
November 6th, 2009 | 639 Entries

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639 Entries for “oven”

  1. broken currently due to leaning on it when attempting to make fudge. flatmates not impressed. foooooood. good for doing spots on. providing of all things cooked. currently confined to stovetop due to said incident with handle.

    Aimee Gulliver
  2. mitts are usually really really cool. most of the time. but sometimes, when you can’t find one, you just have to stick your hand in there and PULL OUT THE PIE AS QUICK AS YOU CAN!!! oh man and when that happens, well, you might as well call 911 right then, cause your hands are gonna hurt!

    Jennifer Klozik
  3. When I went to open the over, I had no idea what I was to find;. I had entered the house on a hunch, the smell of burning wafting in through my window. I crept along to the kitchen and as soon as I saw it I knew there was something amiss. No one had lived in the house for years, and for some reason, tonight, the oven was on.

  4. cooking, hot, inside the oven is inside the mind of the devil, but that of the primate, hungry for hot meat, hungry for progress, hungry for something to burn away his killer’s shame

    akbar lightning
  5. My oven is always dirty! I don’t know how it gets so dirty so quickly! It seems that I clean it and then suddenly, I’m baking something and smoke is coming up from the bottom from a mystery spill that I can’t remember happening!

  6. When I see the word ‘oven’ I think of hot, gooey, yummy pizza! But then it turns to the smoke alarm going off! That’s when I remember how much I HATE cooking. Even if it’s just heating up a pizza. I hate the wait for preheating, then the cook time, then the dreaded clean up! I love the smell of baking cakes, but the prep I can do without. Am I lazy? Maybe…impatient? Definitely!!

    Niecy Nelson
  7. You got a baby in yo oven?

  8. my old oven my mom despises in my new apartment, the apartment next to my best friends house, reeks of gas and scares me when i stare at it, especially alone in the dark, It is old and cluttered with spices, sine my apartment is so small.

  9. the oven will never work for me, i am not gifted when it comes to ovens or anything that is electronical in the kitche, it just doesnt work like that for me, which sucks cause i like cooking kinda, especially brownies

  10. She opened the oven, and to her ultimate chagrin, found a charred version of what was supposed to be the lamb she was cooking. “Dammit!” She slammed the oven door shut. She would have to go to Plan B. Go to Boston Market and pretend she cooked it. After all, if the date went well she’d have at least a year of dating to learn the recipes.

  11. they heat things up and i love cupcakes.. stovetop. grandma baking, when we baked the pumpkin bread, im high, when youre young youre one with your right you. bevin, coven, twilight

  12. The gardens outside were so pleasant, but the greenhouse was like an oven. She thought she would faint from it. It was so hot it made her dizzy. How could plants even grow in that kind of heat? How could anything? One thing was for sure. She couldn’t do what she had been sent to unless she got a grip.

  13. food pizza queche yummy :) smiley face lasagna cookies cakes pies food i am really hungry and dont have a stove :( this sucks i want food! give me food now! i love this this is some much fin i like it

  14. The heat was overwhelming. Even in his old age he couldn’t forget it–the scent of burning flesh, the silent screams that floated through the air as puffs of acrid black smoke. Disgusting. Even thinking about it, he felt as if he was going to vomit.

  15. Sometimes I feel like I’m being cooked in an oven: an oven of social expectations. The ideas of others are inevitably pushed upon me, attempting to deform my true being. I can only hope that I am real, an my own existence. For, if I was only what other people cooked, could I truly claim to be alive?

    Tyler M.
  16. There’s a woman in the oven,

    Screamed the lady downstairs.

    The woman had put her head in and turned up the heat and waited to die.

    The lady downstairs screamed,

    And the cops came

    But all they found was a woman in the oven.

  17. the sort that kept him nearly uncomfortably warm when he was freezing his ass off above ground. Perhaps not as warm as an oven, perchance, but the desert was hot enough during the day. It did that by itself. Now, an oven… Brask had never seen one himself, but the ones filtering through from other memories seemed almost otherwordly.

  18. so i wanted to cook some bread the other day but then… two mins pasted and it wasnt tosted D: [shut up i know im weird for using an oven] but now i dont have an oven and it makes me sad. hmmmm idk exactly what an oven it BUT… im thinking of the little oven, not of the big one that you use to cook with cakes && stuff

  19. The oven was was warm. It served as heat each time the furnace went down. Mittened hands on tipped over buckets would surround it. The smell of baking, give comfort. It was this way that year. The year she would remind them both of how fortunate they really were.

  20. Burning and cooking, heating and cooling, we always wish to find someone who will do these for us; if only we had figured out we only needed an electrical appliance.

