
December 4th, 2009 | 717 Entries

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717 Entries for “pedal”

  1. Why do I have to pedal the truth? All we like to read and want is sensational and the lies, the lies of commerce and hubrus is what sells. Man, I need more coffee, the writer the thought soon after looking up from his keyboard, all I wanted to do was find an interesting intro, not something thought provoking.

  2. I pedalled as fast as I could go down the steep hill and I felt my bike starting to rumble beneath me. I had gone to fast and my wheels were out of controll. My right side pedal and flipped off and I knew I was done for at that very moment. What will I do now? I thought to myself as the bike continued to shake.

    Maddi (:
  3. put the pedal to the metal, throw the high gear of your soul into position. Clutch and graso at who you are, because your soul doent last. you are who you are at all times but not forever. Dont waste time pretending u will. Live now while you can.

    Tyler A Raymond
  4. A pedal to the metal makes speed demons seem like fairies. This car isnt going to stop. The destination is not an issue, but the ride makes it a destination.

  5. a pedal is an item you use to move with your bike. It can be a noun like pedal or a verb like “to pedal a bike”. That’s about it i think it isn’t a very creative and interesting word you can write about.

  6. Samantha wrote and wrote furiously. The clock showed only 7 minutes left to complete the exam – the last one of her highschool career. Grade 12 biology. She was pleased with the results of her essay, only to find realize too late, she’d got the terminology wrong. Pedal, not petal.

  7. Pedal to the metal we thrive for the moment in our carpe diem bikes. Sunken to the low but forward we go.

  8. Put the pedal to the metal, dammit. They’re gaining on us! I’ve already been to prison once. Okay, twice. All right, pull over; I”m driving!

    R. Panic
  9. I always prefer to pedal uphill than to pedal down; I know pedaling down is easier, but you don’t get that same feeling of accomplishment when you reach the bottom of the hill as you get when you reach the top… Plus, afterward you get to go down anyway. :)

  10. i took the pedal and i smashed it into the idiot’s face, because she deserved it.

  11. Pedaling down the hill as fast as she could go, the wind blowing her hair like a streamer behind her, she felt a sense of peace, of freedom, and incredible lightness, as though she hadn’t a care in the world. It was moments like these, with the pedal meeting no resistance that she felt truly alive.

  12. this is something that is on flowers.
    different colors.
    different shades
    different sizes even.
    it feels like something.
    it always FEELS like something.
    maybe it’s not as big of a deal as you’d think,
    but it matters because without it thee would be no such thing as flower.
    isnt that how life is?
    the little things make up the big things?
    the little things make the big things the big things?
    i guess its interesting to realize this and to think about it.

  13. There are things in life that elude us. Even the simple task of stopping to smell the roses has become an occurrence that is ignored. People need to realize that we are subject to forces beyond our control, similar to that of a peddle.

  14. push down the pedal
    go faster
    til both of us are screaming
    laughing and crying
    don’t take this is the perverse way,
    but you look sexy
    when you risk our lives

  15. pedals? Pedaling on a bike or dandelion petals, it makes little difference to me. It’s all unreachable summer. No getting it back until after a trail by snow.

  16. i was designing a place for people to be. i wanted petals and leaves and branches and sand. i wanted grasses to rush off into the darkness with sounds to drape over the pond. the place became important and obscene. the sacred was not defiled. but as the sun drenched the place the view softened with the climate and created a soft landscape of peace. petals of all kinds and life status played into the time and momentous speed at which it travels. yes moment by moment, and even then we wait for the environment to dictate. it is indeed in the DNA. The light, the time, the scale, the space, the texture …. the petal. Oh, you ,meant pedal,, with a d. Never mind.

  17. flower bicycle wheel plant green daisy rose lavender water sun fertilizer dirt dirt dirt gardens dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt motorcycle dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt flower dirt dirt dirt

  18. i pushed my pedal to the medal. i was winning the bicycle tournament, but the guy behind was catching up. the wendy’s burger i ate was starting to make itself known in my stomach. ugh. i winced noticeably, probably just to the delight of the photographer on the sidelines. i didn’t win the race. but i married the girl who did.

  19. ride the bycicle all the way down the hill faster now until you reach the bottom, dont stop just let the air swish your face and hair, your eyes may water but it feels great and free! See if you can make it up the other side.

  20. Pedaling bike down a winding country road on your way to a picnic with the people you love. It is a beautiful day. Perfect temperture, with a light breezy that carries the fresh scent of spring. The dappled sunlight shines through the trees. A perfect calm envelopes you. Optimism fills you with hope that you will solve your problems and you will continue on your journey to becoming a better person. The person you want and were meant to be.

