Pedals are meant to be pushed in the direction they want. They are meant to be used for good, health and other things. Mostly I just get tired from pedaling and my feet start to hurt. Isn’t there a better way to pedal? Who knows.
For a moment, I see “petal” and the silky red slip of an oval plucked from the hub of a flower. She loves me, loves me not, but the word is “pedal,” and I fit my feet to the task of cycling cries and sighs, the wheel of spite and flight, where the soul turns itself inside out at the sight of one girl.
Brian Slusher
vaya pedal que te cogista anoche ibas en bicicleta, eh?
A pedal is something on a piano. Now, what one has to understand is exactly where the pedal came from. The piano was originally a mythical instrument from the island pathos. As expected, the island of pathos was full of disease, germs, and other malicious protozoa. The piano was a tool created to combat these pathogens. However, the sound the piano created was not strong enough to battle them effectively…
Put the pedal to the metal. Why? Why must everything always be going so fast? Why can’t we switch to pedal power, and just cycle slowly through life, enjoying the view and the feel of fresh air in the lungs, at a quieter pace of life. Why can’t we do this? Instead we lock ourselves in tin boxes and roar through the world without ever stopping to appreciate what is around us. We’re so keen to press that pedal that we don’t care where we’re going.
Icy Sedgwick
on one of the bicycle’s pedals pedaled his normal foot — of normal bones and normal joints and normal sinews. on the other struggles his wooden foot — mahogany, old and young at the very same time.
on a bicycle to a land far away pedal goods to keep the doctor away pedal as if there no tomorow till the end of the day never let ur heart go away vicky
to the medal. It’s just like that. Every day you push yourself harder and further, pedalling along at a brisk yet undefined pace.
Mel is Hiding
To go forth and conquer on a bike. And also to make yourself move when you are on a unicycle because you will fall over if you do not give yourself the forward momentum that you will need. I like to pedal my bike and unicycle even more!!!
and thats when i knew i had to get out of there. i jumped on his bike and pedaled faster than i ever had, childhood included. as i rode through the city to my dorm in my pink mini-dress i knew i had a drinking problem.
i remember fucking pedalin on a fucking bike, it sucked
To push on the gears of such in some sort of cycle, paddling. A petal, part of a flower. To be a roving seller of things, maybe flowers. The pedal on my bicycle is duck taped together. Unfortunately the chain on my bike came undone on a rainy Sunday in Autumn. Shortly after it began to snow. Now it is sitting in the gay-rage waiting for a go or two. The seat is cushy. Very old style frame, but black, not red or purple or light blue with clouds. Sigh? Pedals remind me of inner workings. Like little men inside a radio, or tape worms, or dream people. A handle for turning over. The in on revolving. To put in motion a cycle, a catalyst. Ped, for feet. Pedestrians, sounds like inhabitants of some strange planet. Possibly the utopian planet. One where things are created to be tactile, and effected. Accessablity.
Mary Rose
To push on the gears of such in some sort of cycle, paddling. A petal, part of a flower. To be a roving seller of things, maybe flowers. The pedal on my bicycle is duck taped together. Unfortunately the chain on my bike came undone on a rainy Sunday in Autumn. Shortly after it began to snow. Now it is sitting in the gay-rage waiting for a go or two. The seat is cushy. Very old style frame, but black, not red or purple or light blue with clouds. Sigh? Pedals remind me of inner workings. Like little men inside a radio, or tape worms, or dream people. A handle for turning over. The in on revolving. To put in motion a cycle, a catalyst. Ped, for feet. Pedestrians, sounds like inhabitants of some strange planet. Possibly the utopian planet. One where things are created to be tactile, and effected. Accessablity.
Mary Rose
To push on the gears of such in some sort of cycle, paddling. A petal, part of a flower. To be a roving seller of things, maybe flowers. The pedal on my bicycle is duck taped together. Unfortunately the chain on my bike came undone on a rainy Sunday in Autumn. Shortly after it began to snow. Now it is sitting in the gay-rage waiting for a go or two. The seat is cushy. Very old style frame, but black, not red or purple or light blue with clouds. Sigh? Pedals remind me of inner workings. Like little men inside a radio, or tape worms, or dream people. A handle for turning over. The in on revolving. To put in motion a cycle, a catalyst. Ped, for feet. Pedestrians, sounds like inhabitants of some strange planet. Possibly the utopian planet. One where things are created to be tactile, and effected. Accessablity.
Mary Rose
The girl named Ann pushed down the pedal. First the right one, then the left, then the right again, going methodically over and over again until she reached the top of the hill. Then she didn’t do anything, and all at once she was at the bottom.
