
January 7th, 2013 | 270 Entries

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270 Entries for “must”

  1. i must be dreaming. i must see things clearly soon or there will be difficulties. i must do so much but there is not enough muster in myself to complete each must i must. i must do what i must. i must love and be love. i must be willing to put all of myself forth for another. i must. you must.

  2. There are many things I must do.
    I must have my mom make me a sandwich.
    I must throw myself off a cliff.
    I must go to a hectic party and get so wasted, I don’t even understand English anymore.
    Most importantly, I must eat people until I’m the only human left on the dry desolate wasteland humans call Earth.
    That’s what I must do.

  3. It was needed. They had to do it. Everyone was expecting it. The boy and girl stared into each others’ eyes, looking for emotion. The audience watched as the two embraced, arms and lips on top of one another.

  4. His clothing had a musty smell to it, no matter how freshly washed it was. It lingered after he was already long gone, leaving me clinging to the bed sheets and pressing my nose into the fabric furniture, desperate to catch one last wisp of him before he disappeared completely from the space.

  5. You must be this and you must be that. You can’t be who you want or do what you need. It is all take take take. And there is never any given back. There is not time to breathe, no time to stop. Close your eyes even for a second and you could lose everything.

  6. I must get to the store. She’s not going to make it much longer. If I don’t go fast, she might lose it. Of all the things to have on a Friday at 3AM, it’s a pregnant wife with a craving for Chunky Monkey and McDonald’s fries.

  7. i must i must i must improve my bust. It’s funny how slogans stick in our heads even one’s like that when it seems really hard to improve your bust. I have a mighty fine bust i don’t think it needs too much enhancing. In fact i wouldnt mind a bust of my bust. Although that seems a little narcissistic. There that’s my bust.

  8. I am something you have to do, you hve no choice. You have limited time, so do it now. Do not delay, do not find a distraction, the time is now. Forget any plans you made, you have to mke this your plan. You must.You must

  9. Must is an odd word. I mean, the concept that we absolutely have to do something is a bit odd, anyways. In reality, we’re not really obligated to do anything – we’re only given that illusion by the people around us and the society we live in.

    The Awkward Writer
  10. There really was no option. She either had to jump across the crevice and die trying, or fail to jump and die at the hands of his men. It seemed an obvious choice, and anyone else would have just made the leap. But she couldn’t. Her brain wasn’t wired that way. Her legs shook as she coiled them, preparing for the strongest form of rebellion against her brain, the one they’d manufactured and moulded – the one they made sure would never rebel. She was going to do it. She was going to disobey the code. And she had no idea what was waiting on the other side. For a brief moment, as she leaped and the wind rushed against her face, she considered that maybe she would just cease to exist if she broke the coding. Maybe there was nothing beyond it. But there was nothing but empty space beneath her anyway, so she hurled her hands forward, propelling her momentum faster and smacked chest first into the jagged rock. She registered the pain, but what coursed stronger through her veins was an alien feeling, like sweet hot butter running her. Rebellion.

  11. You must what you have to. Must is a requirement. Things can be musty, old, dusty. Dust and must rhyme with each other. I must do this, you must do that, we must stop. We must love each other. We must smile. We must laugh. What mustn’t we do? We must not be mean. We must don’t fight. We must try not to cry. We must do what is right. I must stop writing.

  12. Just walk up, smile, and act like you own the place. When he checks the ID, shift your weight to the left, like you’re impatient. Never lower your eyes. And if he’s looking at the ID for more than a second, pull out a cigarette and light it. You’re not nervous. You belong in this club. You know it and he does too.

  13. the word you use when feeling compelled by a force, may it be someone else or yourself. sometimes confused with ‘should’. the difference is with should, you have a choice, to choose the normally accepted course the should one, or the not accepted one, the one you should not. but with an action you must, you have no for example i must not tell lies. this was the line happy potter had to write over and over again with his blood in detention with umbridge, because he shouted at her in class saying voldemort is back and the ugly toad is just a tyrant-wannabe. not a very successful one though. she was dragged away by the centaurs.go, centaur!

    diana perne
  14. must is a word that drives us do do something. “i MUST get this done” for example. we use it to push ourselves forward and gives others motivation to complete something. it shows importance

    Kaylee Ripple
  15. There really was no option. She either had to jump across the crevice and die trying, or fail to jump and die at the hands of his men. It seemed an obvious choice, and anyone else would have just made the leap. But she couldn’t. Her brain wasn’t wired that way. Her legs shook as she coiled them, preparing for the strongest form of rebellion against her brain, the one they’d manufactured and moulded – the one they made sure would never rebel. She was going to do it. She was going to disobey the code. And she had no idea what was waiting on the other side. For a brief moment, as she leaped and the wind rushed against her face, she considered that maybe she would just cease to exist if she broke the coding. Maybe there was nothing beyond it. But there was nothing but empty space beneath her anyway, so she hurled her hands forward, propelling her momentum faster and smacked chest first into the jagged rock. She registered the pain, but what burst through her chest was an alien feeling, like sweet hot butter coursing through her veins. Rebellion.

    Madeleine Taylor
  16. It was imperative that he reach her. He must do this, or she would never know the truth. He would never live with her not knowing what had happened on that fateful night in the snow. He rode as fast as he could, urging his horse faster and faster, but it was too late. The letter dropped to the floor

  17. Must is a word that really terrifies me because it is one of those word that requires you to do something. Must makes you feel like everything is impertinent to that one thing that you are going to do, and if you don’t then everything will go to hell.

    Scott Ault
  18. Must. I must do what? Must feel, must try, its all just obligation. You “must” do nothing. We are completely free. Right?

