the oven is extremly hot very hot i dont know what else to write about it , its used for cooking , and baking..
I put the cake in the oven, that was so hot that the cake burst out to a billion monsters
once i put my cat in the oven i didn’t turn it on but it was still something to laugh at until my brother came by and turned it on to bake a cake he had been wanting to make for a while and he didn’t even notice the cat…i miss fluffy….and my brother… was a rough week
I remember once putting plastic in the oven… it melted over all the grating… my mom was mad… but she laughed at me all day…
Oven, oh oven, where art thou my darling oven?
jason s
Something that I wish I had in my travel trailer, a real one at least. We do have a small microwave/convection but that is worthless at Thanksgiving.
A bun in the oven…
A hot fiery place…
Watch out! Don’t burn yourself….
Why isn’t that food cooking right….
Oh no….not another fire in the oven!
A kiln….
A place to cook bread/outdoor oven near a pueblo dwelling
Brenda McElyea
oven. the word rings in my ear like a thousand wedding bells, signaling that moment in my life when i stuff myself with nutrients and vitamins.. dinner! muhahahahaha
the oven is most often found in the kitchen. we use the oven to cook various types of foods with heat. the oven may be gas or electric. most commonly, the oven will be found on a stove, with several (usually 4) eyes or stove burners on top to cook other various dishes on
fifty thousand men walking in the woods, the oven was just on fire and the flames were so high and bright with that colour and warm feeling sense, Strimblong was trusting in her duty to finish his work in the
Wait I already did this word don’t they update this game or anything? Today I was cooking something in the oven. Actually no I wasn’t my dad was cooking something on the stove top. I already did this word and submitted a pretty amazing story. I thought it was way better than all those other ones that just write association words and shit mine was a real story.
thoughts of you simmer in my brain like something baking in the oven.The scent of you lingers in my memory.I miss can you ache with lost for something you never had?
An oven is a fucked up stupid ass word to get, seriously wtf why do I get fucking Oven?
Anyway… The OT is the best fucking place in the fucking internet. Its got all these like spammers and stuff but its not as bas /b/ actually its just simply the fucking best. Can I swear in here anyway? Meh I’m sure I can… So fuck fuck fuckity fuck…
The oven was blasting heat out into the room, and I stoon in front of it warming my hands. I loved the snow, but I loved it even more when I got to come inside and defrost with a cup of cocoa.
she opened the oven,only for the smell of something overburnt to reach her nose,”oh,no!”ruined.his birthday cake.ruined.
hot, makes good stuff, hate to clean it, Hansel & Gretl, under stove, drawer under it holds lids and broiler pan, prefer gas over electric
I love ovens! They are fantastic. I love baking. Sylvia Plath killed herself in an oven, but that doesn’t change my love for ovens, or baking, or food. Yay ovens!
She quickly took the piece of pee out of the oven, glad that she had thought to reheat it. She loved this pie, she thought, as she breathed in that intense fall smell. It reminded her of home more than any other place, and that made her happy. She loved home. She missed home. But this, this was just as good. She loved it here too. Her new life. She loved it too.
cooks my food. heats my food. good food comes from my oven. it smells good when food cooks in my oven.
it wouldn’t be classy. but, you aren’t exactly thinking about classy when you’re considering death. i wondered vaguely how awkward it might be when someone found me, lying there, with my head in the oven.
She knelt next to the oven and shifted pans aside, looking for the teflon her mother had given her last year. He came into the kitchen, work boots clunking noisily against the hardwood, and dropped his dusty jacket onto the table. He leans against the door jamb and stares at her, admiring her beauty and pose, before going over to help her look.
Inside the oven it is extremely warm. Temperatures of over 200 degrees Fahrenheit can be found inside. Ovens are surprisingly good for cooking things. Such as roast dinners, pasties, and other delicious baked goods.
warm, toasty, holidays.
