
July 6th, 2024 | 2 Entries

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2 Entries for “paradise”

  1. Paradise had Adam and Eve, but did they know it? Will not we, with our bruised knees, our yawns, our tears, our bee stings, and our scars, love heaven more than them? How can they, who have never been cold, understand the warmth? I have often wondered what it would be like to live there, to pet everything without fear, to not have to ration your time out because you knew someday you would run out but now I am grateful. For the only thing worse than never seeing paradise would be to know it and lose it.

  2. He had finally made it. There were no more tugging pains at the scars he’d accumulated, there wass no more fear that rattled his bones, no more ach from the ghosts of the past, and no more sorrow for those he could now see again. But, it couldn’t help but feel all wrong.