i was pedaling on my bike through the woods when suddenly i heard a noise. i stopped and looked behind me. nothing was there. i kept going. i heard the noise again. i stopped. i looked behind me. and what do you think! it was a small
simply put
pedal, its that thing on the bicycle right. well i like the feeling of pedaling? my bike cause it feels good? to move faster than walking or running and bicycles also do not emit greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming.
bicycle pedals down the steep slope. It gets faster and faster. the wind is in your hair, you feel alive again. ah childhood
I put the pedal down and the car shot off down the highway. The warm desert air blew through my hair and I sped down the tarmac. There wasn’t another car for miles. I felt so free. I couldn’t imagine a more perfect moment.
A flower by any other name would smell as sweet as you. I’m sure that’s not the exact line that famous poet/writer once wrote, but that’s how I’ve always interpreted it. But as I write this I think of you, and how nothing compares to you. Not the sweetest rose, or the most beautiful sunflower compares to how beautiful you are to me.
of my bike broke and my foot slipped and i fliped the bike going down the road to fast and i nose dived into the loose gravle and slid down the hill for about 10 yards. then i spent the next 2 months in agony as i waited for all the scrapes to heal over. Bummer.
flowers, beautiful my favorite flower is a lillie with about 6 pedals on it and they are beautiful pedal a bike
a beautiful flower in all it’s morning glory with the bright sun shining down upon, welcoming it into the day. Or the soft touches of the moon singing soft songs of farewell to the day and gently welcoming the pedals on the flower into night. The sweet scent filling the noses of children as a soft reminder that spring has finally come and the soft silky pedals shining for all to see, for all to remember. Even when they shrivel and die, and the harsh cold of winter takes over, the children will have the memory of those soft silky pedals and luscious scent of flowers that can only be had in spring.
when i think of pedals i think of pretty, little simple flowers. i think the they cliche thought of “he loves me, he loves me not” its a little simple..BABY (if you will) thing!
i relavtively bright colored object on the foot of a flower. I always wear flowers in my hair to set me apart from other people, until they all start wearing them. no one’s a like, you’ll be unique in at lead one place you’ll go in your life. don’t worry about how pretty another one is because in a certain light of a certain person you’ll be pretty.
you push the pedal to go fast on the bike. riding. riding. as fast as you can. as far away as possible. running. running. trying to escape everything. faster. faster. until you can’t go anymore
Just keep it going, never stop. Like your legs are attached to them, like your feet takes you nowhere more than that. It is tiring, osculations, round round. But it’ll keep you there, it’s like threading water in the sea, except on land. If you dont it just stops.
Two common pedals in north american culture aqre the brake pedal and the gas pedal, both used to operate a vehicle. The gas pedal is depressed to make your vehicle accelerate, the brake pedal is used to stop your vehicle.
there are pedals on my bike. when i was five, i met one of my best friends. we were both riding bikes in our neighborhood but we had never met, and we saw each other riding and decided to ride together. we stayed best friends all through middle and high school, because we lived down the street from each other. i have not seen him since we graduated.
I herd u liek mudkipz.
Pedal bicycle pedal pedal pedal, bikes are for gay people who ride around like flowery gay gay heads. Totally. Like stuff. With pedals. And gay. Stuff.
Also, I herd u liek mudkipz.
Today I will pedal my way to happiness because to pedal is to move forward. I believe that everyone should pedal more often to find that place where happiness is all that exists..
