to neglect is not simply to ignore or be care free towards, but its to put aside. To pass off as not being important. Had we not the ability to neglect the suffering in Darfur, there would be a large sum of lives here on Earth. If we had the power to care about life in general instead of neglecting it every chance we get (to steal happiness every chance we get)the world would owe its deepest gratitude to every person in it, without neglect.
Mitch McCabe
neglect. a terrible thing to happen to a person. This can be done to you by other people, and only other people. If we get neglected by people, why do we even bother? We can neglect relationships, responsibilita;dfsjaj
dana stevenson
I neglect to reflect on my own totalitarian authority. Over myself, over my shelves, I start to dwelve into my mind in search of a find. Yet I com up with nothing, huffing from looking for the key…key to memory and to…my lazy personality.
Eric Harrell
neglect is what ruined our friendship. you’re completely ridiculous
oh no, i don’t want to, not my job,not my family, not my son, never my son, not my dog, not my needs not my tan, not my fun, not to be neglected the things that i love
I am working with someone who is very old. No one has even spoken to her for six months. Every day I see her stare, and walk, and stare, and walk. Every day I pity her, but more than that I truly FEAR her. I fear becoming her, someone who was neglected by the most important person; themselves.
she cried
(murder in
the house)
we laughed at the inside
jokes and stabbed our silver
plated forks into food,
making love with flashing
lights and television
run along, little girl,
go play with your toys.
You tell us all about it
after this show is done.
we watched breaking news, the
closing in of the camera on the
dismemberment of stuffed
animals under the bed, along with
a little girl’s unblinking eyes
she screamed
(murder in
your home.)
steph han
Don’t ever neglect the ones you love, it may just come back to bite you in the ass when you least expect it. Neglect is something that can tear whole families apart and that’s something that nobody needs to experience. With just a little attention to details each day you can keep from neglecting the ones around you and continue to build strong relationships. When you neglect someone you not only hurt their feelings but you make them feel as if they are not wanted.
is what I feel from my parents sometimes. I’m not sure that they actually neglected me, its just that I could have had a better life. Then again, I’m happy the way I am now, save a few things, so maybe I should be thankful for their form of neglect.
I neglect to study all the time. I procrastinate.
Daniel Balo
quickly run up stairs while still being poor seem okay yet the truth is your unemployed no backup and no support sound like neglect to me hell if this is life how could a numbness of neglect be
Dylan Waitt
Neglect is the inaction to do what one ought to do. Throughout history neglect has resulted in catastrophic failures in one man’s duty to another.
neglect is a feeling often left to those poor abandoned souls who never know pleasure nor pain and find no solace in the simple shining of the sun and the soft breeze blowing off of the oceans gentle swell… find pleasure in this things and you may never neglect your self…
josh garrison
The owner neglected the mule. It was a poor, starving animal, but it loved its master and would die for it. However, when the mule saw the chickens being fed by the handful, the anger sprung up through his eyes and he charged at his owner. He broke through the chicken fence and started to hoof at the owner’s eyes.
The dog yelped as it was tied to the post. Neglect was too softa word for how this loving animal was treated, day in day out.
how i feel when i’m with him around others.
how he feels when she’s with him around him.
my mom and how she neglects the positives i’ve done.
we all neglect. we all neglect. we all neglect each other.
So many things we leave until the last minute or never get around to doing because of all the exciting, pleasurable things that keep us busy. But we fail to realise that those tasks and projects we neglect can prevent painful experiences or bring us wondrous joy in the future.
When you leave someone yuo love. or dont cake care, because you cant, or make up an excuse not to. then you regret it.
toby mayor
I didn’t think it would happen again. Like a bad dream. but there’s nothing I can do. I can only watch and hear what I can’t stop. I’ve felt like I’m alone but not like this.
mother’s neglect children the warth being made unwhole what will we do to try ot try to stop what we can’t this is the end we will not be able to hel anymore just one perosn can help with a hug
The leaves dried up, crumbled. Tear falls down boy’s cheek. Mother is at it again. The sixth man tonight.
