
June 26th, 2008 | 283 Entries

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283 Entries for “pardon”

  1. pardon? shut up! it’s dialogues like this which really bug me off my skin. i mean is it such a big deal that i’m a little hard of hearing? is it so un-pardonable? like really!

  2. what are you saying, I can’t hear you, sorry, what time is it? Not sure, sorry. I didn’t see you, sorry, did I hurt you? Pardon? Did you say you wanted me to help you? Where did I step on you? Sorry, pardon, Forgive me, I didn’t mean it, I didn’t know, I wasn’t sure, please forgive me, pardon, pardon me, not sure how to stop this, how much time is left? When can I stop? How long do I have to go on? I’m sick of this, I should have read the instructions, should have said I didn’t want to do it, pardon? Yes, i’m done, I’m finished. That’s it.

  3. pardon me but i must now pardon all my trespasses. your crimes against statea and nation have been pardoned. your killing, your rape. your money. all pardoned. give me strength that i can pardon my friends but let me pardon my actions first

  4. A word used for telling someone to repeat something. It usually polite way of saying “excuse me”. Usually used to show respect.

  5. she said and it was’t the first time that day. It wasn’t the way she said it this time that was the problem for him, it was more where she said it. ‘I’m a financial guru’ he heard himself repeat to her through what were now gritted teeth.

    Ruairi Mc Nally
  6. [;ease pardon my mistakes. i hope you willpardon the excessive flatulence! i cant help it you know. i can never help myself, nomatter how i try to i just cant. but i can help others. please i beg your pardon. hum.
    i guess if you dont pardon me… then there can be no forgiveness and i go to my grave unpardonable. oh such a bad bad bad girl. who are you? just that you in the sky. god. or the inescapable eye of judgement.

  7. pardon me for wanting to love…pardon me for wanting to fly…pardon me for looking into the blue..pardon me for caring too much..pardon me for not realising how shallow you are..pardon me for listening to the wind blow..pardon me for…living

  8. pardon me fr not being able to control my feelings..pardon me for not seeing into the blue..oardon me for not realising who you are..pardon me for getting too close…pardon me for liking you..prdon me for !!

  9. pardon me! its a term we all use when we either don’t understand something someone has said or have burped or farted or done something rude
    some people do not like the term pardon me and prefer the term excuse me or i beg your pardon.
    but pardon me is short and easy to say.

  10. pardon .. sorry .. please say again .. wht do u wanna say .. i m sorry for not listening to waht u were saying …. arey baba every one can miss .. n i beg ur pardon but u r not suppose to feel bad about it ….

  11. It means excuse me. I think it’s a French word.

  12. he said to me, and I thought oh god how bloody English that little word that I never know how to use that looks like 2 different slightly insecure and shy words squashed up together naked…unhappy ab out it all but trying to remain as polite as bloody possible about the whole situation. Pardon he said again, and me blocking the whole aisle, furrowed brow dark and menacing.

    Michelle Gallen
  13. “Pardon me,” she said.
    “Excuse me?”
    “I said, pardon me.”
    “Oh okay”
    “No, you don’t understand, I didn’t hear you”
    “Hear what?”

  14. such a silly word, pardon.
    it is meant to be polite but it can be said in such a way that is just rude and it can put you in a bad mood.
    Why do we have to say pardon, it is not like we are ex-criminals…we are simply just asking someone to get out of the way.
    I think excuse me will suffice, dont you?

  15. Pardon me but i want to know if you hgave any cheese. No ewhy, wrre in a random street why would Ih va echeese.
    well the thing is my son needs cheese for medicine and hes about to die and I have no money.
    Well thats too bad.

    How about that man with that giant wheel of cheese??

  16. Like a criminal uplifter? Harden, garden, yeah my retardom? Eh? Wow, not much coming out of me right now. Polite. Nice? Forgiving? Words? Hah.

  17. to forgive someone about some thing bad you have done to them. Or as a phrase like excuse me, to attract someone’s attention.

    ‘Pardon, where is the tube station?’

  18. pardon me…the Incubus track was the first thing that came to my mind………well… trying…..really..pardon me all!!!

  19. Sorry for interrupting your stupid little tea party. I wasn’t exactly sure what was going on up here. I heard noises, and smelled burnt biskits so I couldn’t have been sure if you were alone. Pardon me, if I seem rude, I didn’t want it to be like this.