The first thing that came to my mind when i heard the word pedal is the pedal of my bicycle, which i broke yesterday. It was a very hard day for me. I broke the pedal and tried to fit it my self and eventually lost its threading. So, now i have to change the axle along with the pedal. I am afraid of my fathers reaction ion it.
driving is the most freeing and thrilling experience the road the people the effortlessness of feeling completely in control just pressing your foot onto the pedal and accelerating the car to unbelievable and inconceiveable speeds that make you feel like there is nothing you can’t do
Shawna Felkins
flowers growing in the snow. Fragile, vulnerable and like summer.
i love riding bikes, but i always go too fast. i love the thrill. i dont want to crash, but the wind, and it makes me feel like i’m so alive. and thats all i want. to feel that rush, all the time, and feel so incrediby helpless. but make it all the same. i love riding, and pedaling, for that rush. i just wish that i still had that rush, because i miss the laughing and the excitement. i miss falling sometimes. i wish i could really be living again. like that, back then, wheni was a kid.
bikes are fun to ride. they can go really fast when you go down a hill. i have had a bike for 5 years and i still like to ride it
The pedal will bring me to places I don’t know that may change my life forever.
Down the street and into the open sky. I let my inhibitions be taken away by the wind. I don’t even know where I’m going. But maybe that’s the beauty of it all? The beauty of going somewhere, but not knowing where. The beauty of just pedalling and pedalling, and never stopping. Maybe someday I’ll end up where I’m meant to be.
Maybe someday I will end up in your arms.
But for now, I just wish to be here, on my own. In my own world.
Grace Yeoh
As i put my foot hard one the pedal, he starts running after me. “I thought you wanted me to leave!?” “Baby, I love you, you can’t leave me like this! I have to tell you something!” “If you are going to say “I love you” or some other crap like that, well move your foot or it will be ran over.” “Baby, I have cancer, I don’t have long to live.” “Omg, I am so sorry hunny” (Girl starts to cry) “I something else to say…” “okay, what is it?!” “Ellie,……your on punked”
pedal pedal…this life goes on and you have to race…never stop, never wait for someone else…go on…you’re out of breath, you’re tired, but don’t stop…you don’t see the end sign…maybe a milestone here and there…go on….pedal.
reminds me of the time when I was learning to ride a bike. my feet were always on the pedals, but, the determinatino was just not there. I really didn’t want to learn, I just got frustrated. my parents think I can’t ride a bike, but, I actually can.
I went as fast as I could. Can you imagine it? just letting go, no brakes, no stops, feet flying forward as if they would never stop. That is freedom – the force of air rushing into your lungs.
sterringwheel. pedista. standing on something that is tall. going. pushing something. making movement. love. never stopping. flowers. rose pedal. flower pedal. colors. pastels.
pedal get you places. there are pedals on bikes and trikes and i guess any other sort of childish transportation like that. i really enjoy pedaling, it works my thighs and builds cardio. can hurt after a while. but fuck it, its worth it to ride your bike instead of taking a car.
Thou cast the spell upon my heart,
causing the petal to fall,
and should he find that he can not depart,
thou shall end my life at once.
cheese flowers stuff cool i hate homework and crazyness go away i cant do this just i fail now okay? bye i suck end game over end i said
to themetal
rose petals
there were flower pedals falling around me. i looked up into the sky as the wind made life look like it was snowing pink, fragrant wonder. falling asleep in the grass never felt so good, so perfect. i cant imagine a world without a moon like that
Devon k
and I find silence in what in certainly my last moment. A second of fear, overcome by my burning need to realize what every man slain in any battle realizes in his last breath – how stupid, how foolish, how dirty my life was. So many moments of my life that could have been filled with love, this love, that frees me now. And now on, to peaceful places, where I join others in the unknowable. And all I can feel as I fall into restful darkness…is gratitude.
mikey lena stole the pedal off of my bike..then I think my brother lied about it..but the pedal was pink.
i have no idea why I just thought of that..the only real bike memory that I have that isn’t just your average bike story..
my cousin karen taught me how to ride a bike on stone street..sweet memory! i wiped out.
yes i like pedals too, like on a bicycle and when you fart in people’s faces like glue. Let’s dance the night away you shrew, and screw. Poo Poo. You fool, you’ll never get my cookies. I hate you, you’re ugly. Let’s dance. Do the hustle, and marry me..
