“the oven burned my damn rump roast!” shouted Albert Fish. “Now I have to start all over again and find a new child and FFFFUUUCK this night is ruined!”
A bun in? Nothin says lovin like some commercial product in one? I don’t cook so they are alien objects to me. Taking space where a washer and dryer could go.
Pft, the oven? OH! you mean that place in my mind where all my sanity oes to be baked to a crisp?! HA! I remember that place!
I quickly opened the oven door and to my surprise a turkey was there. This should not have been much of a surprise to me but I am an absolute horrible cook. Also, with the added pressure of the In-Laws coming over I knew I was in deep trouble this Thanksgiving.
The turkey lookd amazing, the skin was an even brown, perfectly glazed, it was a work of an artist.
nmvmfjhfj jfgjfgjfhfghdhdgfdgdfgdfgdfg
ah yes the oven where all my dreams are baked to yeasty perfection…… i am of course speaking about the oven of my mind in which very little happens but its always warm…..
hot cake
i love yo cook cakes baking everything that has to do with is…it gets hot then it gets dirty but it fills my house with yummy smells and good feelings. nothing is better tha baking a cake for a friend in need or even just to say i love you its the ultimate way give a gift that means th3e world to someone
Smoke coming from the oven? Not a good sign.
As I pulled the well-done turkey from the smoking oven, I realized that my life was over. My mother-in-law will never let me forget this one.
my oven smells of cheese and cream. sometimes when i open the oven i get a hoboish smell. then i try to make some pie, but it turns out very bad. the oven is very old and broken. I have to use matches to turn it on.
i have an oven at home, but our oven sucks
The oven is hot. I open it and forget you, there beneath. A comma. A smudge. A memory. Your voice shatters all thought, all reason.
Ovens’ are very nice home appliances that can be used for a variety of things. You can bake cakes and chickens in them :)
They’re good if you want to cook something special, something tasty and healthy at the same time. cOOKIN in an oven m
put it in the oven and lets go down the pub. Ah a good old British roast on a Sunday. Just a couple of drinks and come straight back. And then off out for a nice family walk. Probably ten pints, burn the dinner and fall asleep and let the kids down again more like!
cynicism is alive and well and living in Devon
Ovens are what you bake in. In that fairy tale thing with hansel and gretal the witch wanted to put the kids in the oven right? umm the oven was invented a long time ago. there are a lot of different kinds of ovens. My family has an electric. i think. Oven’s are hot. I’ve never cleaned the inside of an oven.
i love to cook with the oven, the oven is white and it gets very hot. the oven reminds me of a bitch in heat with its legs spread wide open just waiting for a succulent rod to be back in a warm juicy storage place
The oven is hot. It is very hot. It burns my hands when I take out the cake. Then I cried and put them under cold water. The oven was very, very hot.
cookies warm winter embers burning heat copper melting sun firy escape certain death? coal fireworks sparks brighter night
I cooked a cake in the oven. It came out alright, tasted pretty good. the icing made it better though. I dont mind the occassional cake, its been a while since I’ve had one, and I hope to get another one soon. The one from the cheesecake shop is what Im cravign though, they are so nice and its been so long….
Need… cake…
Mom we need to talk.
Why whats wrong?
Well you know how you said you’d always love me?
Yeah. I always will sweetie.
Well guess what, i have a muffin in the oven :(
Oh shit.
Brandon Scholz
an overn is an amazing object you can cook with it
interestingly enough, i’m sitting in an oven right now, looking over at the sunrise. with my dog on my lap and a good book in my hand, I love ovens.
The other night my mother decided that she wanted to bake us all some cookies. AFter much talking over what kind of cookies to make we settled on sugar. Putting on her oven mit, my mother rolle
I went to the kitchen to put some food in the oven. But this oven was too large. Why? Who knows. Maybe it had been plugged up too long, or ran hot. Can ovens even run hot? It is an old oven. What if chickens laid eggs in ovens? They’d be able to keep them warm and not have to sit on them all the time, but imagine if the oven got two hot and the baby chicken fried in the egg…
his heart as warm as an oven. first friends are always too hot. fresh bread reminds me of perfect brotherhood.
i have seen many types of ovens. they amuse me. my friend once knew someone that tryed to kill themselves by sticking their head in and oven which is stupid really
i like ovens. they are fairly cool if yopu tink about it. they cook many things like roast chicken. i once did reoast chicken and it went horribly wrong!
ovens heat stuff like roast chuicken which tastes nice and sweets taste nice too and they have many different flavours nand types for example mint humbugs or lollypops.
