offer? i take any. just make one.
because the only thing i have to offer is love..
take it while you can
i can make an offer at the life lived by any person but you have to fill the offer yourself… you wanna be happy make it happen. make yourself happy and then you’ll love life
james wright
It’s not that I didin’t want to accept your offer, I just didn’t quite understand what exactly it was your were offering me.
I LOVE a good offer, like the one I accepted from my neighbour last week, now that was an offer I couldn’t refuse. In fact I have made such good use of her offer I reckon she’s regretting offering it to me in the first place but that’s the thing with offers, you’ve got to be able to come through with the goods….
…now, what was your offer again?
Jo Woods
I don’t like to refuse an offer. Ever. Sometimes they get me in trouble. Sometimes they get me places I could have never gone myself. Sometimes…well sometimes I dig myself so deep I can’t get out by myself. But lately, offers have helped dig me back out.
It was an offer i had to refuse. It seemed alright, of course, but it was going to kill me if I took it. There is nothing as painful as watching a frenemy suffer. You think you want it to happen but when you witness the tears come from the blood-red eyes of your once innocent turned nemesis of a pal, 2×4 cracking the top of his skull, few things seem right. If you’re that kind of person. The kind of person who just paid a bum to attack your middle school best mate for $5 and a reverse cowboy. Oh well.
Sam Richardson
offer anything and everything i have to offer. but in the end i feel like i have offer nothing and nothing is offered to me except for what i have been given, but when offered i dont want it. is there something wrong with me, or is who i am my worst enemy
Offer your body for sexual gratification.
gift. when somebody offer me somthing i try to accept it. i would be happy with it.
I offer you my love, I said as he walked away, please turn back, I said, as he walked away, please come back. But the voices
Anat Levin
Sie lag auf einer Wiese. Um sie herum Gänseblümchen. Sie hatte frei und nutzte den schönen Tag.
der junge Mann, der auf sie zukam war bildhübsch. Gut gebaut, muskulös und ein fein geschnittenes Gesicht.
Sie kamen ins Gespräch. Small talk. Belangloses.
Eine ganze Stunde lang redeten sie.
Dann zückte er ein Foto.
Und ihre Welt erstarrte.
Auf dem Foto ein ihr bekannter Mann.
Ihr Vater.
“Bring ihn um und du wirst weiter leben!”
one word sould be a sentimental kind of vague idea of a stupid quiz, i totally hope its worth my time because i will rate this page down if its just interesting, i dont want to be disapointing in you stuble upon!!!!!!!
john franks
I offer you a chance in life. I offer you my hand. I offer you my help, without a following demand. I offer you some hope some love and perhaps some time, but most of all I offer you all that is mine.
Sarah Violet
All day we baked in the hot fields wondering, what had God offered us, willing to give it all back, to spit in the face of our mothers and sink quietly into the soil.
alex pierce
The effigy of and ephemeral offer makes life a conflicted cataclysm of self biased choice. The mind overides all reason and we are submitted to that mindset of survive.
Tom O
Offer is such a nice thing that we forget about. People need to offer more things to society. Thing of the good that could come of it. With such a simple word, we could cure aids, or feed the hungry. Offer something. Time, money, donations. Anything that could help.
Offer? What do I have to offer you? Not much. I have little time for things as I work so much. I wish I had more to offer, such as my time. There’s so much I would like to offer to the world. But this world moves to fast for me. I need someone to offer me more time!
If I offer you my food will you take it? Why? For what reason are you entitled to my food? Cause I offered it to you? I’m not so sure about this relationship if you’re going to steal my food. Well, maybe I’m just kidding, maybe not. Could it be something deeper than wanting my food for myself?
i once a offered a man thirty dollars to eat his own smelly socks. he said, “ok” and then tore off his shoes and began scarfing down wet smelly sock.
its muuch better to offer to help someone than be asked to do it first. it makes you feel better AND the person that you help. offer to do anything that you can…. KARMA :) you wont regret it.
lindsey lowe
i would like to offer you my kidney
would you like it ???
it will be yours
you may eat it for dinner or perhaps implant it on some needy child
you know, one of those, begging in the streets
instead of coins though, you give him a kidney
my kidney.
One world. too many people. I want some coffee. and I love ra ra riot.
offer to draw a picture offering to God
lamb upon the throne
sacrifice for the one i love
a piece of chocolate
good advice
i’d offer all the time i have for the one i love
do you want me to offer my opinion, my money, my time, my mind or my body?
Sinéad B.
i think id like to offer my talents to the world. i know that may sounds 100 percent ridiculous but i legitimately think that i have something to offer the world. to offer society. i dont know why. sometimes- i just feel it in my bones.
