
December 4th, 2009 | 717 Entries

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717 Entries for “pedal”

  1. I leaned my foot down onto the pedal as the sweet notes of my keyboard flowing into a language that I spoke fluently. I formed sentences, paragraphs, and a novel. It rang in my ears as my fingers danced. They created a melody that should have been heard throughout the heavens, yet my cat was the only one that heard it.

  2. i am pedaling down this cement slab they call a sidewalk on my bicycle. the sun is shining and, oh god, it’s warm.

    but i am not allowed to be warm. all i feel is coldcoldcold.

    his hands are cold.
    the sun is cold.
    my heart is cold.

    i’m the beginning of another ice age.

  3. faster, faster, faster! the ribbons wave in the wind. i bounce up and down on my barbie bike. wind races past my ears and lifts up my hair. i hear nothing but the whipping of the wheels as they spin. and then…

  4. pedal. pedal on my bike. i just thought of sex because you knwo…thats what comes in my head…get it? cums. in my head. hah. ohhh wow im so perverted. and im only like 14. and im a girl. so ill probably be a prostitute. and im not even pretty. back to pedal…wow im pretty damn bad at this…well times almost up here.

  5. My shiny red bicycle’s pedal was causing me to carry me swiftlly across the dirt road. WHE

  6. I put the pedal to the metal as the camaro chased behind us. it’s too bad my brother who was in the car with me had to shoot their window with a paintball gone, while I was driving. he always did things of that sort. Everything we did was not in our best interest but every bit engaging. i jetted down a dirt road in the middle of no where in my little nissan. We swerved left and right. my first thought looking at this road at any other time would be to take it slow or my face would be smacked into a tree but no not at this time. somewhere in my mind i was thinking of every possibility about the car and the driver chasing us. if he caught up to us what would he do? what would he say, if anything at all?

  7. petal

    Anna Luz
  8. guitar, armp making cool sounds….tool, talk bos……..Pedal? bike b=pedal? i guess…..guitar pedal? no no no……im starting to think about it now, i dont feel like this is genuine…….hmmmmm, pedal……to the metal…..i dont know what to think.

  9. bycicle, run, home, lance armstrong,

  10. i love to pedal a bike and wish I could teach my kids to pedal a bike. I think my daughter will never learn to ride her bike because she cannot figure out the pedals. Oh, how great it would be if she could actually pedal.

    Mama Llama
  11. I got on that bike and I pedaled. I didn’t care where I went. I just went and went and went, wherever my little legs would carry me. Before I knew it I had made turns and been on streets I had never seen before. It was an adventure, I was lost, somewhere new. I kept going, fear rising up in my gut, until eventually I had to turn around and try to pedal my way home. That was enough adventure for one day.

  12. biking through the mist, pedal

  13. The pedal is my master.
    The pedal steals my thunder.
    The pedal is my guide.
    The pedal rides a bike.
    The pedal is a myth.
    The pedal is very thick.
    The pedal makes me weak.
    The pedal makes me sick.
    The pedal makes my day.
    The pedal eats some hay.

    Carmichael Booyeah
  14. She presses her foot down hard on the pedal, feels the wind rush through her hair, through her veins as she moves forward, faster and faster and she’s almost flying. She is free — this is what it is to be free. There’s no room to stop, no room to hesitate, to think. There is this, this and nothing more.

    Sera B
  15. Pedal to the metal baby.

    Bank is robbed, delightful infusion of adrenaline pumping through my viens, seat coursing down my spine, tingling in the fingers as I press harder ont he gas pedal…

    Oh yeah pedial to the metal

  16. Oh. I don’t even… Screw this, ‘pedal’ stuff. pft.

    Today, it was supposed to snow. The weather failed in it’s endeavor however. Apparently because it didn’t storm however many days ago, or something… Anyway, I don’t like pedals and that’s why I wrote about the weather that I was very much disappointed in.

  17. i put my feet on the pedal. and i started moving. i felt the wind pass through – very fast. it moved my hair all places, but especially, it moved me away from where is started. i then realized that pushing the pedal gives me a new start.

