I dont feel like i have anything to offer him that hes never had before. I can only be myself, but thats a cheap deal because i havent been to sure who that is exactly. I wish he would offer more, but I offer pretty little but confusion and distance. I will enjoy this month all the same.
“Offer me a drink.” She said through a burst of laughter as she flung herself against the sticky bar. I shot a weary glance down her shimmering excuse for a shirt before flagging down the bar tender.
“Get this girl a drink.” I demanded in a surprisingly gruff voice.
“What kind of a drink, Hun?” The flamboyant man sweetly chimed as he flipped a tall glass out from his stash beneath the bar.
“What’s good tonight?” she shot back with out tearing her gaze from me. Damn. She was good.
“Mmmm… You look like a vodka cranberry to me.”
“Make that Jean-Marc XO on the rocks.”
He looked at me quizzically before reaching up to the top shelf for her drink. Expensive taste. She was perfect!
i hope he offers to pay for my ticket. i hate it when he asks if i’m going to pay. i don’t like to be a shallow girlfirned, (is that the word?? but i like the small things to be covered. like, WHERES MY CHOCOLATE BUNNY DAMMIT?! well, that’s fine. this sucks. don’t read it D: rawrrr.
I would offer my heart to him if only he would accept it and offer me his in turn. I’d like to imagine that he would… when we meet.
I received the offer on Thursday afternoon. I was speechless. I stood in the office holding the envelope in one shaking hand and the letter in the other. I stood, right in the middle of everything. People passed me, hurrying here or there to complete their futile tasks. But I stood there with a meaning. With this letter in my hand, this opportunity at my feet, I was finally complete.
Kaleigh Carter
If this was something I had I think I would take it. Of course that would vary with what exactly it was. Thus the offer could define the choice in life. Depending on what life offers you, your path could change and the road you wander down could change dramatically.
He walked into the boardroom, folder in one hand, a pen in the other. He was wearing a charcoal grey power suit with a white shirt and red tie. Clearly, he was about to make an offer that I couldn’t refuse.
Offer you some truth, some kindness, something real, which is the hardest thing for me.
For Real
Rewinds at a discounted price
Offer something new, a challenge, offer you to take a chance, on me, with me.
He offers you a dream house, its everything you ever wanted in a house, all you have to do is live with his mother.
I like to give offerings because i love to make people like me. When you offer things to someone, you give them something that shows that you care. When you offer something and expect something in return, it makes the offering less meaningful. Offerings should be given honestly, and considerately.
James McCune
I offer the world to my mother if I could. I offer help to people as long as it’s not detrimental to me or others around them. I offer sincerity and insight to people’s minds and life. I offer the main reasons to live your life.
I will offer you as much money as I feel it is worth. In all honestly and hopefully not in any sort of crooked or misguided manner I will want it at a cheaper/discounted price because I feel my financial situation is not stable enough to supply over luxurious acquisitions in my everyday existence.
I offered one person a candy bar. They refused and I thought about how disrespectful it was to turn down such a free offer. Then I thought about how I couldn’t hold that against them because it was their choice. Maybe they weren’t hungry. Ah well, maybe I shouldn’t have assumed.
he began to offer me a coffee but I just couldn’t stay. He looked wounded but I just couldn’t say what he wanted to hear. He wanted comfort and I was cold. I don’t love you my mind screamed but my eyes just were off.
to offer a glass of water is to offer a pure form of humanity.
Some people justo dont do offer water because days are too common that they forget
i offer myself to you. you don’t take it- not my fault. I asked didn’t I? I gave it to you.. right? My talent my skills mean nothing to you. you don’t care. you think I’m replacable. Well, I’m not.
what can I offer to the world? what can I give to the world.
this is a present, this is today.
this is the future I hold in my hands.
I can tell you the wonders of a thousand days past, I can tell you the history of an eon time’s ago.
but I cannot tell you what to give to the world today.
it’s like fate, it’s like destiny.
meet Atlas at the end of the world and maybe hold on for a moment so that we can see where the apple tree falls.
