
December 4th, 2009 | 717 Entries

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717 Entries for “pedal”

  1. She pushed down, her foot stomping with the force of all her anger. The wind danced around her, the music blared in her ears–she was ready to go.

  2. biking in a road then you see a bird that says hi and then you say hi back and then it flys away and u think of the meaningless of life and then you continue to pedal on even though its meaningless then youll see other things.

  3. i pushed the pedal as hard as i could to get the fuck out of that place. now i’m in heaven.

  4. I stomped on the pedal with all my might and raced up the incline. I could feel the wind whipping through my hair, the bronze curls lapping at face every so often. The air was sweet on my lips. A taste I felt only when I kissed you. The top was my destination. You were standing there.

  5. pedal pedal pedal
    the pedals turn
    as your feet slip
    coast as far as you can
    i don’t know what to fucking write

  6. when i started driving i needed pedal extenders because of my dwarfism. although i ordered some offline, i never use the i just drive without them. I sometimes worry that im going to get caught but that never seems to happen. although i should be driving with them i just never do and i dont care

  7. I pushed it hard with the toes of my right foot. The car sped up. The tires spun on the soft sand. I shouldn’t be driving on the beach. I don’t care. I pushed harder. The pedal resisted my anger, my tension, my toes.

    Emma Vee
  8. so was riding my bike through the woods and a ninja stole my shoe without asking!it was crazy! i cried , then decided to hunt him down.

  9. Hello. Where are you off to?

    I don’t know. But I think I’m heading towards the beach right now.

    Oh, that’s nice. I’m going to the airport.

    On that? How?

    It’s fun. The control tower’s the finish line, and all my obstacles are the taxis, the cars and the shitload of luggage.

  10. pedal faster seems like a joke.
    bicycle race queen king kings sentences forming palabra candelabra lumiere beauty and the channing tatum soccer movie really were were were stuck standing still standstill csi hunt on the go to town down go down riot

  11. i rode my bike down the driveway for the first without training wheels. the brakes failed and i smashed right into the curb across the street. i cried my eyes out and ran inside, leaving the bike there. i told my parents i would never ride my bike again.

    i rode it again like two hours later.

  12. She pedalled faster as she tried to get away from the insane cat chasing her. Normally, one would not be frightened of cats, but this wasn’t an ordinary cat. It was a ferocious one, and she feared for her life. She realized, all the same, that her pedalling was futile. She stopped, and allowed the cat to attack.

  13. scraped knees and bruised elbows are badges of our childhood; we would off-road on cracked pavement, pumping the pedals of our bikes like wreckless daredevils.

    we were the daring pair of circus performs, riding over manholes as thought they were wire cages, and we were pedalling motorcycles.

  14. bikes oh how i love bikes. bike riding is pretty fun. i like moutain bikes, even tho mine got stolen. a friend of mine likes bike riding too. maybe we’ll ride bikes together one day. i’m concerned about my/our future. i don’t know what i want or what i need. i wish there were more certainty and that doubt wasn’t present. i wish i could be solid in every area of life instead of failing like i do.

  15. I pushed on the pedals of my car faster, harder, hoping that it would somehow allow my car to push towards an impossible speed of 200 miles per hour. Why go so fast ? Well, if you were in my situation, being chased by ridiculous cops, you would be going this fast too. I looked in the mirror on the left, they were gone.

    Tasha Tuong
  16. pedal bike wheel handlebars mustache milk cows farm tractor wheel bike pedal

  17. i pressed it. i pressed it as hard as it would go, and i went, and i forgot whole parts of you as i left the roads and the driveways i walked down to get to your door. it was hurt in ways hurt never felt before you and all i could see was the red in your cheeks as you came and the way you gripped the edge of the bed when i kissed you and for a moment i cried, i cried hard, and the i was brave and you were gone.

    sarah pace.
  18. Pedalbike. Pedalbike. Pedalbike. Bikepedal. I can’t think of anything besides Pedalbike. I pedalled my bike to the park. Does pedalled have two Ls? I’m not sure. I could look it up, I suppose. I’ll pedal my bike to the library and see.

