El pedal es algo que se apreta. Al menos eso me dijeron. Si, pedal, lo que tienen las bicis
Bicicleta cuadrupeda llena de seguridad, Bicicleta con tres ruedas, equilibrio emocional, Bicicleta con dos ruedas y pedalear.
bicycle go fast pedal boat tricycle pedal pushers
Gotta pedal faster. My only means of transportation is this bike, and by god I have to move faster.
It started quick, I saw them crawling across the roof of my home, as I rode my bike home, and they spotted me. I knew I had to go; had to get out of there. They’re catching up. I don’t know what they are, but fuck they’re catching up.
If only I could just pedal faster..
Razii Jinx
bicycle! One of my favorite things as a kid. I always got one for Christmas and since I lived in Texas, I usually got to ride it all day. The pedals had straps sometimes so our feet would not slip off!
white delicate pure perfec due drips on the edge of the tip on the side it cries it weeps as it starts to leave from the rest of the whole part of life
“push the pedal to the metal” clearly the only logical thing to come to mind ;)
Pedal. Like a bicycle. I think I would like to own a bicycle. But I would never ride it because I think people would make fun of me. It creeps me out when people call capri pants “pedal-pushers.” That’s totally strangies. The timer is like an electromagnetic field.
Pedaling is like life.When you push it and it spins,you’ll realize how fast time is passing by.
Cathy Nguyen
Pedaling reminds me of life.The cycle of it circling around as your feet pushes it through the Autumn leaves.When I pedal,it reminds me of how fast time do pass.
Cathy Nguyen
i always remember that time when i was on my brother’s bicycle and my neighbor’s will always make fun of me saying im a tomboy.
I pedaled faster. The Helldog chased with a passion that I wished I had in life, in anything I did. Spittle flew backwards into his eye and he didn’t care. He just wanted to catch me, to knock me to the ground and feast on my failure. But I had to keep pedaling. To keep alive.
Gregory M. Thompson
i like to pedal my bike and sometimes i wear pedal pushers. even better are flower petals. they’re so soft and they smell really good. although not if they’re really dry or smashed up cause then they smell gross. i have to pedal my bike really hard to get up the hill.
I just didn’t feel like riding my bike today. Each push of the pedals was like trying to shove a one-ton lead block up a steep hill. Eventually, I just gave up on the annoying bicycle and I let go, coasting home.
it would be difficult to ride a bile without pedals, a flower would look strange with pedals, the person on the corner looking for a handout would not be comfortable pedaling.
M Johnson
i love riding bikes. i’ve always wanted one of the bikes with the huge big wheels . it would be baby sky blue, and i would ride it all over town. i remember one time i accidentally fell over on my bike over a rock or pine cone, it was pretty intense actually. i might’ve had to get stitches..
As I pedal down the street fast, so fast that I did not concentrate the street, I did not realize that I let my mind flying away with thoughts. When I realize again, I was off my bike with my face landing on the ground.
As I pedal down the street fast, so fast that I did not concentrate the street, I did not realize that I let my mind flying away with thoughts. When I realize again, I was off my bike with my face landing on the ground.
The pedal is what releases the beautiful fragrance from flower rather than the flower itself.
Push the pedal to the metal. That’s all I could think when I saw the flashing lights in my rear view. It was a Barbie car, sure – but that doesn’t mean the cops aren’t out there, profiling. The battery was charged and I was blowing every red light I came to. Push that pedal.
be sure 2 enter ur name and number so im not sure wa 2 write im just writing hahaha ily
Like a pedal, in a distant land. Off in a far key
fallen from a tree or a shrub. Flower taken by the wind pedals waver to an fro off goes the pedal into the unknown. Does anyone care where pedals go?
Pedobear loves to come
the boy slammed his feet against the bike pedals as he sped down the dirt road, a dust cloud flying up behind him. All he knew was he had to get away from here. He had to leave before something worse happened–something he couldn’t fix.
i stuck my foot out at the pedal, just as the bike ran into the mound of dirt and with nothing there to catch me, the next thing to connect was the crossbar and my nuts
Pedal! My brother said to me as we raced down the street. I was 12, he was 13. Our pedals locked and we both crashed. I skinned my knees. WAH! True story.
Put the pedal to the metal
and the metal will push.
Let the soreness in your foot
match the soreness in your tush.
La da da da de le da da.
