i always leave my oven on. it smells afterwards like burning. sometimes i smell burning even if the ovens not on. um i think thats it. oven.
I think microwave oven is one of the most important inventions of our era. I just can’t imagine my life -and my mom’s- without it !!
it cooks food, like chicken or whatever really and cookies. it gets really hot and so you could burn yourself it you touch it. Most homes have one nowadays, but back then only the welthy did. I actually just baked cookies in ours and they were so very yummy.
it bakes stuff and is mucho hott . it makes delicious food and can be helpful in the kitchen . especially to middle age stay at home soap opera watching mothers XD
Arianna Rodriguez x3 .
It was hot when she touched it. “Ow!” she exclaimed as she tried to pull out the souffle from the oven. She quickly scurried over to grab some pot holders; she didn’t want to burn the souffle. The oven wouldn’t open no matter how hard she jerked it. When she finally opened it, a magnificent sight awaited her- orange mush splattered all over the walls.
bake magical brownies…don’t leave it on though.
is where you put food… in the hoven horno en espanol. me gusta comer comida que fue en al horno. turkeys are good in the oven too.
i don’t really use ovens. maybe i should. women use ovens, isn’t that right? well, yeah im a woman but i also haven’t touched an oven in months. ovens are cool, well actually they’re hot – that’s sort of the point. but really i don’t think too much about ovens, and maybe i should a bit more; i just started work as a “cook” and i havne’t yet touched an oven, coincidence? i think not. well that may be it?
warmth rose from the oven as warmth rises from the dungeons of the earth. pungent smells takes over the senses and immerses you in a sea of longing, slowly, quietly.
oven mitt
oven glove oven burn oven door
Ovens are awesome. I love ovens. They help me cook every food I need warm. If I could have 5000 ovens it would make my life so much easier. I could cook so many chalupas. Ovens are great. oven oven oven oven oven oven oven oven oven hot hot hot hot hot hot hot I love ovens oh baby that’s a hot oven.
I remember this time my grandma came over for Thanksgiving and made sweet potatoes and marshmallows and it exploded in the oven. My cousins thought this was hysterical, but I was little and didn’t understand. Too young to appreciate slapstick I guess. I also remember a chicken catching fire and my mom trying to bat it out with a towel. Food related incidents are funny.
its hot si=o hot i dont know whats going on i just wish the heat would stop….are my cookies done i hope so cuz im hungery
tonight i baked a pizza in the oven. my oven light doesn’t work and i keep forgetting to buy a light for it, this only means that i have to keep opening the door to see if my food is done which can be quite annoying. but i love my oven. it’s the first oven that’s been mine.
oven for baking a life, heat, time, testing, taste and retry. High or low heat? You tell me. I am not done yet. I am trying more recipes for joy.
Glenn Feole
oven for baking a life, heat, time, testing, taste and retry. High or low heat? You tell me. I am not done yet. I am trying more recipes for joy.
Glenn Feole
used for baking food. can also be used for clay pottery in a kiln oven. i like to bake and use it for broiling meats. it is awesome in the winter time to use the broil setting for cooking and then leaving the door open to warm up your house.ovens are hot. :)
oven for baking a life, heat, time, testing, taste and retry. High or low heat? You tell me. I am not done yet. I am trying more recipes for joy.
Glenn Feole
oven is over the table
shining and black….
small like a mouse
Oven – I hate cleaning my oven. I got lasagna juice all over the bottom of my oven a couple days ago, and now every time I turn the oven on, that lasagna juice burns and stinks up the house. I really should clean it… my husband really thinks I should clean it since I’m the one that made the lasagna, but I really hate cleaning the darn oven.
Heather S
the heat was intense. it felt like he had walked into hell itself. he did not waver, he did not stop. he had to keep going, otherwise it would catch up with him. His hands slid across the wall as he pushed himself further.
Ray Grice
there is a beautiful oven in my kitchen. It makes some of the greatest deserts ever. Unfortunately its from the amityville house. So it tends to change stuff around. If you put in chocolate cake you get vanilla, and apple
I was at the oven one day making cookies when he walked in. Surprise filled me as he sniffed the air and looked into the oven. It was good to see him pleased. I loved him. The cookies were for him, after all.
Kimberley Folck
Something that cooks things. Corn dogs and such. Hmmm I love ovens because they appease my stomach :)
Brandon Tindel
I put the cookies in the oven and waited patiently for them to be done. A couple minutes in, a smelled them from the other room. When they were done, I could hardly wait to eat some so I quickly grabbed one off the tray, poured myself some milk, and ate the cookie. But then I realized the oven was still on! I quickly ran to turn it off and happily enjoyed my cookie.
stove food something to eat. I am hungry. I want to eat ajvar. I miss macedonian cheese and ajvar. After that I have to work. O I forgot to turn of the oven.
bun in the oven, pie in the oven, stick my head in the oven and…. you know. oven mitts. grandma’s making cookies. why is it always grandma who talks about putting her head in the oven?
