the shiny needles peice my back as i lay down on the crnkling paper. i can feel them break through my skin and then he just stands there seeing it all happen, he’s immobile, paralyzed by fear and this sight before his did i ever end up here, what drove me to this point, why am i cryingm i volunteered.
the mexi
Rain comes down like needles, needling me like my dad used to…oh, I hated that…it sounded like he hated me. A needle, by the way, is difficult to hold and use as I have developed arthritis in my finger joints.
Kimberley McKaig
The needle came closer and closer. Kevin thought that it reminded him of when he visited the doctor as a kid. The fear, the anxiety… But this needle had no fear in it. It had heroin. And his eventual death was nothing to fear.
Thee needle was about a foot long,, well at least three inches. It went in my gut slick as a butter knife but I couldn’t look. what the doctor got was red and yellow slimy gook. I thought I was full of s***.
its pointy sharp it can sew things up it can poke someone to make them bleed it can be used to hem pants and hold the pant line in place
The needle was in the haystack and I tried to get in there and find it but the needle wizards stopped me from entering the stack. Then I was attacked by needle crows while battle the needle wizards. Once they were all finished off it turned out the needle was in my pocket.
Zack Knapton
The needle is piercing her arm. How many times did we tell her? Intervention doesn’t work anymore, not in this day and age. Oh god, what do we do?
“…shooting the mooon, the moon, the mooon, the moon…” I repeated the melody in my head, my eyes squeezed tight and my neck craned until I could my muscle stretching.
“Why is it taking so long?” I finally asked, never opening my eyes.
“Oh, because you have a lot of samples to send out, dear. Here, look,” the nurse replied.
I opened my eyes and saw four viles of dark red liquid sitting on the table near my outstretched arm. Her needle was still in my vein and I felt sick. I immediately shut my eyes and turned my head again.
“…shooting the moon, the moon, the moon, the moon…”
thread. sewing. I used to sew, but now I can’t. Shots. Sore arm from getting swine flu shot. Some people got nasal stuff, but that makes me feel sick. I’d rather get blood drawn than get a shot. Putting thread through the eye of the needle. Licking thread to get it to go in.
The long hooked needle bobbed up and down, nearly vertical. Her fingers twined the hemp yarn dextrously without any thought and concentration. Spencer wondered what she was making.
as a needle in a haystack, love is hard to find, and sometimes when you find it it will stab you if you grab it from the wrong end. i have experienced this first hand a number of times in my life as i have spent much time.
eye of the… knitting… nose pliers… and thread… in a haystack…
hemming, sewing, embroidery, stitch in time, jab, poke, prod…
Prickly as a needle, your hand touched my face
For some reason I couldn’t turn away
I stood, I stared, You stared back
It was a moment I wanted to forget but keep with me forever.
Needles irk me. Who wants and thin pointy stick fill with liquid stuck in there arm. If your body make you hurt when it happens it odviosly doesnt want it done. ughhh… needles…
i like needles and they like me too…. The thing about them is there sharp and painful. good 4 sowing. old ladies mostly
needle is some which hurts anyone if he tries to touch it with naked hands
It cums in different types
First is the one which we use touch sticth clothes
pinch life sickness sowing creation design improving on making better, faster, stronger, beautiful with strings and things.
once i saw a needle it was silver and thin it had a piece of thread through it which was red. all of a sudden it fell on the floor and then i understood the needle in a haystack
It dropped as it should have, into the abyss of strands of blonde hair that had stopped wars and sent men packing before her feet into the fray. The single thought came through and forgot all else. The haystack of her beauty concealed the truth, yet she lived.
The boy was looking for a needle to fix his hacky sack with. He used the biggest one he coul find
shiny and small
can heal and can destroy
shiny and small
its can hurt or it can be enjoyed
shoot it up
and fly
shoot it up and die
small and shiny
When searching for a needle in a haystack..burn the hay – needles dont burn. Renounce the unnecesary
its painful and threads stuff, used for torture in history, has a loop in the end that people put sculptures in, its a mission to thread thread through the eye, errrmmmm er errr needle
sharp pointed object pervades world pierces truth we dull the truth. sharp pains highs lows we level out. world which is blunt. why not sharpen? why not express range?
There has got to be one out there just for me, but I dont know if I will ever have the rescources to find my needle in this global haystack. Every day it seems the bail gets bigger. Mabey i need a match to find my needle.
