this cup is overflowing into the sink and now the sink is overflowing and its spilling on the floor and that really sucks because there’s no mop in here, just the bath towels and then they’ll have to be washed in the laundry room down the hall and what if the washer overflows like the cup and the sink? not to mention that you have to walk all the way over there and you might lock yourself out like you did last week.
The world is overflowing with nonsense.
this cup is overflowing into the sink and now the sink is overflowing and its spilling on the floor and that really sucks because there’s no mop in here, just the bath towels and then they’ll have to be washed in the laundry room down the hall and what if the washer overflows like the cup and the sink? not to mention that you have to walk all the way over there and you might lock yourself out like you did last week.
too too much. way too much
it is a sense of too much and yet there are times we all want to be overflowing or have too much.
bursting forth, overtaking all dissenters in the path, pouring out into the open for everyone to see, shameless, boundless, fearless as it breaks into the light to spread love over every life, life over every loveless living thing
the world is overflowing with sorrow. it should be overflowing with love. love overflows my life. i am thankful for the love in my life. my head is constantly overflowing with crazy thoughts and words and images and ideas. i wonder where this overflow of thinking comes from. i wonder if its part of the sorrow or part of the love. i wonder about what it would look like if my brain weren’t overflowing with madness.
“o no, my cup overfloweth”
is an anagram of
“cow, fly up over the moon”
Ana Gram
the river was overflowing with the rain from the storm from last night. Houses where damaged and trees ripped from the ground. Why did this happen, why again. Why did we have to lose everything? it isn’t fair.
is an anagram of
“now fig lover”
Ana Gram
there are lot of fish in here, and if they dont get out, they will surely die. please, there must be something you can do for these poor defenseless fish, you selfish fucking moron. Don’t you realize without them there would be no sushi, and shit? How can you be so selFISH. lololacausts. FISH
Every thing overflowing a matter of seconds. love, life, and dreams. Nothing could stop it. It was bliss, this kiss. Everything was … beautiful. Words unspoken, felt through skin.
Ji smiled into it. As Seung Hyun moaned. Everything was so so beautiful.
Overflowing with love.
too much not enough space maybe they should stop I think there will not be enough more more glass isn’t half empty its full, more than full
rivers overflowing. toilets overflowing is super gross because then everything that was in it is all over the floor now and i don’t want to have to clean it up because that’s super gross ew. and like that reminds me of what dustin and sean came over for earlier.
Sewer overflowing again. Blame it on those monstrous tree roots from the neighbor’s yard. It never ends, I tell you.
flooding a toilet and the water leaks out all onto the floor making a mess that you have to clean up and making you mad because it was your fault at all.
It was snowing when I met you, hyung. Do you remember that? Just the cold and the softness and you and me and the darkness of the night outside the window. I’m sorry that what I did upset you, but it shouldn’t have, because I can’t stop thinking about you.
Not for one minute, one second.
water seems to overflow from bathtubs when you leave the faucet on for too long. I think it’s cool to see it swell up into some amoeba-looking thing and just topple over and expand, until there’s nothing left.
the tub was filled to the brim and overflowing over the edges trickling onto the tile floor. The girl watched as it continued to gather around her feet. Slowly creeping towards her, as if it were alive. The water tickled her toes as it swept past her feet.
My emotions were overflowing, my words were silenced before they could begin. I was watching the scene before me, as if I were not a member of the family. Who were these people? Did I belong with them?
Thoughts overflowing. Want to get them out but can’t get rid of the funnel. Stop thinking and stop the overflow.
