
November 24th, 2009 | 340 Entries

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340 Entries for “needle”

  1. a needle in a haystack. the last thing yo can ever find when you need it. or do yo need it?
    no you don’t.
    it’s just an expression.
    You want the needle… but you don’t need it.
    it needs you.
    the needle NEEDS for you to find it.
    then. life will be complete.

    Molly Bogie
  2. “Don’t say another word. I’ll kill you right now.”
    “Easy friend. Put the sword down. No one is trying to provoke you.”
    “Shut you mouth. Your men have badmouthed my Father for the last time.”
    “My men have only commented on what the town is saying. You know he’s bad with the wine.”

  3. i thought that you were the one meant for me, needle and thread.
    you pushed buttons into fabric and made the cold stand outside my body
    fully and thoroughly my hands weaved art out of the string,
    making the culture flourish and the home gaurded against the cold

  4. are used for going through small holes or creating small holes when they pass through. The substance that is matters for it is the medium.

  5. the needle found its way from the soft plush fabric onto the rigid and rough skin as if sutures were being fabricated from bleeding skin

  6. shot. tattoo. ew. breathe. oh. that’s not bad.

  7. i have little experience with needles. i once had a pair of pants with pockets that kept getting holes in them. i tried several times to fix them but they kept redeveloping the holes. darn.

  8. pins

  9. The needle moved in a fluid motion, setting itself down gingerly upon the tip of her finger without noise. Did it hurt? – Not at all, she thought. A loveless needle, yet perfection in its shape, its gleam.

  10. I once took heroin but I didn’t like it so I decided to throw the needle away in a hazmat container. I decided then that I would never take heroine ever again.

  11. Shiny elongated piece of metal with a hole at the end to loop a thread in. The sharp other end stabs thr

  12. We are beautiful without the knife. The needle
    is for covering things
    Fixing imperfections
    fuck that
    I’ll take you for what you’re worth
    not the tag around your wrist
    “Defective – half off”
    Rip it off with me, and throw it off the cliff
    We can jump after it and swim
    Until we’re walking on the ocean floor
    Doing a waltz with our eyes
    and our lips

  13. The needle drives deep beneath my skin, I inject another dose of her. Her chemicals fill my veins and my pupils dilate. And for another night, I’m numb to this breaking heart.

    Jessica Greene
  14. space, pointy sewing, meth, DJ,

  15. sweing a dress a dress I hope i can be worth waring I think of an old school marm mina from bram stokers dracula working and creating things stich by stich creating something beautiful.

  16. sewing, alexs grandma, my mom, heroin, the velvet under ground, lindsey page, death, mark, janis joplin, jim morrison, cinderella, mice, dresses, spool, quilt

    anne theodora
  17. I’ve never been afraid of needles. I remember in high school, one of my teammates broke her leg on the field. She screamed bloody murder, but her issue wasn’t with the pain of the break, it was with getting a shot. She did NOT want a needle going hear her. I just couldn’t believe that.

  18. through the eye of the needle, to squeeze yourself through hard times. everyone needs some one to help them through.

  19. She stared desolately at the needle clutched in her hand. She hated her life. She always thought that she would love her new domestic life. She dreamed about it, prayed for it. She hated it now, hated it like all the other things she had taken up and disregarded, but this time it was for life. She had married into it. Her hatred of the very thing she wished for was pure irony in her eyes.

  20. it was so quiet i could hear a pin drop. your voice was silky smooth in my ears, your hands caressing my skin, your mouth on mine. i wanted you more than anything. our breath soon became ragged and panting. i let you inside of my shirt, but i was scared and you tasted like beer. i still want you, almost four years later.
  21. i ddnt see any word.

  22. this needle stuck in my arm hurt more than last time. i wanted to cry, but i don’t cry, so that seemed silly. no one else was complaining. it was my second time giving blood and i wanted to puke. i spent two hours on that bus,

  23. needle hay and stack. pick yo up and make you wack. pluck luck pluck puck me. love me. need me, needle. like i need you you you and your

    olivia motley
  24. As I lay in the chair staring at the screen, the needle slow fell, inch by inch to my eye. Oh what horror, the screen flash questions, I always answering the wrong questions. No pain has come, but the needle comes closer and closer to my eye. What is torture?

  25. I think of needles in arms. And needles in haystacks. And the needle of an old record player that my dad still owns.

    Modern- for the 50s. It’s automatic. The machine lowers the needle down for you. That way, you don’t scratch the record.

    Jacob Sussman
  26. sting my heart with pain so precise as if you know what you aimed for. thin and silver bullet. midnight hours surprise me with pain and sorrow nothing can compare to the heartbreak a needle can bring.

    e. mendoza
  27. this needle pionts towards me and it hurts to find it inside
    and everything goes lazy
    Im intoxicated with your
    flowing substance
    Broken needles and broken souls
    all in one combined and forever
    in need of assistance
    something more profound
    something more intricate
    then this life.

    Iman Nakhal
  28. sometimes I think needles could be cleaner than they really are. I used to get allergy shots twice a week, two shots in each arm. I did this for about 5 years. I wonder if it at all helped me overcome my allergies to most things, however, I am still very allergic to cats and dogs. I wonder how many dirty needles get used with people I know

    anny ominous
  29. Needles never scared me too much. But one of the limits I have placed on my drug use is that I won’t ever inject anything into my bloodstream. I don’t know why I have this limit…maybe because it’s my way of saying I’d never do heroin without explicitly saying so.

  30. for someone how know what to do

  31. a silver sharp object used for sewing. also used in relation to medicine. or drug use. like injecting heroin.

  32. fuck that, this word is too easy, im in a good mood i dont feel like going emo or drug or something stupid like that

    god im drunk

  33. heroine

  34. I think I’m the one person in the world who likes to get shots. I like the feeling of having something deep in my flesh. I like seeing the needle. I like how sharp it is. I dont like the pain, but I love the needle.

  35. I will put back together my life with a needle and thread.
    Not worry about the lose strings or seem differences.
    Ill focus on just the basic togetherness of it all and admire it.

    It will be better then before because i worked on it.

  36. needles remind me of drugs. and drugs remind me of people dying. dying is never good. thus needles remind me of bad things. People wonder why i don’t like needles. All it takes is understanding

  37. sharp prickly and hurts.
    skin deep, nerves crush, mind flashes with fear.
    cunning, tiny, omnipresent.

  38. the needle in the haystack says yes. as as we search for truth it cheers us on.. always rooting for the under dog. the needle in the haystack is to be found. within each and everyone of us and when it shines inside. it shows the way.

    al who disagree shal

    Ricardo Nelson
  39. The needle in my arm is you. The needle in my thigh is you. The needle that makes me who I’ve always been…Will always be you. That needle is so long and so thin, but it’s still there.

  40. Needle is an amazing tool used to stich clothes.there are many types of needles depending on the type of cloth to be today’s time no one has any time for doing there own stiching at home with needles…
