
November 6th, 2009 | 639 Entries

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639 Entries for “oven”

  1. an oven is hot, and cooks things. things like dinner, breads, cookies, and little kids if you are a witch. I can be combined with a stove top, or stand alone. it sometimes runs off of electricity or gas. it comes in a variety of colors.

  2. The bread sat on the windowsill, warming the air around it and giving off the wonderful smell of just-baked bread. Beauty breathed in deeply and looked out the window into the garden, where the roses seemed to lean in to get a chance to smell the bread as well.

  3. I’ve heard of the book called Parrot in the Oven. My classmate presented it to my class. I don’t know if I was interested in it though. We have an oven at the apartment. It’s all right, Josh says it was new when he moved in, but mostly I just want to move into our own place!

  4. Ovens are super handy when you’re baking things. I recently moved into a college dorm and pretty much panicked when I discovered the oven in the kitchen on our floor didn’t have a window. I actually have to open the door to tell if my food it burning. It’s slightly traumatizing. I refuse to leave the kitchen while cooking things in that oven.

    Natalie B
  5. baking food that tastes good or sometimes bad, different heat levels to do so, sometimes your food will burn if the heats to high ,

  6. yay oven

  7. my mind is an oven, burning and blazing with such intense heat, that it could melt lead… the workers of my mind are running all around, screaming furiously, trying to sort out the constant information i receive. I find it hard to keep up with myself most of the time, as usually I cannot seem to comprehend my own thoughts. I wish that I could turn the flames off of this oven in my mind…

    Orange paw
  8. shit

  9. the overn cought fire. soon the wall was burning as well the family didnt relize what was happening until the entire kitchen was smoldering with flames.

    Purple Heart
  10. ovens are hot. don’t touch them because they will burn you if they are on. i like ovens they’re big. mine is white. i wish we had a white one. Yeah, i do, they’re cool. Do you have an oven? is it on? my mom cooked on the oven a couple minutes ago. It has 4 burners on the stove. but thats not an oven. Ovens are below the stove.

  11. the sausages spat in the pan, grease flying upward, outward, into her eyes. Before she screamed all the images of her life made their last blazoning of glory on her retinas before going blind forever

    terri d
  12. ramen

  13. stove dicks butts cookies butts

  14. the place where you cook for the family. it’s one of those essentials to why families stay close. so warm, but takes a while to finish. It represents family.

  15. that’s how plath died. i’ve no idea how i’ll go. not that way.

  16. Its really hot in the oven. All i can think about is putting food in the oven? theres a baby in the oven? Ovens were used to cook jews in wwii, thats really bad. Ovens make me think of 90 degrees like desert california warm. I miss

  17. The Oven is hot? You cook in it. It cant get cold. . . ever. Like me right? It’s hard to get through the thick shell. . . like me right? The inside is dirty and no one knows where the dirt came from…..Like me? RIGHT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    Adrianna Hill
  18. Oven are so cool ! I have know idea what I’m dong!

  19. i put the cake in the oven. george was coming home soon and i figured i’d make him something nice since he had a hard day at the office. some talk about a business meeting. very corporate, he said, very complicated. all these terms and phrases i wouldn’t understand. the ins and outs of a company are far beyond my domestic mind.

  20. The oven held a sofly baking slab of bread; just waiting to be eaten by someone. Who, I don’t nknow, but when I saw the bread slowly rising, I began to understand the cmhemical reasction that occurs when heat is added to those fioutl tasting ingredients and something bmagically warm and delicious eventaulyuy comes out for my atwaiting belly.

  21. what that in the oven? its my future. my backup future that is. I will be a pastry chef if law doesn’t work out, and that is my plan. Cakes, cookies, delicate pastries…ill be able to make them all once i go to France and learn the technique

  22. i miss baking pies.

    jane doe
  23. i have an oven in my kitchen and it uses gas and when i was little iwanted my mom to get a flat top stove and she did cuz in our condo we had electric instread of gas and i remember when we carved pumpkins in the kitchen but i burnt my finger and it hurt real ad and then we moved and now our oven sucks and it uses gas likei said before and i wish we still had the electric one

  24. The oven was hot, too hot, and the sound of it became louder and louder. Smoke began to pour out, and everyone just stared, until I screamed, “GET THE HELL OUT!” and everyone seemed to wake up. We all ran out the door, straight to the Grey’s house, screaming and crying, in Helena’s case. It was the most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen or heard in my life…except for seeing my house going up in flames.

  25. I turned the oven on, and walked over to the counter to check the directions again. I’ve never seen anything so complicated in my entire 5-year-old life. Dr. Conrad told me it would be simple, but to adults it always is: they have bigger bodies, and their motor skills are fully developed. While I

    Gouldin Lion
  26. oven? that reminds me of this funny story and it goes like this…oven! did u know my sister’s cat jumped in the oven once and got fried like a chicken and your gonna come and tell me to make a sentence about the word oven?! who do you think you are sicko?!

  27. they are hot do not stick your head in it.
    one time i burned myself on it.

  28. cookies are made in an oven, they heat up. and theyre delicious. ovens are made for cooking things such as turkeys on thanksgiving. i like ovens. unless they burn me

  29. mitten

  30. I opened the oven door to remove the chocolate cookies. I had been perfecting the recipe for months now, and as the delicious aroma wafted around me, I knew the practice had paid off. Slippin on a pair of singed mitts…

    Courtney Kowalke
  31. An oven is a warm device used to heat delicious little pastries. these pastries are made mostly by fairies, the fairies are enslaved by a demon called Microwavicus, the dark ruler of the kitchen. It was through an alliance between the forces of cutlery and the Refrigeratoria.

    Paul Ashot
  32. She slammed the pot lid down on the oven. Who did he thin k he was, waltzing in here like he owned the place and then making her feel so inferior? He was the jobless, drifting loser. SUre life experience is great, but there is something to be said for money. And money was in short supply right now.

  33. Pulling the oven door open, Eva shrieked and jumped back. The oven belched out smoke, a tiny flame flickering on the casserole. Seconds later, the smoke alarm began shrieking in warning.
    How on EARTH had she convinced herself that baking was a good idea?

    Rachael A
  34. i don

  35. ovens are hot. ovens are used to cook food, food is tasty. be responsible when using ovens they are dangerous and can result in fires and fires arent good cause the burn things and result in death. don’t play with fire guys :) Bake a cake. Be responsible with your cake.

    Elly R
  36. I left my oven on today when I went to the university and my flat mate came back earlier than i did and it was fucking hot he said, he was kind of pissed at me and who gives a fuck i just forgot to turn it off that’s it.

  37. ovens are used to cook things, you can cook cakes or pizzas anything you want to cook :) ovens are hot they can burn you if you aren’t responsible they could also cause fires which isnt very good cause this can result in death, which isnt too plesent. yes so be resposnsible with ovens :)

  38. stuffed chiken with mash potatos, and garlic…everybodys dream for a perfect dinner in two, with candle light and a bottle of red wine

  39. i baked delicious cookies yesterday. the kitchen was bursting with the delicious scent that had filled it for many generations. i savored the flavors of my grandmother’s chocolate chip recipe.

  40. ovens suck because they arent very safe or efficient
