a hot item. cooks things ten times faster than a fire. your own personal fire in your home, with a built in timer. it is very helpful
i have a oven in my kitchen and it cooks great cookies on a stone but i have to turn down the oven 25* so the bottoms do noit burn my oven has not been cleaned in a very long time it is dirty and smokes when i heat it uo tpo
When I think of and oven, I think not of the cold, craggy kitchen appliance that sits in the aformentioned kitchen, but of the hours upon ours of joy it has brought to me and my taste buds. From chicken nuggets, to toasted sub sadwhiched, all the to general tsaos chicken.
desert mid day when the heat is inescapeable and you think you are the roast turning brown and dry.
I’d rather scrub a toilet than a black oven
Is it on? Oh, god…I think I left it on. I should go back and check. No, I’m late. My boyfriend can check it. Did he leave for work already? I can’t call while I’m driving…maybe he noticed and turned it off? yeah right.
Oh, jesus, I can hear sirens already.
London thought about what her mom would have in the oven when she got home. It was strange the way the idea of this comfort food could begin to make the chill of the January air melt away. London’s mom made the best roast, or at least she used to. That was before the accident, before crushed metal left her mom alone.
kitchen hot food warm cold close open
ovens are loovely, they cook food. yummy food.
ovens are loovely, they cook food. yummy food.
hot searing pain, put in baked goods possibly pie. m,aybe cookies sweetness from heat burning red coils sustenance proviing will cook for you like a good wife makes good things to eat sometimes breaks hot searing blistering fuming smoking gas eating blistering popping
the sweat ran from her in rivers, the latex encased her body, she felt as if she was in an oven. She was restricted, unable to move, unable to relieve the pressure. Her arms ached, legs cramped. she tried without success to adjust her position….
The oven was still on, even though I hadn’t needed it for fifteen minutes. The pie was cooling on the counter, mocking me.
“I love you, babe.”
I could hear his voice in my ears, feel his breath on my neck.
“I’ll never leave you.”
A chill went down my spine and I switched the oven off and walked away, away from the oven and away from the pie. I swung open my front door and left it all behind: The possessions, the memories, everything that was part of the life I was walking away from.
inferno. baking in an enclosed space. drought. need air. need a breeze. i need to get out but enjoy the heat. what brings me terror and fear brings me comfort. the oven is love. i love you but i miss you
Brownies smell delicious when you pull them out of the oven. They radiate with a chocolaty glow that is like no other. The oven cooks food, and everything that comes from it is warm, and gooey, and melts in your mouth. You can’t not like an oven.
momma’s kitchen
freezing cold
I walk in from the barn
after mucking the stalls
ridding them of frozen horseshit
every moment htinking of our cast-iron oven
where every year
momma makes her special pies
there was an oven on the table. putting her bread down lightly on the stove surface, she almost burned her fingers. She picked up the two pieces of grain bread in her grubby hands, and put them into the oven which was now burning hot, just as the stove was. She shivers however, as she thinks of the guests which are about to arrive to try her bread.
days pass
sweltering summer days
after working all summer
winter arrives
and mistletoe along with it
moris and I kiss
by the sweet smell
of momma’s pie.
oh lord, I love that oven.
The little girl peeped inside the oven. The cake was stating to rise and give off the pleasant odor that reminded her of grandma’s. But then something unexpected happened. As she looked closer she saw a claw coming out of the middle of the cake….
hillary Betzen
The heat roared and a lion raised it’s fiery mane in the dusty wind. Of course this appliance would never work again, even if they had it repaired, it would die an unhappy death, be used for spare parts.
Melina Pacheco
ovens are where you cook things, they get hot, they make your food. without them we wouldnt be as advanced technologically, nor would we have as hot of food. microwaves would not really do the trick. ovens make cookies, my favorite. (:
stick my head in an oven
will do
virgin suicide style
try having turkey again when you think of me
liz own up to it
o goodness cooking. Let me just tell you that I am not good at cooking at all. Everytime I start to bake something I imagine that I am a great chef and am going to make a maasterpeice but it always turns out horribly.
Ovens are very awesome! They create amazing things that people can eat. They can also create beautiful art sculptures. Without ovens my life you definitely be incomplete! Huzzah for ovens!
I like cookies. I think I once baked some cookies with mny mom. I have no idea how that has to do anything with an oven, it’s probably the fact that you bake cookies in an oven. What is this website about anyway? I don’t get why I have to write about ovens. I like this website though, i get to type, and I like typing. Hmm, new song on my iTunes now! Yay!
