paintbrush. art. colors. artists. sometimes i wish i could paint. i think it’s so cool when people pick up the paintbrush and just paint pretty well.
i want to use a painbrush to repaint my life. to see the colors vibrantly like i picture it in my mind. i would like it to be mine. something that i cant erase or start over with. something that i can be proud of and embrace. the thing is ive never been good at art. the thing is, i have no paintbrush.
The paintbrush slipped to the floor, spattering brilliant drops of purple and blue across the pool of blood. The bright spots floated briefly, then swirled into the dark red.
to paint the world with
Indian paintbrush is a bright red pretty wildflower, seen outwest in the prairies on the mountains. reminds of days gone past when the natural world was freer from humans.
I was using this phenomenal instrument. The instrument brought great joy to all who experienced it’s creation. The greatest thing to come out of the paintbrush is that the vibrant colors reminded the boy of his childhood on the farm.
my room was paintbrushed by an weird artisan this morning. He told me that I should drink less and laugh more
Paintbrush is wood and bristles. Creates masterpieces, sore hands, inspired thoughts and feelings on canvas. A tool with so many possibilities. I love to paint, it brings me peace and centers my creativity onto one subject. Pai
van gogh
I stood there, watching intently as her brush danced on the canvas, rendering purest beatuty from her deepest thoughts
I could not believe the sight
painting on a smooth canvas, my paintbrush produces beautiful strokes of red, blue, and yellow. mixed together, these colors become a plethora of other colors. i’m lost in color.
makes things colorful. can light up your world. blue. green. yellow. fences by wooded parks. children playing. stories come alive. the ability to create and imagine from that creation. be
gina smith
He lifted the paintbrush and held it suspended over his canvas. A drop of deep blue splashed onto the perfect expanse of white and dripped slowly down like a single tear.
“Damnit,” he muttered, and slashed a glistening X across the rest of the canvas.
You Know Who
A tool used to create beautiful paintings. It is used by dipping the brissles into paint and creating a picture with colors.
paintbrushes, such odd tools. To begin, they are extremely high maintenance. You have to wet them in the beginning of use, clean them at the end. sort of like women. anyways, the brush opens the user to the world of color.
sometimes i pick up my paintrush and I seriously staetaoingfs
my pen is a paintbrush. the page, a blank canvas, my words, colors of life that capture my essence. what is a paintbrush? mu pen is a paintbrush. my words
colors of the world around us. it can be captured and put in images that we see and appreciate. gentle and perfect, strokes that catches the eye in many ways. it can be good or bad, either way, it’s our world around us.
steven morris
she lifted the paintbrush, dabbed some crimson on it and stared at the painting. she thought it needed a punch of red somewhere. now, looking at the big picture, she wasn’t quite sure where to place that dot of red that would bring her painting to life.
My keyboard is my paintbrush. So I may paint images into the minds of my readers.
He stood in front of the canvas. Thoughts were running fast down under his mind. He took the paintbrush and tried to draw something. But the paintbrush itself was not interested it seems. After all it was all her what the paintbrush did till now. No since she is not there anymore, it is not worth it…
Vinayak Mohanlal
I’m not sure if this color goes here, but let’s see what comes out. Huh. It doesn’t react well to the light pink, but it adds a bit of realism to it. Now if I.. Blend with a little water here, it diffuses. And.. finished. With a great mind, I have the painter’s eye.
Paintbrushes are amazing devices which allow us to show off our artistic ability and paint beautiful images.
Lazy again!
I paint my thoughts with a paintbrush. It is I who creates what is in my mind, not in others. I paint pathways with an imaginary paintbrush, to help guide me to the right destinations at which I must reach to live this so called life.
Paintbrush. It can paint us such a pretty picture, anything our imagination dreams up for us. Hopes, smiles, old memorys. A paintbrush is a magic wand. But sometimes we can paint our most inner thoughts, spilling them over the canvas. Not always happy. But always, a picture. And we have to smile at our creation.
the paintbrush felt divine as it brushed in smooth, swift strokes on my skin, eliciting soft gasps as it stoked my fires of passion.
my paintbrush colors my world much prettier than it already is. it allows me to experience something but if i dont like it i can just paint over it in a different color. my paintbrush allows me to live how i choose, not how someone else chooses, oh how i wish i had a paintbrush like this! How wonderful it would be.
Jenn P.