  21. Put the pedal to the metal or is it medal which I get for finishing NaNo? Yes, that was something winning like that without any cheats I had fun esp. b cuz I haven’t been writing too much lately.

    Sameerah El-Amin
  22. I just wrote about pedal. Now I’m forced to do it again? Is this just like a word a day thing? Aw, come on!!

  23. I like to pedal to the medal. And yes, that sounded corny. But you know what, that’s ok. Cause I’m trying this new thing — it’s called not caring what people think. Yep, oh yeah. So anyway, pedaling on a bike – haven’t done that in a while. One day I pedaled so quickly that I ran over a dirt hill and fell and scratched the whole side of my stomach. Yep. Scarred. Anyway. I’m typing too much. Oh well. Thats’ what you do when you pedal to the medal. PEACE.

  24. A pedal is on a bike. It is the thing that you use to make the bike move. yOU do it with your feet. Your feet make the pedal have energy causing bike to move.

  25. i scraped my knee. i tried to catch up to you, hoping to sway you with my passion. i fell off my bike instead. you never answered my calls again.

  26. I wish I was a better bike rider.

    I think perhaps I am too dressy for that to be my primary mode of transportation…I say that because whenever I try to rock a bike, my heels slip off the pedals.

  27. el pedal es lo que hace girar la rueda de la vida cuando vas en bicicleta, es amplificada tu fuerza por un engranaje simple, pero efectivo, asi, la superficie de la rueda transita el piso y tus moleculas se transportan.

  28. pedals! I like to ride bikes. bikes are great. there’s this band called blessed by a broken heart who’s album is called pedal to the metal. i love them. they’re a christian band. I love Christ with all I have in me. He’s great, he’s helped me through so much and is still helping me. I love you, God. Thank you for everything. You’re great.

  29. Opal walked to her bike and hopped on. She put her feet to the pedals and started going away as far as she could.

  30. pedal

  31. Bicycle. I want to ride my bike! I love my bike. I love to pedal. Save the environment, ride your bike. Pedal is power.

    Victoria Guirlinger
  32. I have a bike, but I don’t use it. The chain is broken and the pedal sticks. I would hate to have one of those professional bikes where the pedal is attached to your foot and if you fall your bike goes down with you.

  33. I get up on my motorbike, I look so good in my leather boots, I ride like a sharpened knife, just like honey on a pedal on a bike.

    all them
  34. As if a truth was held in lips by a sliver of sugar, danging gently on a vine with rippled skin of flowery fruit, I sat and admired as it sat, and admired, and it was there upon itself admired a pedal.

  35. Bicycling to my grandma’s house from the creek I was sure I was going to run into Bigfoot. You know, Sasquatch, Yeti, the big hairy guy? And yeah, I know I just wrote a passive sentence, but this is what you get when you challenge me this way.

    I navigated the switchback and pedaled carefully around the curve avoiding the cliff. Back-pedaling would not be allowed.

    Karla Reisch
  36. pedal to the metal. i like driving. driving is fun. but sometimes it can get really boring. sometimes i drive really fast. this reminds me of biking. pedaling. faster and faster and faster and when you go downhill there is a second of fear that you are going to go flying the fuck off your bike and you will crash and fall and hurt yourself and die possibly but it is so fucking awesome and thrilling and the most exhilarating thing on the planet. sometimes i miss having to pedal backwards but i don’t.

  37. “Put the pedal to the metal and go,” she said, holding out a hand. “The sky’s your limit?”
    I looked at her, nonplussed. “It is?”
    “Heck yeah,” she said. She placed her fist over her heart. “Do what this tells you.”

  38. I pedal my bike through the city, observing all the wonder that surrounds me. I see that the Holiday season is near, and the joy fills my spirt. The smells of spice and warm vanilla nurtures my soul, and the colored lights awaken the child within me.

  39. By the shit of a dog! Eddison screamed as the pedal broke off its shaft and careened off the parked car and clattered down the street. “I can’t fucking believe it! It’s the third fucking time this fucking month that this shit fucking happened! I can’t believe this shit!” Eddison wrestled with the handlebars as the bike wobbled. He righted and and swooped to the right, cutting across the oncoming lane. The intersection was clear and there was no danger, but he looked both ways as if expecting a heavy cargo trailer to come crushing down on him through the quite tree-line suburban street.

  40. she pedaled as fast fast fast as she could on the bike, bump bump bump with her heart, it was catching up. she couldnt even breathe anymore it was engulfing her, if she could just push past
