
June 20th, 2009 | 83 Entries

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83 Entries for “movie”

  1. cinema, horror, romance, love, darkness, popcorn, drinks, cushy seats, dates, relationships, friends, sadness, emotion, perspective, black and white, colours, sickness, fragility, depiction, vintage

  2. He said he’d call, but never did. He came to her, instead, via the images he capture on tape – for the millions to watch – or so she thought, but every image and moment was caught for all eternity with her in mind, his muse.

  3. we sat down to watch the movie on a rainy satuday night all of us feeling somewhat unfulfilled but happy to be with each other. of course, we would never say that, but still we were satisfied with what we had become and who we had surrounded ourselves with. then we laughed together.

  4. The movie of the world resonates with everyone. Movies are visual experiences told and shared by people. We are a visual culture and as such, when we see movies, all our senses are touched upon. That’s why we connect, that’s why we get so obsessed with the storylines.

    Haven’t you had that moment when you got lost in a film? The good ones of course not some of the popcorn junk films. What is a movie in the first place? It’s just a place to talk.

  5. i like movies
    they are fun to watch
    some are about fantasy some are about murders
    movies describe things some of us could only imagine in our heads
    walking pictures
    my word is movie

  6. I went to the movie theater the other day with some friends to see a short film that my friend was involved with. He had written and performed the score as part of a competition. It ended up getting second place, although I was certain it could have done better if the audience had been more cultured.

  7. i have not gone to the movies since i broke up with ike. still waiting till i get a new guy to go to the movies with. i don’t think i like going to the movies anyway. too loud, to dirty, to expensive.

  8. an americanism of the word film. I love to go and watch a film, very relaxing. There have been some great pictures recently

  9. i have never liked a movie better than it’s original printed version. Cos in the printed one, i can be the director. :-)

    freddy kua
  10. Her life as a movie. Was it a comedy or a tragedy? She had multiple personalities so I guess it could be both……

  11. I love movies, they take you away from wherever you are, they show you a world you didnt know about. they help you forget, or remember. they show you another point of view, or show others yours. they bring colour, life laughter, tears sadness joy surprise knowldge.

  12. I love a good movie. Movie of my life. what would it be . Love story, adventure, definitely not sci fi who would play my part

    Chris G
  13. a moving picture. You may watch a movie with your friends or family. You go to the movies for a date and eat popcorn along with throwing it at people. Quite an enjoyable thing but makes your brain turn to mush if you watch too mutch. Movies are pretty amazing becayse of all the hot guys.

    Kit Kat
  14. I remember going to a movie at the local theatre every Saturday when I was a kid. Imagine a theatre filled with prepubescent girls and boys throwing popcorn, rooting for the hero and booing the villain, all at once.

  15. movie is the word i won’t be able to write a lot, because I don’t go to the cinema – it is much too loud and here, in Austria, smoking is allowed – so movies are the films I am waiting until I can watch them in the TV.

  16. I want to watch a movie. A good movie. One that will become a favorite. What else am I going to do as an unemployed, recent college graduate on a rainy Sunday?

  17. You don’t get it. That must be why you ran out of the theatre. Outside, you looked like a still photograph, sepia-toned, ready to crumble. ‘What’s wrong?’ ‘I’m not invested in the characters.’

  18. my life on the screen. watching people come and go. can’t ask them to stop. like a movie, i am powerless. I am shocked. I am scared. I want so much to know the ending before it’s too late.

  19. I’d like to go to a movie. It’s been a long time since I’ve been. I think it’s more a need to get out. It feels like I’ve been cooped up for so long. I need to get out with my SO and do something fun.

  20. i saw a movie on how not to lead a country. The film angles and acting were great, the true life conclusion may be disasterous. I saw old men making inexperiences deicisons. I saw a movie on how not to lead a country.

  21. I like to watch movies.
    Sometimes my life feels like a movie; things just turn out too perfectly.
    Like, someone out there is watching me and writing things for me to do and say and think and feel. Someone cruel.
    I wish I were the one watching this life movie.
    I don’t want to be in it anymore, even as an extra.