I used to love it. Now it just sits on my counter, collecting dust… a dim reminder of what I once held dear. When I look at it now, pangs of guilt sometimes hit, but these things pass. Neglect.
neglect, made up of a dire prospect;
to try something different perhaps not a contest.
slightest is the negative, as well.
something to be sought after, the lectures never end.
it is this seat i sit in, where the neglect seats itself.
I could neglect my work for a lifetime but I know deep down, if I look back at those mistakes, I will regret it completely. It’s a free choice, but it’s better to get what you can done.
Chelsea Montfort
left standing at the altar
a beached whale of
regret and jagged teeth
wondering if they were ever his
to hold
like a bosom daughter to his chest.
Hannah Wells
It seemed that the shirt she was wearing had been abused a fair amount, definitely not something you’d wear to a formal occasion. No piece of clothing should have to go through that sort of neglect, especially what she was wearing.
Myrtle May
I often neglect personal hygne because I would rather drink and surf the internet. I’ve found that if I neglect it enough no one will want to talk to me and I can finally be alone.
a child with a stained shirt and no lunch money.
purple rain
I stood there watching the car drive away. The red taillights reflected off the puddles of water on the driveway. I was alone, so very alone.
I wasn’t sure what to do, so I closed the door, locking it behind me and headed to make a cup of tea.
With the mug steaming in my hands I stared out the window at the spot where the car had been knowing that deep down inside, he was never coming back.
Jen Boyd
neglected, shoved aside, tossed into a corner while you play with your new toy, or maybe it’s the old toy, the one with the big eyes and cute squeaky sound when you squeeze it.
neglect is so vague. it can be neglect of material things, or emotional neglect. either way it’s really awful.
I feel alone…I’m alone and lost, neglected by the world, and forced forever to suffer from it. I’m different, and that difference keeps me from know other joys. Neglected by those I love. I am alone.
The neglect of my emotional stability,
caused me consternation. My distress was not heard. My silence was seen as acceptance by the others in the group.
I hope children around the world don’t have to go through neglect much longer. What am I talking about? Of course they will. So will animals and even some adults. The world is a disappointing place sometimes and I’m not quite sure how to change it. I need to change it, though.
Hannah Mollett
She knew he had suffered neglect, she saw all the signs. Her degree in social work did not allow even the tiniest hint to escape her glance. In fact, the time she saw that ice-cream-smeared girl all skinny as a rail, she read it all wrong, she would admit.
she neglected to think about the situation in its entirety. She neglected to acknowledge all that she was afraid of, all that I had done right, all that she had done wrong. She neglected my side of the story. She fled for a new town, she dashed to her car, hit the road, left me in the dust.
abigail covington
I woke up this morning with a headache, I walked into the bathroom, and all my Tylenol was missing. What the… It was here yesterday. It’s here every morning. I looked around, all my things were missing. In my whole house, all was gone. It was clear that my house wanted me gone.
jordan ettinger
Children born in impoverished countries frequently have abusive families and are neglected throughout their lives. They never experience their true potential or realize their life’s calling.
Um, it starts with an N and ends with a T. I feel neglected. Lonely, tired, out of place, no one talking to you, sad, crying, wanna join the party! Please join me and never leave me alone!! AHH THE PRESSURE! I DONT” EVEN KNOW WHAT EXACTLY THIS WORD MEANS!! HELP!! NEGLECTED EQUALS NEGLECTED
in more then once have people done this thing to people who are special to them. It’s a pitiful human nature that most of us cannot fight. Vindication is far from coming. And we as humans have to strive in becoming… ummm wait i think i neglected the word above… i writing gibberish crap…. as for me i just i wish i was with someone making out as we neglect the consequences of what will happen if we don’t use any protection…. gibberish
I neglected him, and for that I am sorry. No matter how sorry I feel about my actions, I do not regret them. He neglected me first, and what you do to someone else you should expect to be done to you. His momma should have taught him that.
