i envented a nuclear cell phone that will blow up the world!!!!
I used to know someone who didn’t know that I knew that she didn’t know that she was living next door to a nuclear reactor.
true story
nuclear phisiscs and loving through life with nuclear phisicis ceems to be only for smart geeks but im not super smart just a geek does that mean i can become a nuclear phisicic?
lucia nanami
in an explosion of fear
you push it all deep inside.
it radiates within you
looking for a way out
you’re going to let it slip,
I can feel it on the edge of your lips;
breathing softly.
Josh Miller
bombs are bad and we shouldnt kill people… shit i dont need sixty seconds. ive said all i need to say. hmmm. just waiting on the time to run out now. do do do do. hmmm hmm hmmmmmm. yup.
False security something that we all have .Makes me wonder if we are ever going to be safe.From fire from ourselves from some one else.
nuclear is one word I learned in the linguistic class that has 2 pronunciation in the American English dialect. You can pronounce it new-clear or new-kl-ler. I never knew that before.
power. the future. possibly. who knows? I just know that those who think it’s unsafe are just afraid of the past, not the future. you see, the future of nuclear power is not the same as ten mile island. it’s green. and it’s safe.
Kelsey Lawrence
The explosion I felt in my chest was bigger than a regular explosion. It was nuclear, so big that I couldn’t contain it.
“I love you,” I said.
“I know,” you said back.
And those were all the words we needed.
nuclear energy is the source which has been underutilized in India. It can be used properly to have devastating effects. Hopefully in the field of sex toys also.
Nuclear proliferation is an abomination. In bomb formation, that is. Where energy is concerned, well. That will probably not be a major economic problem until the disappearance of human kind. It’s a shame that we’ve become this. On that note~ Abolish all nukes. Mhm.
Garrett J. Sanford
Back in the ’80’s, scientists thought that nuclear winter was the worst thing we had to fear. Turns out, we didn’t have to fear nuclear anything. The thing we should have been afraid of was demonic sorcery. That was what led to the downfall of mankind.
Doug McIntire
Dear George Bush. This is your legacy.
I give you this word to represent all that you….did. Thanks, buddy. Now I, too, can sound uneducated and hope to one day hold the fate of the planet in my hands.
its a waste all it does is kill and make this world worse than it is. Even though we benefit from it it’s still a bad resource. We should try and find a better way.
power big stong it is very very very dangerous the core glows blue somthing radiation. It starts with a C but I don’t remember the word. Nuclear energy is very good for the enviornment. why doesn’t the US recycle spent rods? france does it now.
how can we stop this is it a matter of time before all is gone? I would like to think not however is thought strong enough to stop this attack
J.C Hunt
The first thing that comes to mind is nuclear warfare. you know, the type that killed tons of japanese civilians and such at hiroshima. bombs of serious abilities. scary abilities. what’s next?
Just the thought of Cass’s meltdown was enough to make Ronan piss himself. But that was nothing compared to actually experiencing one.
The acrid smell of nuclear fumes drifted through the rooms, clogging up my throat, preventing me from screaming my daughter’s name. I ran room to room, trying to find her. Had she already left the house, or had something else gotten her instead?
Explosions. Bombs. Chaos everywhere, where life still exists. Children screaming for their mothers, confused, thier minds unable to complexly understand exactly what has happened.
nuclear, tight, shoulder to shoulder they’re packing around this thing that I can’t see. I look into their faces and I wonder if they feel a part of this crowd.
Explosions, bombs. Disasters created by chemicals, by greed, by war. Resulting in nothingness. Resulting in silence.
i’m terrified. im terrified of nuclear war. we all have our weapons pointed at each other, ready to destruct at any given moment. i dont want the world to end. i have so much more to live for, so much more to do.
He went nuclear.
We were standing in the kitchen, watching the neighbors as they cut down the tree that had been there before this neighborhood was built. He knew that tree well. It held the treehouse that he and his oldest friend in the world had spent summers drinking coke in, sleeping under the stars, and fighting the planes that flew overhead.
Break down of a silent time, break down in the middle of the night. People running, screaming as the alarms sound, as their ears pound and the reactor hits the ground. A monument to society, it plunges to it’s doom, the doom of so many others around, the doom of all the world around, the nuclear melt down, the end of this land as we know it. Green air and death so clear that one man stands in the middle to watch as hells embrace meets him face to face.
The concept of the nuclear family.
No longer is the nuclear family a mark of function.
Often it is a mark of dysfunction.
The ear of the nuclear family is gone.
What now?
nu-clee-ur? or nu-cu-lur?
The nuclear plant was right up the street from my last big electrical job on the east coast of Fl.
Mary Lou Wynegar
george bush
need i say more really? well i will
his mispronunciation of an incredibly feared phenomenon is somehow still a laughing matter
although not the kind you bank a presidency on
z fay
explosoins like the sun fall into the ocean like stars, and the world is created. made from bits of nuclear glass
Kaya Marie
we live in one world, and if we keep drawing these crazy lines of distinction between people based on race, religion, gender, whatever…it will continue to feel like we all live in seperate worlds. and if it continues feeling like that, we don’t stand a chance.
steve erdman
explosion, the sun and outer space. Nuclear like science and the discovery of the unknown. It is atomic, and fantastic, and fits me the best.
No wait.I wasn’t ready when I clicked the go button.Somebody nuke me!
oh god. the amount of damage and good that has come from this science. more harm than good is an understatement. originally promised as the clean power of the future, this idea has turned out to be just as bad (if not worse in the long run) as the fossil fuels it competes against.
The atoms of any materials produce nuclear fission and if this energy can be used properly all our energy needs can be solved.There would be no dependence on fossil fuels for all our energy needs.
war sucks. war is the worst thing to happen to people.
i envented a nuclear cell phone that will blow up the world!!!!