I offer you my hand. and I really want you to hold it forever. but the truth is, after a few years, that will hurt. And I will need my space. Maybe a new hand. And I’m sorry for that.
some people do not offer an adequate amount of their time to those around them
i offered the old lady a hand crossing the street. i offered the old lady to carry her groceries into her house. Why do we always offer things. An offer can be something we mean or don’t mean, but is something we are obligated to follow through with.
Mike storace
I’m waiting in a room that’s oddly clean and neat, magazines in piles on every table. I wonder if I’ll get the job, I’ve been wanting it for so long. I dare not touch anything or look at my cell phone-you can’t look bored when waiting for an interview, you need to look like you’re pondering something and not fidgety
for once i wish people would look at the world through amazing eyes…a way for you to understand the amount of love and energy there is within each one of us. we are all connected in a cosmic beautiful way. too often we forget why we are ultimately here…to make perfect connections with individuals. not materilstic possecions
I offered change and my last cigarette to a very slovenly dressed individual in a walmart parking lot, simply for his trouble. of course his trouble is crack cocaine, but I believe in the solemn fact that people in need, need you, whether its to provide the means to their end, or a hand to bring them to salvation.
kristopher brantley
“I have an offer to make you,” the man said softly as he sipped his margarita in the dimness of the bar. “A once in a lifetime offer.”
“Not like the ones I get every day on tv, I hope.”
Lily Blaike
i oofer my love to you
free mortgage creditcard sales person return negotiate agents accept reject help proposition
assaf weinberg
It was an offer I could not let down. Undeniable, tempting. Fresh in every way. I stood there, thinking to myself, my hands in my pockets as I contemplated my options.
No… I could not let it down. I hat to accept. It was my duty. Perhaps even my destiny. With that, I took the puppy up in my hands, and paid the cash, a slight smile upon my lips. He would have a better home now; he would be safe.
ahhh, i need an offer at the moment, things are quiet, life is dull. A personal offer, a business offer, an offer of a holiday, shopping trip with friends, who cares…. whatever.
I did not get a job offer today. I actually failed to get the offer that comes at the end of a blissful interview in which you sail through and reach a mutual unspoken agreement that you will now work there. I failed to get the job offer at my favorite company in the world. No one wants to hear an assistants view on the CEO’s visionary and her support and understanding and appreciation for that vision in a way
I decided I’d offer my friend a drive to the local gas station as it wasn’t out of my way. She gabbed on about how life was unfair and that relationships blow and I listen…sort of but not really. I’m glad though that I offered her the drive has she usually threw her cash around which meant that I’d be getting a solid pack of smokes out of it. I’m not a mooch or anything because she offers.
My best friend has just been offered a job at American Apparel. I am very happy for her and for myself because it’s not an easy place to get offered and considering how nice their clothes are… I’m really getting some good discounts! I’m so excited! This is definitely a nice word, to be offered something
Offer is something you try to put on a house but then get hosed by lying real-estate shrews who try to tell you they’re the listing agent when in fact they’re a piece of crap. So thanks non-listing agent shew…time for a backup app.
what do you have to offer? something worthwhile? something stupid?
Make it so.
Elliott Ray
Wow! What an offer! It can’t be true. Nothing this good is ever true.
The hooded man moves closer, obviously waiting for my reply. I swallow the bile in the back of my throat. This was probably going to be the biggest mistake of my life.
Purple Cleric
Tendai Sean Joe
i like to offer things to people who are less fortunate than I am. I feel bad that I have more than a lot of people do and that is why I like to offer thing to people. Offering is always a curtious thing to d, even if you don’t really feel like offering something to people.
I had to make an offer to an analyst about carefree methods to overcome population hazards. Such as hard water and telecommunication. the main problem was the hair. Too long. I offered to cut it off but she said no. Which is fine by me.It worked out in the end. Save the whales, Princess of whales. Love peace control bud, oxymoron.
Bryan Dombi
is not valid in all 50 states. Offerer offerer offerer mass consumption pig latin failure offense abstract notion of truth
offer ur goods unto the less fortunate it shall be returned thru GODS grace.
i offered myself an offer that seemed to be the best offer that anyone had ever offered me.