I hate paintbrushes., They are sooo hard to clean depending on the god damned kind of pain t you use. It’s ridiculous. You try and try to clean those, and they never clean. It’s not worth it. You should call them “shit” brushes. And there’s no point in buying just one, you gotta buy moer than one, because every times you use one, it’s done. You get one use from those damned things.
you paint with it and it is made of wood. It is a beautiful creative instrument. I use my paintbrush when I paint…it kisses the canvas and leaves its mark.
Jennifer Zeitlin
the paintbrush lay on the news paper taking up half of the dining room table. Walt passes by this every day as he leaves, heading to work. Just another project that lay idle. Always tomorrow he thinks, as the sliver of optimism runs through his mind but only for a second.
The tip of the paintbrush was pressed between her lips as she thought. The portait was not progressing well. She considered her options: Restart (painting over the existing work), burn the canvas and forget about the portrait completely (no one expected her to do it, after all), or charge ahead until she could see the portraits flaws more clearly.
Ann (of Shadows in Mind)
The paintbrush has small bristles. It dips into the blood red paint. She laughed as she grabbed the paintbrush and watched the small droplets of paint slither down the handle and onto her fingers, staining the skin of her fingers.
the expression of the soul is in your hands. all you have to do is let yourself go give in to the muse. let the paint flow let the brush speak. let yourself come through.
i pick it up. it’s soft and hard at the same time. i love it. i love its feeling in my hand, the rough touch of the bristles. i love how i feel empowered. like i can create anything with this tiny implement. i think of mona lisa. and of the sistine chapel.
Paintbrush, paint draw feel emotion driven change new generation knowledge power go future now greatness misunderstood greatness freedom fulfilled all.
Paintbrushes are used for painting, expression, really examining yourself. painting is fun, i wish i did it more, except its messy, fingerpainting ismm more fun but more messy
direct relationship between amt of fun and amt of mess??
heres my little paintbrush. its my best friend. i can show tell do whatever i please she will not laugh at my attempts but help me be the best i can be with practice and hard work i will be great one day all thanks to her. this is my paintbrush and shes my best friend.
to paint… I want to paint always and hang the bild an the Wall
my mohter left home, she kicked me out of the house… do I have to write gramatically correct???
with a paintbrush
I’m in control
because I’m the creator
paint strokes swift flowing caress art canvas work swish picture colors curves beauty van gogh
paintbrush. art. colors. artists. sometimes i wish i could paint. i think it’s so cool when people pick up the paintbrush and just paint pretty well.
i want to use a painbrush to repaint my life. to see the colors vibrantly like i picture it in my mind. i would like it to be mine. something that i cant erase or start over with. something that i can be proud of and embrace. the thing is ive never been good at art. the thing is, i have no paintbrush.
The paintbrush slipped to the floor, spattering brilliant drops of purple and blue across the pool of blood. The bright spots floated briefly, then swirled into the dark red.
to paint the world with
Indian paintbrush is a bright red pretty wildflower, seen outwest in the prairies on the mountains. reminds of days gone past when the natural world was freer from humans.
I was using this phenomenal instrument. The instrument brought great joy to all who experienced it’s creation. The greatest thing to come out of the paintbrush is that the vibrant colors reminded the boy of his childhood on the farm.
my room was paintbrushed by an weird artisan this morning. He told me that I should drink less and laugh more
Paintbrush is wood and bristles. Creates masterpieces, sore hands, inspired thoughts and feelings on canvas. A tool with so many possibilities. I love to paint, it brings me peace and centers my creativity onto one subject. Pai
I stood there, watching intently as her brush danced on the canvas, rendering purest beatuty from her deepest thoughts
I could not believe the sight
painting on a smooth canvas, my paintbrush produces beautiful strokes of red, blue, and yellow. mixed together, these colors become a plethora of other colors. i’m lost in color.
makes things colorful. can light up your world. blue. green. yellow. fences by wooded parks. children playing. stories come alive. the ability to create and imagine from that creation. be
He lifted the paintbrush and held it suspended over his canvas. A drop of deep blue splashed onto the perfect expanse of white and dripped slowly down like a single tear.
“Damnit,” he muttered, and slashed a glistening X across the rest of the canvas.