Angela Q.
The pedal depressed slightly, moving under the weight of Angela’s foot. She groaned at the awful sounds the piano keys made, totally off-key and not right at all. The piano teacher looked at her with disapproval as she shook her head and tapped at the sheet music.
Ann X.
The pedal is the first step to putting yourself in motion. You use the pedal to further your position. now the pedal is not in itself the device driving you but merely a small facet in the overall device some call a bike or a car or what have you.
shes pushing down on me, like an iron pedal, and i feel like a bike, and i can’t carry her anymore, and my eyes are streaming and the world is a blurr, like a overdone bike ride.
the way the bike rides. what I do to make a bike go. the things that create a lion mane around a beautiful core to the flowers in my mother’s garden. I miss seing that garden. I don;t see it much anymore. Its winter. I want to see it again. Some day I will. Perhaps I will even ride my bike to the garden.
pedal to the medal, that’s how I live. Go go go all the time. No regrets, no looking back in the rearview. That’s the only way I know how to live.
she rode by, a flash in a window as i sat outside a cafe attempting to ward off the cold with an espresso and a pulp novel. the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. there and gone witnout a trace
Pedal faster, faster. Get farther and farther away from your lying boyfriend and your financial issues and you’re general dissatisfaction with life. Pedal like it’s the only thing you have left because that seems to be the truth. Feel the wind blow through you’re hair as you ride and feel free, finally finally free.
It’s what you put to metal, Gretal!
go go go
id rather write about a petal not a pedal i like flowers better. pedals are on bikes. petals are on flowers. i dont like bikes because im lazy? okayyyyyy
pedalling along at a constant speed, we can’t
stop falling in love with each other
more & more each day, mitchell, baby, i
swear, i swear i swear this is (not) the
best i’ve ever had–you’ll (never) compare
to the past (how could you when you don’t even
have a future?)–but that’s not the important
thing, all i know is
i love you so much &
it doesn’t even matter that you’re a complete
fast as i can i move the best i can through the urban jungle while dodging cars i pedal quickly past cabs and trucks avoiding mirrors of death and tricks of doors before I come to a stop get off my bike
i pushed it as hard as i could. the tires under me were screeching so loud i couldnt bear it. the pain in my ears with the rush in body was orgasmic. i couldnt stop. till the tires ran out of raod.
i pushed it down to the floor till it was going too fast for me to stop. i don’t know if this is right, and i don’t know if i’m even supposed to do it like this, but this is really fun. pedals what pedals. i dont care pedals. pedals. maybe it’s a flower pedal. oh… in that case, i like flowers
nothing but a click-clack. all that remains of her is the sound. she can’t argue. she can’t fight the universe. taking up arms against is an exercise in futility. minus the borg mandate. it’s an up and down motion. no one pedals but the shadow of your death. endless, monotonous, inexorable. peace.
She moved her feet so that the wheels spun forward and she was soon flying down the street – her long auburn braids far behind her. Her grin froze into place and a picture perfect photograph was made.
he pedaled faster and faster not heeding the steaming pile of shit behind him. Maybe this was the way to work through nerosis, he thought. Damnit, it was catching up. running faster and faster can’t think, can’t move can’t change, can’t believe I’m doing this.
pedaling through the woods is difficult cause pedals require your feet muscles feet muscles what am i talking about? its leg muscles isnt it? pedals come with bicycles which are usally fun pedals ran me over once upon a time
pedaling through the woods is difficult cause pedals require your feet muscles feet muscles what am i talking about? its leg muscles isnt it? pedals come with bicycles which are usally fun pedals ran me over once upon a time
My foot was steadfast on the pedal. It was as though it didn’t want to be separated from it. The bike was moving faster and faster. I still couldn’t reach him.
She backpedaled down the street till she reached the end of the block. It was one of those weird talents of hers. Like being able to touch her tongue to her nose. This talent for backpedaling, though, was probably the most useful. She managed to turn a few heads whenever she’d do it. It was funny the way people always liked to stare.
I love the cheap Yamaha damper pedals. One of mine has a screw missing, kind of like my head. But anyway, it keeps falling apart on me, and for some reason I’m too stupid to remember to replace it.
Also, on the real piano (not keyboard), I’m a damper whore. I can’t stand playing without a damper pedal–it just feels all choppy and dreadful.
Fuck, time’s up.
Clare B.
pedal. at first I thought it said pedestal, but then I realized that it was pedal, like on a bicycle. I like bikes. I like more the pictures of people on bikes that are old-fashioned and cool looking. Girls riding in skirts and such, I would like to be one of those.
