heroin and kurt cobain the damage done your not the only one. His greasy hair on the unplugged concert. I loved Kurt he didnt get a nation on heroin He got peoples heads out of their asses
Stick the needle in the skin and inject the medicine. This will make you better, I promise…
I have many many needles, but I only use them when I have to. I have a sewing machine that uses needles of a different sort, but I don’t know how to use that sewing machine. I force the machine to do hard things, resulting in broken needles. What a life! But I admire those who can use needles!
Arya’s grasp on Needle weakened. ‘No!’ she thought. That sword was a gift from her brother and now she had gotten it taken away. Despite the remorse she felt there was that glint of anger, that feeling made her want to be sure she got it back and for the first time she felt the desire to kill, kill those men that made her journey thus far so difficult. Besides that she also had to save her fellow travelers. They were headed different directions but she couldn’t just leave them there. Pretty ironic, it must’ve been for a girl to save the guy.
The haystack was immense and my time limited. There was no need to worry though as my magnetic charm drew the needle to me, as sure as if I were the north star itself.
to needle a patch on a sleeve.
Ha ha! The man said it was like searching for a needle in a haystack of needles! If you’re looking for a certain one, I can see how that would be difficult, but honestly? Don’t they all do the same thing?
Mark S.
needle sweedle canoodle. hang on, canoodle is something straight out of millas and boon romance novels, rite? oha..they’re mushy, i tell u, but they are fun! i do love them..it’s so predictable, but that’s exactly why i love them :).
pointy. pricky. shining silver. the needle pierced down my skin deeper and deeper…ooooooh..they were giving me an injection! btw, wat’s the fear of needles called?
I can’t remember the first outfit my mother sewed for me. I know she started when I was very young. I can’t even remember the last thing she sewed. One never realizes something is the last until it is over and gone. I do remember a few of the beautiful things she did sew.
in a haystack, get dust in my eyes as I race against her
must win, got to win
so much riding on this one little bet
I win, she goes with me
she wins, I go with Myrtle
I blink against the dust and sneeze,
Needlenose was his nickname, for one very obvious reason: it was long and thin. It defined him as a person and made his job seem predestined. He was a tailor.
the needle is a verry usefull tool,
The needle pierced the cloth with the kitten pattern on it as she thought about her son.
God only knows where he is now. In one of those houses where they get their fixes. He was probably curled up somewhere with a needle of his own in his hand.
Her needle snapped halfway through the kitten’s eye.
Iris D.
and then when the needle first went into the silk and satin sheets, it pulled at first and then got caught, dragging it down and tearing it from its restraints. The red shimmer died down to black and the machine gave an awful grunt.
kreskin painted himself
a blue shade
occipital blue
the hue you knew
when last you dated
Val. Now your printer,
her fonts have reduced
you to fawning over
the everpresent
green of you and she
when whirling in blessed
feet was the dream
inside your stylish
dickey. Come home
to the feast
you want to say, but
saying belies
the desire
still lurking
needles are sharp. i have a phobia of them yet i have many piercings and tattoos. weird aint it? one day i will grow to not be afraid of them but until that day i guess i will have to continue as i do.
there was this little needle once and it poked me. it really hurt. Needles are used for sweing, even if your not good at it. Sometimes the needle of my sewing machine breaks and I have to reaplace it. unless it’s my grandmothers them you have to replace it every couple of minutes. wihch sucks.
I watched my brother wince as the needles pierced his skin. He was bent over the chair, the tattoo artist intent on inking his skin.
I didn’t think he really wanted to do this. But his girlfriend was “hot,” and if she wanted her name on his chest, so be it.
i’m not gonna say “and thread” because that’s just not original, is it? needles are bad. pokey-poke. they’re like wimpy weapons. and nevertheless, we need those needles!
Needle is needles till you need to it. Need is the core of the word.Need is the core of relations. One needs to support another to be supported.
sharp, pointy and very thin. for blood or sewing. some times seen on skylines
i often poke myself with a needle while i’m sewing. i like sewing. like:…a camel go through the eye of a needle.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
A needle in a haystack — that’s how a lot of people feel about their life, their position. I wish each of them knew not only how unique they are, but also the positive effects they have had on others’ lives. They are SPECIAL needles.
The was a needle. Setting on the desk: unattended. Red cloaked it. The table was place for a pool of blood. No one would ever see mr fink again
when i was little, my mom was trying to teach me to sew. She was (still is) an amazing seamstress. Anyway, I was happily sewing one day, on her waterbed, and I had this habit of sticking the needle into my mattress when I was done. Well, the waterbed was never the same. My dad woke in a puddle that night after the ducktape I used failed to work.
jennifer conant
I wish I knew how to use a needle to create beautiful art. My art consists of paint and canvas. How wonderful to be able to knit useable art.
