
February 21st, 2011 | 546 Entries

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546 Entries for “outlet”

  1. i went to the outlet mall and there I left all of my emotions.

  2. Het kind keek naar het stopcontact, geintrigeerd, alsof er niets anders bestond dan dat kleine plastic vlak. Ze bestudeerde de vorm met haar ogen en liet haar vingers over het witte spul gaan, giechelde vanwege het grappige gevoel. De twee gaten in het stopcontact en het schroefje waarmee het vast zat leken een gezichtje te vormen. Een eenvoudig gezichtje weliswaar, met een verbaasde mond. Ze verwonderde zich er nog steeds over, wist niet goed waar het voor diende. Ze proefde het woord op haar tong. Stopcontact.

  3. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm , i think that an outlet is like something you plug a lamp in ….

    <3 Kaytlynn Wood (:

  4. power, electricity, an outlet for my creativity. creativity flows like electricity through an outlet into a computer. stop thinking, let ideas flow. stop thinking stop thinking stop thinking stop thinking.

  5. There has to be a way you let off steam and come back to yourself. I am continually searching for mine.

  6. Journaling, writing poetry, and singing are my creative outlets. I also use exercise as my outlet, to get all of the anxiety out of my body. Don’t recommend sticking a fork in an outlet. Is this a French-derived word? The more that I look at it, the more I see French. Interesting.

  7. I love seeing exciting outlet passes on a basketball court. Seeing a rebounding and a good outlet pass to start a fastbreak makes for the best kind of basketball-running and using numbers for a good, quick paced, athletic, exciting game.

  8. it has to be easy to find an outlet to all this frustration – the work, the kids, the bills, the calls, the emails. maybe jogging or drinking, going away could be nice. but, alas, it’s an illusion. the outlet is momentary, the satisfaction – passing. something about life needs to change dramatically.

  9. to hold everything in, never releasing.
    the tension is graspable.
    growing, growing, growing.
    always in, and never Out.
    Let me be free from some of this heavy weight that is not mine to bare.
    save me from myself.

  10. it is something that is very use to . you put tv’s , the whole word has it and alot of there suff .

  11. outlet comes and goes and thrivells in an onset of going and escaping an freeing the mind of those who wait for speaking the outliers of truth and the sky of civilian liberties within. Not within but throughout the tendencies of reciprocal longitude that goes on continuously until the brink of infinity is inhaled and respected as some inept quality of man and its wealth of feelings that weep inside

    Francisco Sousa
  12. I think an out let is something that you plug something like a t.v. or other things into.

  13. an out let eats coco puffs and other good things like me. hahaha . jk jk jk . no really they do really eat them all the time hahaha. gone gone done.

  14. OUTLET: what is our souls?What makes us,’us’?

  15. A place where you let out.
    On the edge of the city.
    A place for rejected items.
    A lost and found.
    Let me Out.

  16. An outlet is something that you plug cords into to give them power they can shock you.

  17. It is a small hole. And you plug in a cord

  18. outlet is a type of road you take to exit others. outlet is also something you plug electrical cords into so it can receive electricity.

  19. outlet is like the word out and let like let me go out side or something. And its also a strong power sourse. And u plug thing in to it!!!

  20. an outlet is where you plug in electrical devices. Such as computers, sharpeners, chargers, or TVs.

  21. An outlet is a thing that you put electrical cords in like hairdryers, space heaters, or little mini fans.

  22. outlet

  23. hfvhdv vhjkjvhzdfbkhcgavhvchavdkhavxhjvgxbnvbvfvfvfhbvsdhgvefhgercygfwiugrugvyufvcgfvfgvshudfgvfshbvghjufvuefhgvbfhbvhydbvhjfbgvefhvbvhjvbhvbgfghf

    sometimes I close my eyes and think that

  24. I want a new word, yet I need an outlet in my life. I just don’t want the word outlet to be a part of my outlet. New word!! :P

  25. I was sitting at my kitchen table and all of a sudden roots started to extrude from my outlet. They begin growing very quickly. Eventually a flower bloomed from it. It was like no other flower I have ever seen. IT was droopy and colorful. It had an eyeball.

  26. the plug in the wall or a place in the mall
    sometimes malls are really tall
    four stories high is like eight short men
    outlets are for plugging in
