mythical creatures of ancient greece with seven eyes three heads. turn to stone. i wonder if they are real. the gods and goddesses that are worshiped. or is it just a myth?
myth means tofarzi things which is not true…
there are many examples trelatedf gjk i dolm
a myth is usually something that most people believe in, but has no actual truth to it. I don’t know why so many people buy into them. I guess because they are taught from generation to generation, and people just blindly believe them.
I learned about myths in class yesterday. I learned cracking your knuckles and causing arthritis is a myth. I thought that was pretty cool. That’s just one example of what I learned. Makes me curious as to what other myths are out there that I’ve lived believing to be true. Like unicorns. lol kidding. Hmm..
Derek Gamboa
“It’s not really true, you know.”
“What’s not?”
“The Doorway.”
“What makes you think that?”
“Well you can tell by the way people talk about it. The more awed they seem to be, the less likely it is to be true.”
“People ARE terribly excited about The Doorway. They seem to think that it’s going to open and save the planet.”
During the conversation, I had been fiddling with the Green Button that had become so familiar to me over the last year. I pressed it. As always, i had no idea what EXACTLY was going to happen. Only that SOMETHING would.
A badger ambled up to us. It sniffed the air. And sneezed.
The Doorway open infront of its snotty, twitching nose.
It ran away.
I wanted to do the same but was bound by Inter-Galactic Law. I had to stay and see this through.
A magical dragon flying away towards the sun. I saw it turn into a speck…and then the speck fell to the ground. I ran toward the corner…took out my binoculars and saw the dragon on its back on the ground
watching the mythbusters is not only great entertainment but u also can learn cool and interesting facts…
something that you don’t know is true.
unless you test it..
test the limits.
and figure out the truth
the truth behind
the madness
aren’t something you can figure out from history
you figure them out
by testing yourself
alessa maire
Hippos, twirling multicolored parasols, flung themselves from the airplane, while sipping on pink lemonade and feverishly working their etch-a-sketches, landing on their feet, thus exploding the myth that hippos are not dainty.
Hippos, twirling multicolored parasols, flung themselves from the airplane, while sipping on pink lemonade and feverishly working their etch-asketches, landing on their feet, thus exploding the myths that hippos are not dainty.
is not true. but would be cool if they where though.
Hippos, twirling multicolored parasols, flung themselves from the airplane, while sipping on pink lemonade and feverishly working their etch-asketches, landing on their feet, thus exploding the myths that hippos are not dainty.
A certain belief that is felt by many but isn’t neccesarily true or can be proven. Something that occupies the fears of many but a lot of times isn’t even worth thinking about. I like to think a lot about these and comtimplate how the stories of them affect my life.
Josh Holloway
something magical that one wants to believe in. God is a myth if all Gods are mythical. Urban legends that keep life interesting. What would we do without them?
Sara S
Myth is humanity’s attempt to get closer to God, and preserve themselves in a way that elevates themselves above the mundane, preserving not only their memory but also their wishes and desire to shape the world and their history.
the world isquiet and perfectly ordered
days are long and nights are cold and heavy
im shiping out in night planing to rest my brain from all the things i’ve done that day
I wish there was one of me not messing up my relationships purpose.
Myth… sometimes they hold the greatest truths and, more often than not, they are the best part of the most boring day. Something magical and amazing – … that and it’s fun to say if you have a lisp! MYTH!
the myth of my life is that I am a tremendously social person where the reality is, I’m a monastic in hiding. I love solitude, I love to spend time alone with God, with my soul and the two in connection. It is a place of solace rather than stress.
gods and godesses
something that isn’t true
I think it may be a muty that myths exist. I mean, really, a myth is something that allegedly happened, years and years past. But, in story form, it becomes like any other story and its meaning does not rest on the foundation of its possible truth. So, doesit even matter?
there was something i had heard about myself.
it wasnt true before, but it had become so.
i made this myth into my own
gary willickers
my brain is clouded
I’m given such an opportunity but the stench of alcohol alters my judgment
I see you in a light that in unfathomable
a relic of the past long gone
I mythologize you
the connection we share
the wonder i feel
it’s as if I’m staring at a pewter statue of a Greek goddess, remarkably preserved throughout the ages by some act of a miracle. Which is how I see you. A miracle to my life. You’ve changed me.
i don’t understand myth
something that is not necissarily true..a story..a falacy. Something that has passed from generation to generation as truth, but isn’t substantiated by facts.