The river was overflowing with the blood of the workers who had once admired it’s beauty from a distance. Capitalism.
he makes me overflowing with joy and his love is the only thing that has ever done that he has pulled me up black mountains through rivers of sorrow out of the darkness overflowing jubilation in his kiss, his touch, his voice and eloquent words
my cup. its overflowing. why does this word make me think of a cup? i don’t know. what i really want to think about is this god damn short story i have to write. I love my character -he’s a trucker – but oh gosh darn it this isn’t about the word overflowing at all is it. oh well…
my love should be overflowing
piss also tends to overflow
the overflow of the water in a cold area is usually the best place to put a human body when its dead and gary likes it abd he overflows with joy and love for muchelle and everything what else! should i go to the park today? i dont know
michelle and gary
The water is overflowing from the pipe in the ground. The grassy muck around it is a dirty place to have to put your foot, but the pipe must be fixed if the water in the house is to work. You need that water like you need the air you breathe, so you go and get your tools and try and fix it. Instead, the pipe breaks, and you end up wet as the ground
Carry Tucker
I walked to the garden, and flowers were overflowing the bin. The flowers consisted of lilies, roses, and all the flowers I could think of. There were so many colors that it completely overflowed my mind.
water, food, ocean, water overflows through the mist of the ground, and it makes a whish sound.
the world is overflowing into madness. making each waking moment of mine just hurt. no kidding, it all hurts. overflowing. its overflowing. when you pour a glass of milk into a cup measurer, you would hope it overflows if you are trying to prove a point, but then it doesnt. It does not nearly overflow, making your point unproven and actually quite depressing.
Today I decided
That I’m done with
the girls who think
they’re better than
me because their
daddy’s wallets are
overflowing with cash
that they’re just
waiting to hand out.
i’m done with the
fakers and the liars
and the losers,
because they’re
just not worth my time.
But the worst problem was with the cakes, which had been ordered for Tuesday and had to just sit there for a week while the seven-day grace period burned out. Sam came up to me every day with that glimmer in his eye saying, “Saddy, can we burn the cakes yet? I want the cakes to burn.” And I would have to look at him every day and say, “not yet, son. Not yet.”
I am overflowing with emotion. Everything that happened that Friday night took me by surprise. You even said yourself it felt like a dream. You said you would feel the same the next day, but you didn’t. You told me everything I’ve ever wanted to hear and I thought you meant it. I try hard to ignore you but I can’t. Every time I see you, I get these butterflies. It’s the first time in my life I wish I could kill them.
I am overflowing with emotion. Everything that happened that Friday night took me by surprise. You even said yourself it felt like a dream. You said you would feel the same the next day, but you didn’t. You told me everything I’veever wanted to hear and I thought you meant it. I try hard to ignore you but I can’t. Every time I see you, I get these butterflies. It’s the first time in my life I wish I could kill them.
the faucet and the buckets and the soap and everything is going so fast the backspace hardly works. the puddles are collecting. the soap is making the floor all slippery. fuck. i’m down. the silverware is hardly getting washed at all! i need to be trying harder to scrub. i should turn off the faucet. this is wasteful. shit. i saw mrs.
Overflowing emotion comsumes the good and the bad of my life. Im always overflowing my brain with new thoughts on how to sort out and organize the lies and the fake friendsships that seem to come into the beginngin of a new day. Seems like my mind is slowly being spinned and tossed into the infinite black hole. Always trying to start a new cycle and clear the bright day which is forever fogged. walking into the mystery, the question of “whats going to happen”. Mind being hit by an atom bomb. Overflowed on the verge of extinction.
Cyril Owens Jr.
The first thing I think of is overflowing with emotion. I don’t know quite what emotion, but an emotion that is so effervesecent, so strong that it overflows the boundaries of one’s body and displays itself for all those around to see. Regardless of the words used to describe it, or the different perceptions—its all the same overflow of emotion.
that bar spills. the thermometer exploded. and my time was up.
avalanches flowing over mountains as people are being covered in snow and freezing and being saved by firemen and fire…dogs. and going home happy and safe because america saved the day!!! Yay for america! and capital A’s. things like such as AM i done now?