Something that heats pies, cakes, cookies, I love cookies, and those little biscuits that come in a tube, hellz yeah. amazingness. except our oven is 20 years old and you have to rotate everything every 5 minutes…
hot red burning baking bread in the summer heat with beautiful women on either side. French, I think she said she was. She pulls down my pants and sucks my cock. Sweet, sweet oven. As she goes up and down on me, the other one joins her, delicious.
hot and steamy when i open it my glasses fod and make me giggle a bit. i rub them only when i have the chance to close the oven and put down my sweet delish dish i baked for my little kitten kook. i hope they are clean now with a tinge of sugar and coco for kook
i warmed my hands over the coals that had died away. all the kids were asleep so i had to stop myself from humming. i thought about surprising them, jumping out of the woods or something crazy…but they looked happy nestled into sleeping bags and not freezing to death. i wished i could bake them cookies for in the morning, it would have been perfect.
The oven cooks the food, that nourishes the stomach, which makes the person fat and happy, this happiness is contagious so everyone around the happy person who has just eaten a scrumpcious meal will be happy, too.
masie ripa
So there was this oven and one day I burned my hand. You see my hand soon fell off because of the burn. It was a very sad day, because I needed that hand to hold my dog. Because I couldn’t hold my dog he ran away and I lost my job because you see I’m a dog walker. Because I lost my job I lost my home and I lost my family.
used to cook with, warm, household, creates feeling of home,home cooked meal, baking,grandma’s cookies,comfort,
plath, suicide, female repression, only escape, wow depressing, victorian silence, domestic sphere, buns in the oven, biologicl egg timer for said buns
I wouldn’t mind crawling inside of the oven right now. I feel cold.
Like a mouth, large, gaping, open, ready to swallow what it can get. I like my cookies–I hope they’ll come out lovely, but know the monster has a mind of it’s own. They’ll come out blackened and smoldering, I know it.
like a fire it opened up my brain. I was ready to be fried. Deep fried? Broiled? Roasted? Can i have all of the above? Burn me.
baking…it makes me happy, it gives me time to calm down when im angry, makes me happy when im content. it makes me think. its art. it is joy.
lindsey bogard
i just baked a roast beef with potatoes and carots and onions for my family. I haven’t cooked for them in a long time and it felt really good. If I want us to continue to be a close nit family, i need to put more effort into thingslike this and stop being lazy – it takes work.
i always leave my oven on. it smells afterwards like burning. sometimes i smell burning even if the ovens not on. um i think thats it. oven.
I think microwave oven is one of the most important inventions of our era. I just can’t imagine my life -and my mom’s- without it !!
it cooks food, like chicken or whatever really and cookies. it gets really hot and so you could burn yourself it you touch it. Most homes have one nowadays, but back then only the welthy did. I actually just baked cookies in ours and they were so very yummy.
it bakes stuff and is mucho hott . it makes delicious food and can be helpful in the kitchen . especially to middle age stay at home soap opera watching mothers XD
It was hot when she touched it. “Ow!” she exclaimed as she tried to pull out the souffle from the oven. She quickly scurried over to grab some pot holders; she didn’t want to burn the souffle. The oven wouldn’t open no matter how hard she jerked it. When she finally opened it, a magnificent sight awaited her- orange mush splattered all over the walls.
bake magical brownies…don’t leave it on though.
is where you put food… in the hoven horno en espanol. me gusta comer comida que fue en al horno. turkeys are good in the oven too.
i don’t really use ovens. maybe i should. women use ovens, isn’t that right? well, yeah im a woman but i also haven’t touched an oven in months. ovens are cool, well actually they’re hot – that’s sort of the point. but really i don’t think too much about ovens, and maybe i should a bit more; i just started work as a “cook” and i havne’t yet touched an oven, coincidence? i think not. well that may be it?
warmth rose from the oven as warmth rises from the dungeons of the earth. pungent smells takes over the senses and immerses you in a sea of longing, slowly, quietly.
oven mitt
oven glove oven burn oven door
Ovens are awesome. I love ovens. They help me cook every food I need warm. If I could have 5000 ovens it would make my life so much easier. I could cook so many chalupas. Ovens are great. oven oven oven oven oven oven oven oven oven hot hot hot hot hot hot hot I love ovens oh baby that’s a hot oven.
