
December 20th, 2010 | 326 Entries

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326 Entries for “optimism”

  1. when i think of optimism, i think of something huge, optimism is huge but it is not spread enough across the sea and to the shining. its it option tto optimize to optimimism octopuses.

  2. to think to be to hear. when i think of optimism i think of the future, of love of life, of career, of having what you want, and even when you don’t have what you want, you are still ok with it, because at some point, and in most cases, having what you have and wanting what you want are ok. optimism is optimistic at the heart of it. don’t think just do, hope and love

  3. to think to be to hear. when i think of optimism i think of the future, of love of life, of career, of having what you want, and even when you don’t have what you want, you are still ok with it, because at some point, and in most cases, having what you have and wanting what you want are ok. optimism is optimistic at the heart of it. don’t think just do, hope and love

  4. in a perfect world, everyone will live with respect, harmony og unconditional love. we will threat the world as a living being and don’t try to destroy it. we need to wake up, and stop being greedy and selfish.

    Eirik Hjelle
  5. The girl’s optimism was infectious. Skipping, twirling; she was like an annoyingly happy little puppy who only saw through rose-colored glasses. Sarcasm had no effect on her and insults seemed to bounce off. She was the lone person who saw the donut. Everyone else could see only the hole. Cynicism wasn’t even in her vocabulary.

  6. the opposite of pessimism, something that exists in all, one can not escape the call that hope and faith has within all of us.

  7. optimism eludes so many. eludes me at times. but typically, i live optimistically…always thinking i’ll find long lasting love, be thin, and each morning is a new start towards being happy. who has time for pessimism

    Susan Wilkinson
  8. What he was telling me was, of course, utter rubbish. After all, it went against the precepts of science. But he did have an engaging air of optimism and a smile that simply brooked no disagreement. He may have been mad… or merely some New Age weirdo. I was guessing the former, as I have always been a pessimist. But it appeared that if I wanted company or guidance, he was the only game in town.

  9. think happy about things that may happen or are going to happen soon. you have to think of the good outcomes and have what they will bring. i’m not optimistic but i would like to be, but after everything’s happened. i’ve learned you have to expect the unexpected.

  10. carol was an optimist. as a young child she would always look on the bright side, even when her mother died. she was always seeing the glass as half-full and looked forward to the day things would look up. things weren’t looking up, however, and carol was becoming more and more desperate.

  11. it was a warm feeling that passed from his chest to his throat, and soon he was smiling it through his eyes. Gone was the swampt that sat in the bottom of his stomach that has consumed him before. He was light. He needed this.

  12. thinking outside the gloom of the world around us
    hard to do at some times and easier at others
    there is more good if we look for it and not expect it to land in our laps

  13. smiles
    glass half full
    not pessimism
    Super cool
    I love it
    happiness is great
    good times
    when you know that even if things look bad, something good can come out of it
    Knowing that some day, James Franco will be your husband
    Knowing that even though that idea is crazy, if you believe it can come true

  14. Glass half full? Glass half empty? What’s the difference. Things are what they are and if we can’t wish for the best and believe that the best is happening, we are only living in an environment of fear and anxiety. Optimism though sounds like rose colored glasses is a necessary tool to survive in today’s environment.

    Stephanie Kunz
  15. is something that i try to tap into every day, although i put so many rules on it. like don’t be overly, and be realistic and it’s hard to dig down deep sometimes and find it when everything around you is conspiring otherwise. but i have it, it’s there.

  16. Optimism is necessary for a fulfilling life. Pessimism will ruin your life with its negativity and pain. Always be optimistic. One way to be more optimistic is to always look at the bright side of situations, even if it may be difficult to see it.

  17. something that I do not possess. something my parents do not possess. which answers the question of why I am so pessimistic.

  18. Optimism is hard. Glass half full or half empty? Sometimes it’s just really hard. To stay optimistic. When you open a newspaper and see that 26 people just died in a another suicide bombing, that there is rioting in various countries, that the polar bears can’t actually be saved (though the headline claimed that). It’s hard. And lots of the time, I can’t do it.