Wow I don’t know why I’m doing this. Pedal?? I mean it couldn’t have been worse. I suppose i could cook something up if i had the time.
i was pedaling on my bike through the woods when suddenly i heard a noise. i stopped and looked behind me. nothing was there. i kept going. i heard the noise again. i stopped. i looked behind me. and what do you think! it was a small
pedal, its that thing on the bicycle right. well i like the feeling of pedaling? my bike cause it feels good? to move faster than walking or running and bicycles also do not emit greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming.
bicycle pedals down the steep slope. It gets faster and faster. the wind is in your hair, you feel alive again. ah childhood
I put the pedal down and the car shot off down the highway. The warm desert air blew through my hair and I sped down the tarmac. There wasn’t another car for miles. I felt so free. I couldn’t imagine a more perfect moment.
A flower by any other name would smell as sweet as you. I’m sure that’s not the exact line that famous poet/writer once wrote, but that’s how I’ve always interpreted it. But as I write this I think of you, and how nothing compares to you. Not the sweetest rose, or the most beautiful sunflower compares to how beautiful you are to me.
of my bike broke and my foot slipped and i fliped the bike going down the road to fast and i nose dived into the loose gravle and slid down the hill for about 10 yards. then i spent the next 2 months in agony as i waited for all the scrapes to heal over. Bummer.
flowers, beautiful my favorite flower is a lillie with about 6 pedals on it and they are beautiful pedal a bike
a beautiful flower in all it’s morning glory with the bright sun shining down upon, welcoming it into the day. Or the soft touches of the moon singing soft songs of farewell to the day and gently welcoming the pedals on the flower into night. The sweet scent filling the noses of children as a soft reminder that spring has finally come and the soft silky pedals shining for all to see, for all to remember. Even when they shrivel and die, and the harsh cold of winter takes over, the children will have the memory of those soft silky pedals and luscious scent of flowers that can only be had in spring.
when i think of pedals i think of pretty, little simple flowers. i think the they cliche thought of “he loves me, he loves me not” its a little simple..BABY (if you will) thing!
i relavtively bright colored object on the foot of a flower. I always wear flowers in my hair to set me apart from other people, until they all start wearing them. no one’s a like, you’ll be unique in at lead one place you’ll go in your life. don’t worry about how pretty another one is because in a certain light of a certain person you’ll be pretty.
you push the pedal to go fast on the bike. riding. riding. as fast as you can. as far away as possible. running. running. trying to escape everything. faster. faster. until you can’t go anymore
Just keep it going, never stop. Like your legs are attached to them, like your feet takes you nowhere more than that. It is tiring, osculations, round round. But it’ll keep you there, it’s like threading water in the sea, except on land. If you dont it just stops.
Two common pedals in north american culture aqre the brake pedal and the gas pedal, both used to operate a vehicle. The gas pedal is depressed to make your vehicle accelerate, the brake pedal is used to stop your vehicle.
there are pedals on my bike. when i was five, i met one of my best friends. we were both riding bikes in our neighborhood but we had never met, and we saw each other riding and decided to ride together. we stayed best friends all through middle and high school, because we lived down the street from each other. i have not seen him since we graduated.
I herd u liek mudkipz.
Pedal bicycle pedal pedal pedal, bikes are for gay people who ride around like flowery gay gay heads. Totally. Like stuff. With pedals. And gay. Stuff.
Also, I herd u liek mudkipz.
Today I will pedal my way to happiness because to pedal is to move forward. I believe that everyone should pedal more often to find that place where happiness is all that exists..