I want my own oven. I love oven, there so amazing convenient. I bake, roast, broil and even steam depending on the situation. Did I mention I was a cooking fanatic?
Mneme Hoshiko
hot cookin food instrument located in the kitchenkeeep children away
she opeded it. heat rushed at her face. she pulled away. the heat made her sweat a bit. how cliche sweatig over a hot oven all day. she wiped her brow.
Baking, and the smell of sweet pastries, and breads, and cakes. Icing and fluffy insides. The smile on someone’s face when they receive a homemade treat. Something delicious. And simple. Home.
emily noelle
The oven is to cook in. Its hot and burning. In olden times the oven isn’t how it is now it was a wood burning stove.
The hot ovens baked the various breads to a nice and even brown. It was important to cook them thoroughly to get rid of the bacteria and infection of the ingredients which came from the outside. Though the soldiers declared them safe, the baker’s apprentice was not taking any chances. His reputation depended upon it.
its hot really really hot makes food keeps poor people warm make cookies it can lean itself sometimes they come in different colors like blue and green and orange and stuff idk what else…..
i know only one oven which is used for coocking the food. i also have one which i bought last year.
so for i am satisfied with the dishes that i cook in the oven. but it is difficult to use
Hot. Steamy. Baking.
fresh baked cookies. lovely turkey-shaped mitts. thanksgiving. family. standing around making grilled cheese and laughing my ass off with good friends. houses, and kitchens. i don’t know. ovens.
my oven sits
and stares at me
what will you make today?
the age old question
on everyone’s minds
i never know what to say?
if i turn the oven to face the wall
maybe it would be good
i’m tired by dinner
and so is my head
i don’t want to think about food
What’s an oven?
yummy, hot gooey, messes. waiting for the timer to beep for preheating to be ready. impatience. home. safeness. full tummies. sleep. happy. =]
Her desire fired like an oven, a box of heat she wore without shame. Flipping her hair and crossing and uncrossing her legs, she craved the attentions of the boys that dared look at her undulations and teases. She
the oven is extremly hot very hot i dont know what else to write about it , its used for cooking , and baking..
I put the cake in the oven, that was so hot that the cake burst out to a billion monsters
once i put my cat in the oven i didn’t turn it on but it was still something to laugh at until my brother came by and turned it on to bake a cake he had been wanting to make for a while and he didn’t even notice the cat…i miss fluffy….and my brother… was a rough week
I remember once putting plastic in the oven… it melted over all the grating… my mom was mad… but she laughed at me all day…
Oven, oh oven, where art thou my darling oven?
Something that I wish I had in my travel trailer, a real one at least. We do have a small microwave/convection but that is worthless at Thanksgiving.
A bun in the oven…
A hot fiery place…
Watch out! Don’t burn yourself….
Why isn’t that food cooking right….
Oh no….not another fire in the oven!
A kiln….
A place to cook bread/outdoor oven near a pueblo dwelling
oven. the word rings in my ear like a thousand wedding bells, signaling that moment in my life when i stuff myself with nutrients and vitamins.. dinner! muhahahahaha
the oven is most often found in the kitchen. we use the oven to cook various types of foods with heat. the oven may be gas or electric. most commonly, the oven will be found on a stove, with several (usually 4) eyes or stove burners on top to cook other various dishes on
fifty thousand men walking in the woods, the oven was just on fire and the flames were so high and bright with that colour and warm feeling sense, Strimblong was trusting in her duty to finish his work in the
Wait I already did this word don’t they update this game or anything? Today I was cooking something in the oven. Actually no I wasn’t my dad was cooking something on the stove top. I already did this word and submitted a pretty amazing story. I thought it was way better than all those other ones that just write association words and shit mine was a real story.
thoughts of you simmer in my brain like something baking in the oven.The scent of you lingers in my memory.I miss can you ache with lost for something you never had?
An oven is a fucked up stupid ass word to get, seriously wtf why do I get fucking Oven?
