
April 16th, 2009 | 326 Entries

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326 Entries for “passport”

  1. He clutched his passport in one hand and shoved his way to the front of the line of shouting passengers.

    “I demand to be let on this flight!” he said to the harried-looking flight attendant standing near the door. “You can’t keep me from boarding this plane!”

    “Watch me,” the attendant said.

    M. Lawrence Key
  2. I don’t have a passport basically because I never travel. It’s really sad. I wish i could travel but I don’t. My dream is to go around the world, see all the sites, countries, cultures etc. the only reason why i wouldn’t want a passport is because you need a picture and im really unphotogenic and that’d just be embarrassing for random strangers to see my face on a booklet that is stamped. i don’t like that. please dont make me get a passport.

  3. As I travel, how could I simply practice the art of tourism. I want to travel in a sense where I experience the culture. Not take pictures of the wonders already seen in the world. I want to be a part of the world, not see it and run.

    rachel fox
  4. I was in line at the airport, passport in hand. My other hand was buried in my pocket, hoping I wouldn’t betray myself by letting it shake. My eyes darted around the airport looking for a good escape root should things go sour.
    “Sir?” The flight attendant called to me.
    This is it, it’s now or never.

  5. I used a passport to go to Italy for the best 4 months of my life. It helped me see a ton of different cultures and people and I learned a lot. I also used it to go to south africa with my dad which was a really great trip except i wish it was with my whole family. in a month i will go to israel and i’ll need a passport then too. i am lucky to be able to travel freely throughout the world.

  6. religion is the passport into heaven. it is through jesus christ our savior that we are saved; his dying blood became our life. though him all things are possible, and through him we may experience the joy of the afterlife. he is our passport into the divine, the holy, the end.

  7. passports are you chance to go anywhere in the world, they mean I am going places. I have yet to have travelled anywhere in which I would need a passport but I wished I could. I would love to travel to Spain. In Spain people take seistas which are naps in the middle of the day.

    Megan Linker
  8. i need a passport. not really but i like mine from the netherlands. it is much prettier than the american passport. thank god im not a citizen because then i would just have the same passport as everyone else. i want to travel so badly. i want to collect more stamps in my passport so i can be proud of all the places i’ve been. too bad too bad. yay for traveling.

  9. i got my passport a couple years back and traveled to mexico, morocco, italy and kenya. it has been fun to travel. i have met the most interesting people ever. they are very hospitable unlike america to be honest. planes are fun. countries are fun and i plan to travel more.

  10. take it to the airport, it’s important. It’s got your picture, and you’ll keep it to remember all the places you’ve been. They’re annoying to have processed sometimes, so make sure you don’t lose it. who doesn’t love traveling?

  11. Passports are used for admission to a different country than your own. Last time I checked they were pretty expensive and I guess if I’m not going anywhere then I don’t need one.. Or do i?

  12. she fumbled with the bit of blue, nervous…excited. She smiled, wondering how this new adventure would turn out. a new adventure, really, that she should never have thought of taking…but now it was too late, and she was off to far away places, she would be meeting new friends and finding new things to try, to wear, to look at.

  13. i have to write something, i feel lost and almost alone, i can’t think about anything, but my fingers on the keys, typing, quicker, but struggling to find the write letter. i hate myself sometimes, i hate him sometimes, i want him to want me as much as i want him,. i wish, no no i can’t wish, the more i wish the more i grow farther from what i want. i want to be healthy. i think he didn’t want me because i’m overweight, i’m not attractive enough. though i have a pretty face, my fatness ruins it. i’m useless on the market. the market is a devil’s pond, i hate it. it feel s so good but it’s acidity kills me. why, why do we hurt ourselves, false hope is a murderer of compassion and self- owning. i hate it, because i feel like its better than me. i feel like it owns me in everything i do. these games and taunts and pointless and degrading. simply ridiculous.

    Mountian Dew
  14. I thought that I lost my passport the other day. It was like someone kicked me in the stomach. Those things don’t just grow on trees, you know. Well, they are made out of trees but you get the picture. Anyway, I searched high and low for it and what do you know, it was in my make up box. How about that. So now I can leave the country at my whim. Hooray!

  15. My family and I went to get passports last year. My step mom “lost” mine, so now I have to go tomorrow to get a new one. I got my picture taken and Walgreens for it yesterday. Why do I need a passport anyways, it’s not like I ever leave the country…

  16. My passport. It tells everyone who I am, Where I’m from, and where I’ve been. What it does not tell you is why I went where. Nor who I met. And I’ve met some amazing people. I love looking at my passport remembering all those crazy people I will never see again.

  17. passport
    take me anywhere
    i can never be lonely when i have my passport
    because i’ll never have to stay in one place too long
    a connection to a better place
    or at least better food.

  18. travel places go fun plane!scary crash fake id people lines first class pilot random hello friendly not really wow huh OMG call me if i die lol u kno u can keep typing when it stops!

  19. run away from the men AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! they stole my pass port and their going to kill me, they ate my dog, sodimised my cell phone, and now this run run run!

