
June 3rd, 2024 | 6 Entries

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6 Entries for “moonlight”

  1. Moonlight, gentle soft, sliding over the covers, gentle gleaming, one dragon’s eye in the sky, half-tired, but still protecting us, curled up in stars

  2. Like the sheen of a pearl, a godly beauty to illuminate an otherwise scary abyss. Mother’s astral Sister always watching even when Mother cannot.

  3. rest under the stars and under the moon
    seek your identity and rest knowing the truth

  4. the sky parted as the sun went to bed and the moon rose again.
    no longer are we scorched under the shining sun
    now we rest under the twinkle of the moonlit stars

    : )
  5. she stood under the darkness above when the clouds cleared and the moon rose again.
    to bathe her in her moonlight

    : )
  6. moonlight is one of most beautiful lights we can experience. it shows that even in the darkness that there is a comfort that we can visibly see. the gentle streams of light are almost palpable on our skin.