Normally made of bone or metal, with an eye at one end and a sharp point at the other used to sew.
Do-re-me , junk drawer
for you and the bigger one for the others
just a quick reminder of your self to you, that you are alive.
something useful to get together the tiny things
One time, when I was with my friend Abby, she decided she wanted to knit. She pulled out her scarf that she was working on, but only one needle. She left the other one at home. The funniest part was she called it a knittle!
One time, when I was with my friend Abby, she decided she wanted to knit. She pulled out her scarf that she was working on, but only one needle. She left the other one at home. The funniest part was she called it a knittle!
And when I could no longer smell her breath, I could see her teeth. They were sharp, obviously, but more like needles than teeth. Who knew something so beautiful could be hiding something so disgusting? Chunks of flesh clung to them. But I wanted that flesh to be mine.
Needle in a haystack..Sometimes life is like that. Finding what you want and need among all the not right or similar choices. Needle me, tease me. My brothers like to needle. Needle and thread. Where’s the button. Sometimes it’s really hard to thread a needle- especially when you get older.
Chris G
Needle–the physical representation of my ANGER, a physical jabbing device.
I needle everyone, I needle myself. I’m sick of pushing so hard.
Needles, my way out. The free smell of pine, the possibilities, the needles of something always alive, and I hug the needles into my heart.
It feels like hurt, and hope. Same thing.
Needle–the physical representation of my ANGER, a physical jabbing device.
I needle everyone, I needle myself. I’m sick of pushing so hard.
Needles, my way out. The free smell of pine, the possibilities, the needles of something always alive, and I hug the needles into my heart.
It feels like hurt, and hope. Same thing.
The boys hand grabbed the needle. His hands were scarred from years of working in the sweatshops, making clothes for the rich people. His blue eyes once glowed with a certain happiness and innocence of the world, now they were just a dark dull blue.
Ash Mur
i poked my finger with a needle.
a pointy thing that hurts. what else do i write. ladies use it?
Needles are sometimes long, sometimes short depending on your personal preferance. Whatever the weather, Needles always have a sharp prick.
heroin and kurt cobain the damage done your not the only one. His greasy hair on the unplugged concert. I loved Kurt he didnt get a nation on heroin He got peoples heads out of their asses
Stick the needle in the skin and inject the medicine. This will make you better, I promise…
I have many many needles, but I only use them when I have to. I have a sewing machine that uses needles of a different sort, but I don’t know how to use that sewing machine. I force the machine to do hard things, resulting in broken needles. What a life! But I admire those who can use needles!
Arya’s grasp on Needle weakened. ‘No!’ she thought. That sword was a gift from her brother and now she had gotten it taken away. Despite the remorse she felt there was that glint of anger, that feeling made her want to be sure she got it back and for the first time she felt the desire to kill, kill those men that made her journey thus far so difficult. Besides that she also had to save her fellow travelers. They were headed different directions but she couldn’t just leave them there. Pretty ironic, it must’ve been for a girl to save the guy.
The haystack was immense and my time limited. There was no need to worry though as my magnetic charm drew the needle to me, as sure as if I were the north star itself.
to needle a patch on a sleeve.
Ha ha! The man said it was like searching for a needle in a haystack of needles! If you’re looking for a certain one, I can see how that would be difficult, but honestly? Don’t they all do the same thing?
needle sweedle canoodle. hang on, canoodle is something straight out of millas and boon romance novels, rite? oha..they’re mushy, i tell u, but they are fun! i do love them..it’s so predictable, but that’s exactly why i love them :).
pointy. pricky. shining silver. the needle pierced down my skin deeper and deeper…ooooooh..they were giving me an injection! btw, wat’s the fear of needles called?
I can’t remember the first outfit my mother sewed for me. I know she started when I was very young. I can’t even remember the last thing she sewed. One never realizes something is the last until it is over and gone. I do remember a few of the beautiful things she did sew.
in a haystack, get dust in my eyes as I race against her
must win, got to win
so much riding on this one little bet
I win, she goes with me
she wins, I go with Myrtle
I blink against the dust and sneeze,
Needlenose was his nickname, for one very obvious reason: it was long and thin. It defined him as a person and made his job seem predestined. He was a tailor.
the needle is a verry usefull tool,
The needle pierced the cloth with the kitten pattern on it as she thought about her son.