  20. i paid way too much money for my crappy passport. we even had it expediated cause the stupid law in canada was changing and i thought id need it to interview for the grad program in montreal. but no. i wasnt invited. someone lost my paperwork and i got no interview. all i have is an unused passport.

  21. I grabbed my stuff and almost ran, because I didn’t want to cry in front of my parents. I was leaving for a year, a brave exchange student. I was waiting for the moment I would be allowed to cry alone in bed in the new country, but as soon as I got there, my tears dried up and I couldn’t cry for a whole year. When I finally got home and could cry again…

    Rotary Kid
  22. i have lost it, tesco use is as I.d,
    i’m an immegrent
    i don’t really have one
    i lied
    i don’t normally lie
    only to girls
    if i get laid
    it makes me a happier person
    i dont need one to get laid
    i like girls
    and boobs
    not keen on bums

    Danny need a new passport
  23. voila mon passport! baguettes. ho ho ho! ho ho ho ho HO! baguettes! voila, la conversation dans le parc. ou est le livre? a la bibliotecque. et le musique dans? a la discoteque!

    Christine Oania
  24. oh how i long to have one full of stamps, no empty space, no place else to go, just every singe step taken, every single breath taken, every single life lived with all there is to give… and then i know there’s still a lot of space to know, to live, to breath, to take, and ultimately, to change

  25. tokyo passports to the open airlines, this isnt what i thought it was, and im not where i wanted to be, i swallowed tons of a sea water and willingly drunk open bottles and tapped water. this was not an accident, and im not sorry and ill never regret this either, im not home. and im not alone. where was i, not here.

    luke boggs.
  26. I really really need to get my passport!!! I just know that I’ll need to go somewhere soon…my mother has been nagging FOREVER to get it done, but I just can’t seem to!! I know it takes a while to process, which is really why I need to…man, this just reminded me of all the things I need to do!!

  27. I love to travel. My passport has many stamps from all over the world. I would say that the most beneficial stamps I have collected are from the Muslim world. From the UAE to Egypt, I feel more Americans should travel to the Muslim world to gain understanding that can and will lead to tolerance. I know my personal knowledge of Islam and Islamic culture grew at least ten-fold in my time abroad.

  28. I got a passport to go to Japan with my family. We never went. Just another dissapontiment my father has given us. Thanks Dad for getting our hopes up again just to crush them. Your the greatest. (gag me now)

    kat the great
  29. I reach into my right pocket, my left pocket, my pants pockets. I’m looking for a blue booklet. I’m looking for my identity according to these people, standing at these gates. These places to go, the world to see. Looking, looking, I’ve found it. This piece of paper is my ticket to everywhere. Yet why?

  30. a great vacation awaits those who have a passport. they can visit nearly anywhere in the world they choose to. I don’t have a passport anymore and will probably never get a new one. Looks like I’m bound stateside for at least another 40 years.

  31. i am so glad I have my passport so i can take my last minute trip!!! can’t wait!!

  32. I think I would like to get away and travel to another planet. See how people in different galaxy’s live. I can see the guy next to me and the guy who lives way over on the other side of the planet, but has that made the world any better? Probably not. A passport to the stars, thats what I need.

    Could you imagine groovin down with some funky aliens on a star somewhere? Looking back at us here on Earth. Bunch of idiots. That’s what you’d think.

    Neal Osincup
  33. My passport is still valid, thank god, in case I have to flee the country in a moment’s notice. Never know when one will have to pick up and go, get the hell out, fear of the sack propelling me to get my passport and get the hell out of dodge. Or was it a Ford? I’ll go to South America, the dollar bill stretches pretty far down there. Got a nice little shack on the beach, drink beers with the local chiquitas and show them my sweet ass passport, the document that made it all possible.


    Eric Harrell
  35. The only other country I’ve been to is Canada, and that was years ago, before passports were necessary. I guess I’ll have to get one soon, though. My mother lives in Michigan and to visit I’ll need a passport to drive though Canada.

    Shaun Taft
  36. i wish i had a passport then i would be able to go fun places…im jealous of people who get to travel they seem to have so much fun i would like to go back packing across europe one day it seems like it would be an amazing adventure mabey stop in at germany and have a little fun with me peers wow this has really got me going now i think im going to go get a passport

  37. I hate getting a passport because passports are really hard to get. I think i have to wait three weeks or six weeks to get one. That sucks. But oh well, you need a passport to get to places. I would love to go to Europe and see all the different castles there. I love traveling. but in order to travel, you need a passport. I love passports.

    Josh Martin
  38. The passport in her pocket would take her in her bubble-gel hovercraft to any of the inner planets. The outer ones were not covered.

    The burly, hairy security guard didn’t seem to notice, and let her through without a second glance. She sighed in relief, sweat trickling down her neck.

  39. Border, customs, they’re all the same. I grow a beard and try to get through, it take forty minutes. So I just shave the damn thing off, and then my wife gets all pissed. So i go and try to take a passport photo with a beard, and it goes fine. I go to customs, still forty minutes, I shave off my beard.

    Andrew Meare
  40. going on an airplane.