I used to know someone who didn’t know that I knew that she didn’t know that she was living next door to a nuclear reactor.
nuclear phisiscs and loving through life with nuclear phisicis ceems to be only for smart geeks but im not super smart just a geek does that mean i can become a nuclear phisicic?
in an explosion of fear
you push it all deep inside.
it radiates within you
looking for a way out
you’re going to let it slip,
I can feel it on the edge of your lips;
breathing softly.
bombs are bad and we shouldnt kill people… shit i dont need sixty seconds. ive said all i need to say. hmmm. just waiting on the time to run out now. do do do do. hmmm hmm hmmmmmm. yup.
False security something that we all have .Makes me wonder if we are ever going to be safe.From fire from ourselves from some one else.
One word, sixty seconds, c’mon, go nuclear!
“Your luv is like a nucular waste”
Poe-tay-toe, poe-tah-toe.
Toe-may-toe, toe-mah-toe.
New-clee-ar, noo-cue-ler.
nuclear is one word I learned in the linguistic class that has 2 pronunciation in the American English dialect. You can pronounce it new-clear or new-kl-ler. I never knew that before.
power. the future. possibly. who knows? I just know that those who think it’s unsafe are just afraid of the past, not the future. you see, the future of nuclear power is not the same as ten mile island. it’s green. and it’s safe.
The explosion I felt in my chest was bigger than a regular explosion. It was nuclear, so big that I couldn’t contain it.
“I love you,” I said.
“I know,” you said back.
And those were all the words we needed.
nuclear energy is the source which has been underutilized in India. It can be used properly to have devastating effects. Hopefully in the field of sex toys also.
Nuclear proliferation is an abomination. In bomb formation, that is. Where energy is concerned, well. That will probably not be a major economic problem until the disappearance of human kind. It’s a shame that we’ve become this. On that note~ Abolish all nukes. Mhm.
Back in the ’80’s, scientists thought that nuclear winter was the worst thing we had to fear. Turns out, we didn’t have to fear nuclear anything. The thing we should have been afraid of was demonic sorcery. That was what led to the downfall of mankind.
Dear George Bush. This is your legacy.
I give you this word to represent all that you….did. Thanks, buddy. Now I, too, can sound uneducated and hope to one day hold the fate of the planet in my hands.
its a waste all it does is kill and make this world worse than it is. Even though we benefit from it it’s still a bad resource. We should try and find a better way.
power big stong it is very very very dangerous the core glows blue somthing radiation. It starts with a C but I don’t remember the word. Nuclear energy is very good for the enviornment. why doesn’t the US recycle spent rods? france does it now.
how can we stop this is it a matter of time before all is gone? I would like to think not however is thought strong enough to stop this attack
The first thing that comes to mind is nuclear warfare. you know, the type that killed tons of japanese civilians and such at hiroshima. bombs of serious abilities. scary abilities. what’s next?
Just the thought of Cass’s meltdown was enough to make Ronan piss himself. But that was nothing compared to actually experiencing one.
The acrid smell of nuclear fumes drifted through the rooms, clogging up my throat, preventing me from screaming my daughter’s name. I ran room to room, trying to find her. Had she already left the house, or had something else gotten her instead?
Explosions. Bombs. Chaos everywhere, where life still exists. Children screaming for their mothers, confused, thier minds unable to complexly understand exactly what has happened.
nuclear, tight, shoulder to shoulder they’re packing around this thing that I can’t see. I look into their faces and I wonder if they feel a part of this crowd.
Explosions, bombs. Disasters created by chemicals, by greed, by war. Resulting in nothingness. Resulting in silence.
i’m terrified. im terrified of nuclear war. we all have our weapons pointed at each other, ready to destruct at any given moment. i dont want the world to end. i have so much more to live for, so much more to do.
He went nuclear.
We were standing in the kitchen, watching the neighbors as they cut down the tree that had been there before this neighborhood was built. He knew that tree well. It held the treehouse that he and his oldest friend in the world had spent summers drinking coke in, sleeping under the stars, and fighting the planes that flew overhead.
Break down of a silent time, break down in the middle of the night. People running, screaming as the alarms sound, as their ears pound and the reactor hits the ground. A monument to society, it plunges to it’s doom, the doom of so many others around, the doom of all the world around, the nuclear melt down, the end of this land as we know it. Green air and death so clear that one man stands in the middle to watch as hells embrace meets him face to face.
The concept of the nuclear family.
No longer is the nuclear family a mark of function.
Often it is a mark of dysfunction.
The ear of the nuclear family is gone.
What now?
nu-clee-ur? or nu-cu-lur?
The nuclear plant was right up the street from my last big electrical job on the east coast of Fl.
george bush
need i say more really? well i will
his mispronunciation of an incredibly feared phenomenon is somehow still a laughing matter
although not the kind you bank a presidency on
explosoins like the sun fall into the ocean like stars, and the world is created. made from bits of nuclear glass
we live in one world, and if we keep drawing these crazy lines of distinction between people based on race, religion, gender, whatever…it will continue to feel like we all live in seperate worlds. and if it continues feeling like that, we don’t stand a chance.
explosion, the sun and outer space. Nuclear like science and the discovery of the unknown. It is atomic, and fantastic, and fits me the best.
No wait.I wasn’t ready when I clicked the go button.Somebody nuke me!
oh god. the amount of damage and good that has come from this science. more harm than good is an understatement. originally promised as the clean power of the future, this idea has turned out to be just as bad (if not worse in the long run) as the fossil fuels it competes against.
The atoms of any materials produce nuclear fission and if this energy can be used properly all our energy needs can be solved.There would be no dependence on fossil fuels for all our energy needs.
war sucks. war is the worst thing to happen to people.