Anyway… The OT is the best fucking place in the fucking internet. Its got all these like spammers and stuff but its not as bas /b/ actually its just simply the fucking best. Can I swear in here anyway? Meh I’m sure I can… So fuck fuck fuckity fuck…
The oven was blasting heat out into the room, and I stoon in front of it warming my hands. I loved the snow, but I loved it even more when I got to come inside and defrost with a cup of cocoa.
she opened the oven,only for the smell of something overburnt to reach her nose,”oh,no!”ruined.his birthday cake.ruined.
hot, makes good stuff, hate to clean it, Hansel & Gretl, under stove, drawer under it holds lids and broiler pan, prefer gas over electric
I love ovens! They are fantastic. I love baking. Sylvia Plath killed herself in an oven, but that doesn’t change my love for ovens, or baking, or food. Yay ovens!
She quickly took the piece of pee out of the oven, glad that she had thought to reheat it. She loved this pie, she thought, as she breathed in that intense fall smell. It reminded her of home more than any other place, and that made her happy. She loved home. She missed home. But this, this was just as good. She loved it here too. Her new life. She loved it too.
cooks my food. heats my food. good food comes from my oven. it smells good when food cooks in my oven.
it wouldn’t be classy. but, you aren’t exactly thinking about classy when you’re considering death. i wondered vaguely how awkward it might be when someone found me, lying there, with my head in the oven.
She knelt next to the oven and shifted pans aside, looking for the teflon her mother had given her last year. He came into the kitchen, work boots clunking noisily against the hardwood, and dropped his dusty jacket onto the table. He leans against the door jamb and stares at her, admiring her beauty and pose, before going over to help her look.
Inside the oven it is extremely warm. Temperatures of over 200 degrees Fahrenheit can be found inside. Ovens are surprisingly good for cooking things. Such as roast dinners, pasties, and other delicious baked goods.
warm, toasty, holidays.
I want my own oven. I love oven, there so amazing convenient. I bake, roast, broil and even steam depending on the situation. Did I mention I was a cooking fanatic?
hot cookin food instrument located in the kitchenkeeep children away
she opeded it. heat rushed at her face. she pulled away. the heat made her sweat a bit. how cliche sweatig over a hot oven all day. she wiped her brow.
Baking, and the smell of sweet pastries, and breads, and cakes. Icing and fluffy insides. The smile on someone’s face when they receive a homemade treat. Something delicious. And simple. Home.
The oven is to cook in. Its hot and burning. In olden times the oven isn’t how it is now it was a wood burning stove.
The hot ovens baked the various breads to a nice and even brown. It was important to cook them thoroughly to get rid of the bacteria and infection of the ingredients which came from the outside. Though the soldiers declared them safe, the baker’s apprentice was not taking any chances. His reputation depended upon it.
its hot really really hot makes food keeps poor people warm make cookies it can lean itself sometimes they come in different colors like blue and green and orange and stuff idk what else…..
i know only one oven which is used for coocking the food. i also have one which i bought last year.
so for i am satisfied with the dishes that i cook in the oven. but it is difficult to use
Hot. Steamy. Baking.
fresh baked cookies. lovely turkey-shaped mitts. thanksgiving. family. standing around making grilled cheese and laughing my ass off with good friends. houses, and kitchens. i don’t know. ovens.
my oven sits
and stares at me
what will you make today?
the age old question
on everyone’s minds
i never know what to say?
if i turn the oven to face the wall
maybe it would be good
i’m tired by dinner
and so is my head
i don’t want to think about food
What’s an oven?
yummy, hot gooey, messes. waiting for the timer to beep for preheating to be ready. impatience. home. safeness. full tummies. sleep. happy. =]
Her desire fired like an oven, a box of heat she wore without shame. Flipping her hair and crossing and uncrossing her legs, she craved the attentions of the boys that dared look at her undulations and teases. She