  18. Is a florist a petal pusher?

    Joseph Leff
  19. the petal was caught above my foot and tore the hem of my jeans, the top of my shoe. i fell off the bike pulled it down with me

  20. now all I can think of
    is pedal to the metal
    why did I read Fia’s post beforehand
    I am a silly person

  21. i like to pedal my bike in the summer on the sand in the beach in the month of august when it is hot i ca n sweat a lot and be healthy and fit. And i can pedal fastly so fast i forget what i am doing and when i turn a corner i hit a car. Pedaling bikes are fun

    your momma
  22. dfsf

  23. Pedal to the metal!

    I forget what that phrase even means.

    Am I driving a car? Is it just a bike? Is it something for a sewing machine, or something else entirely? Why am I thinking about what type of pedal it is? I’m afraid that kind of thing doesn’t make much sense… But it’s not even flower petals.

  24. of a flower. always soft between the fingers. you know you shouldn’t pick it off but the temptation is irresistible. flowers have no power to resist. you can pick them in an instant.

  25. The thing that you find on a bike. A bit boring and not much to write about it. Where you put your foot. Not all that comfortable. I’d rather write about something alot more interesting in all honesty. All I can think about pedal is: isn’t that a word you use for like something dodgy? Who even knows. Pedal. YAWN.

  26. Pedal to the metal.
    Pedal mistaken for petal.
    Pedals on wet pavement… a skid waiting to happen.
    Keep on pedaling, even with legs burning and aching… conquering the hill takes effort, what did you expect?
    Pedaling is for kids, right? Do adults still ride bikes?

  27. had a pedal in my feet since i was a little girl.
    I miss my red bike. It was amazing, i felt like i could traver the world just with it. I miss the life i had as a child, when my dad took me to the amusement park and we enjoyed after

  28. Faster!!! Pedals from flowers wilting in the winter light, falling slowing from the tree. Pedal hm. Can’t say pedal to the medal that’s too simple.

  29. the bike tore down the road like a fiery night speaking ball of energy
    all commitment
    all effort
    stored away for this ride
    this last ride
    into the depths of the unknown
    no help
    no rescue
    ride where you dream
    pedal like never before
    feel the feeling that has been taken away until now
    its normal
    the feeling of escape
    we all seek it
    and that pedal keeps you in control
    it keeps you driving
    its the only way to feel properly free
    so just keep going

    Joshua Richardson
  30. something on a bike. kinda like medal. metal. cold and shiny. i cant ride a bike. im afraid of heights im learning how to drive ok at that. gas balloons i like balloons. im not really good at spelling.

  31. The pedal of hey bicycle caught and she screamed as she went flying into a bush. She landed headfirst and her dress got tangled up in the briars. When she opened her eyes she was inside of the bush, looking down at a small squirrel wearing a bright blue tunic. “What’s wrong with you?!” yelled the little rodent

  32. A pedal is something that is used to power a bike or a boat. It’s for people who aren’t lazy and drive their gas-guzzling cars everywhere. Use your feet, people!

  33. to the metal bike riders are go!!!! fast fast fast pedals are rubber white black pedals on my Harley bicycle pedals pedaling when I was 5 years old the first year I pedaled

  34. Put the pedal to the metal…. the pedals of the flowers are bright purple and shine in the sun. MY heart is like the pedals of a flower and you keep picking then off one by one…. leaving me bare to only love you

  35. i put the pedal to the medal. i’ll go faster and faster, keep pedaling, keep pedaling, faster, faster. losing breath, keep going.

  36. Um pedal

    Vitor Monteiro
  37. Pedaling was always the hard part, or was it the balance?? My big bad shameful secret as a kid — Not being able to ride a bike. Ridiculous. I learned how to lie. A lot.

  38. Pedaling was always the hard part, or was it the balance?? My big bad shameful secret as a kid — Not being able to ride a bike. Ridiculous. I learned how to lie. A lot.

  39. I pedaled faster and faster. I couldn’t believe how late I was. It was my own wedding. How did I end up screwing up so badly? I’m arriving at my own wedding on a bike… I’ve lost half my veil and I think my bouquet fell from the rear basket.

    Elena Blanco
  40. “Pedal your fastest out of here!” said Julie to chris. She’s is going to kill you! So that is what Chris did, he pedaled like she never has before.