  19. When the sirens rang, I was optimistic. When the fires burned, I was optimistic. They repossessed my house but I was optimistic. They took my wife and children, god damn why was I optimistic. The country degraded into madness and insanity but at least I was optimistic.

  20. Sometimes it’s hard to optimistic. When it seems like the whole world is crashing down on you and there’s no escape. Just remember that there’s always someone out there who can help. A parent, friend, sibling, teacher, lover. Someone loves you and wants you to succeed. Always try to look on the bright side, even if it’s hard to find. You *will* make it through.

  21. hope. optimism is about being a happy person and hoping for the best, if not making it real. making the best real. optimism is looking on the brighter side of things and not letting anyone bring you down. optimism is happiness.

  22. as ever optimism is what keeps me going –

    judith barrow
  23. not my thing, to be honest, it only leads to being let down, useful in rimes of struggle, but in normal stuff? ugh, Bo-ring. No, the only use for optimism is in the case of “hopeless romanticism”.

  24. BE HAPPY, PEOPLE!!!!! Seriously, cynicism is meaningless.

    Jessica Phillips
  25. Optimism is being happy when the world around you is falling to pieces… Happiness is the key to surviving a crisis – and when you smile, the rest of the world smiles along with you. Think about it.

    Jessica Phillips
  26. optimism is my fiend and my enemy. it makes me see what i want to see, but how true is what i see? how much of it is my perseption. how much of it is me. optismism is my firend because when i fall it tells me”Get up” i drives me crazy. it depends on the moment. Optimist always exist, it depends on if we want to see it and follow its advice. for some optimism is the naiveness, for others it’s a dream.

  27. Optimism is what makes the world go round. We need to know that there are happy things in the world, a reason to keep on living. Optimism makes us able to see the bright side in every situation. Those without optimism have a very sad, sorrowful existence. It makes me sad to think about those people. They need a taste of this in order to remind them that not everything is dark and sad. That is why I think optimism is important.

  28. Optimism is the most foolhardy concept of human history. Optimists serve no purpose, but only cause us realists headaches when they speak. Rose-tinted glasses make the whole world blind.

  29. She tries to find it hiding under her old battered stuffed animals, the chest of toys in the attic, the old heirlooms of her grandmother. It’s nowhere to be seen, but she some how doesn’t mind.

    She wouldn’t stand a chance with those happy people.

  30. taking a chance in thinking

  31. this is about being happy and thinking positivelt no matter what obsticles come in your way! i love being optimistic it can’t be beaten!!!

  32. Optimism is false hope. I’m too much of an optimist. There’s always a tiny glimmer of hope in my head, no matter how unlikely whatever it is I want is to come true. Optimism is a let-down. Most of the time in life, you get your hopes up for nothing.

  33. I don’t know exactly when I lost my sense of shining optimism. It was probably somewhere nudged between when my daddy left and when momma started coming home on her benders. They kept telling me to keep my chin up and look towards tomorrow. But tomorrow’s kept turning into yesterdays. And I have a feeling it will be that way until I leave this damn town.

  34. Optimism is the opposite of Pessimism. I, for one, is probably a pessimist, where as my friend is an optimist. I don’t like being a pessimist, but sometimes that’s the way life goes!

  35. optimism is, like any perception, just one of many different ways to control your reality. With optimism, or undying enthusiasm, you creative a happy, full-of-life reality for yourself where everything happens for the best. The flip side, negativity, is the opposite. You create an unhappy, dead existence for yourself where everything happens for the worst. Perception is reality.

    Eric Purcell
  36. i wish i had it

  37. good
    britney spears

  38. optimism. A big word. Some thing I tend to lack. You need it, or life will be a dark obis. Not lots to say…

  39. Optimism is not easy. You know those happy go luck optimists? Always ruining your self loathing period…always making you realize that there IS a sunny side to everything. Always ruining your day. Damn the optimists and their optimism.

  40. For a pessimist i’m pretty optimistic! Glass half empty – glass half full. Always hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst. Smile, be happy :)