
July 25th, 2024 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “mountain”

  1. Sheer and rocky edge jutting out admist calm waves and scenic vista. The grass bowing down to its’ majesty, unable to comprehend the hieghts of the towering gods before them.

  2. fading mountains on a blue line

  3. I live on an island that is the top of a mountain. The mountain is technically higher than some of the highest mountains in the world. We live on the tips of the volcanoes that poke above the surface of the ocean. Most of the mountain is below sea level and submerged. Sometimes I wish I lived in a mountainous region of the world that had actual seasons, but I don’t.

  4. The mountain looked so close that she could reach out her hand and touch it. But it was an illusion – the clear air magnified its image, and even though the rain had stopped and it looked close, it was still 20 kms distant.