I dont feel like i have anything to offer him that hes never had before. I can only be myself, but thats a cheap deal because i havent been to sure who that is exactly. I wish he would offer more, but I offer pretty little but confusion and distance. I will enjoy this month all the same.
“Offer me a drink.” She said through a burst of laughter as she flung herself against the sticky bar. I shot a weary glance down her shimmering excuse for a shirt before flagging down the bar tender.
“Get this girl a drink.” I demanded in a surprisingly gruff voice.
“What kind of a drink, Hun?” The flamboyant man sweetly chimed as he flipped a tall glass out from his stash beneath the bar.
“What’s good tonight?” she shot back with out tearing her gaze from me. Damn. She was good.
“Mmmm… You look like a vodka cranberry to me.”
“Make that Jean-Marc XO on the rocks.”
He looked at me quizzically before reaching up to the top shelf for her drink. Expensive taste. She was perfect!
i hope he offers to pay for my ticket. i hate it when he asks if i’m going to pay. i don’t like to be a shallow girlfirned, (is that the word?? but i like the small things to be covered. like, WHERES MY CHOCOLATE BUNNY DAMMIT?! well, that’s fine. this sucks. don’t read it D: rawrrr.
I would offer my heart to him if only he would accept it and offer me his in turn. I’d like to imagine that he would… when we meet.
I received the offer on Thursday afternoon. I was speechless. I stood in the office holding the envelope in one shaking hand and the letter in the other. I stood, right in the middle of everything. People passed me, hurrying here or there to complete their futile tasks. But I stood there with a meaning. With this letter in my hand, this opportunity at my feet, I was finally complete.
If this was something I had I think I would take it. Of course that would vary with what exactly it was. Thus the offer could define the choice in life. Depending on what life offers you, your path could change and the road you wander down could change dramatically.
He walked into the boardroom, folder in one hand, a pen in the other. He was wearing a charcoal grey power suit with a white shirt and red tie. Clearly, he was about to make an offer that I couldn’t refuse.
Offer you some truth, some kindness, something real, which is the hardest thing for me.
For Real
Rewinds at a discounted price
Offer something new, a challenge, offer you to take a chance, on me, with me.
He offers you a dream house, its everything you ever wanted in a house, all you have to do is live with his mother.
I like to give offerings because i love to make people like me. When you offer things to someone, you give them something that shows that you care. When you offer something and expect something in return, it makes the offering less meaningful. Offerings should be given honestly, and considerately.
I offer the world to my mother if I could. I offer help to people as long as it’s not detrimental to me or others around them. I offer sincerity and insight to people’s minds and life. I offer the main reasons to live your life.
I will offer you as much money as I feel it is worth. In all honestly and hopefully not in any sort of crooked or misguided manner I will want it at a cheaper/discounted price because I feel my financial situation is not stable enough to supply over luxurious acquisitions in my everyday existence.
I offered one person a candy bar. They refused and I thought about how disrespectful it was to turn down such a free offer. Then I thought about how I couldn’t hold that against them because it was their choice. Maybe they weren’t hungry. Ah well, maybe I shouldn’t have assumed.
he began to offer me a coffee but I just couldn’t stay. He looked wounded but I just couldn’t say what he wanted to hear. He wanted comfort and I was cold. I don’t love you my mind screamed but my eyes just were off.
to offer a glass of water is to offer a pure form of humanity.
Some people justo dont do offer water because days are too common that they forget
i offer myself to you. you don’t take it- not my fault. I asked didn’t I? I gave it to you.. right? My talent my skills mean nothing to you. you don’t care. you think I’m replacable. Well, I’m not.
what can I offer to the world? what can I give to the world.
this is a present, this is today.
this is the future I hold in my hands.
I can tell you the wonders of a thousand days past, I can tell you the history of an eon time’s ago.
but I cannot tell you what to give to the world today.
it’s like fate, it’s like destiny.
meet Atlas at the end of the world and maybe hold on for a moment so that we can see where the apple tree falls.