    John K.
  21. Hot air wafted from the oven, carrying with it the smell of freshly baked cookies. I tasted the smell in my mouth, anticipating my mother’s baking.

  22. I wish I was better at using my oven. I do ok with baked chicken but always burn the bottoms of cookies and cupcakes. Not sure why. I never clean my oven either. Just let stuff burn off it. Maybe someday I’ll master the cookies.

  23. the baking.I can’t do it anymore. So much mess. bleh.

  24. I was waiting for the oven to preheat to start the most amazing dinner that I would ever cook ever. She would be so proud of me when she came home. I can’t wait to see her face.

    Emily Willwerth
  25. there’s one in the kitchen and i think it’ll fall off any minute from lack of use. it’s not that we don’t have anything to put in there, it’s just we are mostly fond of home-cooked foods rather than microwaveable ones.

  26. mit , baseball and hotdogs, cooking stove top and burning hands, should wore the mit, not for baseball for oven, stupid. me and mit make most do well and if we could we would set the house on fire only to be warm again for one night while the sky flew down flames that burned from above.

  27. Oven? Oh geez…


    The sound slices the silence of the lazy afternoon. It is, after all, a Sunday, and to witness a Crown Princess in the kitchen on such time of the day, dozing off on the kitchen counter is such a bizarre sight.

  28. The apple pie was cooked in the oven.This was the 60’s kind of oven, where apple pies were made from love and sweetness from your dear old grandma. Those were the days that apple pies were good, when ovens created the most amazing food in the world.

  29. “Big oven.”
    “Why thank you.”
    “You live alone?”
    “My sister is tinkering in one of the rooms. She’s crazy.”
    “She hallucinates, yes.”
    “Wow…” I stir my coffee.
    She pulls the rack out of the oven, sets biscuits lined in equidistant formations inside, and shuts the oven door. “I don’t mind. I’m just glad she came back.”

    Imogen's kitchen
  30. I’m going to turn on the oven in about a half hour to heat up the plum cobbler that I made yesterday, so I can take it to Nina’s house for her BBQ, and so it won’t be here for me to eat. It’s the cobbler with the sliced almonds from Gourmet, one which I’ve made many times. It’s just a bit too sweet, so I have to remember to cut back on the sugar next time. But I did make it with the Italian plums, which are the best ones to use for baking. My mother always used that kind for her plum pies, and I was always disappointed with the plums as a child because they were not very good to eat, a bit dry, a bit sour, and not very flavorful. Tomorrow or Monday I will go back to the farmers market to buy some more, and then I think I’ll try a new recipe since I just keep making this same one over and over. Time for a new cobbler.

  31. Sabine was in Secondary’s local soup kitchen, which involved wearing grimy aprons which stunk of tomatoes and onions, and working the oven. She didn’t like ovens. She didn’t like the warmth, really, at all, which was strange enough just because of her species. Darkeners lived in warmth. They lived in the dark fiery Lower Kingdom, where fire ruled and flames licked at the heels of all who dared get too close.

  32. Sylvia Plath died with her head an oven after she stuffed a towel under her chrildren’s bedroom door and leaving them a plate of cookies with milk. I think about her often. I relate to that need.

  33. the thing that cooks my kids food every night. How I heat my house when the heater is broken.

  34. something you use to heat up food. They can be pretty expensive and hard to move. WHen you oh fuck it.

  35. i have always been super afraid of being stuck in an oven. i hear jokes about jews being burned in ovens they are horrible. i’m scared of ovens. i don’t use them. i make my little brother put things i want to bake in the oven for me because i was burned as a kid by a curling iron when i was trying to get my mom’s makeup.

  36. The day was so hot, past desert heat but shimmering and melting bones. Still we hiked the canyon. I saw everything from the camera- lovely lense, heat haze, good zoom. Down there was a purple car- crushed… a suicide car? Jesus mother I hoped not. There was an old fridge and some tires too. But what struck me most were the ovens, side by side like old friends, sunbathing. Someone went and painted ’08 on all of them. But they were so lovely, these ovens. And probably cooler than this goddamn heat.

  37. She stepped away from the oven, closing the door with her butt. I moved towards her, wrapping my arms around her waist, nuzzling her neck. She giggled, the cookies steaming in her mitted hands.
    “Peanut butter, you’re favorite,” she cooed at me, wiggling from my arms to place them on the counter.

  38. i like to bake cookies in the oven. Watch the oven is hot. When the fire alarm goes off…dinner is ready!!!

  39. Te oven is to bake thing like food,cookes,and seeds.It gets very hot inside of it.To cook it a little faster so you can eat it sooner.

  40. the matchbook style of old fashioned people-made furnaces really lit a fire under walters nose. His only problem is that the wait was too long.
