
December 4th, 2008 | 111 Entries

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111 Entries for “muse”

  1. i saw a muse once but she was vomiting. in the gutter oooh i like gutters maybe that was the muse really and that tramp was vomitting onto My Muse! good god i dont know about muses any more maybe ill be better off not having one, or maybe being my own muse.. that would be boring i dont know

  2. dear Inspiration, it’s kinda frustrating, you going all m.i.a. like this. bitch move if you ask me.

  3. You used to be my muse. Used to.
    Used to.

    How sad a difference a year makes,
    or days
    even seconds.

    Because we cannot.
    Heartache will have to do.

  4. What am i doing this this timed what the fuck is this i just hit enter and it was here jesus christ quit it this is too much pressure i cant even use punctuation it stresses me out too much how long is the timer oh god its getting orange does that mean time is running out its red now ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  5. My muse lives in Tahitia. Not so much of a place, more, a mindset. But there’s something about the fog rising off of the bay in the moonlight, crabs scuttling along the shore, and the city shining in the distance that just captivates me.

    Kristin F
  6. sitting alone among dark storm clouds, the sky is screaming. Lightning arcs from cloud to cloud, and rain fills the sky. But to me, all is quiet. I hear nothing but silence. Silence from them whom no longer ask anything of me. Dead and still me and my instrument will remain, until the sky itself falls dead. Then I’ll have nowhere to sit.

  7. inspiration, endless, infinite, artistic, musical, life, yes music is life as is art. the imitation of life on paper or through sound. Experience everything, deny nothing. Enjoy the sound. Muse

    Garrett Perrella
  8. I am a muse, an entity of the arts. I see all and hear all. I am the music thats surrounds you in every living thing. Come and dance with me across the sky.

  9. muse…it’s a band. I remember feeling cool when reading on facebook that Jay liked Muse. It made me feel all trendy and hipster too. in reality, there’s a small number of Muse songs I actually like. so maybe i’m not as hipster as i think. same with regina spektor…i try so hard to like her music because i have some weird notion that it’s cool…but i end up switching over to nelly furtado first chance i get.

  10. A muse an interesting creature which inspires and makes people say and perform wonderful creations.

    But the question is whether or not a muse is a real element, a person or event, such as what the Greek believed, or if a muse is an introspective creation.

    Inside of each and every one of us, do we not have a muse? A muse that inspires and allows us to perform wonderful, beautiful things?

    Perhaps it is a combination, and a physical muse only serves to enhance and motivate our internal muse.

    Chris Riley
  11. it she or isn’t she. don’t look. don’t touch. fly through like a bullet on a summer fling. where is the summit of love. climbing and climbing only backwards and down. break the fall.

  12. The muse. What an odd thing. People name them, talk to them, love them and hate them. But what are they? bits of wind and roses? Walking, tlaking people moving around in the heads of people slightly insane? A love, a lust for life, whether it’s realistic or fantasy? Or is it some machovistic thing that likes to make our lives both harder and easier on us? What is the muse? I don’t know. Maybe it’s a dream, a dream of something more yet not. Like the winter feeling, where everything is possible yet you’ll have to cry blood to achieve it.

  13. an ispiration something to sing about to dram about to write and dance about. different for everyone and it doesnt matter what it is so long as it gets you off your ass and doing what you love. just like my muse does

  14. My muse ran with scissors, we told her not to, now she is no longer my muse, bummer.

  15. muse
    supermassive black holes

  16. She who inspires, is she amazingly beautiful or disgustingly ugly? Either way, I’ll write about something.

  17. you are mine. i am yours. i love it. thinking of the joy and the light that flows through both of us when we are in each other’s presence, and knowing that it infuses our creativity with something special. something untapped, unknowable, unbelievably beautiful. thank you. and you’re welcome.

  18. muse? i don’t fucking know. it’s my first time visiting this site here. muse is a wicked band. i’ve seen them live in toronto. i was bored and now i’m kinda amused. how much more seconds do i have o fuck name and email i must write

  19. Ricky is my muse. my room is my muse. when im around both of them at the same time the ideas for my art flow out of my head and my hands like water. It has been eight months since iv seen him and i miss him so much. a couple more months and my muse will be here with me again. I have a new puppy to keep me company for the time being. his name is brady and hes a great dane. he keeps me on my toes.

  20. I spend so much time thinking about things like that. I wonder if there’s someone behind this, inspiring such thoughts in me. I doubt it, unless it’s just some internal representation of my thoughts that I’m not familiar with on a personal level yet. I’d never want to leave this behind, but I also don’t want to get too close. Something makes me really happy about having this unseen, unknown inspiration in me for no particular reason, and it makes me realize that I know a lot more than I thought I did.

  21. I remebmber i once saw a movie called Xanadu it starred Olivia newton john she was a muse for this guy who stopped liking to paint album cvers I’m not sure how accurate it was in the actual muse mythology but hey who cares, it had rollerdisco…

  22. His musings were annoying and tedious. A tale about a trip to the bodega for a quart of milk turned into a twenty-seven minute philosophical monologue dealing with the atrocities of the Napoleonic Wars. The tie-in? A clerk at the store looked like Sir Arthur Wellesley.

  23. A muse is that hot lady who sits by the sink. I don’t know why she’s by the sink. Maybe she has silky legs and needs to shave. With bubbles. And champaign. Shaving with bubbles. Like a fairy with wings. But what fairies don’t have wings? Would they still be a fairy?

  24. sing to me muse, odysseus called to the divine being. I call to you, too – and you can answer me in the same voice that you have used to answer poets since they learned to invoke your name.

  25. Kobu looked at Cornelia, irritated. The little muse had been following him around all day, as usual.
    “Conelia,” he said, turning to her with annoyance written clearly on his face. “Do you have anything else to do?”
    She smiled. “Nope.”

  26. The muse sat and wrote spilling his feelings for the world to read. Maybe one day he’ll be found and loved by someone more than his mom…

  27. A band that play music lots, they are very kinda emo with dark photos, but play good songs and my english is terrible as im not thinking about it properly, my teacher likes em and he is dead on and has a poster of them in his classroom. I have a few songs of them on my Ipod.

  28. i have a little muse whose name cannot be place
    i know nothing about them
    nor do they know me
    i have a little muse who dresses the way i like
    looks the way i want to look
    and is far cooler than me

  29. i dont think that i know what i am writing but all i know is that she is beautiful and i really want to love her for the rest of my life. she is why I feel these days and she is everything that i think about. my normal life is gone and now all i am is us, which would have bothered me before but i trust her and i know that she will never crush my heart but cherish the love i have allowed myself to feel for her.

  30. a muse is something we must listen to . . . . it gives us insights and inspiration . . the more we listen to our inner muse – the more creative and imaginative we’ll become . . . don’t stiffle her . . . .

  31. its hard to find the words to say. The pictures so blurry until i see the most beautiful eyes my owns ever seen. she puts it all into perspective.

    Jason McCracken