God only knows where he is now. In one of those houses where they get their fixes. He was probably curled up somewhere with a needle of his own in his hand.
Her needle snapped halfway through the kitten’s eye.
and then when the needle first went into the silk and satin sheets, it pulled at first and then got caught, dragging it down and tearing it from its restraints. The red shimmer died down to black and the machine gave an awful grunt.
kreskin painted himself
a blue shade
occipital blue
the hue you knew
when last you dated
Val. Now your printer,
her fonts have reduced
you to fawning over
the everpresent
green of you and she
when whirling in blessed
feet was the dream
inside your stylish
dickey. Come home
to the feast
you want to say, but
saying belies
the desire
still lurking
needles are sharp. i have a phobia of them yet i have many piercings and tattoos. weird aint it? one day i will grow to not be afraid of them but until that day i guess i will have to continue as i do.
there was this little needle once and it poked me. it really hurt. Needles are used for sweing, even if your not good at it. Sometimes the needle of my sewing machine breaks and I have to reaplace it. unless it’s my grandmothers them you have to replace it every couple of minutes. wihch sucks.
I watched my brother wince as the needles pierced his skin. He was bent over the chair, the tattoo artist intent on inking his skin.
I didn’t think he really wanted to do this. But his girlfriend was “hot,” and if she wanted her name on his chest, so be it.
i’m not gonna say “and thread” because that’s just not original, is it? needles are bad. pokey-poke. they’re like wimpy weapons. and nevertheless, we need those needles!
Needle is needles till you need to it. Need is the core of the word.Need is the core of relations. One needs to support another to be supported.
sharp, pointy and very thin. for blood or sewing. some times seen on skylines
i often poke myself with a needle while i’m sewing. i like sewing. like:…a camel go through the eye of a needle.
A needle in a haystack — that’s how a lot of people feel about their life, their position. I wish each of them knew not only how unique they are, but also the positive effects they have had on others’ lives. They are SPECIAL needles.
The was a needle. Setting on the desk: unattended. Red cloaked it. The table was place for a pool of blood. No one would ever see mr fink again
when i was little, my mom was trying to teach me to sew. She was (still is) an amazing seamstress. Anyway, I was happily sewing one day, on her waterbed, and I had this habit of sticking the needle into my mattress when I was done. Well, the waterbed was never the same. My dad woke in a puddle that night after the ducktape I used failed to work.
I wish I knew how to use a needle to create beautiful art. My art consists of paint and canvas. How wonderful to be able to knit useable art.
Normally made of bone or metal, with an eye at one end and a sharp point at the other used to sew.
Do-re-me , junk drawer
for you and the bigger one for the others
just a quick reminder of your self to you, that you are alive.
something useful to get together the tiny things
One time, when I was with my friend Abby, she decided she wanted to knit. She pulled out her scarf that she was working on, but only one needle. She left the other one at home. The funniest part was she called it a knittle!
One time, when I was with my friend Abby, she decided she wanted to knit. She pulled out her scarf that she was working on, but only one needle. She left the other one at home. The funniest part was she called it a knittle!
And when I could no longer smell her breath, I could see her teeth. They were sharp, obviously, but more like needles than teeth. Who knew something so beautiful could be hiding something so disgusting? Chunks of flesh clung to them. But I wanted that flesh to be mine.
Needle in a haystack..Sometimes life is like that. Finding what you want and need among all the not right or similar choices. Needle me, tease me. My brothers like to needle. Needle and thread. Where’s the button. Sometimes it’s really hard to thread a needle- especially when you get older.
Needle–the physical representation of my ANGER, a physical jabbing device.
I needle everyone, I needle myself. I’m sick of pushing so hard.
Needles, my way out. The free smell of pine, the possibilities, the needles of something always alive, and I hug the needles into my heart.
It feels like hurt, and hope. Same thing.
Needle–the physical representation of my ANGER, a physical jabbing device.
I needle everyone, I needle myself. I’m sick of pushing so hard.
Needles, my way out. The free smell of pine, the possibilities, the needles of something always alive, and I hug the needles into my heart.
It feels like hurt, and hope. Same thing.
The boys hand grabbed the needle. His hands were scarred from years of working in the sweatshops, making clothes for the rich people. His blue eyes once glowed with a certain happiness and innocence of the world, now they were just a dark dull blue.
i poked my finger with a needle.
a pointy thing that hurts. what else do i write. ladies use it?
Needles are sometimes long, sometimes short depending on your personal preferance. Whatever the weather, Needles always have a sharp prick.