The offer of salvation held out to the world….
But is it ready?
Ready for the truth?
Ready to be free….
No one knows…
Because no one has tasted such a thing as this…
Unbelievable chaos could ensue or utter bliss…
Or they could be one and the same
Thomas D
i would like to extend you an offer to enroll at this prestigious university. your achievements are unparalleled in your field, and you would be a welcome addition to our cadre of graduate students. You have one week to notify us of whether you are to accept or not.
when you offer someone your soul, they cannot deny it, because it is such a powerful thing that one cannot despise its existence in their life. it may be a good soul, or it may be a bad soul. either way, one’s personal power is still increased.
i want someone to offer me 1 million dollars, i have never been offered sex.. i could offer you some advice about education but I wont. Offer is a strong word, one that I can not think about right now. This word hasnt crossed my mind in a while.. Ma
I would take you up on your wonderous offer, but I must pass it on to my very needy, hard-for-cash friend over here, who needs a real job, to pay back the money he still owes me!
your love with out expecting anything in return; then and only then will you get true love in return.
Terra S. L.
there the green line goes even though it’s so tinry and i just wrote about this freaking word and it really sucks and derek is just yawning and it’s so messed up because he does messed up things and i feel better about myself, also this song taught me who clark gable was. i was so emo and dderek is dying and cannot understand anything and sixty seconds is such a long time
Vince here with Shamwow.
I wonder if they filter profanity on this site. I don’t really have time to look at the TOS right now, but it’s something I should do. Bla bla bla. Rickety slides and slickety brides.
offer myself on 6th and callow. 40 BUCKS AT DENNIS OFF DA HIWUH!!!!! THIS SATURDAY ONLY!!!!
Some offers are better than others, but the best offer of all is peace of mind. It’s something we don’t always come across easily. Thank you universe.
offer me drugs please…offer my friends drugs too, please. offer me the moon, stars, and lots of drugzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
offering a job in the time of recession will mean a lot to the youngsters of today. But the job offer must be good and meaningful one and also pretty useful. Parents offer gifts to their children.
she told me it was an offer. n ot strings attached. should have known nothing was ever that simple. but in the substance fueled haze it seemed like a good idea. she was my ex but this didn’t mean anything right? shit….wrong, wrong.
offer? i take any. just make one.
because the only thing i have to offer is love..
take it while you can
i can make an offer at the life lived by any person but you have to fill the offer yourself… you wanna be happy make it happen. make yourself happy and then you’ll love life
It’s not that I didin’t want to accept your offer, I just didn’t quite understand what exactly it was your were offering me.
I LOVE a good offer, like the one I accepted from my neighbour last week, now that was an offer I couldn’t refuse. In fact I have made such good use of her offer I reckon she’s regretting offering it to me in the first place but that’s the thing with offers, you’ve got to be able to come through with the goods….
…now, what was your offer again?
I don’t like to refuse an offer. Ever. Sometimes they get me in trouble. Sometimes they get me places I could have never gone myself. Sometimes…well sometimes I dig myself so deep I can’t get out by myself. But lately, offers have helped dig me back out.
It was an offer i had to refuse. It seemed alright, of course, but it was going to kill me if I took it. There is nothing as painful as watching a frenemy suffer. You think you want it to happen but when you witness the tears come from the blood-red eyes of your once innocent turned nemesis of a pal, 2×4 cracking the top of his skull, few things seem right. If you’re that kind of person. The kind of person who just paid a bum to attack your middle school best mate for $5 and a reverse cowboy. Oh well.
offer anything and everything i have to offer. but in the end i feel like i have offer nothing and nothing is offered to me except for what i have been given, but when offered i dont want it. is there something wrong with me, or is who i am my worst enemy
Offer your body for sexual gratification.
gift. when somebody offer me somthing i try to accept it. i would be happy with it.
I offer you my love, I said as he walked away, please turn back, I said, as he walked away, please come back. But the voices
Sie lag auf einer Wiese. Um sie herum Gänseblümchen. Sie hatte frei und nutzte den schönen Tag.
der junge Mann, der auf sie zukam war bildhübsch. Gut gebaut, muskulös und ein fein geschnittenes Gesicht.
Sie kamen ins Gespräch. Small talk. Belangloses.
Eine ganze Stunde lang redeten sie.
Dann zückte er ein Foto.
Und ihre Welt erstarrte.
Auf dem Foto ein ihr bekannter Mann.
Ihr Vater.
