
December 4th, 2009 | 717 Entries

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717 Entries for “pedal”

  1. The pedal struck the back of his shin as he rode down the hill.

    “Goddamnit!” he cried.

    The air kept rushing past, whistling slightly.

    He wasn’t stopping.

  2. once i was pedaling along a dirt path and found that my shoelace had got caught in the pedals, which were spikey and splashed with mud. I hate pedals, they never grant me anything except bad luck, bruises on my shins, and an excuse to drive or talk.

  3. The reflection of spinning consciousness was refracting in my memory. days of childhood laughter complemented by a bicycle floating on air. it was the brash ambiguity i so loved.

  4. I saw it in the distance. a shining pedal. luminous in nature it took the gaping sorrow from my life instantaneously. The reflection of a spinning sorrow left my consciousness

  5. pedalling my bike down the street i hit a piece of a tree and fell. my knee got all scraped up, as did my elbow. i walked my bike home, leaving a little trail of droplets of blood, which sounds graphic but it really wasn’t that bad. instead it was more strage than anything.

  6. bikes and bikes and more bikes. bikes that are blue bikes that are red. little girls in pink dresses riding bikes with frilly baskets. teenage boys in the fifties riding bikes with squeaky horns. pedaling faster, harder, longer than even they thought possible till they get to the top of the hill and SOAR

  7. In those days, we were the lost. Nothing but our feet under us and an unpaved road ahead of us. We knew nothing in that time without pedals, and I continue to know nothing, even today.

    Kristin W.
  8. i step on the pedal. the wheel starts turning, and the bicycle starts to advance. “dad, dad, im doing it! i can cycle!” i continued stepping on the pedal, smiling and screaming excitedly as i moved forward. and that was the very day i learnt to ride a bicycle.

  9. the pedal was not in the normal postion when I got into the jeep. By the time I figured out why… it was too late. The jeep was rolling towards the edge of the cliff that lead to a horific and bloody death. She was not my first love but she may have been the most perfect girl I had ever known. Why I kissed her that first night in early July I will never really know. It was hot, she was there and nobody was arround for miles. It seemed natural at the moment. Today, I would have made a different choice. Today I would have lived.

  10. there are pedals on flowers. They live and they die. Just like we do. Pedals arent meant to last forever.

    But pedals also are used to determine love. At least by those who are foolish enough to believe that their own fate can be in a pedal.

    Petals are different, they make you go faster. I guess Pedals make us go slower

  11. petal

    pedal a bicycle

    pedal pushers were the common slacks when I was a girl – they were short, but if you didn’t have good thighs, you wore pedal pushers to get the same effect as shorts without any wobble in the thigh.

  12. ive already done this. i dont wanna do it again,

    24 is a cool number.
  13. a bike, pedaling down the road, this word could take you anywhere your heart desires. When I see the word pedal I think of pedaling to class, pedaling to a friends house, pedaling back home.

  14. still?

  15. The pedal pushed the bicycle around and around. Attatched to the gears the cycle humms rythmically, methodically, like meditation. In and out, around and around. The tires thrum on their rotations as the run over the street. Over and over

  16. I was walking down the street and I saw a pedal. Then Suddenly the wind blew and it fell apart. And ants carried it’s leaves to their home.

  17. car and brakes and cakes and shakes makes lakes shapes craips shapes karatelakes forgrounding shakes that would make the ground shake

    richi bitchy ichy
  18. the pedal twisted around her lips, scrapping and taunting. kissing the skin and bleeding them dry. she leaned her face back and tears ran down her cheeks. she was happy at last. he was done, and she was free.

  19. the wilted flower pedal lie on the ground,slowly dieing.Slowly losing life.One things for sure it like everything else will die.

    lifes vicious plan
  20. She didn’t have her license, she didn’t think she just pushed. One pedal one foot perfect fit.. It roared to life and she screamed. In terror? In pleasure? She wasn’t sure. Sweat dripped off her chest into her cleavage and the icy wind through the broken car window chilled her.

  21. car

  22. whats on a rose. is that a question? no. but that was. no, not that, THAT. right.

    pedal like a bike. or a gas pedal.


  23. I was pushing my pedals so fast. I was racing the wind. I hit a rock. I tumbled and fell…I went numb. I escaped a close encounter with a car. Road rash fucking blows.

  24. Rose pedal…no petal…foot pedal on a bike. See you aiming at my pedestal, thought I’d let you know. Pedal. Pedal. Movie with bike riding, can’t remember name, Wedding Crashers- Owen Wilson and Rachel McAdams, and delightful music is pla

  25. I love these pedals on this flower. They are blue and awesome. Pedal pedal pedal. Umm yeah. I’m pedaling my flowers around town, selling to all the grandmas in the mood yo. Pedaling my bicycle down the street, getting shot at, getting my prized blue pedaled flowers stolen and mugged.

  26. i use the pedal to race as far as i can. as fast as i can. i pedal my bike far away from everything and everyone. this time they’ll see how fast i can go. this time they’ll see that i can fly.

  27. bike

  28. pedals help people bike. they are efficient in providing people with a means to transport themselves without the consumption of gasoline and therefore the emissions of carbon dioxide.

  29. I pedalled as fast as I could to get to school. The bullies were right behind me. Getting closer. Closer. My breath was waining, my legs screaming for a break. How long could I keep this up? At last I saw the fence of school in sight. Thank goodness. That’s when I felt the pull on my spokes.

  30. Pushing the pedals and going faster and faster. The wind running through my hair. The scenery all around me blurring, laughing with joy at the freedom. To finally feel free. I smile.

  31. Flower, grass in the meadow and I’m really annoyed because it represents beauty and nothing in life is really beautiful anymore which is a shame and a tough pill to swallow. Pedal as in a bicycle and I say pysche to your life.

  32. i like to pedal my bike. bike bike bike. pedal pedal pedal. go go go. i like to rride my bicycle i like to ride my bikeeeeee…i like to ride my bicycle, i like to ride it where i likeeeeeeeee. sdfnkdrhjgdifghfdighdfig pedal on a bike is different than petal on a flower

  33. I kept pedaling as fast as I could. It still wasn’t fast enough to get away from the sting.

    So my boyfriend and my best friend were kissing. Maybe I didn’t see it right. Maybe I made a mistake.

    Maybe my eyes are blurred from the wind blowing past me and not the tears on my face.

  34. I was riding myu bike through an abandoned junkyard, when there was a big dog that decided he wanted a piece of me, so i peddaled faster and faster, but there was a fence in the way. I had to get off the bike to climb the fence, I lost my bike all because of some dumb dog :(

  35. Mermaids can’t ride bicycles because they don’t have feet to pedal! But that does not stop them from living life to the fullest, so stop your whining and accept that we all have limitations.

  36. I placed my foot down on the ground and began to walk the bike forward, feeling the gravel crunch underneath my sneakers. I knew this was it– it was the first day riding my bike without training wheels. I sat upon the seat as though it were a throne and put my foot on the pedal. Push, start go. I raced down the street, feeling like nothing in the world could have been better than that moment.

  37. pedal is something on a bike or something like that.its a noun and the verb version is pedaling. there usually black

  38. to pedel a bike you move

  39. Cars? I don’t know why I thought of horses! Maybe if someone mispelt petal they’d get this? Lol? I think a brake.

  40. rose. roses are red. violets are blue. blue is the color of the sky. the sky is grey. grey means snow. there is snow on the ground. snow means winter. winter means cold. i dont like being cold. brrrrrrrrrrrr.