Noah Zork
needles poking holes
in the surface
of me
tearing when their
sharp intrusions
come together so very
Why is it then in the onset of the needle
that I find myself enjoying the beauty
that comes when life wakes
these limbs up
and I find that the waking of arms and legs
is much more satisfying than the numb.
Hello there, i belive in the theary of pie… PIE WINS, =jesus fails, e=mc PIE!!!!, Ok well einstien was a pedophile and i wasnt so na na, Lawl i like pie as u can tell… Shit am i supposed 2 be talking about a needle here… Well, a needle is a pointy pin like thing that you can use to sow AND I LIKE PIEEEEEEEEEEEEEe omg my times up OW NU!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
ive already
needle is a thing you use to have many points with and how you can not think about anything is so remarkable, this is just crazy the way i think and use my telephone on regular basis…it says not to think but i cant help it, we all have to think. alll of us no matter what.
as in knitting needle? im an okay knitter i guess, but i could be better. i started knitting like 5 years ago and i sucked. I tried kniting my sister a scarf, it didn’t work real well…
Dawn Cronin
yeah pierce my is torted,just do it even i ant
i love to knit, and i have all kinds of knitting needles. but i’m always losing them so then i have to go buy more. sometimes i only lose one of them, so then i have to go buy another set in the same size so that i can finish the project i’m working on. i only use the aluminum ones, and i like to use the big ones because then the project will progress faster. knitting is really fun for me because i love to be productive and create things.
needles, they are small, useful. good for scraping things, even though they are usually used for piercing things. and they help in hospitals.. small
dangerous, but at the same times so goddamn useful, cleaning
needles are AWFUL. they give you shots.. and shots hurt. they scare me. they make me scream. it’s bad. but i guess they could be good.. when used for sewing and such. oh well.
finding that one thing that makes a person tick, that one thing that is really at the center of a person. needle them. that is where the real person is. needling and being needled
Zachary Nickens
Needles are sharp and scary i don’t like jabbing in my arms. I could never understand a drug addict who takes it through needles!
Sharp, the needle pricks my skin. A drop of blood appears. I flinch briefly.
sewing is fun how can i make something without a needle to sew with well i guess il just find another hobby that doesnt require a needle. so there i make things without rules… so if you want to talk just let me know ill try and find a needle to sew your mouth shut with but i cant make any promises.
the shiny needles peice my back as i lay down on the crnkling paper. i can feel them break through my skin and then he just stands there seeing it all happen, he’s immobile, paralyzed by fear and this sight before his did i ever end up here, what drove me to this point, why am i cryingm i volunteered.
Rain comes down like needles, needling me like my dad used to…oh, I hated that…it sounded like he hated me. A needle, by the way, is difficult to hold and use as I have developed arthritis in my finger joints.
The needle came closer and closer. Kevin thought that it reminded him of when he visited the doctor as a kid. The fear, the anxiety… But this needle had no fear in it. It had heroin. And his eventual death was nothing to fear.
Thee needle was about a foot long,, well at least three inches. It went in my gut slick as a butter knife but I couldn’t look. what the doctor got was red and yellow slimy gook. I thought I was full of s***.
its pointy sharp it can sew things up it can poke someone to make them bleed it can be used to hem pants and hold the pant line in place
The needle was in the haystack and I tried to get in there and find it but the needle wizards stopped me from entering the stack. Then I was attacked by needle crows while battle the needle wizards. Once they were all finished off it turned out the needle was in my pocket.
The needle is piercing her arm. How many times did we tell her? Intervention doesn’t work anymore, not in this day and age. Oh god, what do we do?
“…shooting the mooon, the moon, the mooon, the moon…” I repeated the melody in my head, my eyes squeezed tight and my neck craned until I could my muscle stretching.
“Why is it taking so long?” I finally asked, never opening my eyes.
“Oh, because you have a lot of samples to send out, dear. Here, look,” the nurse replied.
I opened my eyes and saw four viles of dark red liquid sitting on the table near my outstretched arm. Her needle was still in my vein and I felt sick. I immediately shut my eyes and turned my head again.
“…shooting the moon, the moon, the moon, the moon…”
thread. sewing. I used to sew, but now I can’t. Shots. Sore arm from getting swine flu shot. Some people got nasal stuff, but that makes me feel sick. I’d rather get blood drawn than get a shot. Putting thread through the eye of the needle. Licking thread to get it to go in.