“Bring ihn um und du wirst weiter leben!”
one word sould be a sentimental kind of vague idea of a stupid quiz, i totally hope its worth my time because i will rate this page down if its just interesting, i dont want to be disapointing in you stuble upon!!!!!!!
I offer you a chance in life. I offer you my hand. I offer you my help, without a following demand. I offer you some hope some love and perhaps some time, but most of all I offer you all that is mine.
All day we baked in the hot fields wondering, what had God offered us, willing to give it all back, to spit in the face of our mothers and sink quietly into the soil.
The effigy of and ephemeral offer makes life a conflicted cataclysm of self biased choice. The mind overides all reason and we are submitted to that mindset of survive.
Offer is such a nice thing that we forget about. People need to offer more things to society. Thing of the good that could come of it. With such a simple word, we could cure aids, or feed the hungry. Offer something. Time, money, donations. Anything that could help.
Offer? What do I have to offer you? Not much. I have little time for things as I work so much. I wish I had more to offer, such as my time. There’s so much I would like to offer to the world. But this world moves to fast for me. I need someone to offer me more time!
If I offer you my food will you take it? Why? For what reason are you entitled to my food? Cause I offered it to you? I’m not so sure about this relationship if you’re going to steal my food. Well, maybe I’m just kidding, maybe not. Could it be something deeper than wanting my food for myself?
i once a offered a man thirty dollars to eat his own smelly socks. he said, “ok” and then tore off his shoes and began scarfing down wet smelly sock.
its muuch better to offer to help someone than be asked to do it first. it makes you feel better AND the person that you help. offer to do anything that you can…. KARMA :) you wont regret it.
i would like to offer you my kidney
would you like it ???
it will be yours
you may eat it for dinner or perhaps implant it on some needy child
you know, one of those, begging in the streets
instead of coins though, you give him a kidney
my kidney.
One world. too many people. I want some coffee. and I love ra ra riot.
offer to draw a picture offering to God
lamb upon the throne
sacrifice for the one i love
a piece of chocolate
good advice
i’d offer all the time i have for the one i love
do you want me to offer my opinion, my money, my time, my mind or my body?
i think id like to offer my talents to the world. i know that may sounds 100 percent ridiculous but i legitimately think that i have something to offer the world. to offer society. i dont know why. sometimes- i just feel it in my bones.
The offer of salvation held out to the world….
But is it ready?
Ready for the truth?
Ready to be free….
No one knows…
Because no one has tasted such a thing as this…
Unbelievable chaos could ensue or utter bliss…
Or they could be one and the same
i would like to extend you an offer to enroll at this prestigious university. your achievements are unparalleled in your field, and you would be a welcome addition to our cadre of graduate students. You have one week to notify us of whether you are to accept or not.
when you offer someone your soul, they cannot deny it, because it is such a powerful thing that one cannot despise its existence in their life. it may be a good soul, or it may be a bad soul. either way, one’s personal power is still increased.
i want someone to offer me 1 million dollars, i have never been offered sex.. i could offer you some advice about education but I wont. Offer is a strong word, one that I can not think about right now. This word hasnt crossed my mind in a while.. Ma
I would take you up on your wonderous offer, but I must pass it on to my very needy, hard-for-cash friend over here, who needs a real job, to pay back the money he still owes me!
your love with out expecting anything in return; then and only then will you get true love in return.
there the green line goes even though it’s so tinry and i just wrote about this freaking word and it really sucks and derek is just yawning and it’s so messed up because he does messed up things and i feel better about myself, also this song taught me who clark gable was. i was so emo and dderek is dying and cannot understand anything and sixty seconds is such a long time
Vince here with Shamwow.
I wonder if they filter profanity on this site. I don’t really have time to look at the TOS right now, but it’s something I should do. Bla bla bla. Rickety slides and slickety brides.
offer myself on 6th and callow. 40 BUCKS AT DENNIS OFF DA HIWUH!!!!! THIS SATURDAY ONLY!!!!
Some offers are better than others, but the best offer of all is peace of mind. It’s something we don’t always come across easily. Thank you universe.
an offer you cant refuse: your soul or your wife.
price, sex, store, money, offer, fish market, market, orgens, repo, blood, vampires, light,
offer me drugs please…offer my friends drugs too, please. offer me the moon, stars, and lots of drugzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
offering a job in the time of recession will mean a lot to the youngsters of today. But the job offer must be good and meaningful one and also pretty useful. Parents offer gifts to their children.
she told me it was an offer. n ot strings attached. should have known nothing was ever that simple. but in the substance fueled haze it seemed like a good idea. she was my ex but this didn’t mean anything right? shit….wrong, wrong.