Ann (of Shadows in Mind)
I pedaled very hard and very fast and zoomed down the hill. Then I came to another hill. It was a very tough ride up, my legs were aching and the top is still nowhere to be seen. I want to turn back and slide down the hill again, because going down felt so damn good.
aw// I have to think about my little blue car that I had when I was about three on up.. I loved to drive that little car (kind of like Sally’s in the Dick and Jane books) around the house and up and down the front sidewalk. I felt so grown up, so free… My dad loved me in it, too, and Mom bought me the ornament just exactly like it from Hallmark.. Awww… pedal away, little girl…. Pedal away… Hugs and heart’s memories from me to you. Did you have one, too?
Gayla Pappenfoht
one day i woke up and decided that today will be the day. i had dreams all last night about falling off, but i know i will conquer it! Even if my dad has to help me, i am going to pedal that bike.
James Castle
el mundo es bello y precioso. con muchas cosas que descubrir cada dia. y conocer mucha gente nueva y padre.
I loved learning how to play piano, adding the petal in was my favorite part.
although it’s spelled wrong, i thought of the peTal of a flower. perhap that’s given the color of the word. however, the next thing that comes to mind is a bike. which reminds me of my childhood. i always used to ride my bike. to swim practice…around the cul-de-sac. we’d play “road” with my neighbors…where every mailbox was a stop sign…our bikes were cars…and there was always a designated police officer….=
I think of a bike. You pedal a bike.
A pedal is on a bike. The pedal on the bike is black. The Pedal is plastic. It is very important to pedal on a bike.
faster and faster. Or Stop. Pluck one save one. First Love, Plastic Applicator. Alone or together we fall apart. Shirley Bradley, girl next door. For Sale, but not at a price you can afford
Her feet touched the pedals, gently pressing them foward. Her hair was breezing back, her knees gently bruised, from her youth and innocence. The sun was clouded over, greying the sky, her mind. When she fell, she felt the greyness turn a brillant blue, and obliterate her mind.
to the metal and then the person weari9ng the pedal pushers laid around instead of biking like she was supposed to bb8t the runny thing is the rhicnocderous really like reallly really big things such as lemons on the lemon had agame. don t’e vever stop belivien. don’t stop belinvcign in bpedtal pushedrssssss . edon’tg ever stop belivin in rhino hads. byecause you will regret it for the resto f your life. rhino petals on flowrs. omggggg athis reminds me of hot ddhocolate. omgggg. omgggg.petalss are sometims shiny and ominicesnt. i need to know how to spell . omggg petal. s
El pedal es algo que se apreta. Al menos eso me dijeron. Si, pedal, lo que tienen las bicis
Bicicleta cuadrupeda llena de seguridad, Bicicleta con tres ruedas, equilibrio emocional, Bicicleta con dos ruedas y pedalear.
bicycle go fast pedal boat tricycle pedal pushers
Gotta pedal faster. My only means of transportation is this bike, and by god I have to move faster.
It started quick, I saw them crawling across the roof of my home, as I rode my bike home, and they spotted me. I knew I had to go; had to get out of there. They’re catching up. I don’t know what they are, but fuck they’re catching up.
If only I could just pedal faster..
bicycle! One of my favorite things as a kid. I always got one for Christmas and since I lived in Texas, I usually got to ride it all day. The pedals had straps sometimes so our feet would not slip off!
white delicate pure perfec due drips on the edge of the tip on the side it cries it weeps as it starts to leave from the rest of the whole part of life
“push the pedal to the metal” clearly the only logical thing to come to mind ;)
Pedal. Like a bicycle. I think I would like to own a bicycle. But I would never ride it because I think people would make fun of me. It creeps me out when people call capri pants “pedal-pushers.” That’s totally strangies. The timer is like an electromagnetic field.
Pedaling is like life.When you push it and it spins,you’ll realize how fast time is passing by.
Pedaling reminds me of life.The cycle of it circling around as your feet pushes it through the Autumn leaves.When I pedal,it reminds me of how fast time do pass.
i always remember that time when i was on my brother’s bicycle and my neighbor’s will always make fun of me saying im a tomboy.
I pedaled faster. The Helldog chased with a passion that I wished I had in life, in anything I did. Spittle flew backwards into his eye and he didn’t care. He just wanted to catch me, to knock me to the ground and feast on my failure. But I had to keep pedaling. To keep alive.
i like to pedal my bike and sometimes i wear pedal pushers. even better are flower petals. they’re so soft and they smell really good. although not if they’re really dry or smashed up cause then they smell gross. i have to pedal my bike really hard to get up the hill.
