
September 17th, 2009 | 310 Entries

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310 Entries for “paintbrush”

  1. I swiped the paint over and over again, watching the green spread slowly across the wall, obliterating the nasty red that the renters had painted this room. My room. My sanctuary. After evicting them, it took us over a week just to get all of their things tidied up – most of it went to the dump. They didn’t have much of value, or they didn’t leave much behind.

  2. He held the paintbrush, tight in his hand watching the wet paint ooze down the canvas – red like blood.

    “Where’d she go” was written across the top of the paper. Tears streamed down his cheeks.

  3. the bristles bend just slightly as they wisk away the paint on the canvas what forms is unknown because she just lets the paintbrush take her where ever it wants to go. it’s a form of release it’s a form of energy, god if only the paintbrush were in my hands now instead of this keyboard.

  4. The paintbrush was left standing on the workbench, a reminder of a time between father and son. The days have long passed, however, and Dad is no longer with us. All I have left is the physical reminder of a day spent with wood, paint, and the old man.

  5. The man advanced on Tom with whiskey on his breath. Kill, he chanted over and over again, brandishing a paintbrush dripping with red paint.
    “Come on, dad,” Tom said. “Let’s not go through this again.”

    Rick Reilly
  6. The house trim is in dire need of repair. I wonder where I left the paintbrush after the garage project? I probably need to go and buy some more. Green. The trim would look nice green.

  7. paint, paintbrush
    be free, do what you have been created for
    invent somehting new, new colors
    new design, new shape
    be artistic, be mysterious
    you’re a paintbrush
    then be a paintbrush

  8. what is this paintbrush for’ harry asked his little one when he figures he was about to do…black paint and a pail of yellow…

  9. artists are gay. so matts gay? he tries to have sex with me. i’ve seen you try with him too. yeah but im not an artist. im not gay!

  10. what is this paintbrush for’ harry asked his little one when he figures he was about to do…black paint and a pail of yellow…

  11. A paintbrush is a tool like an instrument;gently the painter dips in in ink and lays it upon the canvas of the viewer’s mind. He impresses his soul onto that blankness that all may drink of it and hear it with their eyes. How vulnerable is the painter, all

  12. The painter picked up the brush and stared at it. It was dripping red. He hadn’t remembered having any red paint around. He dropped the brush on the floor feeling dizzy. He didn’t remember getting to the room either.

  13. Harry removed the paintbrush from the top of his head and eyed his new wife with a mischievous grin. “OK,” he said, “this is war!’ He dipped the brush in the paint can, not bothering to wipe the drips, and hurled it across the room.

  14. My life is but a dab of the paintbrush on the canvas that is our world, but even the finest brushstroke can change the shape of the entire picture.

    Luke B
  15. the paintbrush is a broad-stroke of words, context or paint. i painted someone with a broad-brush paintbrush much like the one used in the Infiniti TV advertisements.

  16. I used a paintbrush once. When I was a child, the brush took form of fingers, hand took form of arm. When a painter paints, he does this. But it’s different. Mind takes form of art.

  17. He wore a paintbrush around his neck to remind him of her. A painter who loved yellow and nothing else.

  18. I dipped the paintbrush into the color, watching as the room brightened with its hue. There is something profoundly stimulating about paint, one moment you feel nothing, the next, your world has changed. I brush the wall, spreading my emotions over the surface like water dripping down a window.

  19. paint
    van gogh

  20. Oil paint drips off the tip of the brush. Its a painting of drip drip drip, a rhythm you could put music to. And when the paint flings off in a blue shower, the world stops.

    S.C. Barrus
  21. pin one on the wal instead of using it to paint with long and hairy is waht it can do to look good very nice….i do have some under my sink I love em..very usefll

  22. express yourself. do your makeup. paint a room. paint a cat. get cheap ones, they can get pretty expensive and it doesnt seem to be worth it. though the expensive makeup brushes are pretty amazing.

  23. well, color dripping, dancing spinning molding. Behold the beauty of the paintbrush or is it the beauty of the “holders” skill? Skill…

  24. I can imagine it doing it’s job by painting a picture it will make it colourful and amazing. Just like an abstract artist would let it’s hands be in control just like a stream flowing into one big sea which means it will be a small picture and grow bigger step by step by step and make a wonderful picture.

    melisa corney !!!
  25. I can imagine it doing it’s job by painting a picture it will make it colourful and amazing. Just like an abstract artist would let it’s hands be in control just like a stream flowing into one big sea which means it will be a small picture and grow bigger step by step by step and make a wonderful picture.

    melisa corney !!!
  26. Paintbrushes are really cool you can do anything with them. I personally like to paint. But you can also take them apart and make jewelry out of them. Or if you’re really sick, you can turn them into darts and throw them, or you can use them as knives and kill someone. All in all paintbrushes are versatile.

  27. paintbrush
    your bold colors atrech across the paper like a bird
    your colors are as colorful as trees
    you have strokes like rulers

  28. used to paint the arbitrary and the extrodinary from walls to the inner workings and vision of the mind, a simple tool can be used every day to see what lies behind the eyes and in the inner recesses of the mind they also kick ass when they come in different sizes

  29. The strokes glide endlessly, the clouds and sky beginning to form before me. My paint is that of all the souls I have collected in the eyes of a true believer. When will I figure how to blend them all together and bring forth a new image of beauty.

  30. paintbrush’s are cool. bristly. they look like horse hair. well thats what i think of when when i see paintbrush.s

  31. Paintbrushes are used by both artists, and common folk to pain houses. By “common folk” I am not trying to discount painters, it is just that it came out that way. I have never owned a painbrush, but I have used one on many occasions. And with that, I’m out of time

  32. The night my father died I tip-toed down to the dusty cellar and looked at all his painting parfanalia. I opened the lid of his paintbrush box and picked out a thin, soft mink brush.

  33. I picked up the brush and began with the color purple, not the movie, the actual color. It looked good on the canvas. Now the trick is to keep it abstract and inviting to the eye.

  34. i would love to paint a beautiful scene of snow on a hill with icicles hanging from the branches of a bare tree

  35. paint on. paint off. a fly. a cat. a hair in the pigment. where did it come from?

    Oh. Paintbrush.

  36. Paintbrush–fill me with color, show me how white can create space and clarity, show me how to move my hand, to follow you and the wind, do not stop, do not pause or doubt, keep moving my hand across the canvas, paint a picture of life, full, ready, opening.

    Elizabeth Rightor
  37. washingtom
  38. i love my babby girl Rhane forever and always

    travis schweighart
  39. potential. it’s potential. a blank canvas with paint, creates a new world within the world you have. creation is so powerful, without it we just walk the paths that have been made before us. the tools for creation therefore are just as important. a connection between the infinite potential of the human mind it’s endless creativity, to change and express the world around us.

    Andie G
  40. paint the world in the crazy colors in which i see it! psychedelic? or plain old white? any happy color!