    Tyler Garman
  19. Must. Must is an often misinterpreted and sadly, occasionally overused. need to one person is nothing to another. When it’s used correctly,however, it’s a dramatic call to Action, never timid or optional, and is often followEd by conquer or succeed it’s really, again perhaps sadly, a word of the past. Now instead of dramatic and fire and TRUE need, must is us Ed for trivial and self employing purposes. It’s often overused and misinterpreted.

  20. Something that should not be overlooked.

    But that’s life. All our lives, we overlook or forget or take our surroundings for granted. Our loved ones. Sunrises. Laughter. Hold tight to your moments of happiness because they may only be oases in a desert, and if you blink you’ll miss these flashes of brilliance. I must, I must, I must.

  21. Oh but you must, you just must or it will all be a shame without you, a crying shame and I would just drown in the tears of it all.

  22. You must make your bed. This is what my mother tells me every morning. I must make my bed the moment I am out of it. That doesn’t make sense to me. Why must I make my bed? I’m going to be right back in it, messing it up tonight. So what’s the point in making it? Sure, perhaps I do have to get out and get dressed. But I’d much rather leave my bed the way it was.

  23. I must. You must. We must. They must. Everyone must do something, whether it be as simple as breathing, or as complex as disengaging a bomb. Everyone must do at least one thing at all times. We must do hard things, easy things, fun things, and boring things. However combine all of it, and it becomes our past. our present, our future. The things we must do and how we do them determines who we are. We must.

  24. Must one always be optimistic? Must has such a way about it. No if ands or buts, MUST means you MUST. There is something stuffy and old about it as well. You simply MUST do this as it IS The Thing. I must run out and get this or I simply won’t be of the time. Must isn’t as great as I can or I should or have the promise of I will. I must is an obligation to do something, for good or ill. I must have been crazy to sit down with this.

  25. I must have been crazy to stand so close to the edge of the volcano, but Cory had given me very good incentive. The fact that he was dangling my puppy over the lip was all the reason I needed to be there. If it weren’t for the overwhelming heat, I would have gotten there with all my faculties intact. As it stood, I wasn’t ready for a fight.

  26. i must have a pony because I love pony’s and horses all of my life and it would be so awesome if I had a pony. i don’t even know it is just a must for me in my life along with so many other things like a big house and an education. Just things that would make me positively happy are a must for me as being happy is my top priority. I feel like being content and happy with your life is a must. If we don’t have happiness in our life and surrond ourselves with loved one’s than what is the point in living? Certain things are a must for me in life, surrounding myself with all these positive things is a must if I want to be happy.

  27. It’s a quiet scent, underneath it all, lingering.
    It doesn’t yell for you, scream for you, shout for it.
    It waits.
    It floats there, just under the shimmer of his over indulgent smile, the shine of his over enthusiastic gaze.
    It’s a hazy, unfocused scent – blurring his crisp edges and softening them with its cotton must.

  28. Must. Must. The weight of must is heavy and disgusting. Must I? I look at must and I feel its power. I resent its power. Must. I spit it out.

  29. I must clean the house. I must change the litter box. I must cook. I must work out. I must get my work done. I must do laundry. I must put away all the Christmas presents we brought home. I must get everything done. I must be friendly. I must be kind. I must…ew, this is kind of musty…

  30. I must get this done. I must. I need to finish what I had started, no matter what the cost. Some would call me crazy and overly persistent, but I had to finish. It was my only goal, practically my destiny.

  31. Emily didnt know what she must do but i do. all ya gotta do is write some stuff for a couple seconds. cant be too hard. just whatevers on the top of your head is what you must do. if you dont well your only hurting yourself right? BIG BUST IN HER EYE. dead wrong dead dead dead wrong. who got it goin on?

  32. You’ve crossed the line, now I will do what I must. I don’t want to, but you leave me with no other choice. Just a warning, life for you these next days is going to be living hell. I didn’t want to have to do this, but now I must.

  33. How could it have come to this? I must have lost myself somewhere within all this chaos. The world around me spins, off it’s axel and into the blank void that is life. I must find who I am, the person within me that has disappeared within this battle. I must, for without myself what can I be?

  34. needing to do something, not being able to put it off any longer, desperation time, procrastination on essays and needing to get something done, puhsing it to the very end, trying to work under pressure and get something done without being prepared

  35. The heat stuck to the walls and slid down in pools, puddling on the tiled floors. A fan overhead hummed, useless; shifting hot air across the room in a lazy wave.

    “Do we really have to?” Her voice was low, cracking slightly.
    “We must,” he replied. He swept sweaty hair off his forehead, trying to ignore the hunk of metal sitting on the table next to him.

    She, on the other hand, couldn’t stop staring at it. She watched the light glinting off the shiny edges and dips, trying to come to terms that something used to serve and protect could also end so many lives.

  36. I must do it. Eventually… but not now. I’m not ready. I’m still scared…

    Must. What a forceful word. You must do this, you must do that. You must save me, or else I will surely fall…

  37. i dont know what i must do for this because i got this computer out of nowhere and it makes no sense to me. I’m really confused but it makes me laugh but I feel really stupid and feel like i’m being tricked.

  38. Thinking before speaking is a…

  39. You must, you must. Take the chalice full of poison and put it to your lips. Drink deep and long until you are falling down and you cannot feel and your pupils are blown wide to take in a distant light.

  40. must do this, must do that. there isn’t anything that i actually must do, apart from the bodily functions necessary to keep myself alive. I must, for instance, sleep, but there is no must about having to fulfil the daily ‘requirements’ of ‘life’. nothing must be done…