The long hooked needle bobbed up and down, nearly vertical. Her fingers twined the hemp yarn dextrously without any thought and concentration. Spencer wondered what she was making.
as a needle in a haystack, love is hard to find, and sometimes when you find it it will stab you if you grab it from the wrong end. i have experienced this first hand a number of times in my life as i have spent much time.
eye of the… knitting… nose pliers… and thread… in a haystack…
hemming, sewing, embroidery, stitch in time, jab, poke, prod…
Prickly as a needle, your hand touched my face
For some reason I couldn’t turn away
I stood, I stared, You stared back
It was a moment I wanted to forget but keep with me forever.
Needles irk me. Who wants and thin pointy stick fill with liquid stuck in there arm. If your body make you hurt when it happens it odviosly doesnt want it done. ughhh… needles…
i like needles and they like me too…. The thing about them is there sharp and painful. good 4 sowing. old ladies mostly
needle is some which hurts anyone if he tries to touch it with naked hands
It cums in different types
First is the one which we use touch sticth clothes
pinch life sickness sowing creation design improving on making better, faster, stronger, beautiful with strings and things.
once i saw a needle it was silver and thin it had a piece of thread through it which was red. all of a sudden it fell on the floor and then i understood the needle in a haystack
It dropped as it should have, into the abyss of strands of blonde hair that had stopped wars and sent men packing before her feet into the fray. The single thought came through and forgot all else. The haystack of her beauty concealed the truth, yet she lived.
The boy was looking for a needle to fix his hacky sack with. He used the biggest one he coul find
shiny and small
can heal and can destroy
shiny and small
its can hurt or it can be enjoyed
shoot it up
and fly
shoot it up and die
small and shiny
When searching for a needle in a haystack..burn the hay – needles dont burn. Renounce the unnecesary
its painful and threads stuff, used for torture in history, has a loop in the end that people put sculptures in, its a mission to thread thread through the eye, errrmmmm er errr needle
sharp pointed object pervades world pierces truth we dull the truth. sharp pains highs lows we level out. world which is blunt. why not sharpen? why not express range?
There has got to be one out there just for me, but I dont know if I will ever have the rescources to find my needle in this global haystack. Every day it seems the bail gets bigger. Mabey i need a match to find my needle.
needles poking holes
in the surface
of me
tearing when their
sharp intrusions
come together so very
Why is it then in the onset of the needle
that I find myself enjoying the beauty
that comes when life wakes
these limbs up
and I find that the waking of arms and legs
is much more satisfying than the numb.
Hello there, i belive in the theary of pie… PIE WINS, =jesus fails, e=mc PIE!!!!, Ok well einstien was a pedophile and i wasnt so na na, Lawl i like pie as u can tell… Shit am i supposed 2 be talking about a needle here… Well, a needle is a pointy pin like thing that you can use to sow AND I LIKE PIEEEEEEEEEEEEEe omg my times up OW NU!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
ive already
needle is a thing you use to have many points with and how you can not think about anything is so remarkable, this is just crazy the way i think and use my telephone on regular basis…it says not to think but i cant help it, we all have to think. alll of us no matter what.
as in knitting needle? im an okay knitter i guess, but i could be better. i started knitting like 5 years ago and i sucked. I tried kniting my sister a scarf, it didn’t work real well…
yeah pierce my is torted,just do it even i ant
i love to knit, and i have all kinds of knitting needles. but i’m always losing them so then i have to go buy more. sometimes i only lose one of them, so then i have to go buy another set in the same size so that i can finish the project i’m working on. i only use the aluminum ones, and i like to use the big ones because then the project will progress faster. knitting is really fun for me because i love to be productive and create things.
needles, they are small, useful. good for scraping things, even though they are usually used for piercing things. and they help in hospitals.. small
dangerous, but at the same times so goddamn useful, cleaning
needles are AWFUL. they give you shots.. and shots hurt. they scare me. they make me scream. it’s bad. but i guess they could be good.. when used for sewing and such. oh well.
finding that one thing that makes a person tick, that one thing that is really at the center of a person. needle them. that is where the real person is. needling and being needled
Needles are sharp and scary i don’t like jabbing in my arms. I could never understand a drug addict who takes it through needles!
Sharp, the needle pricks my skin. A drop of blood appears. I flinch briefly.
sewing is fun how can i make something without a needle to sew with well i guess il just find another hobby that doesnt require a needle. so there i make things without rules… so if you want to talk just let me know ill try and find a needle to sew your mouth shut with but i cant make any promises.