. My life in one word, montage….a hazy photo, ascent so powerful it takes me somewhere else, a touch that lingers.

  25. I see all their faces and all the moments pass by my eyes in a montage. How did it all come to an end so quickly? I need more time, this can’t be it. I’m not ready, not now. I have so much more i wanted to do…but it’s happening. I turn to my new bride. “I do”.

  26. I enjoy the game halo. I like to play it so much I decided to gather all of my film clips and make a halo montage.

  27. I have no idea what a montage is. Whether it is food or water or a tree in the desert. All I know is as I hear anything come out of those velverty lips, even a mundane word like montage I just want to hold you close forever/

  28. not really sure what a montage is. Montage is the name of my childhood pet, a tiny white mouse. a little bit crazy he was. always scampering about and eating the wires to my computers. i missed him when the cat ate him, but only a little…

    Bob Hussey
  29. Dreamlike. Wasn’t going to write about this but last night (late night), browsing the Internet, looking at websites, sharing some, all different, strong, strange emotions. This is a montage to me; feeling blender, writing too fast. I’m tired.

  30. i have a montage of pictures from my childhood up until now all over the walls of my bedroom.

  31. i guess montage means a collage of pictures or something, i am not sure about the word so i cannot write things more sensibly. i like pictures and i love to see collages of beautiful pictures. they convey a lot of meaning and are also imposing. i think every picture or element in a montage must be unique, so as to highlight some or the other meaning hidden in the frame.

  32. I find this word difficult to write about which is why I’ve reloaded this page about ten times, but it won’t give me a new word. When I hear the word montage I think of those scenes that always occur at some point during a soppy movie where the two lovers, who are clearly destined to end up together, break up and are “lost” without each other.

  33. i wonder what i would look like if my family or friends try to make a montage of my face. and i wonder how good i can be to make a montage of a friend of mine.

  34. This must be said in a deep, smoky drawl by a woman in her prime, with immaculately coiffed bangs.

  35. In her mind the scenes flickered by, on a private showing of internalized torment. Every trip, slip, missed line, and stuttered, laid out before her like some twisted blooper reel. Yet even this self-deprecating montage couldn’t spoil that last shred of hope that told her, as she sat in the waiting room, that she was going to get the part.

  36. In my mind, I see all the lovely concocted memories from our stories. A virtual montage of a forbidden romance. I cling to it. These images still move me, keep me hungry for more.

  37. Joe stared at the photo montage mounted above the desk, his eye, as always, going straight to Lily’s photo mounted in the center of the board, the one he’d snapped that day on the beach, Lily’s dark hair blowing backwards

  38. Joe stares at the montage mounted above the desk, his eye, as always, going straight to Lily’s photo, the one he took that day on the beach, with Lily’s hair blowing back away from her face, her nads

    Margaret Fieland
  39. montage. captai americqa in film form at frednia with doug mccord. montage: rocky, big fish… other examples. it never really popped out at me, that this was a montage. i just saw it as continuous movie. now it’s getting obvious.

  40. a mix. a match. a flow, unconscious. pic and bits and bobs like pointillism on film. a montage.

    conan green