Again? Do I have to? Blah blah blah. Say something interesting instead of pouring out your usual shit. I don’t want to be that girl. That’s why I don’t want to be your friend anymore.
this cup is overflowing into the sink and now the sink is overflowing and its spilling on the floor and that really sucks because there’s no mop in here, just the bath towels and then they’ll have to be washed in the laundry room down the hall and what if the washer overflows like the cup and the sink? not to mention that you have to walk all the way over there and you might lock yourself out like you did last week.
The world is overflowing with nonsense.
this cup is overflowing into the sink and now the sink is overflowing and its spilling on the floor and that really sucks because there’s no mop in here, just the bath towels and then they’ll have to be washed in the laundry room down the hall and what if the washer overflows like the cup and the sink? not to mention that you have to walk all the way over there and you might lock yourself out like you did last week.
too too much. way too much
it is a sense of too much and yet there are times we all want to be overflowing or have too much.
bursting forth, overtaking all dissenters in the path, pouring out into the open for everyone to see, shameless, boundless, fearless as it breaks into the light to spread love over every life, life over every loveless living thing
the world is overflowing with sorrow. it should be overflowing with love. love overflows my life. i am thankful for the love in my life. my head is constantly overflowing with crazy thoughts and words and images and ideas. i wonder where this overflow of thinking comes from. i wonder if its part of the sorrow or part of the love. i wonder about what it would look like if my brain weren’t overflowing with madness.
“o no, my cup overfloweth”
is an anagram of
“cow, fly up over the moon”
the river was overflowing with the rain from the storm from last night. Houses where damaged and trees ripped from the ground. Why did this happen, why again. Why did we have to lose everything? it isn’t fair.
is an anagram of
“now fig lover”
there are lot of fish in here, and if they dont get out, they will surely die. please, there must be something you can do for these poor defenseless fish, you selfish fucking moron. Don’t you realize without them there would be no sushi, and shit? How can you be so selFISH. lololacausts. FISH
Every thing overflowing a matter of seconds. love, life, and dreams. Nothing could stop it. It was bliss, this kiss. Everything was … beautiful. Words unspoken, felt through skin.
Ji smiled into it. As Seung Hyun moaned. Everything was so so beautiful.
Overflowing with love.
too much not enough space maybe they should stop I think there will not be enough more more glass isn’t half empty its full, more than full
rivers overflowing. toilets overflowing is super gross because then everything that was in it is all over the floor now and i don’t want to have to clean it up because that’s super gross ew. and like that reminds me of what dustin and sean came over for earlier.
Sewer overflowing again. Blame it on those monstrous tree roots from the neighbor’s yard. It never ends, I tell you.
flooding a toilet and the water leaks out all onto the floor making a mess that you have to clean up and making you mad because it was your fault at all.
It was snowing when I met you, hyung. Do you remember that? Just the cold and the softness and you and me and the darkness of the night outside the window. I’m sorry that what I did upset you, but it shouldn’t have, because I can’t stop thinking about you.
Not for one minute, one second.
water seems to overflow from bathtubs when you leave the faucet on for too long. I think it’s cool to see it swell up into some amoeba-looking thing and just topple over and expand, until there’s nothing left.
the tub was filled to the brim and overflowing over the edges trickling onto the tile floor. The girl watched as it continued to gather around her feet. Slowly creeping towards her, as if it were alive. The water tickled her toes as it swept past her feet.
My emotions were overflowing, my words were silenced before they could begin. I was watching the scene before me, as if I were not a member of the family. Who were these people? Did I belong with them?
Thoughts overflowing. Want to get them out but can’t get rid of the funnel. Stop thinking and stop the overflow.