The oven was so hot that i burned my hand. Why put your hand in the oven; ovens are not made for hands. They are made for food, for eating pizza. Pepperoni pizza that you put in the oven and let sit after you put it in the oven. You let the pizza cool. Why put your hand in the oven?
Eric Webber
you put bread in it
gingerbread men
they are three
with buttons
if you touch it you will get burned
burning dance floors
I like bread
and potatoes
Ovens are fun to look at while cooking turkey
the oven was sitting in the kitchen and it was watching the microwave gossip with the bar stools and he overheard that the fryer had a thing for the sink and was jealous of the dishs
I like ovens. They remind me of cookies. Cookies are yummmyyy. I think one day I’d like to bake the largest cookie EVAARRRRR. Maybe it’ll be, like, 573984759843795 feet bigggg. Wide. Large. GINORMOUS. okay so ovens remind me of cats and cats remind me of dogs and dogs remind me of dolphins? OVEN = DOLPHIN. 8D yeeeaaahhhh.
an oven is a wonderful thing it is warm and caring. It is home. It is food on a cold night. It is the source of that mouth watering smell that fills your house during dinner.
Elly Oltersdorf
Quickly, just as I had seen done in the cartoon movie my grandmother gave me of Hansel and Gretel, I pushed the monstrous muffin into the oven. Sneak attack.
as i sit staring at the oven i wonder how long it will be before the muffins i am staring at will finally be cooked to completion. I only with that i had a super oven that allowed me to cook things as fast as i wanted.
I just baked brownies in my oven. My son loves to mix and bake and smell the results of my projects.
She bent over and put her head inside it and wondered how the hell those women of old times did it anyway, killing themselves in here. You couldn’t just bake yourself, you’d never be able to stay still while your flesh slowly crisped. What was the trick then?
My oven has little bits of pizza in the bottom because we use it completely wrong. It smells and works too good and burns our food. It always has grease on it.
cookies taste so good when they are first pulled from the oven. I love when My grandmother makes them around the holidays. So many memories.
I am waiting for bennett to fall asleep. Although I dont think it will happen soon. He is crying my name right now in the most innocent voice with such pain. Asking me to hold him. I stand on the fences, should I give in or stay out till he falls asleep
A place where cookies go to become adult cookies. A place to prepare thanksgiving. A place to make a family dinner. A place to make something for people to come together.
She removes the cookies she will not eat from the oven in the house where she lives the life she had not wanted.
a hot item. cooks things ten times faster than a fire. your own personal fire in your home, with a built in timer. it is very helpful
i have a oven in my kitchen and it cooks great cookies on a stone but i have to turn down the oven 25* so the bottoms do noit burn my oven has not been cleaned in a very long time it is dirty and smokes when i heat it uo tpo
When I think of and oven, I think not of the cold, craggy kitchen appliance that sits in the aformentioned kitchen, but of the hours upon ours of joy it has brought to me and my taste buds. From chicken nuggets, to toasted sub sadwhiched, all the to general tsaos chicken.
desert mid day when the heat is inescapeable and you think you are the roast turning brown and dry.
I’d rather scrub a toilet than a black oven
Is it on? Oh, god…I think I left it on. I should go back and check. No, I’m late. My boyfriend can check it. Did he leave for work already? I can’t call while I’m driving…maybe he noticed and turned it off? yeah right.
Oh, jesus, I can hear sirens already.
London thought about what her mom would have in the oven when she got home. It was strange the way the idea of this comfort food could begin to make the chill of the January air melt away. London’s mom made the best roast, or at least she used to. That was before the accident, before crushed metal left her mom alone.
kitchen hot food warm cold close open
ovens are loovely, they cook food. yummy food.
ovens are loovely, they cook food. yummy food.
hot searing pain, put in baked goods possibly pie. m,aybe cookies sweetness from heat burning red coils sustenance proviing will cook for you like a good wife makes good things to eat sometimes breaks hot searing blistering fuming smoking gas eating blistering popping
the sweat ran from her in rivers, the latex encased her body, she felt as if she was in an oven. She was restricted, unable to move, unable to relieve the pressure. Her arms ached, legs cramped. she tried without success to adjust her position….
The oven was still on, even though I hadn’t needed it for fifteen minutes. The pie was cooling on the counter, mocking me.
“I love you, babe.”
I could hear his voice in my ears, feel his breath on my neck.
“I’ll never leave you.”
