
November 24th, 2009 | 340 Entries

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340 Entries for “needle”

  1. you need a needle in order for you to patch up clothes. what if the needle never existed, then everyone will be naked today. i love naked things, it gives the real you. therefore, i do not like needles. they just harm you and does not show the real you.

  2. Needles scare the shit out of me, which is really fucked up since I used to cut myself. I think its because I just have an issue with things being inserted under my skin. The whole feeling of it sinking through the first layer, then through my vein makes me feel like I’m about to be sick.

  3. Hay agujas de pinos, agujas de reloj, agujas de costureras, agujas de sutura, y esas agujas tienen diferentes funiciones, las agujas tienen ojos pero no miran, los alfileres cabezas pero no piensan, la costura quirurgica se ha quedado rezagada no hay mas que un solo estilo.

  4. sharp

  5. an important but most ignored commodity. when a button breaks out, needing this is what is most frustrating.
    finding a needle in a haystack is one famous quote associated with it.
  6. Needle. I know a Needles McCormick. He’s called that because he thinks he’s in a gang. Someone made up that as a nickname for him because it goes along with the joke that he does meth

  7. the needle in the haystack was found the day i found you.
    the needle in the arm killed you the day they left
    the pins and needles i have when i kiss you. The chemo was destroying me and

  8. the needle is a usefull thing a life. some persons talking is like a needle. we use needle to push on any thing but we also

  9. I just wonder how long it will be until I see someone who will be mine forever. How long will it be until I go on a date, until I hold hands, until I’m kissed? I’m okay with waiting. I can be patient. But sometimes I get tired of waiting. Maybe I’ve already met him. Maybe soon…

  10. I am afraid of needles. One time, I was giving blood and a woman stuck a needle underneath my skin, then moved it around in a circle in an effort to hit one of my veins. She did not succeed.

    When I see a needle, my heart rate rises and my blood pounds in my ears. I know it’s harmless, but I’m scared anyway.

  11. I’d like to keep annoying her for the rest of the day. sticking the needle in again and again. why does she cause me pain? Perhaps I ought to say she doesn’t and get on with my work.

  12. in a haystack is what comes to mind, and needling someone needlessly, the amazing awesome tool last thought

  13. As a kid, needles fascinated me. I loved the way my mother squinted to pull through a thread out of that little apperture at the needle head. I loved the marvelously thin object’s uniformity, and shine.

  14. so much time to push it

    ozan sakin
  15. sharp

  16. How did it feel like? She couldnt remember. All she saw was the big, smooth face of the nurse before she fainted. There was something cold, hollow and terrible behind her eyes. But when she opened her mouth to scream, her breath was stolen.

  17. put a needle on it diye bi şarkı vardı. jazz gibi değil gibi. kendi kendime s

    irem erman
  18. threadbare, destructive forces of water breaking the silence of a grey sunday. Ample chances, lost.

  19. Needles are sharp, there is one sticking out of my mouth, currently. Tucked neatly by my lips, my gums and my teeth. I love show sharp needles are. Ow, I’m bleeding!
  20. Thread it through the middle of the silverness and find the glorious ecstasy in the needle in the haystack. The camels pass is through the needle like camel toe? Who Knows??

  21. pin point, a small little character made of meddle and it is sharp. it hurts, it sows what also is cut. smart. diligent. low profile. concealable. new.

  22. a thin, long metal piece with an eye at one end for thread to pass through- a tool for sewing and embroidery; needling is pestering, grilling in a painful way.vehicles needle through heavy traffic.

    pavalamani pragasam
  23. The needle tears a hole. It’s bleeding. All the pain I have inside of me just keeps flowing out. Together with the blood.

  24. tyhnhnh ASK JOLLENE eeeee

  25. A sharp edge. “The needle tears a hole” by NIN is a sentence from an awesome song called Hurt. Feelings are getting torn up when you listen to that song.

  26. there is blood. Scary. But i am not afraid. So sharp a neadle that cause bleeding, yet i am still calm. I am ok.

  27. There is a needle and thread and they both work together to make a cheese sculpture that becomes the 8th wonder of the world to all the tiny rodents and Cinderella no longer has any friends because all the mice have left her for their god idol the cheese statue and sleeping beauty never dies because she never gets pricked.

  28. A needle drips poison into my bloodstream. Dying. Who’s gonna save me?

  29. Knitting.

    Needle clicks, dropped stitches,
    unravelled sleeves:living well.

    Table set for nine.
    Time to rest.

    Cy Margucci
  30. Doesn’t matter what the word is tonight, I am resigned to share how utterly exhausted I am. I am utterly exhausted. Exhaust fumes.

    akka b.
  31. bien

  32. I made sure to put it where I could find it. It was only when I sat down, that I finally did.

    Joe B.
  33. is like a thread is a thread? follows a thread. needles freak me out in the non thread sense because they remind me of drugs

  34. A sharp little thing, pointing at my eye. You’d think I would move. You would think I would freeze. Hell, even just say “Get that needle out of my face.” Instead, I react. I take it. I use it. Again and again, until the problem is solved.

  35. needle is used to stitch dress. needles can prick. i think sleeping beauty pricked one and fell into sleep. its very hard to put thread into needle sometimes. needles come attached to sewing machines or as single. many type of needles are there, thickness wise.

  36. pin pain tears fear misery death apology

  37. sharp ouch thread sew mom machine Nevada

  38. Thread, haystack, prick, sew, together, fix, mend.

  39. ouch

  40. the needle punctured my skin it suckedd! i was then bleeding profusely from the neck. The blood was squirting everywhereee on to the faces of all the people around me. I couldnt understand why all the people were still staring at the blood squirting out of my neck. Imagine all this because of a fucking needle.