A tool used to create beautiful paintings. It is used by dipping the brissles into paint and creating a picture with colors.
paintbrushes, such odd tools. To begin, they are extremely high maintenance. You have to wet them in the beginning of use, clean them at the end. sort of like women. anyways, the brush opens the user to the world of color.
sometimes i pick up my paintrush and I seriously staetaoingfs
my pen is a paintbrush. the page, a blank canvas, my words, colors of life that capture my essence. what is a paintbrush? mu pen is a paintbrush. my words
colors of the world around us. it can be captured and put in images that we see and appreciate. gentle and perfect, strokes that catches the eye in many ways. it can be good or bad, either way, it’s our world around us.
she lifted the paintbrush, dabbed some crimson on it and stared at the painting. she thought it needed a punch of red somewhere. now, looking at the big picture, she wasn’t quite sure where to place that dot of red that would bring her painting to life.
My keyboard is my paintbrush. So I may paint images into the minds of my readers.
He stood in front of the canvas. Thoughts were running fast down under his mind. He took the paintbrush and tried to draw something. But the paintbrush itself was not interested it seems. After all it was all her what the paintbrush did till now. No since she is not there anymore, it is not worth it…
I’m not sure if this color goes here, but let’s see what comes out. Huh. It doesn’t react well to the light pink, but it adds a bit of realism to it. Now if I.. Blend with a little water here, it diffuses. And.. finished. With a great mind, I have the painter’s eye.
Paintbrushes are amazing devices which allow us to show off our artistic ability and paint beautiful images.
Lazy again!
I paint my thoughts with a paintbrush. It is I who creates what is in my mind, not in others. I paint pathways with an imaginary paintbrush, to help guide me to the right destinations at which I must reach to live this so called life.
Paintbrush. It can paint us such a pretty picture, anything our imagination dreams up for us. Hopes, smiles, old memorys. A paintbrush is a magic wand. But sometimes we can paint our most inner thoughts, spilling them over the canvas. Not always happy. But always, a picture. And we have to smile at our creation.
the paintbrush felt divine as it brushed in smooth, swift strokes on my skin, eliciting soft gasps as it stoked my fires of passion.
my paintbrush colors my world much prettier than it already is. it allows me to experience something but if i dont like it i can just paint over it in a different color. my paintbrush allows me to live how i choose, not how someone else chooses, oh how i wish i had a paintbrush like this! How wonderful it would be.
I hate paintbrushes., They are sooo hard to clean depending on the god damned kind of pain t you use. It’s ridiculous. You try and try to clean those, and they never clean. It’s not worth it. You should call them “shit” brushes. And there’s no point in buying just one, you gotta buy moer than one, because every times you use one, it’s done. You get one use from those damned things.
you paint with it and it is made of wood. It is a beautiful creative instrument. I use my paintbrush when I paint…it kisses the canvas and leaves its mark.
the paintbrush lay on the news paper taking up half of the dining room table. Walt passes by this every day as he leaves, heading to work. Just another project that lay idle. Always tomorrow he thinks, as the sliver of optimism runs through his mind but only for a second.
The tip of the paintbrush was pressed between her lips as she thought. The portait was not progressing well. She considered her options: Restart (painting over the existing work), burn the canvas and forget about the portrait completely (no one expected her to do it, after all), or charge ahead until she could see the portraits flaws more clearly.
The paintbrush has small bristles. It dips into the blood red paint. She laughed as she grabbed the paintbrush and watched the small droplets of paint slither down the handle and onto her fingers, staining the skin of her fingers.
the expression of the soul is in your hands. all you have to do is let yourself go give in to the muse. let the paint flow let the brush speak. let yourself come through.
i pick it up. it’s soft and hard at the same time. i love it. i love its feeling in my hand, the rough touch of the bristles. i love how i feel empowered. like i can create anything with this tiny implement. i think of mona lisa. and of the sistine chapel.
Paintbrush, paint draw feel emotion driven change new generation knowledge power go future now greatness misunderstood greatness freedom fulfilled all.
Paintbrushes are used for painting, expression, really examining yourself. painting is fun, i wish i did it more, except its messy, fingerpainting ismm more fun but more messy
direct relationship between amt of fun and amt of mess??
heres my little paintbrush. its my best friend. i can show tell do whatever i please she will not laugh at my attempts but help me be the best i can be with practice and hard work i will be great one day all thanks to her. this is my paintbrush and shes my best friend.
to paint… I want to paint always and hang the bild an the Wall
my mohter left home, she kicked me out of the house… do I have to write gramatically correct???
with a paintbrush
I’m in control
because I’m the creator
paint strokes swift flowing caress art canvas work swish picture colors curves beauty van gogh