  22. whats in a movie the same old thing I always see. The plot is so predictable it is a rare movie indeed that can keep me guessing. I cant watch horror movies alone I need someone else there to keep me company and give me strength. I get scared without someone there to protect.

  23. a good deal of cultural media. Causes emoitions to spur in a supersized fashion. Gives you ideas and ideals. Can have harmful effects on the weak-minded, however it is mostly a good thing.

  24. I never liked going to movies. The seats were too crowded, the floor was sticky, the smell of popcorn made me nauseous. Why was I going to one today? Why was I risking a paranoid meltdown? Love. The girl I loved asked me to go to a movie to her today. I can’t believe I agreed, but I would do anything for her, anything to get her to realize, I love her, more than I’ve loved anyone in my entire life. I wish she’d figure it out.

  25. sometimes I feel like my life is a movie, taht everyday, everyone is watching me, judging me, rating me, based on their levels of interest, what they expect of me. I feel like, no matter what, I will never please anyone, and the harder I try, the more I end up pleasing no-one. It’s hard, when you know that everyone, everyday, is watching your everymove. It almost makes me paranoid, scared that one day, I’ll mess up and I won’t be able to fix the problem

  26. They used to be silent, you know? They would take their punishment as I handed it out. They wouldn’t scream like you do now. They were harder than you, better. It doesn’t make me want to relinquish my hold on you, no, but to make it hurt worse. Maybe you’ll learn not to scream and you’ll be a better person for it.

    Miles Kear
  27. when the summers kills the spring
    and this screen pulls from beneeth
    us, we are fooled once more by the
    subtle trance of magic. and in this
    strage place we find ourselves lost,
    is a simple pull of magic and love.

    summers kill
  28. we sit in the darkness. the only sounds are our munching on the buttered popcorn. nobody stirs except the occasional fidgeter or the short whispered conversations between giggly girls. then, the blackness becomes complete, and the picture starts to roll.

  29. films actors and actresses. famous people, a story that is acted out. going to the cinema, buying popcorn.
    Watching a movie at the cinema with friends, eating popcorn ,fizzy drink. cold in the cinema theatre. lots of people. annoying people with mobile phones that are on which is very annoying
    watching movfie trailers

  30. today i watched a movie it was pretty good. sometimes i dream about being in a movie, but it’s not what i really want to do. i’d rather draw or dance.

  31. I love movies, i have seen over 1000 movies, in my 18 years on earth. My favourite is wanted and mr and mrs smith staring angelina jolie. I love movies a lot, i hope that one day i could be a director.

  32. i like movies. i watch them. “film” sounds so much more sophisticated. currently, i am watching into the wild. it’s pretty good.

    i’m sleepy.
    and tired.

  33. there was a movie on but heck i wasn’t watching. i mean i was LOOKING but i was too absorbed in your hand and your lip and your eye and your smell. pass me that spliff you fucker. pass me that wine. dull my nerves my gosh

  34. I just watched The Hangover. And it was hilarious. My Friend Joana, she kept laughing. Like an animal. Geresa, also a friend, also enjoyed the movie, The Hangover. I like friends.lp,kop,.-oimkpl.jmki9op.lkjim

  35. movies can be evil because they mimic real life and the more you watch them, you increase the potentiality of corrupting your view of what life is, should be, represents and feels like. i know a few girls that have this problem, particularly as induced by the romantic comedy genre.

  36. sometimes life is like a movie and I am the director

  37. Let’s go to the movies and sit in the center of the house. I’ll make jokes about the trailers, and you can squeeze my hand during the scary parts. We’ll laugh like drunk donkeys when the hero falls in the mud, and we’ll cry like it’s the funeral of the world when the lovers part. The End. Too Soon.

    Brian Slusher
  38. Haha, da muss ich an Jim Morrison und auch den Beginn des Films “The Doors” von Oliver Stone denken.
    “The Movie” hei

  39. Es war wie in einem Film, einem verdammt schlechten Film. Du reichtest mir noch ein letztes Mal die Hand, streichelstes dar

  40. I like waching India movies. they are entertaining. i like the songs in them and enjoy the drama.
    i like watching movie in a theater with my wife and with popcorn.