  21. its a simple thing when she says it, pardon me!
    she says it when something happens or she says something silly and shes in that other place, so you know. she says it as a way of leaving a conversation. because she discontinues it with that point walks or stumbles on wondering through the world looking for other people to say pardon me too. yes yes thats what i know, but honnestly we all have reasons

  22. uh, what?
    i can’t hear you.
    whatchoo saying?

  23. Pardon me, sir. Did you happen to see a little man with blue stockings? I’ve been stumbling around all night looking for him. He’s my friend. He has everything I need with him. I left it with him. Everything. Chances are that he passed this way. I know my friend.

  24. pardon me excuse me i dunno how to be
    too many excuses not enough uses
    i just need a place to be
    sorry all apologies not enough for me to be
    the man that you want me to be im just a boy
    just a lad who just wanted to make you all glad

    JC Rivera
  25. means excuse me but like in a British way because Americans don’t use it unless formally.

  26. Sorry… I’m not sure what I’m supposed to say. Pardon me? It’s like that. Random. And unforgiving. Where do we go from here? Perhaps you could find it in your heart to forgive me…

  27. In france the lady told me she would pardon the fact that I’m a little country girl with bad fashion values. I thought that was nice of her considering my lack of intelligence of the france fashion industry. The pardon helped me, because she was able to see past my ignorance and help me in picking out some fashionable clothes for the runway. I thanked her

  28. Pardon sir~? I did not know you were casually brisking past me I have this fine merchandise dontchu you know?
    of course, I can smell that thing from a mile off mate, as cheesy as cream chease on cream cheese toast.
    so apart from that it doesnt take you that lnog to get to cheese land which is of course as everyone knows another name for hte moon,.
    ohh syes

  29. excuse, sorry, hard french,sorry, boston hard to say im sorry, nodrap, mistake, not on purpose, leave, kind

  30. “Pardon my interruption,” I say as I step beside the two conversing ladies on the edge of the bus stop curb. “But do either of you happen to have the time?”

    They warily eye me in that way that women are taught to do of men before the brunette, the far more attractive of the two, glances down to her wrist watch. “It’s twenty past three,” she says, and I smile, nod, and thank her.

    “I’m just in time for the bus, then,” I said, feigning gratitude. They nod, looking to the sign beside them and then to me, and they seem to, for a brief moment, contemplate the safety of the city’s public transportation system.

  31. he was pardoned from jail because the blood test results were inconclusive…..

  32. i’m a computer geek

    ahmet yildirim
  33. Pardon is a moment in time in a foreign place, as you brush against a stranger who will forever remain a silhouette burned in your retina. The moment when you accidentally knock some doodad from their arms, and ask in a poor accent, “Pardon.”

    The Sleepy One
  34. Entschuldigung. such a beautiful word. so long, so sweet, so german. Remove blame literally I think.

    Devora Rogers
  35. excuse me, how do you ? can you please tell me when the train is coming to this place i don’t knhow what to write but i think ithat i can do this whenever i can hello maybe gook lsajdfjkiwrite write click here pardon pardong france is cool when we’re facing difficulties and we need the poepole of ameria to read the books they’ve been tiven for rfree in order to achieve a state of enlgihtment and assurance in roder to go beyond the limits and read things they

  36. pardon me but i don’t think it is necessary to believe such things in the way you perceive me. no one asked you to try to complete me, and no one ever said it was okay for you to sneer at me. if nothing else, you were the one i thought would understand this.

  37. pardon me while I burst into flames. Pardon me while I learn, this is the learning song. Pardon sounds like something you’d scream into a crowd of judges as they dragged you off to be tarred and feathered. Pardon also sounds like an old fashioned name granted to a child with silly parental units. I am glad I am not named Pardon. Seriously. That would be most unfortunate.

    Tymon Brown
  38. i said pardon me she said why what you done we both laughed but more out of shyness than anything else. so wat you doing now i said pardon she said. we laughed again, she more than me… Next time she spoke i pretended not to hear her. hey she said what’s up? pardon, i said.

    bob skinner
  39. forgiveness peace tranquil good happy knowledge self compassion being

  40. I word when you didn’t quite catch something, a word that could be said in many different ways to mean many different things – pardon, i didn’t hear, pardon, how dare you say that, pardon, please excuse me.