A chill went down my spine and I switched the oven off and walked away, away from the oven and away from the pie. I swung open my front door and left it all behind: The possessions, the memories, everything that was part of the life I was walking away from.
inferno. baking in an enclosed space. drought. need air. need a breeze. i need to get out but enjoy the heat. what brings me terror and fear brings me comfort. the oven is love. i love you but i miss you
Brownies smell delicious when you pull them out of the oven. They radiate with a chocolaty glow that is like no other. The oven cooks food, and everything that comes from it is warm, and gooey, and melts in your mouth. You can’t not like an oven.
momma’s kitchen
freezing cold
I walk in from the barn
after mucking the stalls
ridding them of frozen horseshit
every moment htinking of our cast-iron oven
where every year
momma makes her special pies
there was an oven on the table. putting her bread down lightly on the stove surface, she almost burned her fingers. She picked up the two pieces of grain bread in her grubby hands, and put them into the oven which was now burning hot, just as the stove was. She shivers however, as she thinks of the guests which are about to arrive to try her bread.
days pass
sweltering summer days
after working all summer
winter arrives
and mistletoe along with it
moris and I kiss
by the sweet smell
of momma’s pie.
oh lord, I love that oven.
The little girl peeped inside the oven. The cake was stating to rise and give off the pleasant odor that reminded her of grandma’s. But then something unexpected happened. As she looked closer she saw a claw coming out of the middle of the cake….
The heat roared and a lion raised it’s fiery mane in the dusty wind. Of course this appliance would never work again, even if they had it repaired, it would die an unhappy death, be used for spare parts.
ovens are where you cook things, they get hot, they make your food. without them we wouldnt be as advanced technologically, nor would we have as hot of food. microwaves would not really do the trick. ovens make cookies, my favorite. (:
stick my head in an oven
will do
virgin suicide style
try having turkey again when you think of me
o goodness cooking. Let me just tell you that I am not good at cooking at all. Everytime I start to bake something I imagine that I am a great chef and am going to make a maasterpeice but it always turns out horribly.
Ovens are very awesome! They create amazing things that people can eat. They can also create beautiful art sculptures. Without ovens my life you definitely be incomplete! Huzzah for ovens!
I like cookies. I think I once baked some cookies with mny mom. I have no idea how that has to do anything with an oven, it’s probably the fact that you bake cookies in an oven. What is this website about anyway? I don’t get why I have to write about ovens. I like this website though, i get to type, and I like typing. Hmm, new song on my iTunes now! Yay!
The oven was so hot that i burned my hand. Why put your hand in the oven; ovens are not made for hands. They are made for food, for eating pizza. Pepperoni pizza that you put in the oven and let sit after you put it in the oven. You let the pizza cool. Why put your hand in the oven?
you put bread in it
gingerbread men
they are three
with buttons
if you touch it you will get burned
burning dance floors
I like bread
and potatoes
Ovens are fun to look at while cooking turkey
the oven was sitting in the kitchen and it was watching the microwave gossip with the bar stools and he overheard that the fryer had a thing for the sink and was jealous of the dishs
I like ovens. They remind me of cookies. Cookies are yummmyyy. I think one day I’d like to bake the largest cookie EVAARRRRR. Maybe it’ll be, like, 573984759843795 feet bigggg. Wide. Large. GINORMOUS. okay so ovens remind me of cats and cats remind me of dogs and dogs remind me of dolphins? OVEN = DOLPHIN. 8D yeeeaaahhhh.
an oven is a wonderful thing it is warm and caring. It is home. It is food on a cold night. It is the source of that mouth watering smell that fills your house during dinner.
Quickly, just as I had seen done in the cartoon movie my grandmother gave me of Hansel and Gretel, I pushed the monstrous muffin into the oven. Sneak attack.
as i sit staring at the oven i wonder how long it will be before the muffins i am staring at will finally be cooked to completion. I only with that i had a super oven that allowed me to cook things as fast as i wanted.
I just baked brownies in my oven. My son loves to mix and bake and smell the results of my projects.
She bent over and put her head inside it and wondered how the hell those women of old times did it anyway, killing themselves in here. You couldn’t just bake yourself, you’d never be able to stay still while your flesh slowly crisped. What was the trick then?
My oven has little bits of pizza in the bottom because we use it completely wrong. It smells and works too good and burns our food. It always has grease on it.
cookies taste so good when they are first pulled from the oven. I love when My grandmother makes them around the holidays. So many memories.
I am waiting for bennett to fall asleep. Although I dont think it will happen soon. He is crying my name right now in the most innocent voice with such pain. Asking me to hold him. I stand on the fences, should I give in or stay out till he falls asleep
A place where cookies go to become adult cookies. A place to prepare thanksgiving. A place to make a family dinner. A place to make something for people to come together.
She removes the cookies she will not eat from the oven in the house where she lives the life she had not wanted.