There was one time that I on a trip and we went by lowes. There was an oven in the window and it fascinated me. I wished I could own that oven. How sad that it would go away so very soon. And so we drove on.
It’s all wrong. Heads stuck straight in the oven, doubling over on top of sick chains of events. All leading up to the genetic defect living inside the children whole are no leftovers.
The oven was big and bulky. It tore up the meat loaves in seconds after putting them in. But today, it sadly enough stood in a museum. He was sure that his friends were laughing at his future. The yard. The yard full of used whitewares.
the wonderful alnd of the oven, so warm and homely. nothing more homely than a n oven. except at a beach, a stone oven to keep the bacon hot. Oh-ven. good word that. reet word.
It was grey and silver. Ugly, really, and old. She didn’t want to touch it, but her husband ran over to it.
“Honey, it’s just what we’re looking for!” he cried, motioning toward the old oven.
“No, sweetie, we’re looking for something that won’t make our kitchen look like a horrible refugee camp.”
“That’s a terrible thing to say,” the husband replied, frowning.
I like the oven its full off cookies and cakes and is warn ad smells good. S
i was cold. i didn’t want to turn on the heat. instead i wandered into the kitchen. oh i know. i’ll make cookies. a few eggs, a little flour, some peanut butter, a few hersey kisses. and viola. the perfect cookies. all i need to warm up on a cold day is hot oven!
the oven was hot and nothing was ready I went to cook some bread and it was weird. I t tasted funny because I forgot to add the yeast so it didn’t rise and The oven also Had my cake in it but burnt it. I was mad so i just put a lot of butter on it and called it a day.
Raquel S.
they are relly usefyl you can bake in the cook on top which helps you make lots of different types of foods from savory to sweet, If its gas it can be a way of giving of light and
I’m so hungry right now. I wish had something to put inside. My dorm is foodless most of the time. I just wish I was home with my oven. I want to cook just one more meal. Satsfy me.
“the oven burned my damn rump roast!” shouted Albert Fish. “Now I have to start all over again and find a new child and FFFFUUUCK this night is ruined!”
A bun in? Nothin says lovin like some commercial product in one? I don’t cook so they are alien objects to me. Taking space where a washer and dryer could go.
Pft, the oven? OH! you mean that place in my mind where all my sanity oes to be baked to a crisp?! HA! I remember that place!
I quickly opened the oven door and to my surprise a turkey was there. This should not have been much of a surprise to me but I am an absolute horrible cook. Also, with the added pressure of the In-Laws coming over I knew I was in deep trouble this Thanksgiving.
The turkey lookd amazing, the skin was an even brown, perfectly glazed, it was a work of an artist.
nmvmfjhfj jfgjfgjfhfghdhdgfdgdfgdfgdfg
ah yes the oven where all my dreams are baked to yeasty perfection…… i am of course speaking about the oven of my mind in which very little happens but its always warm…..
hot cake
i love yo cook cakes baking everything that has to do with is…it gets hot then it gets dirty but it fills my house with yummy smells and good feelings. nothing is better tha baking a cake for a friend in need or even just to say i love you its the ultimate way give a gift that means th3e world to someone
Smoke coming from the oven? Not a good sign.
As I pulled the well-done turkey from the smoking oven, I realized that my life was over. My mother-in-law will never let me forget this one.
my oven smells of cheese and cream. sometimes when i open the oven i get a hoboish smell. then i try to make some pie, but it turns out very bad. the oven is very old and broken. I have to use matches to turn it on.
i have an oven at home, but our oven sucks
The oven is hot. I open it and forget you, there beneath. A comma. A smudge. A memory. Your voice shatters all thought, all reason.
Ovens’ are very nice home appliances that can be used for a variety of things. You can bake cakes and chickens in them :)
They’re good if you want to cook something special, something tasty and healthy at the same time. cOOKIN in an oven m
put it in the oven and lets go down the pub. Ah a good old British roast on a Sunday. Just a couple of drinks and come straight back. And then off out for a nice family walk. Probably ten pints, burn the dinner and fall asleep and let the kids down again more like!