I don’t nkow what is myth.But I really like the MAC lipistick.
A myth is something that someone develops from a normal story. It can take on many forms, and derives from something that is real or possibly a stretch of the imagination. There are myths in most cultures around the world.
Caitlin Armstrong
A myth is something that is false, something that is not real nor factual. A myth may spring from someone or someones who created a story about something that they could not explain. A myth can be dispelled and easily proven to not be concrete
Stephanie Dolzall
I still remember you,i really don’t want to but every nigth before I go to sleep I think about that nigth and that conversation.I don’t really love u.But I like you.
is all storiess…. theyre all never reall…. no poiintt of belivin themm.. but they do interest me.. fascinaing indeedd
myths are legends people live by in order to explain the unexplainable in their lives and around the world in general. Sometimes myths help instill good habits in people. Eg. eat carrots- eyes will improve.
unique as one self.I am me I will live and be me as a unique mom,wife,daughter,and friend.I am who I AM UNIQUE.
what is it no one knows if it is true some time it would be good to be true and what is the truth. is truth and myth simular
creations that can only be seen through the photographs in one’s mind. pass me down, and i will change. i will become what your mind percieves me to be. i am your creation of history that morphs with your imagination, i am nothing but hollow words.
something which is not quite proven, a tale, a story, a legend. possibly folklore. mythical characters are often super-human or have super human qualities or characteristics for example, great strength.
Myth is the butthole of time while created by a time space continuum rip in the side of Vietnam. Created by Arthur Van Gogh in 1943.
My word for this year will be OPEN. I need to be more open to God and to recognize how he is always with me and helping me. I need to be more open to my husband and child and not close myself down when I am upset or angry. I want to be OPEN to change and the power of God.
Jann in Toledo, Ohio
Calliope, the most beautiful of the seven muses, was the inspirer of epic poetry. Quick to elude capture, and always on the run, she now lives amongst mere mortals, hoping one day to get credit for Lord of the Rings….
something not true, but people believe or like to tell about, perhaps something that sounds good or a story, something that can make something make sense in a way but something that is not truth
mythical creatures of ancient greece with seven eyes three heads. turn to stone. i wonder if they are real. the gods and goddesses that are worshiped. or is it just a myth?
myth means tofarzi things which is not true…
there are many examples trelatedf gjk i dolm
a myth is usually something that most people believe in, but has no actual truth to it. I don’t know why so many people buy into them. I guess because they are taught from generation to generation, and people just blindly believe them.
I learned about myths in class yesterday. I learned cracking your knuckles and causing arthritis is a myth. I thought that was pretty cool. That’s just one example of what I learned. Makes me curious as to what other myths are out there that I’ve lived believing to be true. Like unicorns. lol kidding. Hmm..
“It’s not really true, you know.”
“What’s not?”
“The Doorway.”
“What makes you think that?”
“Well you can tell by the way people talk about it. The more awed they seem to be, the less likely it is to be true.”
“People ARE terribly excited about The Doorway. They seem to think that it’s going to open and save the planet.”
During the conversation, I had been fiddling with the Green Button that had become so familiar to me over the last year. I pressed it. As always, i had no idea what EXACTLY was going to happen. Only that SOMETHING would.
A badger ambled up to us. It sniffed the air. And sneezed.
The Doorway open infront of its snotty, twitching nose.
It ran away.
I wanted to do the same but was bound by Inter-Galactic Law. I had to stay and see this through.
A magical dragon flying away towards the sun. I saw it turn into a speck…and then the speck fell to the ground. I ran toward the corner…took out my binoculars and saw the dragon on its back on the ground
watching the mythbusters is not only great entertainment but u also can learn cool and interesting facts…
something that you don’t know is true.
unless you test it..
test the limits.
and figure out the truth
the truth behind
the madness
aren’t something you can figure out from history
you figure them out
by testing yourself
Hippos, twirling multicolored parasols, flung themselves from the airplane, while sipping on pink lemonade and feverishly working their etch-a-sketches, landing on their feet, thus exploding the myth that hippos are not dainty.