Pedals are meant to be pushed in the direction they want. They are meant to be used for good, health and other things. Mostly I just get tired from pedaling and my feet start to hurt. Isn’t there a better way to pedal? Who knows.
For a moment, I see “petal” and the silky red slip of an oval plucked from the hub of a flower. She loves me, loves me not, but the word is “pedal,” and I fit my feet to the task of cycling cries and sighs, the wheel of spite and flight, where the soul turns itself inside out at the sight of one girl.
vaya pedal que te cogista anoche ibas en bicicleta, eh?
A pedal is something on a piano. Now, what one has to understand is exactly where the pedal came from. The piano was originally a mythical instrument from the island pathos. As expected, the island of pathos was full of disease, germs, and other malicious protozoa. The piano was a tool created to combat these pathogens. However, the sound the piano created was not strong enough to battle them effectively…
Put the pedal to the metal. Why? Why must everything always be going so fast? Why can’t we switch to pedal power, and just cycle slowly through life, enjoying the view and the feel of fresh air in the lungs, at a quieter pace of life. Why can’t we do this? Instead we lock ourselves in tin boxes and roar through the world without ever stopping to appreciate what is around us. We’re so keen to press that pedal that we don’t care where we’re going.
on one of the bicycle’s pedals pedaled his normal foot — of normal bones and normal joints and normal sinews. on the other struggles his wooden foot — mahogany, old and young at the very same time.
on a bicycle to a land far away pedal goods to keep the doctor away pedal as if there no tomorow till the end of the day never let ur heart go away vicky
to the medal. It’s just like that. Every day you push yourself harder and further, pedalling along at a brisk yet undefined pace.
To go forth and conquer on a bike. And also to make yourself move when you are on a unicycle because you will fall over if you do not give yourself the forward momentum that you will need. I like to pedal my bike and unicycle even more!!!
and thats when i knew i had to get out of there. i jumped on his bike and pedaled faster than i ever had, childhood included. as i rode through the city to my dorm in my pink mini-dress i knew i had a drinking problem.
i remember fucking pedalin on a fucking bike, it sucked
To push on the gears of such in some sort of cycle, paddling. A petal, part of a flower. To be a roving seller of things, maybe flowers. The pedal on my bicycle is duck taped together. Unfortunately the chain on my bike came undone on a rainy Sunday in Autumn. Shortly after it began to snow. Now it is sitting in the gay-rage waiting for a go or two. The seat is cushy. Very old style frame, but black, not red or purple or light blue with clouds. Sigh? Pedals remind me of inner workings. Like little men inside a radio, or tape worms, or dream people. A handle for turning over. The in on revolving. To put in motion a cycle, a catalyst. Ped, for feet. Pedestrians, sounds like inhabitants of some strange planet. Possibly the utopian planet. One where things are created to be tactile, and effected. Accessablity.
To push on the gears of such in some sort of cycle, paddling. A petal, part of a flower. To be a roving seller of things, maybe flowers. The pedal on my bicycle is duck taped together. Unfortunately the chain on my bike came undone on a rainy Sunday in Autumn. Shortly after it began to snow. Now it is sitting in the gay-rage waiting for a go or two. The seat is cushy. Very old style frame, but black, not red or purple or light blue with clouds. Sigh? Pedals remind me of inner workings. Like little men inside a radio, or tape worms, or dream people. A handle for turning over. The in on revolving. To put in motion a cycle, a catalyst. Ped, for feet. Pedestrians, sounds like inhabitants of some strange planet. Possibly the utopian planet. One where things are created to be tactile, and effected. Accessablity.
To push on the gears of such in some sort of cycle, paddling. A petal, part of a flower. To be a roving seller of things, maybe flowers. The pedal on my bicycle is duck taped together. Unfortunately the chain on my bike came undone on a rainy Sunday in Autumn. Shortly after it began to snow. Now it is sitting in the gay-rage waiting for a go or two. The seat is cushy. Very old style frame, but black, not red or purple or light blue with clouds. Sigh? Pedals remind me of inner workings. Like little men inside a radio, or tape worms, or dream people. A handle for turning over. The in on revolving. To put in motion a cycle, a catalyst. Ped, for feet. Pedestrians, sounds like inhabitants of some strange planet. Possibly the utopian planet. One where things are created to be tactile, and effected. Accessablity.
The girl named Ann pushed down the pedal. First the right one, then the left, then the right again, going methodically over and over again until she reached the top of the hill. Then she didn’t do anything, and all at once she was at the bottom.