  19. Pedalbike. Pedalbike. Pedalbike. Bikepedal. I can’t think of anything besides Pedalbike. I pedalled my bike to the park. Does pedalled have two Ls? I’m not sure. I could look it up, I suppose. I’ll pedal my bike to the library and see.

  20. pedal

    jesse young
  21. pedal lksjflkd wiigle and peedalalal

  22. Reminds me of bicycles.. I like pedaling.. reminds me of cars, being free, moving, transportation…going somewhere, not being stuck. Reminds me of technology, I wonder who invented the pedal. Pedal kind of sounds like “pedal” like roses, like flowers… I wish I could start a garden here. These writing assignments make me nervous.

  23. pedals are on bikes usually, you can go forward or you can go backwards. it’s like life, you have a choice to go forward or backwards, and the choice is always up to you.

  24. Bike
    push down with your foot
    Car gas
    pedal to the metal
    go very fast

  25. I pushed the pedal. Hard. God, I needed to get out of here. Too much. Too fast. I had to leave. Pedal to the metal had new meaning.

  26. bicycle oh no daddy i’m going to crash into the tree help me help me ah -boom- apple tree there are apples on my head ouch daddy help me the apples are raining down upon me i remember this one time i climbed the apple tree and got stuck and kody had to get me out oh flowers they have petals too but they’re you know a different kind I DON’T EVEN KNOW ABOUT PEDALS WHAT THE HELL ARE PEDALS this is lame.

  27. you use it to make a bike move

  28. bicycle. motorcycle. I wish I had both of those things right now. Too bad it’s not petal. I would like some rose petals. I do have some flowers, but not roses. Or lilies. Or orchids. Those are my favorite.

  29. His foot slipped out of the pedal. The bike swerved dangerously, barely missing the bushes and the trees that lined the road. He panicked and tightened his grip on the handles. His heart racing, he tried the brakes but found out that

  30. the pedal of a bike
    laying silently on the cold

    separated from the rest of itself


    Without the rest of it, how can it know who it is?

    This Kid
  31. i am not sure what this word is, therefore i can not write about it sorry :(

  32. The pedals of my bike are hard to push. I’m so small, and my bike is so big! But it’s my new birthday present, so I don’t mind. Daddy said I would grow into it. It has streamers on the handlebars. And a basket. It’s the best present I’ve ever gotten. It’s beautiful.

  33. fuck

  34. pedal pusher
    shorter than most
    covered her legs
    to the knee
    no chain could catch her

  35. the bicycle was taller than she was
    youth was the only hope she had
    she rode the bike within a week
    her father and mother were surprised

  36. i love my bike. it’s the only set of wheels i own. that’s why i did that film project on it. my bike is my baby. now, maybe a car could take that over. i don’t know. i want to ride my bike now. hmm.

  37. pedals are in a car or on a bike. when you ride one the pedal is what makes it go. i like squash. squash were on icarly once, and sam bit one and her tooth fell out. MLIA is the greatest thing everrrrrrrrrrrrr and if you haven’t read about it before you should. Oh yeah, pedals. Those things… um… they can like cut your leg and it hurts :( out of time =O

  38. its something that you push on thats on a bike that makes you accelerate.
    its also the bottom of your foot hence the reason why you push down on a bike pedal.
    its starts with a p and ends with an edal.
    thats all i can say.

  39. bikes. Wind rushing through your hair. The joy of a child. Youth. Innocence beyond compare. Influence. Impressionable and wide-eyed.

  40. She swung into his sports car, planting a quick kiss on his cheek as she pulled her stillettoed foot into the car. “Hey babe, ready for a thrill?” He asked as she closed the door.
    “Hell yeah,” she exclaimed, buckling in tightly and holding onto the handle above her window, bracing herself for the unexpected.
    He put the pedal to the metal, zooming out of the city and into the mountains. She braced herself with one arm against the seat, pushing her legs against the floor, screaming at the top of her lungs in a mixture of exhilaration and fear as he went zooming around the unexpected turns of the mountain road. Her hair was blowing around in the car, and they both were laughing.
    This was the time of their lives. And no, believe it or not, they didn’t get hurt or die. They were young and foolish, and loving life and eachother.

    Lizzie Bellows