Hippos, twirling multicolored parasols, flung themselves from the airplane, while sipping on pink lemonade and feverishly working their etch-asketches, landing on their feet, thus exploding the myths that hippos are not dainty.
is not true. but would be cool if they where though.
Hippos, twirling multicolored parasols, flung themselves from the airplane, while sipping on pink lemonade and feverishly working their etch-asketches, landing on their feet, thus exploding the myths that hippos are not dainty.
A certain belief that is felt by many but isn’t neccesarily true or can be proven. Something that occupies the fears of many but a lot of times isn’t even worth thinking about. I like to think a lot about these and comtimplate how the stories of them affect my life.
something magical that one wants to believe in. God is a myth if all Gods are mythical. Urban legends that keep life interesting. What would we do without them?
Myth is humanity’s attempt to get closer to God, and preserve themselves in a way that elevates themselves above the mundane, preserving not only their memory but also their wishes and desire to shape the world and their history.
the world isquiet and perfectly ordered
days are long and nights are cold and heavy
im shiping out in night planing to rest my brain from all the things i’ve done that day
I wish there was one of me not messing up my relationships purpose.
Myth… sometimes they hold the greatest truths and, more often than not, they are the best part of the most boring day. Something magical and amazing – … that and it’s fun to say if you have a lisp! MYTH!
the myth of my life is that I am a tremendously social person where the reality is, I’m a monastic in hiding. I love solitude, I love to spend time alone with God, with my soul and the two in connection. It is a place of solace rather than stress.
gods and godesses
something that isn’t true
I think it may be a muty that myths exist. I mean, really, a myth is something that allegedly happened, years and years past. But, in story form, it becomes like any other story and its meaning does not rest on the foundation of its possible truth. So, doesit even matter?
there was something i had heard about myself.
it wasnt true before, but it had become so.
i made this myth into my own
my brain is clouded
I’m given such an opportunity but the stench of alcohol alters my judgment
I see you in a light that in unfathomable
a relic of the past long gone
I mythologize you
the connection we share
the wonder i feel
it’s as if I’m staring at a pewter statue of a Greek goddess, remarkably preserved throughout the ages by some act of a miracle. Which is how I see you. A miracle to my life. You’ve changed me.
i don’t understand myth
something that is not necissarily true..a story..a falacy. Something that has passed from generation to generation as truth, but isn’t substantiated by facts.
I don’t nkow what is myth.But I really like the MAC lipistick.
A myth is something that someone develops from a normal story. It can take on many forms, and derives from something that is real or possibly a stretch of the imagination. There are myths in most cultures around the world.
A myth is something that is false, something that is not real nor factual. A myth may spring from someone or someones who created a story about something that they could not explain. A myth can be dispelled and easily proven to not be concrete
I still remember you,i really don’t want to but every nigth before I go to sleep I think about that nigth and that conversation.I don’t really love u.But I like you.
is all storiess…. theyre all never reall…. no poiintt of belivin themm.. but they do interest me.. fascinaing indeedd
myths are legends people live by in order to explain the unexplainable in their lives and around the world in general. Sometimes myths help instill good habits in people. Eg. eat carrots- eyes will improve.
unique as one self.I am me I will live and be me as a unique mom,wife,daughter,and friend.I am who I AM UNIQUE.
what is it no one knows if it is true some time it would be good to be true and what is the truth. is truth and myth simular
creations that can only be seen through the photographs in one’s mind. pass me down, and i will change. i will become what your mind percieves me to be. i am your creation of history that morphs with your imagination, i am nothing but hollow words.
something which is not quite proven, a tale, a story, a legend. possibly folklore. mythical characters are often super-human or have super human qualities or characteristics for example, great strength.
Myth is the butthole of time while created by a time space continuum rip in the side of Vietnam. Created by Arthur Van Gogh in 1943.
My word for this year will be OPEN. I need to be more open to God and to recognize how he is always with me and helping me. I need to be more open to my husband and child and not close myself down when I am upset or angry. I want to be OPEN to change and the power of God.
Calliope, the most beautiful of the seven muses, was the inspirer of epic poetry. Quick to elude capture, and always on the run, she now lives amongst mere mortals, hoping one day to get credit for Lord of the Rings….
something not true, but people believe or like to tell about, perhaps something that sounds good or a story, something that can make something make sense in a way but something that is not truth