The river was overflowing with the blood of the workers who had once admired it’s beauty from a distance. Capitalism.
he makes me overflowing with joy and his love is the only thing that has ever done that he has pulled me up black mountains through rivers of sorrow out of the darkness overflowing jubilation in his kiss, his touch, his voice and eloquent words
my cup. its overflowing. why does this word make me think of a cup? i don’t know. what i really want to think about is this god damn short story i have to write. I love my character -he’s a trucker – but oh gosh darn it this isn’t about the word overflowing at all is it. oh well…
my love should be overflowing
piss also tends to overflow
the overflow of the water in a cold area is usually the best place to put a human body when its dead and gary likes it abd he overflows with joy and love for muchelle and everything what else! should i go to the park today? i dont know
The water is overflowing from the pipe in the ground. The grassy muck around it is a dirty place to have to put your foot, but the pipe must be fixed if the water in the house is to work. You need that water like you need the air you breathe, so you go and get your tools and try and fix it. Instead, the pipe breaks, and you end up wet as the ground
I walked to the garden, and flowers were overflowing the bin. The flowers consisted of lilies, roses, and all the flowers I could think of. There were so many colors that it completely overflowed my mind.
water, food, ocean, water overflows through the mist of the ground, and it makes a whish sound.
the world is overflowing into madness. making each waking moment of mine just hurt. no kidding, it all hurts. overflowing. its overflowing. when you pour a glass of milk into a cup measurer, you would hope it overflows if you are trying to prove a point, but then it doesnt. It does not nearly overflow, making your point unproven and actually quite depressing.
Today I decided
That I’m done with
the girls who think
they’re better than
me because their
daddy’s wallets are
overflowing with cash
that they’re just
waiting to hand out.
i’m done with the
fakers and the liars
and the losers,
because they’re
just not worth my time.
But the worst problem was with the cakes, which had been ordered for Tuesday and had to just sit there for a week while the seven-day grace period burned out. Sam came up to me every day with that glimmer in his eye saying, “Saddy, can we burn the cakes yet? I want the cakes to burn.” And I would have to look at him every day and say, “not yet, son. Not yet.”
I am overflowing with emotion. Everything that happened that Friday night took me by surprise. You even said yourself it felt like a dream. You said you would feel the same the next day, but you didn’t. You told me everything I’ve ever wanted to hear and I thought you meant it. I try hard to ignore you but I can’t. Every time I see you, I get these butterflies. It’s the first time in my life I wish I could kill them.
I am overflowing with emotion. Everything that happened that Friday night took me by surprise. You even said yourself it felt like a dream. You said you would feel the same the next day, but you didn’t. You told me everything I’veever wanted to hear and I thought you meant it. I try hard to ignore you but I can’t. Every time I see you, I get these butterflies. It’s the first time in my life I wish I could kill them.
the faucet and the buckets and the soap and everything is going so fast the backspace hardly works. the puddles are collecting. the soap is making the floor all slippery. fuck. i’m down. the silverware is hardly getting washed at all! i need to be trying harder to scrub. i should turn off the faucet. this is wasteful. shit. i saw mrs.
Overflowing emotion comsumes the good and the bad of my life. Im always overflowing my brain with new thoughts on how to sort out and organize the lies and the fake friendsships that seem to come into the beginngin of a new day. Seems like my mind is slowly being spinned and tossed into the infinite black hole. Always trying to start a new cycle and clear the bright day which is forever fogged. walking into the mystery, the question of “whats going to happen”. Mind being hit by an atom bomb. Overflowed on the verge of extinction.
The first thing I think of is overflowing with emotion. I don’t know quite what emotion, but an emotion that is so effervesecent, so strong that it overflows the boundaries of one’s body and displays itself for all those around to see. Regardless of the words used to describe it, or the different perceptions—its all the same overflow of emotion.
that bar spills. the thermometer exploded. and my time was up.
avalanches flowing over mountains as people are being covered in snow and freezing and being saved by firemen and fire…dogs. and going home happy and safe because america saved the day!!! Yay for america! and capital A’s. things like such as AM i done now?
Again? Do I have to? Blah blah blah. Say something interesting instead of pouring out your usual shit. I don’t want to be that girl. That’s why I don’t want to be your friend anymore.
My feelings.