The pedal depressed slightly, moving under the weight of Angela’s foot. She groaned at the awful sounds the piano keys made, totally off-key and not right at all. The piano teacher looked at her with disapproval as she shook her head and tapped at the sheet music.
The pedal is the first step to putting yourself in motion. You use the pedal to further your position. now the pedal is not in itself the device driving you but merely a small facet in the overall device some call a bike or a car or what have you.
shes pushing down on me, like an iron pedal, and i feel like a bike, and i can’t carry her anymore, and my eyes are streaming and the world is a blurr, like a overdone bike ride.
the way the bike rides. what I do to make a bike go. the things that create a lion mane around a beautiful core to the flowers in my mother’s garden. I miss seing that garden. I don;t see it much anymore. Its winter. I want to see it again. Some day I will. Perhaps I will even ride my bike to the garden.
pedal to the medal, that’s how I live. Go go go all the time. No regrets, no looking back in the rearview. That’s the only way I know how to live.
she rode by, a flash in a window as i sat outside a cafe attempting to ward off the cold with an espresso and a pulp novel. the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. there and gone witnout a trace
Pedal faster, faster. Get farther and farther away from your lying boyfriend and your financial issues and you’re general dissatisfaction with life. Pedal like it’s the only thing you have left because that seems to be the truth. Feel the wind blow through you’re hair as you ride and feel free, finally finally free.
It’s what you put to metal, Gretal!
go go go
id rather write about a petal not a pedal i like flowers better. pedals are on bikes. petals are on flowers. i dont like bikes because im lazy? okayyyyyy
pedalling along at a constant speed, we can’t
stop falling in love with each other
more & more each day, mitchell, baby, i
swear, i swear i swear this is (not) the
best i’ve ever had–you’ll (never) compare
to the past (how could you when you don’t even
have a future?)–but that’s not the important
thing, all i know is
i love you so much &
it doesn’t even matter that you’re a complete
fast as i can i move the best i can through the urban jungle while dodging cars i pedal quickly past cabs and trucks avoiding mirrors of death and tricks of doors before I come to a stop get off my bike
i pushed it as hard as i could. the tires under me were screeching so loud i couldnt bear it. the pain in my ears with the rush in body was orgasmic. i couldnt stop. till the tires ran out of raod.
i pushed it down to the floor till it was going too fast for me to stop. i don’t know if this is right, and i don’t know if i’m even supposed to do it like this, but this is really fun. pedals what pedals. i dont care pedals. pedals. maybe it’s a flower pedal. oh… in that case, i like flowers
nothing but a click-clack. all that remains of her is the sound. she can’t argue. she can’t fight the universe. taking up arms against is an exercise in futility. minus the borg mandate. it’s an up and down motion. no one pedals but the shadow of your death. endless, monotonous, inexorable. peace.
She moved her feet so that the wheels spun forward and she was soon flying down the street – her long auburn braids far behind her. Her grin froze into place and a picture perfect photograph was made.
he pedaled faster and faster not heeding the steaming pile of shit behind him. Maybe this was the way to work through nerosis, he thought. Damnit, it was catching up. running faster and faster can’t think, can’t move can’t change, can’t believe I’m doing this.
pedaling through the woods is difficult cause pedals require your feet muscles feet muscles what am i talking about? its leg muscles isnt it? pedals come with bicycles which are usally fun pedals ran me over once upon a time
pedaling through the woods is difficult cause pedals require your feet muscles feet muscles what am i talking about? its leg muscles isnt it? pedals come with bicycles which are usally fun pedals ran me over once upon a time
My foot was steadfast on the pedal. It was as though it didn’t want to be separated from it. The bike was moving faster and faster. I still couldn’t reach him.
She backpedaled down the street till she reached the end of the block. It was one of those weird talents of hers. Like being able to touch her tongue to her nose. This talent for backpedaling, though, was probably the most useful. She managed to turn a few heads whenever she’d do it. It was funny the way people always liked to stare.
I love the cheap Yamaha damper pedals. One of mine has a screw missing, kind of like my head. But anyway, it keeps falling apart on me, and for some reason I’m too stupid to remember to replace it.
Also, on the real piano (not keyboard), I’m a damper whore. I can’t stand playing without a damper pedal–it just feels all choppy and dreadful.
Fuck, time’s up.
pedal. at first I thought it said pedestal, but then I realized that it was pedal, like on a bicycle. I like bikes. I like more the pictures of people on bikes that are old-fashioned and cool looking. Girls riding in skirts and such, I would like to be one of those.