
December 4th, 2009 | 717 Entries

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717 Entries for “pedal”

  1. pasted on a petal little colored,
    bikes on the run
    oh such fun!

  2. When I think about the word pedal all that really comes to mind are forms of bicycles. Tricycles. Cycles really. It’s kind of an odd looking word to if you think about it. I mean, honestly, pedal. Then if you say it often enough it just starts to sound strange. Pedal. Pedal. PEDAL. Then you sound like you’re bitching out a flower.

  3. the fire consumes the pedal of life in chaotic angry beautiful conflagration. I the pedal of all flowers bow to you in wisdom, consideration, and quite a bit of indigestion. some flowers are toxic and not to be consumed without proper identification

    the midday sun
  4. The pedals fell from the trees and I saw your eyes trace them into the grass. With the buildings glittering in the sunset the window reflected the only world I know.

  5. I have a bike that has only one pedal, because i lost my leg in Nam.

  6. Every single time i see a pedal of a flower i always think of the past. Ex relationships and friends that have gone out of the way. It always astounds me as to how many regrets i have for not being able to maintain a healthy relationship. Ever.

    Kyle Westcott
  7. as i ride my bike, i pedal and pedal untill my legs give out and i fall over .take a deep breath struggle to get up and try again. its like life. struggles and failures but you gotta keep going

  8. Foot on the gas pedal, slow it down through the icy streets. The trees covered in snow for this first time in a hundred or so years, all of these beautiful thing spassing by, and all I can think about is him. I said I’d be less selfish, I’d give up myself, put others first…no one said it would be this hard. No one said it meant giving him up…

  9. No matter how hard you pedal, no matter how fast you try to race against the world, without a chain you go nowhere.

  10. Thinking of flower Pedals…i once stuffed a flower in my mouth, when i was small. I thought that since it smelled so good that it must taste delicious. I was mistaken…roses do not at all taste delicious.

  11. pedals are on bikes and when i was in preschool i tried to wide a two-wheeler bike for the first time without training wheels and i took a sharp turn and slammed my two front teeth into the handle bars. they turned blackish and as time went on i was too scared to pull them out.

  12. Sometimes, when I’m driving home from a late-night escapade at a friend’s house and everything is dark, I push down on the pedal. I keep pushing and pushing, just to see how far I’m willing to go, speeding up as if to run away from life in general.

  13. lightly speaks the sun on our wet hands
    we paddle our knees and bathe our friends
    in the justice of what seems like matter.

  14. I was riding my bike when something got stuck in between the pedal and the gear. I started to wobble and soon fell over. This just was not my day.

  15. Faster, faster, the wheels flying down hot concrete, when a dip in the street takes the front wheel for its own. The bike is in the air floating, for one magical second, when it crashes back downward and becomes a tangle of metallic limbs.

  16. Gotta go faster faster, its not a want or a hunger its a need, a need to go fast…in life, in a car, in everything. When can we slow down?

    Jacob Stevens
  17. I was pedaling down the street on my brand new Huffy bike. Suddenly, the pedals no longer turned and I flipped off the front of the bike! Why, oh, why did you stop turning, Brand New Huffy Bike Pedals? What will I do now? I got up, brushed myself off, and pushing my bike back home, defeated.

  18. Put the pedal to the metal. We cruise too fast around curves that are too tight but I feel nothing but exhilaration, like we’re flying. I don’t need to be on this road to feel like this when I’m around you, though.

  19. I remember pedal pushers from when I was young. I think they call them capris now. I relate them to freedom — freedom to run around the neighborhood in the summertime, barefoot, living in a small town where you didn’t have to be accountable to your parents because they knew you’d be okay. I also relate them to crop tops, which reminds me of a

  20. “Ne me l

  21. Pedals…to be honest I cannot think of anything but a bike! At what age did u learn how to use a bike? Well…I learnt when I was about 7…I remember I’d go with my dad to the park and hed hold me while I was on the bike and one day he let me go…at first I was afraid but then I discovered I could do it!!

    Andrea Arzaba
  22. The pedals around the flower kept falling.
    He loves her. He loves her not.
    There are so many pedals.
    They never seem to end.
    He loves her. He loves her not.
    What will she do?
    She doesn’t understand.
    He loves her. He lover her not.

    That one girl. You know who I am.
  23. I pedaled faster, with more confidence, sure because I could feel one hand on my shoulder, the other on the back of my bike.

    Hannah Ford
  24. i ride a bike, a bike, a flower, a bike, i fell off my bike once, and landed on a flower, it hurt, the flower was my consellation prize, God was looking out for me. Pedals.

  25. to the metal. not just on a bike. pick a petal it will tell you if he loves you. pedal fast youll go far if you try.

  26. her lips were soft ,delicate, like pedals from a flower i was so scared but she understood. she brushed those lips down my body and i couldn’t help but forget everything else but her.the world disappearing in this one moment.and i knew i would love her forever

  27. Bicycles, I never learn to ride one. No matter how many well meant friends had scrapped their knees along with me, ruins bikes in dry grass, I never got it.

  28. a pedal is part of a flower. i’ve never really thought about pedals but wait no. no i’m wrong. a pedal is on a bike. a petal is on a flower. Is this wrong? I don’t know. i should have payed more attention in english class.

    Captain Clearlight
  29. pedal faster and faster down the cobbled streets as the salesmen yell and scream after you..pedal into the hills away from this civilization you call home. Where will it take me I no not..I only know this is the only way I can get there.

  30. i push the pedal. the pedal means go. i dont go. i cant go. i push and push and i never move. i never will move. i am forever embeded and pushing with all my might

  31. To the metal. On a bike without gears, or maybe with, I’m not sure, maybe it’s unique, or maybe not. Wait no. This is for a flower. Wow. That’s a nice change, much more pretty.

    Clifford Brice
  32. fast fast fast sweet breeze in my hair fresh wind green all kinds of greens iridescent beauty i am flying flying flying red bicycle cherry red eye popping contrast
  33. it can be used to make a vehical move foward or backwards based upon other mechanisms in the car.

  34. Today, my cousin shook the pedals off of a sunflower, the last one we had in our yard. I watched it happen with sadness; I watched her rape the yellow off that flower.

    Juju Kai
  35. “Come on!” I screamed. Ed forced his foot down on the pedal – we were off.
    The car swerved desperately around a crowd of zombies, screaching terribly on the road. Bump.
    I winced, I’d be feeling that tomorrow, I thought as I careered into Ed. He yelled something that was lost in the moment.

  36. pedal

  37. I really want to learn how to ride a bicycle. I know a lot of patience and hard work shall do it, but I believe that I also DO need a bicycle to teach myself how to ride one. If ever I will learn how to ride it, I will travel to many places, telling everyone how eco-friendly by ride is. That’s also helping the environment!

  38. Pedals on a bicycle. Pedal is an essentially boring word. A very gray, metallic sort of word. Dull, not polished or gleaming. Pedal has a matte surface, is compact, efficient, wastes nothing.

  39. as I rode my bike down the street I found a soccerball embedded in the remnants of a broken car. I think it was broken at least it was not going to go anywhere without imolating its driver. You see the car was on fire and that was probably due to the soccerball. I think I will stop riding

  40. two pedals on a bike, sounds like petals on a flower. the pedal – it powers something, doesn’t it? You move it to move yourself, the wheels, something else. The pedals take the force and changes it to work. Petals on a flower look pretty.

    S. Smile