Ovens are what you bake in. In that fairy tale thing with hansel and gretal the witch wanted to put the kids in the oven right? umm the oven was invented a long time ago. there are a lot of different kinds of ovens. My family has an electric. i think. Oven’s are hot. I’ve never cleaned the inside of an oven.
i love to cook with the oven, the oven is white and it gets very hot. the oven reminds me of a bitch in heat with its legs spread wide open just waiting for a succulent rod to be back in a warm juicy storage place
The oven is hot. It is very hot. It burns my hands when I take out the cake. Then I cried and put them under cold water. The oven was very, very hot.
cookies warm winter embers burning heat copper melting sun firy escape certain death? coal fireworks sparks brighter night
cake, biscuits, cookies, pizza, chicken, bake, pie, rice
I cooked a cake in the oven. It came out alright, tasted pretty good. the icing made it better though. I dont mind the occassional cake, its been a while since I’ve had one, and I hope to get another one soon. The one from the cheesecake shop is what Im cravign though, they are so nice and its been so long….
Need… cake…
Mom we need to talk.
Why whats wrong?
Well you know how you said you’d always love me?
Yeah. I always will sweetie.
Well guess what, i have a muffin in the oven :(
Oh shit.
an overn is an amazing object you can cook with it
interestingly enough, i’m sitting in an oven right now, looking over at the sunrise. with my dog on my lap and a good book in my hand, I love ovens.
The other night my mother decided that she wanted to bake us all some cookies. AFter much talking over what kind of cookies to make we settled on sugar. Putting on her oven mit, my mother rolle
I went to the kitchen to put some food in the oven. But this oven was too large. Why? Who knows. Maybe it had been plugged up too long, or ran hot. Can ovens even run hot? It is an old oven. What if chickens laid eggs in ovens? They’d be able to keep them warm and not have to sit on them all the time, but imagine if the oven got two hot and the baby chicken fried in the egg…
his heart as warm as an oven. first friends are always too hot. fresh bread reminds me of perfect brotherhood.
i have seen many types of ovens. they amuse me. my friend once knew someone that tryed to kill themselves by sticking their head in and oven which is stupid really
i like ovens. they are fairly cool if yopu tink about it. they cook many things like roast chicken. i once did reoast chicken and it went horribly wrong!
ovens heat stuff like roast chuicken which tastes nice and sweets taste nice too and they have many different flavours nand types for example mint humbugs or lollypops.
There was one time that I on a trip and we went by lowes. There was an oven in the window and it fascinated me. I wished I could own that oven. How sad that it would go away so very soon. And so we drove on.
It’s all wrong. Heads stuck straight in the oven, doubling over on top of sick chains of events. All leading up to the genetic defect living inside the children whole are no leftovers.
The oven was big and bulky. It tore up the meat loaves in seconds after putting them in. But today, it sadly enough stood in a museum. He was sure that his friends were laughing at his future. The yard. The yard full of used whitewares.
the wonderful alnd of the oven, so warm and homely. nothing more homely than a n oven. except at a beach, a stone oven to keep the bacon hot. Oh-ven. good word that. reet word.
It was grey and silver. Ugly, really, and old. She didn’t want to touch it, but her husband ran over to it.
“Honey, it’s just what we’re looking for!” he cried, motioning toward the old oven.
“No, sweetie, we’re looking for something that won’t make our kitchen look like a horrible refugee camp.”
“That’s a terrible thing to say,” the husband replied, frowning.
I like the oven its full off cookies and cakes and is warn ad smells good. S
i was cold. i didn’t want to turn on the heat. instead i wandered into the kitchen. oh i know. i’ll make cookies. a few eggs, a little flour, some peanut butter, a few hersey kisses. and viola. the perfect cookies. all i need to warm up on a cold day is hot oven!
the oven was hot and nothing was ready I went to cook some bread and it was weird. I t tasted funny because I forgot to add the yeast so it didn’t rise and The oven also Had my cake in it but burnt it. I was mad so i just put a lot of butter on it and called it a day.
they are relly usefyl you can bake in the cook on top which helps you make lots of different types of foods from savory to sweet, If its gas it can be a way of giving of light and
I’m so hungry right now. I wish had something to put inside. My dorm is foodless most of the time. I just wish I was home with my oven. I want to cook just one more meal. Satsfy me.