to neglect is not simply to ignore or be care free towards, but its to put aside. To pass off as not being important. Had we not the ability to neglect the suffering in Darfur, there would be a large sum of lives here on Earth. If we had the power to care about life in general instead of neglecting it every chance we get (to steal happiness every chance we get)the world would owe its deepest gratitude to every person in it, without neglect.
neglect. a terrible thing to happen to a person. This can be done to you by other people, and only other people. If we get neglected by people, why do we even bother? We can neglect relationships, responsibilita;dfsjaj
I neglect to reflect on my own totalitarian authority. Over myself, over my shelves, I start to dwelve into my mind in search of a find. Yet I com up with nothing, huffing from looking for the key…key to memory and to…my lazy personality.
neglect is what ruined our friendship. you’re completely ridiculous
oh no, i don’t want to, not my job,not my family, not my son, never my son, not my dog, not my needs not my tan, not my fun, not to be neglected the things that i love
I am working with someone who is very old. No one has even spoken to her for six months. Every day I see her stare, and walk, and stare, and walk. Every day I pity her, but more than that I truly FEAR her. I fear becoming her, someone who was neglected by the most important person; themselves.
she cried
(murder in
the house)
we laughed at the inside
jokes and stabbed our silver
plated forks into food,
making love with flashing
lights and television
run along, little girl,
go play with your toys.
You tell us all about it
after this show is done.
we watched breaking news, the
closing in of the camera on the
dismemberment of stuffed
animals under the bed, along with
a little girl’s unblinking eyes
she screamed
(murder in
your home.)
Don’t ever neglect the ones you love, it may just come back to bite you in the ass when you least expect it. Neglect is something that can tear whole families apart and that’s something that nobody needs to experience. With just a little attention to details each day you can keep from neglecting the ones around you and continue to build strong relationships. When you neglect someone you not only hurt their feelings but you make them feel as if they are not wanted.
is what I feel from my parents sometimes. I’m not sure that they actually neglected me, its just that I could have had a better life. Then again, I’m happy the way I am now, save a few things, so maybe I should be thankful for their form of neglect.
I neglect to study all the time. I procrastinate.
quickly run up stairs while still being poor seem okay yet the truth is your unemployed no backup and no support sound like neglect to me hell if this is life how could a numbness of neglect be
Neglect is the inaction to do what one ought to do. Throughout history neglect has resulted in catastrophic failures in one man’s duty to another.
neglect is a feeling often left to those poor abandoned souls who never know pleasure nor pain and find no solace in the simple shining of the sun and the soft breeze blowing off of the oceans gentle swell… find pleasure in this things and you may never neglect your self…
The owner neglected the mule. It was a poor, starving animal, but it loved its master and would die for it. However, when the mule saw the chickens being fed by the handful, the anger sprung up through his eyes and he charged at his owner. He broke through the chicken fence and started to hoof at the owner’s eyes.
The dog yelped as it was tied to the post. Neglect was too softa word for how this loving animal was treated, day in day out.
how i feel when i’m with him around others.
how he feels when she’s with him around him.
my mom and how she neglects the positives i’ve done.
we all neglect. we all neglect. we all neglect each other.
So many things we leave until the last minute or never get around to doing because of all the exciting, pleasurable things that keep us busy. But we fail to realise that those tasks and projects we neglect can prevent painful experiences or bring us wondrous joy in the future.
When you leave someone yuo love. or dont cake care, because you cant, or make up an excuse not to. then you regret it.
I didn’t think it would happen again. Like a bad dream. but there’s nothing I can do. I can only watch and hear what I can’t stop. I’ve felt like I’m alone but not like this.
mother’s neglect children the warth being made unwhole what will we do to try ot try to stop what we can’t this is the end we will not be able to hel anymore just one perosn can help with a hug
The leaves dried up, crumbled. Tear falls down boy’s cheek. Mother is at it again. The sixth man tonight.