I offer you my hand. and I really want you to hold it forever. but the truth is, after a few years, that will hurt. And I will need my space. Maybe a new hand. And I’m sorry for that.
some people do not offer an adequate amount of their time to those around them
i offered the old lady a hand crossing the street. i offered the old lady to carry her groceries into her house. Why do we always offer things. An offer can be something we mean or don’t mean, but is something we are obligated to follow through with.
I’m waiting in a room that’s oddly clean and neat, magazines in piles on every table. I wonder if I’ll get the job, I’ve been wanting it for so long. I dare not touch anything or look at my cell phone-you can’t look bored when waiting for an interview, you need to look like you’re pondering something and not fidgety
for once i wish people would look at the world through amazing eyes…a way for you to understand the amount of love and energy there is within each one of us. we are all connected in a cosmic beautiful way. too often we forget why we are ultimately here…to make perfect connections with individuals. not materilstic possecions
I offered change and my last cigarette to a very slovenly dressed individual in a walmart parking lot, simply for his trouble. of course his trouble is crack cocaine, but I believe in the solemn fact that people in need, need you, whether its to provide the means to their end, or a hand to bring them to salvation.
“I have an offer to make you,” the man said softly as he sipped his margarita in the dimness of the bar. “A once in a lifetime offer.”
“Not like the ones I get every day on tv, I hope.”
i oofer my love to you
free mortgage creditcard sales person return negotiate agents accept reject help proposition
It was an offer I could not let down. Undeniable, tempting. Fresh in every way. I stood there, thinking to myself, my hands in my pockets as I contemplated my options.
No… I could not let it down. I hat to accept. It was my duty. Perhaps even my destiny. With that, I took the puppy up in my hands, and paid the cash, a slight smile upon my lips. He would have a better home now; he would be safe.
ahhh, i need an offer at the moment, things are quiet, life is dull. A personal offer, a business offer, an offer of a holiday, shopping trip with friends, who cares…. whatever.
I did not get a job offer today. I actually failed to get the offer that comes at the end of a blissful interview in which you sail through and reach a mutual unspoken agreement that you will now work there. I failed to get the job offer at my favorite company in the world. No one wants to hear an assistants view on the CEO’s visionary and her support and understanding and appreciation for that vision in a way
I decided I’d offer my friend a drive to the local gas station as it wasn’t out of my way. She gabbed on about how life was unfair and that relationships blow and I listen…sort of but not really. I’m glad though that I offered her the drive has she usually threw her cash around which meant that I’d be getting a solid pack of smokes out of it. I’m not a mooch or anything because she offers.
My best friend has just been offered a job at American Apparel. I am very happy for her and for myself because it’s not an easy place to get offered and considering how nice their clothes are… I’m really getting some good discounts! I’m so excited! This is definitely a nice word, to be offered something
Offer is something you try to put on a house but then get hosed by lying real-estate shrews who try to tell you they’re the listing agent when in fact they’re a piece of crap. So thanks non-listing agent shew…time for a backup app.
what do you have to offer? something worthwhile? something stupid?
Make it so.
Wow! What an offer! It can’t be true. Nothing this good is ever true.
The hooded man moves closer, obviously waiting for my reply. I swallow the bile in the back of my throat. This was probably going to be the biggest mistake of my life.
i like to offer things to people who are less fortunate than I am. I feel bad that I have more than a lot of people do and that is why I like to offer thing to people. Offering is always a curtious thing to d, even if you don’t really feel like offering something to people.
I had to make an offer to an analyst about carefree methods to overcome population hazards. Such as hard water and telecommunication. the main problem was the hair. Too long. I offered to cut it off but she said no. Which is fine by me.It worked out in the end. Save the whales, Princess of whales. Love peace control bud, oxymoron.
is not valid in all 50 states. Offerer offerer offerer mass consumption pig latin failure offense abstract notion of truth
offer ur goods unto the less fortunate it shall be returned thru GODS grace.
i offered myself an offer that seemed to be the best offer that anyone had ever offered me.