The first thing that came to my mind when i heard the word pedal is the pedal of my bicycle, which i broke yesterday. It was a very hard day for me. I broke the pedal and tried to fit it my self and eventually lost its threading. So, now i have to change the axle along with the pedal. I am afraid of my fathers reaction ion it.
driving is the most freeing and thrilling experience the road the people the effortlessness of feeling completely in control just pressing your foot onto the pedal and accelerating the car to unbelievable and inconceiveable speeds that make you feel like there is nothing you can’t do
flowers growing in the snow. Fragile, vulnerable and like summer.
i love riding bikes, but i always go too fast. i love the thrill. i dont want to crash, but the wind, and it makes me feel like i’m so alive. and thats all i want. to feel that rush, all the time, and feel so incrediby helpless. but make it all the same. i love riding, and pedaling, for that rush. i just wish that i still had that rush, because i miss the laughing and the excitement. i miss falling sometimes. i wish i could really be living again. like that, back then, wheni was a kid.
bikes are fun to ride. they can go really fast when you go down a hill. i have had a bike for 5 years and i still like to ride it
The pedal will bring me to places I don’t know that may change my life forever.
Down the street and into the open sky. I let my inhibitions be taken away by the wind. I don’t even know where I’m going. But maybe that’s the beauty of it all? The beauty of going somewhere, but not knowing where. The beauty of just pedalling and pedalling, and never stopping. Maybe someday I’ll end up where I’m meant to be.
Maybe someday I will end up in your arms.
But for now, I just wish to be here, on my own. In my own world.
As i put my foot hard one the pedal, he starts running after me. “I thought you wanted me to leave!?” “Baby, I love you, you can’t leave me like this! I have to tell you something!” “If you are going to say “I love you” or some other crap like that, well move your foot or it will be ran over.” “Baby, I have cancer, I don’t have long to live.” “Omg, I am so sorry hunny” (Girl starts to cry) “I something else to say…” “okay, what is it?!” “Ellie,……your on punked”
pedal pedal…this life goes on and you have to race…never stop, never wait for someone else…go on…you’re out of breath, you’re tired, but don’t stop…you don’t see the end sign…maybe a milestone here and there…go on….pedal.
reminds me of the time when I was learning to ride a bike. my feet were always on the pedals, but, the determinatino was just not there. I really didn’t want to learn, I just got frustrated. my parents think I can’t ride a bike, but, I actually can.
I went as fast as I could. Can you imagine it? just letting go, no brakes, no stops, feet flying forward as if they would never stop. That is freedom – the force of air rushing into your lungs.
sterringwheel. pedista. standing on something that is tall. going. pushing something. making movement. love. never stopping. flowers. rose pedal. flower pedal. colors. pastels.
pedal get you places. there are pedals on bikes and trikes and i guess any other sort of childish transportation like that. i really enjoy pedaling, it works my thighs and builds cardio. can hurt after a while. but fuck it, its worth it to ride your bike instead of taking a car.
Thou cast the spell upon my heart,
causing the petal to fall,
and should he find that he can not depart,
thou shall end my life at once.
cheese flowers stuff cool i hate homework and crazyness go away i cant do this just i fail now okay? bye i suck end game over end i said
to themetal
rose petals
there were flower pedals falling around me. i looked up into the sky as the wind made life look like it was snowing pink, fragrant wonder. falling asleep in the grass never felt so good, so perfect. i cant imagine a world without a moon like that
and I find silence in what in certainly my last moment. A second of fear, overcome by my burning need to realize what every man slain in any battle realizes in his last breath – how stupid, how foolish, how dirty my life was. So many moments of my life that could have been filled with love, this love, that frees me now. And now on, to peaceful places, where I join others in the unknowable. And all I can feel as I fall into restful darkness…is gratitude.
mikey lena stole the pedal off of my bike..then I think my brother lied about it..but the pedal was pink.
i have no idea why I just thought of that..the only real bike memory that I have that isn’t just your average bike story..
my cousin karen taught me how to ride a bike on stone street..sweet memory! i wiped out.
yes i like pedals too, like on a bicycle and when you fart in people’s faces like glue. Let’s dance the night away you shrew, and screw. Poo Poo. You fool, you’ll never get my cookies. I hate you, you’re ugly. Let’s dance. Do the hustle, and marry me..
Wow I don’t know why I’m doing this. Pedal?? I mean it couldn’t have been worse. I suppose i could cook something up if i had the time.