I remember this time my grandma came over for Thanksgiving and made sweet potatoes and marshmallows and it exploded in the oven. My cousins thought this was hysterical, but I was little and didn’t understand. Too young to appreciate slapstick I guess. I also remember a chicken catching fire and my mom trying to bat it out with a towel. Food related incidents are funny.
its hot si=o hot i dont know whats going on i just wish the heat would stop….are my cookies done i hope so cuz im hungery
tonight i baked a pizza in the oven. my oven light doesn’t work and i keep forgetting to buy a light for it, this only means that i have to keep opening the door to see if my food is done which can be quite annoying. but i love my oven. it’s the first oven that’s been mine.
oven for baking a life, heat, time, testing, taste and retry. High or low heat? You tell me. I am not done yet. I am trying more recipes for joy.
oven for baking a life, heat, time, testing, taste and retry. High or low heat? You tell me. I am not done yet. I am trying more recipes for joy.
used for baking food. can also be used for clay pottery in a kiln oven. i like to bake and use it for broiling meats. it is awesome in the winter time to use the broil setting for cooking and then leaving the door open to warm up your house.ovens are hot. :)
oven for baking a life, heat, time, testing, taste and retry. High or low heat? You tell me. I am not done yet. I am trying more recipes for joy.
oven is over the table
shining and black….
small like a mouse
Oven – I hate cleaning my oven. I got lasagna juice all over the bottom of my oven a couple days ago, and now every time I turn the oven on, that lasagna juice burns and stinks up the house. I really should clean it… my husband really thinks I should clean it since I’m the one that made the lasagna, but I really hate cleaning the darn oven.
the heat was intense. it felt like he had walked into hell itself. he did not waver, he did not stop. he had to keep going, otherwise it would catch up with him. His hands slid across the wall as he pushed himself further.
there is a beautiful oven in my kitchen. It makes some of the greatest deserts ever. Unfortunately its from the amityville house. So it tends to change stuff around. If you put in chocolate cake you get vanilla, and apple
I was at the oven one day making cookies when he walked in. Surprise filled me as he sniffed the air and looked into the oven. It was good to see him pleased. I loved him. The cookies were for him, after all.
Something that cooks things. Corn dogs and such. Hmmm I love ovens because they appease my stomach :)
I put the cookies in the oven and waited patiently for them to be done. A couple minutes in, a smelled them from the other room. When they were done, I could hardly wait to eat some so I quickly grabbed one off the tray, poured myself some milk, and ate the cookie. But then I realized the oven was still on! I quickly ran to turn it off and happily enjoyed my cookie.
stove food something to eat. I am hungry. I want to eat ajvar. I miss macedonian cheese and ajvar. After that I have to work. O I forgot to turn of the oven.
bun in the oven, pie in the oven, stick my head in the oven and…. you know. oven mitts. grandma’s making cookies. why is it always grandma who talks about putting her head in the oven?
Something that heats pies, cakes, cookies, I love cookies, and those little biscuits that come in a tube, hellz yeah. amazingness. except our oven is 20 years old and you have to rotate everything every 5 minutes…
hot red burning baking bread in the summer heat with beautiful women on either side. French, I think she said she was. She pulls down my pants and sucks my cock. Sweet, sweet oven. As she goes up and down on me, the other one joins her, delicious.
hot and steamy when i open it my glasses fod and make me giggle a bit. i rub them only when i have the chance to close the oven and put down my sweet delish dish i baked for my little kitten kook. i hope they are clean now with a tinge of sugar and coco for kook
i warmed my hands over the coals that had died away. all the kids were asleep so i had to stop myself from humming. i thought about surprising them, jumping out of the woods or something crazy…but they looked happy nestled into sleeping bags and not freezing to death. i wished i could bake them cookies for in the morning, it would have been perfect.
The oven cooks the food, that nourishes the stomach, which makes the person fat and happy, this happiness is contagious so everyone around the happy person who has just eaten a scrumpcious meal will be happy, too.
So there was this oven and one day I burned my hand. You see my hand soon fell off because of the burn. It was a very sad day, because I needed that hand to hold my dog. Because I couldn’t hold my dog he ran away and I lost my job because you see I’m a dog walker. Because I lost my job I lost my home and I lost my family.
used to cook with, warm, household, creates feeling of home,home cooked meal, baking,grandma’s cookies,comfort,
plath, suicide, female repression, only escape, wow depressing, victorian silence, domestic sphere, buns in the oven, biologicl egg timer for said buns
I wouldn’t mind crawling inside of the oven right now. I feel cold.
Like a mouth, large, gaping, open, ready to swallow what it can get. I like my cookies–I hope they’ll come out lovely, but know the monster has a mind of it’s own. They’ll come out blackened and smoldering, I know it.
like a fire it opened up my brain. I was ready to be fried. Deep fried? Broiled? Roasted? Can i have all of the above? Burn me.
baking…it makes me happy, it gives me time to calm down when im angry, makes me happy when im content. it makes me think. its art. it is joy.
i just baked a roast beef with potatoes and carots and onions for my family. I haven’t cooked for them in a long time and it felt really good. If I want us to continue to be a close nit family, i need to put more effort into thingslike this and stop being lazy – it takes work.