I used to love it. Now it just sits on my counter, collecting dust… a dim reminder of what I once held dear. When I look at it now, pangs of guilt sometimes hit, but these things pass. Neglect.
neglect, made up of a dire prospect;
to try something different perhaps not a contest.
slightest is the negative, as well.
something to be sought after, the lectures never end.
it is this seat i sit in, where the neglect seats itself.
I could neglect my work for a lifetime but I know deep down, if I look back at those mistakes, I will regret it completely. It’s a free choice, but it’s better to get what you can done.
left standing at the altar
a beached whale of
regret and jagged teeth
wondering if they were ever his
to hold
like a bosom daughter to his chest.
It seemed that the shirt she was wearing had been abused a fair amount, definitely not something you’d wear to a formal occasion. No piece of clothing should have to go through that sort of neglect, especially what she was wearing.
I often neglect personal hygne because I would rather drink and surf the internet. I’ve found that if I neglect it enough no one will want to talk to me and I can finally be alone.
a child with a stained shirt and no lunch money.
I stood there watching the car drive away. The red taillights reflected off the puddles of water on the driveway. I was alone, so very alone.
I wasn’t sure what to do, so I closed the door, locking it behind me and headed to make a cup of tea.
With the mug steaming in my hands I stared out the window at the spot where the car had been knowing that deep down inside, he was never coming back.
neglected, shoved aside, tossed into a corner while you play with your new toy, or maybe it’s the old toy, the one with the big eyes and cute squeaky sound when you squeeze it.
neglect is so vague. it can be neglect of material things, or emotional neglect. either way it’s really awful.
I feel alone…I’m alone and lost, neglected by the world, and forced forever to suffer from it. I’m different, and that difference keeps me from know other joys. Neglected by those I love. I am alone.
The neglect of my emotional stability,
caused me consternation. My distress was not heard. My silence was seen as acceptance by the others in the group.
I hope children around the world don’t have to go through neglect much longer. What am I talking about? Of course they will. So will animals and even some adults. The world is a disappointing place sometimes and I’m not quite sure how to change it. I need to change it, though.
She knew he had suffered neglect, she saw all the signs. Her degree in social work did not allow even the tiniest hint to escape her glance. In fact, the time she saw that ice-cream-smeared girl all skinny as a rail, she read it all wrong, she would admit.
she neglected to think about the situation in its entirety. She neglected to acknowledge all that she was afraid of, all that I had done right, all that she had done wrong. She neglected my side of the story. She fled for a new town, she dashed to her car, hit the road, left me in the dust.
I woke up this morning with a headache, I walked into the bathroom, and all my Tylenol was missing. What the… It was here yesterday. It’s here every morning. I looked around, all my things were missing. In my whole house, all was gone. It was clear that my house wanted me gone.
Children born in impoverished countries frequently have abusive families and are neglected throughout their lives. They never experience their true potential or realize their life’s calling.
Um, it starts with an N and ends with a T. I feel neglected. Lonely, tired, out of place, no one talking to you, sad, crying, wanna join the party! Please join me and never leave me alone!! AHH THE PRESSURE! I DONT” EVEN KNOW WHAT EXACTLY THIS WORD MEANS!! HELP!! NEGLECTED EQUALS NEGLECTED
in more then once have people done this thing to people who are special to them. It’s a pitiful human nature that most of us cannot fight. Vindication is far from coming. And we as humans have to strive in becoming… ummm wait i think i neglected the word above… i writing gibberish crap…. as for me i just i wish i was with someone making out as we neglect the consequences of what will happen if we don’t use any protection…. gibberish
I neglected him, and for that I am sorry. No matter how sorry I feel about my actions, I do not regret them. He neglected me first, and what you do to someone else you should expect to be done to you. His momma should have taught him that.