I just didn’t feel like riding my bike today. Each push of the pedals was like trying to shove a one-ton lead block up a steep hill. Eventually, I just gave up on the annoying bicycle and I let go, coasting home.
it would be difficult to ride a bile without pedals, a flower would look strange with pedals, the person on the corner looking for a handout would not be comfortable pedaling.
i love riding bikes. i’ve always wanted one of the bikes with the huge big wheels . it would be baby sky blue, and i would ride it all over town. i remember one time i accidentally fell over on my bike over a rock or pine cone, it was pretty intense actually. i might’ve had to get stitches..
As I pedal down the street fast, so fast that I did not concentrate the street, I did not realize that I let my mind flying away with thoughts. When I realize again, I was off my bike with my face landing on the ground.
As I pedal down the street fast, so fast that I did not concentrate the street, I did not realize that I let my mind flying away with thoughts. When I realize again, I was off my bike with my face landing on the ground.
The pedal is what releases the beautiful fragrance from flower rather than the flower itself.
Push the pedal to the metal. That’s all I could think when I saw the flashing lights in my rear view. It was a Barbie car, sure – but that doesn’t mean the cops aren’t out there, profiling. The battery was charged and I was blowing every red light I came to. Push that pedal.
be sure 2 enter ur name and number so im not sure wa 2 write im just writing hahaha ily
Like a pedal, in a distant land. Off in a far key
fallen from a tree or a shrub. Flower taken by the wind pedals waver to an fro off goes the pedal into the unknown. Does anyone care where pedals go?
Pedobear loves to come
the boy slammed his feet against the bike pedals as he sped down the dirt road, a dust cloud flying up behind him. All he knew was he had to get away from here. He had to leave before something worse happened–something he couldn’t fix.
i stuck my foot out at the pedal, just as the bike ran into the mound of dirt and with nothing there to catch me, the next thing to connect was the crossbar and my nuts
Pedal! My brother said to me as we raced down the street. I was 12, he was 13. Our pedals locked and we both crashed. I skinned my knees. WAH! True story.
Put the pedal to the metal
and the metal will push.
Let the soreness in your foot
match the soreness in your tush.
La da da da de le da da.
I pedaled very hard and very fast and zoomed down the hill. Then I came to another hill. It was a very tough ride up, my legs were aching and the top is still nowhere to be seen. I want to turn back and slide down the hill again, because going down felt so damn good.
aw// I have to think about my little blue car that I had when I was about three on up.. I loved to drive that little car (kind of like Sally’s in the Dick and Jane books) around the house and up and down the front sidewalk. I felt so grown up, so free… My dad loved me in it, too, and Mom bought me the ornament just exactly like it from Hallmark.. Awww… pedal away, little girl…. Pedal away… Hugs and heart’s memories from me to you. Did you have one, too?
one day i woke up and decided that today will be the day. i had dreams all last night about falling off, but i know i will conquer it! Even if my dad has to help me, i am going to pedal that bike.
el mundo es bello y precioso. con muchas cosas que descubrir cada dia. y conocer mucha gente nueva y padre.
I loved learning how to play piano, adding the petal in was my favorite part.
although it’s spelled wrong, i thought of the peTal of a flower. perhap that’s given the color of the word. however, the next thing that comes to mind is a bike. which reminds me of my childhood. i always used to ride my bike. to swim practice…around the cul-de-sac. we’d play “road” with my neighbors…where every mailbox was a stop sign…our bikes were cars…and there was always a designated police officer….=
I think of a bike. You pedal a bike.
A pedal is on a bike. The pedal on the bike is black. The Pedal is plastic. It is very important to pedal on a bike.
faster and faster. Or Stop. Pluck one save one. First Love, Plastic Applicator. Alone or together we fall apart. Shirley Bradley, girl next door. For Sale, but not at a price you can afford
Her feet touched the pedals, gently pressing them foward. Her hair was breezing back, her knees gently bruised, from her youth and innocence. The sun was clouded over, greying the sky, her mind. When she fell, she felt the greyness turn a brillant blue, and obliterate her mind.
to the metal and then the person weari9ng the pedal pushers laid around instead of biking like she was supposed to bb8t the runny thing is the rhicnocderous really like reallly really big things such as lemons on the lemon had agame. don t’e vever stop belivien. don’t stop belinvcign in bpedtal pushedrssssss . edon’tg ever stop belivin in rhino hads. byecause you will regret it for the resto f your life. rhino petals on flowrs. omggggg athis reminds me of hot ddhocolate. omgggg. omgggg.petalss are sometims shiny and ominicesnt. i need to know how to spell . omggg petal. s